
27 Reviews
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Starlet (I) (2012)
B rated Boogie Nights meets Harold/Maude - ok yet not great
24 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of Sean Baker films and most of them have a very unique style and the stories always have an element of intimacy and interconnection between the main characters to show a different slice of life that is quite refreshing and gives one hope for the indie film market.

This film Starlet had a lot of potential and some unique moments and decent directing yet unlike his other films it was poorly cast with its support actors and not as realistic as his other films except for Dree Hemingway and Besedka Johnson. Both did a phenomenal job especially Dree who pretty much carries the entire film. And of course the adorable dog makes up for the shortfalls of the poorly written back stories.

I still enjoyed the film but it was rather pathetic that Baker thought adding some totally unnecessary gratuitous X rated sex scenes (which required a body double for Dree) was a wasted scene and added little extra dimension of realism to the story except to cheapen its very essence. The dichotomy between the 2 porn actresses was pretty obvious without forcing it on the audience. Unlike his other new film Red Rocket which easily could have had XXX flashbacks to Michael Saber prior porn life, but Baker decides to include an X rated scene for no reasons except maybe he is obsessed with Porn or perhaps he felt it made it more realistic which basically backfires and makes it look like a B rated Boogie Nights.

However his story telling is fabulous and unique and worth watching yet for some odd reason he seems to force quick endings which is a shame but it still works in this film. The mystery at the end of Dree Hemingway Jane character pondering at the gravestone. (spoiler) and realizes that Sadie had lost a daughter and that brings a new depth to the character.- yet it could have been so much better if it was revealed in the 2nd act and their friendship and story could have gone much deeper.

Baker is definitely improving with each film that he makes and looking forward to his next film.. hopefully with no reference to his porn world obsession.

A 5 mostly for Dree Hemingway and the Dog.
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Red Rocket (2021)
Phenomenal Acting and unique story - solid film with a lacksadsical ending
23 February 2022
This is one of those classic independent films that makes one start to have more confidence that there still are some excellent newbie writer/directors making fantastic lower budget entertaining films - especially about such an underbelly of American life.

Sean Baker hits a home run with this film in every aspect except maybe the length of the film and the sloppy quick ending yet otherwise Simon Rex and Suzanna Son pretty much carry this gem of an indie film.

The directing is unique and nice to see 16mm back in style... and the writing and dialogue reminds one of old classics like Bottle Rocket or Sideways and Simon Rex even has a similar appeal and style to narcissist character played by actor Thomas Hayden Church. And the support cast of unknown actors are excellent in depicting the small town Texas lifestyle.

Sure the film has some flaws like the pacing and length of the film which easily could have been cut down to 90 mins but the principal actors are so captivating to watch that one wants to see the outcome at the end. Unfortunately the ending is probably the part I disliked the most as it had so much potential of going in multiple directions yet ends with a rather bland finale. However the journey was well worth the 2 hour film.

Kudos to Sean Baker and looking forward to his next film.
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Kimi (2022)
Terrible script that wishes it was Rear Window - more like Dull Window
19 February 2022
It is hard to imagine that this film was done by this fantastic writer and director as I love most of their other films yet what a disappointment.

This could have been a cool Covid Hitchcock film especially the build up in the first half of the film which is a slow methodical copy like Rear Window with great minimalist acting from Zoe Kravitz but then it just falls apart in the 3rd act as the supposed agoraphobe leaves her apt which is completely out of character, and it becomes a silly cat/mouse chase and surprise returns to the apartment for finale that turns into Killer Chick film.

It is basically a 1 person script with little development of the other characters except for some minor support from bad acting characters including Rita Wilson.

No idea where others feel this is remotely close to the level of Rear Window except that it steals a few ideas but is so poorly written that it feels like a Covid student short film rather than a Soderbergh film that should be called Dull Window.

Kudos to Zoe who pretty much carries the entire film, and the sound track is pretty decent yet otherwise it is pretty mediocre.

I give it 4 stars mostly for Zoe.
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Scatalogical Retro Valley in 70s with illogical Vignettes pieced together film -
2 February 2022
I am a big fan of PTA and was really looking forward to this film that was supposed to be the Valley version of Tarantino's Once upon a time in Hollywood - and instead it is more like a PTA demented pedophilia version of a Valley perversion. Sure it is well acted by both leads and cameos by a few fantastic actors that are either hilarious or just over the top that you just have to laugh at both Sean Penn and Bradley Cooper.

