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Directed, Written and Produced by M. Night Shyamalan. Enough said.
14 July 2010
M. Night Shyamalan's adaptation WAS a highly anticipated major motion picture that appeared to be very promising. The film is based off Nickelodeon's notoriously successful animated series Avatar: The Last Airbender. The show that has charm, wit, heart, clever writing and likable characters created a perfect blend that not only kids could enjoy, but everybody of all ages. Despite the odd casting the movie presented my main focus was did the actors embody the lovable characters such as Aang, Sokka or Katara? Or what about the villains Zuko? Lord Ozai? General Zhao? Or even Uncle Iroh? The sad and unfortunate truth is, no. Although, I have to give the exception to Shaun Toub who portrayed Uncle Iroh. Along with bad characterizations is the incoherent narrative, poor acting, dialog, direction, race miscast, and cartoon like CGI.

This film adapts Book 1: Water, the first entry within the Avatar series. Shyamalan essentially took certain plot points within this book and just plotted them in chronological order. The transition from point A to B to C and so on was for lack of a better word, off. It wasn't smooth, it didn't fit, it just happened. To make matters worse, embarking on an adventure with wooden characters didn't help much either. Noah Ringer who plays the character Aang comes off overly serious and has no range of emotion. It's almost as if he took his cue from "Twilight's" character, Bella. No variety of emotion whatsoever. Aang in the animated series is very upbeat, charming, full of life and just a joy to watch.

Jackson Rathbone, who is most popular from the "Twilight Saga", plays the character Sokka, the brother to Katara. Sokka, in the animated series is a teenager who has the mentality that boys are superior than women. Also, he comes off as an ass but at the same time his heart is in the right place. After his and Katara's dad left for the war, he tries to be the "man" of the tribe. It's an honest and endearing attribute that he lets get to his head. Thus how I mean he comes off as an ass but the heart is in the right place. Lets be honest, what typical teenage boy hasn't had that kind of mentality? In the film, Sokka is filled with so much angst and anger. He too is overly serious.

Nicola Peltz, plays the sister Katara. She is the only water bender left in the Southern Water Tribe. In the animated series, she is definitely a good role model for girls. She is opposed to Sokka's mentality towards girls, very optimistic and has a vulnerable side to her that is very endearing. I truly adored this character. In the film she came off as annoying. I didn't like her. Nothing about her is worth mentioning. Shyamalan completely excluded her as well as the other cast members having any kind of chemistry between each other. It was dull, flat, boring and mind numbing.

Dev Patel is the obsessively, angry, exiled prince Zuko of the Fire Nation. He feels to regain his honor from his dad is to capture the Avatar. Along with Zuko is zen like and wise Uncle Iroh, who is wonderfully portrayed by Shaun Toub. These two characters I did feel that were relatively close to the animated series. Aside from their different racial stature, I felt they understood the gist of these characters. They were the light of the film that gave me a sigh of momentarily relief.

The dialog, wow, I don't where to begin with this. Every ounce of dialog was exposition. Not only did the narrative cram too much information in the viewer, the dialog added insult to injury. This film just had so much exposition that it made unbearable. Shyamalan felt the need to put so much so the viewer can understand what was going on. Instead, the viewer will get lost in the amidst of comprehension. By the time the audience is done processing the information the movie is 3/4 of the way over. Now, we are at the big battle scene. Huh? What the hell just happened? Dammit. The dramatic pauses that took place during conversations became quite laughable. I guess Shyamalan thought with these overly long pauses that there was suspense. Uh, no.

The CGI was provided by ILM. ILM is famous for producing the top CGI and animation in the business. However, their quality was rather sub-par. It wasn't the ILM I am use to. The year is 2010 and they produced shoddy CGI but yet they can crank out believable looking dinosaurs in Jurassic Park which was about 10 plus years ago? I guess the money didn't go to the visual effects department.

The action was horribly constructed along with the framing. It was unexciting. The animated series was able to catch dramatic angles whereas the film was rather straight on allowing you to see the action, which is nice, but the framing was generic. It was nothing to boast about.

