
55 Reviews
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Freelancers (2012)
Good lord, this movie is bad
27 August 2012
OK, I recognized a few names in this movie: Robert De Niro, Forrest Whittaker, Dana Delaney, and 50 Cent. Based on the aforementioned names, I rented this movie. The bottom line is I got duped. The movie is below-average in every aspect:screenplay, acting,and directing. Basically, the whole film feels generic and half-assed. What is surprising is that the characters are all superficial and one-dimensional. This is to be expected from the likes of 50 Cent and some of the supporting characters, but from Robert De Niro and even Forrest Whittaker, it is incomprehensible.

In the past, the name Robert De Niro would have conjured up memories of incredible movies from the 70's and 80's such as Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Godfather 2,Mean Streets, The Deer Hunter, etc. However, Robert De Niro has not made a quality film in almost a decade. What happened? Has wealth and fame completely enervated his passion for acting?

Very Disappointing.
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Zombie Apocalypse (2011 TV Movie)
What happened to Ving Rhames?
22 August 2012
This movie was pretty bad. One of my favorite movies of all time is the original Dawn of the Dead. And one of my favorite directors of all time happens to be George A. Romero.

I have noticed a revival of sorts of zombie themed movies in the last decade or so. I guess the most recent wave started with 28 Days Later and the Dawn of the Dead remake. In their wake, I have noticed a lot of badly made zombie films trying to cash in on their popularity.

Zombie Apocalypse is bad. It sort of reminds me of the badly made Italian zombie films from the 80's: rambling plot progression, poorly written script and characters, badly made up zombies and poor special effects. Only thing that differentiates this film from those Italian films is that the characters here speak English and are not dubbed. At least the Italian films' poorly dubbed dialogue provided amusement and unintentional humor to them, making them somewhat watchable at least. Unfortunately, Zombie Apocalypse has neither the camp factor nor the unintentional humor to make it watchable in any way.

But the true sad part is this: What the heck is Ving Rhames doing in this movie? I am beginning to notice him more in a lot of badly made straight-to-video films in recent years. I understand that he has bills to pay and family to feed, but please don't completely throw away your artistic integrity for a quick buck. Come on.

I am giving this film a 4 out of 10, because it is a zombie film.
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entertaining ninja movie...
19 December 2009
My favorite ninja movie is Shogun Assassin. I saw it when I was a child. That movie had tons or gore, limb-severing sword fights, and awesome cinematography.

Of all the recent movies I have seen that comes close to Shogun Assassin in all its coolness and violent glory was the remake of the Blind Swordman titled Zatoichi, starring Beat Takeshi.

That said, Ninja Assassin has nothing on those movies. However, the movie doesn't try to be a genre-defining movie: rather, it works as a continuation and an update of those types of movies. Cleary, the makers of Ninja Assassin set out to make a hip ninja movie while paying homage to the ninja --and more broadly, martial arts--movies.

And this is why I liked this movie: the storyline (about revenge) is simple and derivative, but as in movies of this kind, the emphasis is on action and this movie delivers in spades. The fight scenes are well-choreographed, flashy and refreshingly quick: I dislike prolonged fight sequences as is so common in Hong Kong or Chinese kung fu movies.

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Once (I) (2007)
A great love story with great music.
22 February 2009
This movie captivated and impressed me in the greatest possible way. Why, you ask? Let me explain.

I have seen a lot of so-called "romance" movies and every time, especially with the movies that are coming out of Hollywood, I am completely underwhelmed: tidy, but generic plot lines, corny and ridiculous set-ups and obvious "acting" that, whether good or bad, seem artificial and "put-on".

What makes "Once" so endearing and appealing is the fact that the main leads seem so genuine and believable: their affection for each other is delivered so naturally and with such coy innocence that I was completely won over. It is as if though we are made privy to their lives in a moment in time in their lives, and we as an audience are emotionally enriched for it.