Yet at the end of the film one scratches their head wondering how so many bizarre vignettes are pieced together in such an illogical way that they are no longer funny or even emblematic of the 70s.

And I agree with most of my friends that in 2022 how on earth is it even feasible for PTA to consider writing about a 15 yr old child coming of age with a love interest based on a 25 year old female partner. One would think there would be some feminist looking at this as a ripe opportunity to rip on PTA for this bizarre set up between 2 characters as being completely inappropriate - imagine if it was a 25 year old guy hanging out with a 15 year old girl. Sure there is Leon the Professional with Jean Reno and Nathalie Portman yet it is a far cry from this twisted duet that do not even make any sense and it does not have any comparison to Harold and Maude. That is a massive stretch of the imagination.

This might be a masterpiece as a nostalgic 'documentary' of the Valley in the 70s yet the story and other elements makes it a mockery.

Kudos to the actors and sets/costumes.... and hope the next PTA has a better story and plot to make it a little bit more palatable yet maybe some will surely find it entertaining once it starts streaming for free..

4 stars.
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The Last Duel (2021)
A big Midevil MeToo Gamble - a bit trite yet entertaining
18 October 2021
The directing is very well done like all of Ridley Scotts films yet as much as I tried to like this film's story it is hard to imagine the MeToo being shoved down our seats. And it was laughable to see a blond Ben Affleck who looked more pathetic than if he were to play Hamlet and not a big stretch to see him play a drunk rich bafoon.

Matt Damon also seems way out of place yet holds his own esp in the battle scenes and Adam Driver does a decent job but the lady of the film that takes the helm is Margeuerite played by. Jodie Comer. Truly a fantastic acting job that carries the entire film.

Otherwise it is a huge undertaking and risk to try to spend and possibly waste a huge hollywood budget on such a 13th century Harvey Weinstein MeToo movement piece and told by 3 different perspectives that many might find less entertaining and preachy. Plus it explains why it has failed at the box office as few people want to waste their time venturing to a theatre during Covid to see this type of agenda film - regardless of its merits. The truth is that we want good entertainment and less politics/agenda.

A solid 6 and sure hope that Ridley next film House of Gucci is not a house of duds.
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Boss Level (2020)
B Movie rip off of Edge of Tomorrow that is fun yet stupid
18 October 2021
There is a slight bit of originality in this total B movie rip off of Edge of Tomorrow and Real Player but it is unfortunate that the writers once again messed up a really promising film. Frank Grillo does a great job of trying to keep things alive and no idea how Mel Gibson and talented Naomi Watts were lured into this crazy expensive $45M budget B movie action extravaganza.

Just go and watch it for fun because it really makes no sense and the action is phenomenal yet after 1 hour of watching Grillo get grilled and killed in more ways than you ever wanted... you just get bored...and the plot is so bloody silly you only wish the writers cut 45 minutes of action and replaced it with something meaningful besides the silly Father/Son lame attempt which comes so late in the film story that you scratch your head wondering it is all about the action as the rest makes little sense.

Kudos to yet another rip off story/film by Carnahan and better luck next time finding an original story that is entertaining besides just silly action/violence.

A 5 for Frank Grillo getting the s..t kicked out of him for literally 2 hours and I read Gibson dislocated his jaw during a fight scene. Sure hope he got a huge pay check :)
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Copshop (2021)
Tarantino Lite wannabe - a terrible B movie with horrible writing
18 October 2021
This is one of those films that had a lot of potential yet the writing is so bad it feels like a b movie from john carpenter. The only reason to watch this film is the stellar performances of Alexis Louder and Toby the psycho killer.

The rest of the actors were as you can imagine... Frank Grillo tries to play John Travolta in Pulp Fiction yet fails and Gerard Butler is still playing the same role of his last films of action hero bad ass yet nothing really different so no surprise there. Obviously he needed the money and maybe there is a sequel with this terrible ending.