This film is the complete antonym of the animated series. If you are like me, a person who has watched the whole series, it's a big middle finger to you. No heart or care went into this film and it shows.
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Predators (2010)
Underwhelming sequel that is plagued with "cheese"
14 July 2010
The film opens up as the unconscious mercenary character Royce, played by Adrien Brody, is free falling to what seems to be his impending doom. Within a matter of seconds he regains composure unaware what to do. As he is about to surface land, a "predator" device? Or that's what it seems to be, begins to countdown. Just in time, a parachute pops open decelerating the speed but not quite enough for the typical soft landing. He, just like the rest of the characters and as well the audience are confused what is going on. All characters arrive to this undisclosed location unaware of what happened prior? Who was involved? Or why they were chosen? The characters are pretty straight forward with almost every possible "cardboard cut out" you can think of such as Cuchillo, Danny Trejo, who is part of a Mexican cartel. Then, we have Hanzo, Louis Ozawa Changchien, who is part of a Yakuza, an organized crime syndicate out of Japan. Then, there is Mombasa, Mahershalalhashbaz Ali, who is part of a tribe and he is that guy with those spiritual beliefs. The list goes on with a straight forward US military operative, a Russian, a Doctor, a Death Row Inmate and of course the nut case, Noland, Laurence Fishburne, who is completely useless in this movie.

The movie starts off promising but it eventually gets plagued by horrible acting, bad dialogue, flawed character design and no suspense. The first encounter was with the Predator dogs? I just made that name up. The action sequence was the typical guns a blazing as the characters defended for their lives. The Predator-dogs have multiple elongated horns piercing from their body including the side of their mouths similar to a mastodon. Now comes the breakdown, for hunting game, the alien race eats their prey, correct? Well, the horns on the side of the Predator-dog mouths were so long that it would be impossible to eat. These ravaging aliens need to eat, so how do they? What this comes down to is poor character design. You base a movie on the alien race to hunt and eat but yet these Predator-dogs wouldn't be able to do that. Thus, I am going to sit back and think "Hey this doesn't add up." Grant it that it may not come off something major, but when the basic concept of the film is centered on hunting game, then yes, this is necessary to critique. The Predator-dogs, I understood what they were used for as it's clearly explained in the movie but after that this encounter the viewers never see them again. Why? *Shrugs shoulders*

Royce: Who are you? Noland: I'm the one you don't f*** with.

Noland: They can hear you. Smell you. They see you.

In text, these lines may not come off as particularly bad, but the delivery sure was. These are just a few instances where the dialog itself wasn't bad but the presentation of it is just completely laughable. Here, during the middle of the movie, this is where it starts to become cringe worthy or laughable here on out. I understand this is suppose to be a B-movie, but it got to the point where it wasn't enjoyable. I wasn't in to it as I was earlier on. The suspense was none existent and I stopped caring. In fact, the most interesting characters got axed off in the film. I don't know what it is about these movies, but the intriguing characters that I enjoy watching never live. Why? *Shrugs shoulders*

This WAS a film I was really excited about. It became one of those rare instances where I was stoked to see some blood shed, excessive violence and legitimate suspense. Unfortunately and oddly enough this didn't happen. My initial thought when I saw the trailer was when I saw the title "Predators" I kept thinking, there is going to be an orgy of these creatures who relentlessly try to kill these people. Instead, I get one predator at a time. I don't get 2, 3, or 50 million at once, I get one at a time. Honestly, the filmmaker just repeated what was done before with no excitement. Another thing that needs mentioning, the planet is a game preserve for the predators. Who controls it? There was no sort of indication that the predators were in charge that is unless I am suppose to bank off that one parachute device in the beginning of the film. Is it the humans who chose these people and flew them to the alien planet? Is it the predators? No closure every came about and I don't have enough information to make an educated guess. As for any kind of assumption, that's out of the question.

I won't say the film is terrible but that it was just disappointing. I really wanted more and I didn't get it.

This film gets a 2.5 out of 5. The potential was there, it really was, but it failed to capitalize with the over all picture.
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Entertaining yet so disappointing.
24 June 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Word has it that my inspiration George Lucas was fighting to get the sci fi genre within Indy. You might have heard it from your friends or family but George Lucas fought hard to get aliens in the film. Well, he got what he wanted, that's all I will say right there. The first half of the film felt like a Indiana Jones film. The Soviets (Nazi's) were up to no good as usual and Indy some how always get's tied in with their shenanigans.