The main leads are obviously accomplished and talented musicians. To be sure, there are great songs on display in this movie. If you are not moved by some of the "musical" scenes in this movie, you are either pulse-dead or completely lack humanity. I hope to see these actors, hopefully together again, in the future.

10 out of 10.
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Supernatural (2005–2020)
Possibly the best horror show out there right now..
31 January 2009
I am going to keep my review short and simple.

Supernatural is an excellent television series. As stated by other reviewers below me, the cast is all excellent, especially the two main leads.

I have seen all of the episodes for the first three seasons, and I can verily say that every episode has been entertaining and fun; the main leads, as well as the supporting cast, bring a lot of enthusiasm to their roles. To be sure, what makes the show stand out head and above other shows is the chemistry between the two main leads; they are the coolest and the hippest television characters I have seen in some time...they know how to bring to their roles in equal measures the intensity and humor with such natural grace and ease that it is a pleasure to watch. Likewise, all of the supporting cast and guests are all interesting and very good.

Also, the production value is excellent: check out the sets and special effects in every can clearly appreciate the fact that much care and love went into the creation of each and every episode.

Finally, the writing is excellent: smart plots and dialogue. One can clearly tell that the creators of this excellent show are fans of not just the horror genre, but all genres.

In short, my highest recommendation possible.
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Hostel (2005)
Not as harrowing or brutal as others make it out to be...
4 May 2006
The subject matter underlying Hostel should have been enough to make this movie a harrowing one. However, the film did not reach the level that it should have in dealing with the subject matter.

The main problem with the film was the characters in the movie: they act like typical, horny teenagers straight out of typical, teenage sex comedy movies. If these characters had been in, say, American Pie or Porky's, they would not have appeared out of place. Here, they act as distractions. They are not memorable or have any redeeming qualities about them. The only character who I felt had any depth and substance was the main character, played by Jay Hernandez, but only barely.

The story itself unfolds unevenly: the first half plays like a sex comedy and the second half, like exaggerated torture and gore flick. Unfortunately, even the bad characters are portrayed like caricatures and, thereby, ruin the realism of any of the scenes that could have had any massive, visceral impact.

Hostel is not a boring or unwatchable film, however. To be sure, there is much genuine suspense and terror throughout the film, especially in the second half, but not to the degree it was purported to have had at the time of the release.

A passable, gore film that should please most gorehounds.
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Silent Hill (2006)
24 April 2006
I had the sense while viewing Silent Hill that the makers of this film were aiming for box office business that the Ring and the Grudge conjured up.

Silent Hill reminded me a lot of the Ring: both are heavy on psychic elements; contain young, malignant evildoers; and rely heavily on creepy atmosphere, instead of outright gore.

Although Silent Hill is a bit more creepier and intense than the Ring, the storyline is not as immersive: the characters are given short shrift, while the creepy backdrop is given substantial more detail. The film felt more like an interactive video game, like the one which it was based, than a narrative film with solid story construction.

I did like many parts of the film, though. There are imageries in the film that clearly stand out: the creatures are imaginatively rendered and are truly grotesque. Also the mood and the atmosphere of the film were dreadful and gloomy throughout, clearly appropriate for the film of this kind.

I give Silent Hill a solid 7.
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Marebito (2004)
An average effort by the director of Ju-On
22 April 2006
Marebito starts out with an interesting premise, but somewhere along the way the movie falls apart.

A camera man captures a man in the subway committing suicide by stabbing himself in the eye. The camera man becomes transfixed by the death image of the man and studies the footage with the hopes of finding a clue as to why the man would commit such an act. He surmises that the man has experienced something so terrifying immediately before his death as to render him suicidal. So the camera man ventures into the subway for clues and finds a door that leads even further down into the subway. The beginning part of the film captured my interest.

Too bad.