Once you get past the pathetic first hour of the films set up or lack of a set up..... enters the Toby Huss as a very fun psycho killer... and the story finally kicks off from its B movie story that feels like a student film with one location and horrible supporting actors. Louder seems to be the main element that ties the film/story together yet it feels like almost 2 different movies - one is a B movie and the other one is some 70s Female Lethal Weapon/Jackie Brown movie. And it never really makes any sense so the writer/director just turns it into a shoot em up/action for the 3rd act and that is probably the best part of the film.

Watch without any expectations and you might enjoy it.

5 stars mostly for Louder and Toby Huss who steal the show.
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An apple that could have been an awakened passion fruit - blaise and predictable
23 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A big fan of Shrader and love his older films so went into this film excited to see what type of masterpiece would unwind. Be prepared for a very very detailed character study acted superbly by Oscar Isaac - and not much else so go in with low expectations.

Sure it has some deeper meaning and themes like all of Shrader's scripts and Oscar Isaac does a phenomenal acting job that maybe rivals Ed Norton in Rounders yet this script is blaise and predictable even though it has some wonderful layers to it playing with the Poker Card Counting and past of Will Tell. And some might find some thought provoking element of US Guilt/Redemption for the treatment of prisoners for 9/11 and the human rights violations yet that is it and there is so much time wasted on the guilty\redemption character study and endless poker scenes that it ends up being 2 dimensional with a very predictable ending that maybe another draft should have been written to build up more on William Dafoe's character and the other supporting characters or even a more complex ending instead of this flat dull ending. Or maybe that is the entire point of how Shrader wants to portray the current state of US govt and military having an empty morality that has no remorse. I was only taking orders and now I have to live with my guilt/death.

Spoiler: The card counter Will Tell wants redemption and the 1st act gets the point across beyond any doubt except that the 2nd act dwells so much on it again that he suddenly is awakened by a new love interest and making $$ to save little Cirk and try to give him a new life and direction only to be shocked in the 3rd act witness the obvious predictable outcome of Cirk wanting to instead "still" kill William Dafoe for his fathers death/suicide (which is pretty obvious since Cirk is obsessed by this one goal and never shows any indication otherwise and even says this Poker life is pretty repetitive and boring... much like this script) . So the idea that Shrader thought we would all be shocked by this event and the grand finale of Will Tell having to now complete the redemption and be forced to kill his nemesis is not really a big surprise plus it is done in such a lame dull rushed manner. William Dafoe just walks in the next room for his demise like a lame duck with not much to say at all which pretty much is how one feels once the movie ends - except there is a tiny bit of love interest to wrap it up that for some odd reason is thrown in to the movie with Haddish who barely has a part in the film much like Cirk character that is pretty blaise also that really does not even feel believable. You almost wish that Shrader would have added some depth to his character and instead of asking him to visit his mom with all of the poker winnings tp start a new life- it would have been wonderful to find out Cirk is something entirely different. Shrader even writes the lines and makes us think maybe there is a chance this script has more depth with line from Isaac Oscar saying " The fear is at the tip of your fingers, feet and your ... but Nope. Cirk just goes along and does the obvious of failing to kill William Dafoe and forcing Will Tell to kill his nemesis for killing his supposed son....and the film is all about just guilt/redemption and nothing more.

This could have been a masterpiece yet it falls apart in so many areas that it fails in the end except for being a fabulous character study by Isaac Oscar who does a phenomenal job.

Hopefully Shrader will have better luck in his next film as they all cant be Taxi Driver or Raging Bull.

5 stars for Isaac.
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Cry Macho (2021)
Kudos for Clint at 91 yet this story is milk toast hallmark film
19 September 2021
There is a lot of merit to watching good ole Clint at 91 still cranking out films looking more like Bruce Dern but as a big fan of all of his films this one unfortunately does not have grit.

It almost feels like a hallmark or cheesy lifetime movie done in a few locations almost like a cheap indy film rather than a master like Clint but it is mostly due to a lackluster story/script.

The acting by Clint is always steady yet you feel like he might fall over at any time and his side kick the mexican kid is not worthy of carrying this very simple story but does a decent job looking like Karate kid.

It has great meaning and purpose yet not enough depth to really carry the entire film and Clint does his best but this is one of those stories/scripts that should have stayed on the shelf or maybe made into a tv movie. Watch it with low expectations and the horse scenes and Clint dancing are enjoyable.