This film by any means is entertaining but it's memorable just like The Temple of Doom, it's not good period. I sat there thinking I am watching Indiana Jones do his thing, I should be stoked but I wasn't. After Indy and Co. reach Peru where the Soviets are it starts to go down hill. Although there is an awesome chase scene within the forest which ever you want to call it. That brought back the Indiana Jones movie. In other words you're going to get a half asses Indy flick. First half is Indiana Jones where as the second half feels like the Star Wars prequels. Those were decent but it should never apply to Indy and Co. No No No No No No. Bad George! Bad!
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SO bad that it was good
27 December 2007
Let me start out by saying that AVP:R by any means is a horrible movie. This was due to the horrible acting, dialog, story which was par nothing special, and so on. If you walk into the theater thinking you're going to receive an awesome story, with character development that's beyond your dream, then you are sadly mistaken. First off why would you think that in the first place? Are you stupid? you are.

This movie however does surpass the first installment which lacks what the title represents. AVP:R exactly describes what this whole movie about, we get to see worthy scenes of the Predator facing off numerous aliens and showing who is the supreme science fiction creature of all time. Forget the humans, they are not important, it's obvious in this movie. For once the focus of attention is exactly where it needs to be, the predator and the aliens.

To conclude this so called review, this movie is fun to watch. The expectations I went in with is that it was rated R and the action was suppose to be more appealing. Mindless, yes, entertaining, you better believe it. w0ot!
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Rush Hour 3 (2007)
Rush Hour 3, feels rushed.
13 August 2007
I have to admit I was pretty excited that this film was coming out. I was pumped to see this duo on the big screen again since their film together was in 2001. Six years it took this film to launch off, but the launch, the ride and landing was very rocky.

Chris Tucker is the one of the key elements to the Rush Hour franchise with his awesome one liners and his sarcastic tone of voice. Then we have Jackie Chan who is known for his martial arts skills, provides the audience his quick reflexes that seem almost impossible for man to do, but he always seems to prevail. This film however follows the typical three. The first film pretty good, second film was great and this one is very poor.

The plot was decent although it may come across pointless. The plot was that the Triads had grown to have over half a million members. The group is mainly consisted of assassins and that if this keeps up there is no stopping them because well no one knows who they are. The World Court meeting had addressed this along with there is a list of these Triad members and it has been found. None the less they need to be stopped. Sounds dumb, but if a person takes the time to really think about it, we the US, get involved with many issues or altercations whatever you call it, it becomes our problem as well so this is way I thought the plot was decent due to the relevance of our country/society and so on.

Aside from the plot the dialog which seemed to be focused more on Chris Tucker's character James Carter. He was primarily the comic relief. This just proves that the writer(s) were trying to make use of his sarcastic remarks to get laughs. I have to admit they did along with "I can't believe he just said that." The dialog itself was poor. This left Jackie Chan's character in the dark with all the limelight shining on Tucker's character.

The resolution of the film wasn't even an ending at all. No problems were solved in the end. It just faded into the credits with the bloopers from the film.

All in all, this film was entertaining and that was it. The first two provided a good story, one liners, action etc. This third like I said feels rush, no good action nor dialog, it just concentrated on the one liners with no resolution to the film. Brett Ratner needs a kick to the face along with his writer(s).
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Transformers (2007)
Transformers succeeds with technical aspects and story
6 July 2007
This film I was completely skeptical about. It has dazzling visual effects but was that the only thing that it had going for it? The answer to that is no my friends. This film beats out the other blockbuster hits or busts in my case such as Spider-Man 3, POTC 3, and Shrek The Third. It appears that this summer had so much promise with the movies above that I was in a downfall. After seeing Ratatouille hopes were back up and after watching this film "Transformers" I feel satisfied.

The film starts off with a alien, metal like cube with engravings all around it. A voice over kicks in of Optimus Prime explaining in detail but brief, the magnitude of the All Spark. Needless to say it is powerful and that the Decepticons want to retrieve it for complete domination and the Autobots plan to destroy it so that the Decepticons don't succeed with their plan. The All Spark reaches the planet earth remain hidden in a secret military base which is discovered later on in the movie. No worries it's not a spoiler.