What the main lead uncovers...actually what he finds beneath the subway...and what unfolds thereafter is incredibly dull. The rest of the film becomes a jumbled mess as the main character tries to rationalize, in his more and more irrational mind, the supernatural events that unfold. But the film looks rushed and does look like it was filmed in two weeks.

I thought Ju-on was creepy and fairly good as a horror film. The director's effort on this film is unfocused and meandering; he even interlaces at points in the film, clumsily I might add, with discussions of philosophy and the supernatural in the hopes, I suppose, of lending the film some gravitas. Is the director trying to be metaphorical and deliberately obtuse? I don't know and I did not care.

Because I found some parts of the film creepy and even innovative, I rate this film: Average.
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Not just for homosexuals...
20 April 2006
I rather enjoyed this film.

As others have pointed out, Brokeback Mountain is really a simple love story about love and longing; sort of like a modern retelling of Romeo and Juliet, but with two males, rather than a male and female, as leads.

I found the story powerful in its simplicity: two men fall in love, but cannot seem to consummate their relationship in an official way due to the intolerance, both legal and cultural, of the society in which they live.

I am not homosexual, but that is not a requisite to enjoy a movie of this kind. A movie like this is about love and friendship, universal traits that are sorely lacking in the world today.
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Wolf Creek (2005)
A great serial killer film from the Down Under.
20 April 2006
I liked Wolf Creek better than the other similar film that came out around the same time, Hostel. Both films go for the visceral in their depictions of violence, but Wolf Creek has much better character development and the story is better told. With Wolf Creek, the characters are fleshed out in sufficient detail, thereby allowing the audience to at least connect to the characters on an emotional level.

By and large, the central characters in Wolf Creek are more real and even likable than the ones in Hostel or even the recent Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake. Therefore, the violence that occurs in the film has greater resonance with the viewer: you actually root for the characters to survive and possibly even mete out some justice against the evildoer.

The fact that Wolf Creek is based on real events makes the film that much more powerful. Whether or not the makers of the film took judicious liberty in their re-telling of the actual events is not all that material in a film of this kind. The purpose of the film is to scare and frighten, and this film does both.
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A worthy remake...
14 July 2005
I loved the original Dawn of the Dead. I remember seeing it as a young kid and being fascinated, shocked, repulsed and excited by the imageries shown in that film. The movie represented for me at the time everything that was adult and taboo.

The new remake is a complete makeover of the original: it is made for the MTV generation, with fast editing, quick pacing and unrelenting action. In other words, the new DOD is intended for mass consumption. And that is not a bad thing if it is done right, and, in my opinion, the new DOD gets it right.

There are more characters than in the original. And the new film clocks in at way below the two hour mark, whereas, if my memory serves me right, the original ran much longer than 2 hrs. The new version, therefore, lacks clearly defined characters, and the pacing of the film seems somewhat rushed under the limited time constraint.

However, the film is a hoot. It is briskly paced and the action sequences are furious at times. Also, it is a scary film. What the film lacks in characterization, it wholly makes up for it by turning the action meter on up high.

Undeniably, there will be die-hard fans of the original who will dismiss the new version as a needless remake. That is their right, and I support their right to their opinions. However, the new DOD is entertaining in its own right, i.e., as a divergent, action-oriented horror film.
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Oldboy (2003)
Utterly watchable...
28 July 2004
This is one great movie: hip, violent and thoroughly compelling. Despite the unjustified and totally lame criticism of this movie by a whining buffoon below me, this movie brings an added welcome to the sea of crap that have been coming out in recent years. I don't always agree with Tarantino's assessment of films that he likes, but on his praise of this filmI am in total accord.

I will not belabor the reader with a synopsis of this movie since others below me have done a good job of describing the premise of this film. However, I should mention that this film is deftly handled both visually and story-wise. Every scene and frame evidences painstaking care and consideration, even though the film as a whole is fast-paced. The choreographed action scenes are thoroughly refreshing and totally original. I just loved this film.

Like some of the other great directors coming out of Asia, the director of this film should definitely be on the watchlist.

Thoroughly and without reservation, recommended.
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Black Knight (2001)
25 September 2003
Sure, the whole idea behind the premise of the film--transporting a black man from the present to England during medieval times---sounds great on paper, with guaranteed laughs throughout...right? Wrong! This film did not elicit a single laugh--not even a chuckle--from me. What a waste of celluloid.

Just watch this nincompoop, Martin Lawrence, embarrass himself throughout the film with a one-note expression on his face--i.e., the look of sardonic, bewilderment--and acting that's meant to be comical, but looks...well, forced and desperate.

Probably one of the worst films I've seen in recent memory.
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Boring, even with all the sex and violence in it...
23 September 2003
To start off, aside from the lovely Laura Gemser appearing in various stages of undress, Emanuelle in America is really boring. Sure, the film has sex scenes aplenty (both hardcore and softcore, and always unerotic) and incredibly violent "snuff" scenes; but it is also obvious that the director spliced in these scenes to, well, generate controversy and make a few bucks.

The viewer who intends to rent or buy this film for prurient purposes would be better off just renting a porno film since the sex scenes in this film are totally dull. As for the graphic snuff scenes...they are disgusting and needlessly excessive...and they also look tacked on and totally fake.

As I mentioned, the fact that Ms. Gemser appears in the film is the only saving grace. Otherwise, this film would be just another low- budget garbage with sex and violence in it. For fans of Laura Gemser only.
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Audition (1999)
Holy moly...
22 September 2003
Audition is an excellent film from the Japanese director, Takashi Miike. The movie starts out lackadaisically, focusing on the life of a middle aged widower who has decided to re-marry. A friend of his suggests that he put out a "fake" audition for a non-existent movie as a way to find a compatible mate. He does and from this audition, he chooses a demure woman whom he thinks would make a perfect mate for him...or so he thinks.

The fact that the director takes a painstakingly, conventional story-telling route the first two thirds of the film, only to have it turned upside down in the last 20 minutes or so, would be grounds for the audience's outrage if this film had been done by an inferior director. However, director Miike is not a simpleton, and judging from the film, the inclusion of the unbelievably, horrific climax doesn't seem like a cheap ploy. Apart from pointing out the obvious gender inequality that permeates Japanese society, Miike takes it a step further and criticizes men for persistently holding such outdated views. Bondage and S&M films in Japan are quite rampant, and most of these films depict violence done towards women, usually in the form of a rape; and my personal opinion is that Miike has done the reverse of this, where a woman is in charge for a change, kicking ass at men in the most violent way possible for the unequal treatment. THe repressed female must let off steam somehow...right?

Apart from the thought-provoking storyline, the film contains good characterization and a flowing storyline that gets more and more interesting as it progresses. As I have stated, two thirds of the film could be passed off as a typical, melodramatic soap opera. And then....BAM! It's like you're hit with a two by four... and for hours thereafter you're thinking: What the heck just happened? I must admit that I had to look away several times during the last ten minutes of the film. It's that hard to watch.

Takashi Miike is the director to watch for, and this film is definitely worth seeing. Check it out by all means possible .
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It's creepy...
20 September 2003
This film was a mixed-bag for me. As a creepy, horror film, there are many great things to like about this film: the effective horror scenes created by strategically filmed shots where the ghosts appear surreptitiously in and out of the periphery, the dark and ominous-- almost malevolent-- tone of the film, and the general creepiness that permeated throughout the film. Overall, the creepiness factor was on par with typically well-made Japanese horror films like Ringu and Dark Waters.

Unfortunately, the story was where the film really lacked. Actually, there really was no story. The basic storyline seemed to be that a wife and child were murdered in the house by a seemingly jealous husband. As a result, and for no apparent reason, the house became cursed. And this curse, it appears, affects everyhone who comes in contact with the house, with the victims going through various stages of paranoia and madness before succumbing to death. The questions as to why the child and wife were killed, why the house was cursed, and why those that come into contact with the house are killed are not explained. The filmmakers, it appears, were satisfied enough with the justification that the brutal deaths of a mother and child are well-enough grounds for the house to become a great big sucking hole of evil. No other explanation can be got from the film.