Now we are introduced to Shia's character Sam Witwicky. Junior year at high school who is your typical average male. He wants the car and the girl. Same predicament I am in. Noice! He obviously gets the car, I mean it would be pointless if he didn't then the story wouldn't further. What's great about Sam seems to get in these unusual situations where it includes some humiliation on his part but non-intentional. I will talk about the dialog later on. Sam represents the average typical male with delight. He is a character that everyone loves and cheers for when the epic battle between the Autobots and Decepticons occurs. Supporting role is Megan Fox who plays Mikaela Banes. First off, you have to be a fox if your last name is Fox. Well golly gee, Megan Fox is definitely eye candy for the male community. At first I wasn't too sure of her role for the movie. As the movie continued on I realized her purpose was to fuel Sam's character for motivation. Since Sam is very intrigued by Mikaela, his inability to impress her is "rescued" by his car who is named Bumble Bee. One of the best things about this film is that the cars, especially Bumble Bee, is treated with respect. Despite the problems it supposedly possessed Sam always believed in the car making him even more likable. Back to Mikalea what is great about her she is not the typical damsel in distress. She was able to carry her own weight around without being too needy and annoying. As you may notice there is Josh Duhamel as Captain Lennox and Tyrese Gibson as USAF Tech Sergeant Epps. Surprisingly Tyrese was able to keep his shirt on. Character wise, he was someone who could of lived or died and the story wouldn't change one bit. Epps was more of a supporting character for Lennox. I liked Duhamel character's more due to he had a wife and kid appearing to be a great husband who looks forward to spend time with his new born daughter.

Since Shia is in this film you know he was going to execute the dialog in a enthusiastic and sarcastic manner. The delivery and the emphasis was well thought. Sometimes a movie has those one liners where you cringe and go that wasn't needed. Robert Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and John Rogers were able to avoid that. None the less Shia has come a long way since his debut on Even Stevens. He was able to execute the dialog in a suitable manner making that moment enjoyable whether content, disappointed, intrigued etc.

This movie provides a great score provided by composer Steve Jablonsky. He also did the blockbuster bust The Island which by the way is one of personal favorite movies. It busted due to bad marketing. Jablonsky was able to capture the moment of the film with his thumping moledious feel. Aside from the score, the film included various bands such as Disturbed, Smashing Pumpkins and Linkin Park giving it a edgy feel.

One thing that my friend Ryan pointed out that the negative aspect of this film is the camera work. I know it's an action flick but you wanted the camera to stop shaking or take a breather to get a still shot. Otherwise the film was completely entertaining.

Another thing that I am proud of, Transformers could easily entered the cheesy territory and it was able to avoid that. Thank you!!!!! However there were moments that bordered the line but quickly disappeared.

You don't have to be a long time Transformer enthusiast. I watched the shows, but it's not one of my favorites. It is something worth checking out. One more thing, ILM has set a higher standards of visual effects.

Very enjoyable, fun, entertaining. The characters were great. The story worked for me. Transformers is worth watching! 2 1/2 hours, kept me engaged the whole time. Michael Bay has achieved victory!
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Horribly Bad, but delightful
21 June 2007
Becoming a film critic every aspect of this film is bad. Ed Wood maybe critically acclaimed thee worst director of all time, he at least had heart about his films. Despite his inconsistencies, they were fun films to watch like this film. I am willing to say that I will put him a notch up of Eli Roth. This is another topic, but Eli Roth only makes films for shock value. Plot, story, characters, god awful with no heart whatsoever. Over all this film is just fun to watch and recommend and movie maker or critic should watch this movie and see incredibly bad it is but enjoyable. As for the voting system I would want to give it a 10 just because it is so fun to watch and very painful. I love it.
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Much Improved
15 June 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I must say I was pleasantly surprised that the sequel out shined the first one. First one was...all right but it was slow paced and every character needed to get developed. Some say it was down right horrible but I don't think so. The second installment once again lacked in the story/plot department. It was definitely very comic book like but even comic book motive can be identifiable outside the movie realm. The dialog was par but had some cheesy moments as well. I think the F4 can never really be compared to X-Men or Spider Man. With no disrespect the F4 are no match for them at all. It's like they are their own genre/film and they are going to have a pattern with each film. Back to the movie, dialog, all right, special effects amazing. Character development was much better, the viewer gets to see some change within each character. I am a tad disappointed that Galactus was just an enormous cloud planet eating spectrum. Oh well, it was an effort. Over all this movie is just flat out fun and entertaining. Don't have high expectations like Spider Man 3, then you will just think the movie sucks in general. Although I have to say this film surpasses spider man 3...shockingly enough. If you go to this movie, have no expectations and just sit back and enjoy the flick.
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