To sum up, the film was scary in places, and baffling in others. Overall, a decent diversion for those looking for a creepy film without much in the story.
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Dead or Alive (1999)
Not Miike's best
20 September 2003
Takashi miike is probably the most exciting director to come out of Asia in recent times. Each of his films are more exciting than about 10 films coming out of Hollywood put together. And he packs each of his films with such over-the-top excesses in sex and violence that one, even a film viewing veteran, is kicked in the ass by the daring of his films. Invariably, pretty much all of his films have generated controversy, and, in the process, there has been much significant hype

Unfortunately, Dead or Alive is not a good film.
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Ghost Ship (2002)
Nothing new here....
1 April 2003
Ghost Ship is a lame attempt at a ghost story in the same vein as the recent Thirteen Ghosts and House on Haunted Hill. And like those films, Ghost Ship is chock full of visual and special effects that incorporate the latest in technology and are really well-done.

Unfortunately, the effects are the only thing going for this film because the story itself is very uninteresting and secondary to the effects on display. A group of people working on a ship salvaging vessel inadvertently (and literally!) run into an almost half century old luxury liner that had disappeared and presumed lost at sea. As expected, the group venture aboard the haunted ship and, immediately thereafter, find themselves being harassed and haunted by the ghosts of the ship.

The main drawback of the film is that there is nothing by way of mood, atmosphere or even the story itself to create any feelings of suspense or terror in the viewer. It's a by-the-numbers horror story that we've seen too often in other, recent special-effects driven horror films like those I mentioned above, films that rely on the effects to scare rather than the story or the characters. Sad.

Avoid paying to see the film, but would be o.k. if it showed up on cable or TV.
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Another good one from Mario Bava...
17 March 2003
Mario Bava is a master of moods and visuals, and the film, Operazione Paura, is no exception. It has all the imprints of a visual master at work, vivid and surreal atmospherics combined with a genuinely interesting storyline that unfolds slowly like an engaging gothic novel.

For fans of Bava, this film is not to be missed. Check it out.
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Old School (2003)
Funny in parts...
3 March 2003
Old School is a throwback to the comedies of the late seventies and early eighties when films like Animal House, Meatballs, Porky's, etc...had America in stitches for nearly a decade. Unfortunately, Old School, despite having its share of funny moments (which is more than I can say for most of the so-called "comedies" being produced nowadays), is saddled with rehashed comedy routines and moments of tedium that keep the film from being genuinely hilarious.

The cast is quite good. Will Ferrel-- who, in my opinion, is probably the funniest SNL member in a long while-- does everything possible to force a smile on our face. He does everything short of masturbating in front of camera just to get a few laughs. That sort of dedication to the comedic art form should mean something. Vince Vaughn is also very good. He plays his role pretty much straight, but with enough slyness and sardonic wit to give his character a memorable comedic twist.

Old School, despite its flaws, is a pleasingly funny film. Although, its not hold-your-belly-till-it-hurts kind of funny, it is a mildly amusing film with enough wit, humor and spirit to keep you smiling throughout. Check it out.
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Friday (1995)
3 March 2003
I am not a fan of Chris Tucker. To me, he is annoying, loud, obnoxious and unoriginal: Eddie Murphy had been doing the stuff way before Chris, but with much more originality and inventiveness. Let's face it, Chris Tucker is nowhere near as funny as Eddie Murphy had been in his prime(i.e., Eddie Murphy of post-SNL and pre-Boomerang).

That said, I really liked this film. There is a certain laid-back hipness to the film that is very charming and engaging. To me, it is Ice Cube's character, somewhat detached and cool, that helps carry the film.

The film focuses on the events of a single day in a predominantly black neighborhood as seen primarily through the eyes of Ice Cube. It is entertaining to see how, in the course of a single day, Ice Cube's character unwittingly falls into a variety of situations that are not of his making. And as much as I dislike Chris Tucker, I found myself enjoying the rapport his character has with Ice Cube's character. Chris' wise-cracking ways work well with the laid-back, always bemused and slightly cynical Ice Cube.

And I liked the way the film puts these characters in what we perceive as stereotypically "black" situations(without exploiting such situations in negative ways), and allows the characters to have enough street-smarts and ingenuity to, basically, survive the day. In short, Friday is a real funny film.

Unfortunately, the two sequels to this film are real turkeys.
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Roland Emmerich is Michael Bay's professional twin
16 July 2002
When I realized that the director of this nonsense was none other than Roland Emmerich, the esteemed auteur of such grand and moving epics as Godzilla and The Patriot, well, I should have known. Here is a bold artist, a visionary, who willingly disregards the age old and respected conventions of film-making-- i.e., decent story and character development--and defiantly says, "the hell with it...all I need are a good group of sound and special effects crew and a whole lof of digitized effects, throw everything on the screen in a helter-skelter manner so as to appease the MTV-crowd, and, dammit, I've got a sure-fire blockbuster on my hands...Woohoo!"

Upon seeing this incredibly mind-numbing dross, I was reminded of another director who seems to be Emmerich's artistic and professional twin: Michael Bay. Both make movies geared towards the MTV generation, don't give a hoot what the critics think of their movies, have no clue as to what a good script or storyline should look like, and contributes, whether consciously or unconsciously, in the dumbing down of American cinema. Unbelievable.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
Bleak, violent and uncompromising
15 July 2002
Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver is not a comfortable film to sit through. It is dark, disturbing and uncompromising in its portrayal of a desperately lonely man on the verge of psychosis. The setting of Taxi Driver is New York, and as in Midnight Cowboy, it is shown as an urban city that, while superficially is bustling and teeming with humanity, is also an uninviting place of sin, corruption, crime, despair and loneliness.

Travis Bickle(Robert De Niro) lives in that city, and, at the beginning of the film, finds work as a taxi driver to escape sleepless nights. HIs work as taxi driver takes him to every part of the city, allowing him to come in contact with all sorts of people, especially the unsavory kind---e.g., pimps, prostitutes, thugs, robbers, etc. Initially, he views all the goings-on in the city and its denizens with a sort of detached cynicism and contempt, seemingly as an outside observer looking in.

However, his uneventful life takes a turn when he falls for a political campaign worker named Betsy, played by the beautiful Cybil Sherpard. There is a telling scene on their first date in a coffee house where Betsy quotes a song lyric to describe Travis as a "...a pusher and a poet, a walking contradiction", whereby Travis somewhat angrily responds,"are you saying that about me?..I ain't a pusher and I ain't never pushed..." The scene, aside from showing the naivete Travis possesses, also reveals a sort of truism of Travis' character: He IS a character full of contradictions. Here is a man who rants against the filth of the city---the prostitutes, pimps, drug dealers, etc...---and yet spends his solitary days in a porn theater (and once even tries to pick up the ticket girl). Or, that he takes the conservative Betsy to a porn movie on their first night on the town, which prompts her to run out of the theater, insulted and hurt.

Travis' descent into psychosis becomes markedly pronounced after his breakup with Betsy immediately following the porn movie incident. He becomes more withdrawn and increasingly consumed with irrational thoughts. He also hooks up with a 13 year old prostitute whom he had met earlier briefly and tries to be the self-designated guardian and savior to the street-savvy girl, trying desperately to steer her life around. (I wondered if he was doing that out of genuine compassion or because he saw a sort of young Betsy in her, corrupted but stll salvageable, unlike Betsy who is "just like the rest of them") All the while, he concocts a plan which is clearly, or at least in my mind, a desparate attempt by an unhinged mind to get back at Betsy.

The climax of the film is incredibly unsettling. All I will say is that the the scenes will uncomfortably be lodged in your mind for a few days afterwards upon viewing the film.

The performance by Robert De Niro is impeccably played and is the heart of the film. The viewer sees through his eyes, and lives and breathes through him for two hours. There is not a faltering moment in his portrayal of this complex, emotionally-charged character. And the city of New York has never been shown with such realism, its ugliness and beauty both inhabiting the same world in a sort of discordant harmony so typical of modern city. Ultimately, Taxi Driver is a psychological roller-coaster ride filled with bumps and twists, and the viewer will be emotionally drained by the end of the film. A modern cinematic achievement.
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Why I liked this film....
27 June 2002
Minority Report is an enthralling film of the highest order, containing a plausible future scenario full of spell-binding imageries and concepts, all wrapped up in a thought-provoking storyline. The movie is an amalgam of Blade Runner, The Fugitive and Mission-Impossible, and just as, if not more, exciting. But what puts this film above others is the workout your brain gets, along with the usual visual pleasantries you would get from a typical Steven Spielberg film.

The story revolves around Tom Cruise as John Anderton, a detective who works for the Pre-Crime unit of the police department around the mid-21st Century. By employing the psychic abilities of 3 pre-Cogs, John Anderton and his team are able to catch potential killers before they commit a crime. Unfortunately, John Anderton becomes tagged as the next would-be murderer by the premonitary visions the pre-Cogs have and, thereafter, finds himself on the lam, evading authorities while trying to uncover the truth behind the events that have been foretold.

Along the way, the viewer is treated to a futuristic world that is oddly familiar, but,in many ways,different from ours. There are the familiar homes situated in typical suburban settings that are straight out of any old suburban neighborhood in the U.S. and people wearing clothes that are more 20th Century than what people wore in , say, Blade Runner. However, look closely and the world of Minority Report is brimming with high-tech gadgetry and imageries:from the sophisticated pre-Crimefcrafts to the eye scanning machines that detect the ID of person, from "moving" billboards covering just about every wall to the computer screens that can show moving visual images in life-like size, short, it is a highly believable future world.

Aside from the briskly-paced storyline and great action sequences are the myriad questions the film raises:about free will, freedom, personal loss, etc...Although I do believe that the film sends,IMHO, the right message regarding free will, the ending seemed too mundane and blah for the task of answering such a grand philosophical inquiry, even if the film is touted mainly as a murder mystery.

However, the overall strength of the film clearly outweighs any minor flaws of the film.Clearly,Tom Cruise was right for the role of John Anderton. He is able to imbue the character with the right mixture of complexity, vulnerability and brashness to paint a solidly fleshed out character. Steven Spielberg's direction and visual flair is, as always, technically brilliant and sophisticated. A great film.
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Brigadoon meets Blood Feast
27 June 2002
2000 Maniacs is about five times better than Blood Feast(both directed by H.G. Lewis), but what movie isn't. It seems as if the director and producer conspired, after the modest success of the ultra-low budgeted Blood Feast, to make a gory, twisted version of Brigadoon. Armed with a bigger budget than Blood Feast and filmed in a small town, using the congenial locals as extras, the film is surprisingly sadistic and gruesome for its age. Sure, the effects are laughable and the acting...well, for a film of this type, passable..., but there is, strangely enough, a sick charm to this film that is undeniable. I can't help but laugh when the locals have a dandy old time at a nighttime picnic barbecue, with the body parts of a victim as the main course. The barrel scene is also a hoot, especially with the locals in the background having such a hootenanny time despite the bloody and violent event that is about to unfold.

I believe films of this type have no purpose other than to arouse the senses of the viewer, to shock, titillate, and provoke. There is no message--no phony baloney message--other than to sicken, or humor, you. Well, this film does both, and that's all i have got to say about that.
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