The cock Macho deserves an Oscar!

Looking forward to Clint's next movie and kudos for still cranking them out esp in the heat of New Mexico.

5 stars for Clint.
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Pig (I) (2021)
Classic Film perfectly executed. Cage is Back!
19 September 2021
This film was a complete wonderful shock of a surprise especially to see a great actor like Cage finally get a script and director that shows his unique talent again. It has been a long time yet this film starts off a little slow and strange but stick with it as the entire story comes together perfectly executed like a classical piece from Bach or Mozart from start to finish. It is not a thriller or an action film but a classic like Being There.

Luckily I did not know anything about the film and advise to go into it with little reference as it is unique and strange in its own manner. Yet i would compare it to Manchester by the Sea, Adaptation, or Being There. It is beautiful done and is well written story that slowly develops about a down and out torn hero/chef from Portland and how losing his pig brings him closer to his past and along the way develops a wonderful journey with his side kick young Amir and many colorful characters.

The cinematography is extremely well done almost looking like a John Wick film even in the look of Cage but that is about the only reference to that movie as it is less about violence and more about deeper issues of love, inner journey, restaurant life and eccentric chefs that remember every meal they made for each customer - and every detail to perfection. And the troubled past that makes the central character lose his path except for the love of a pig he ventures on a wonderful journey through Portland to find himself Again.

The acting is superb and the minimalism works to perfection along with a unique score that makes this director bring together a classic film. A rarity these days yet it might not be everyone's truffle as fine gourmet cuisine is an art form.

A solid 9 and looking forward to. Michael Sarnoski next films and Cage getting better director/scripts..
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The Voyeurs (2021)
Soft Porn tries to be Hitchcock with horrible over twisted ending
15 September 2021
The film is well done for the most part and even though the script is lacking in the 3rd act and is a bit slow in the 2nd it unfortunately just falls apart in the ending.

Sweeney does a fanastic job with her part and surely will be a femme fatale in many films to come and deserves some kudos in becoming the new 50 Shades of Gray girl for best sex scenes and allure. Without her it would have been a rather dull film. Obviously the filmmaker loves Rear Window and Body Double but i agree with most that sometimes too many twists at the end can have less impact than a simple clean ending especially if you have to explain it quickly and cheapened the entire story line. A shame as it could have been a deeper more complex 3rd act if written in a different manner instead of just going for shock value and rushing it at the end.

Looking forward to more films from. Michael Mohan...and Sweeney.

Still enjoyed the ride and give it 6 stars.
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Annette (2021)
So Beautifully Artistic and yet Boring that it does not work as a Film as No Story or Character Depth!!
25 August 2021
I was very excited to see this surreal film wondering what Carax /Sparks would manifest in this supposed masterpiece... and instead it is just an experimental musical/opera with fantastic set pieces but the story has no depth and the characters are so shallow it makes one wonder what was the writer thinking - and unfortunately the wonderful endless musical sets and repetitive dull songs do not entertain enough to merit 2 hours and 40 mins of it.

Even with fantastic performances by both Leads it did not keep ones interest to want to continue on this surreal artistic journey. There is an art form to story telling and unfortunately this writer instead focuses only on musical performances that might work as a theatre/opera musical yet fails miserably in this movie format - and almost everyone in the theatre was leaving not out of awe of the performances but out of total boredom and being unable to really connect with the two main characters. It did not work for me at all and i love surreal artistic films.

A 10 for artistic expression and musical scenes and singing... but i can only give it a 4 as a Film as it falls flat as a movie and story. Maybe they should have stuck with original idea of making it into a musical opera/theatre tour instead of a film.

Looking forward to next film by Carax....
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Stillwater (2021)
Solid acting yet coldwater of a story esp ending
22 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was very excited to see Matt Damon play a simple part in the french city of Marseille and the trailer looked like a thriller. I enjoyed most of the film yet it was far from a thriller and more of a character study/love story mixed in with some bizarre Amanda Knox rip off intertwined in the story which ultimately ends up being its McGuffin that does not really work.

Matt Damon does a phenomenal job playing the simple yet humble Roughneck from Oklahoma which seems so out of place in Marseille it is almost comical. Yet it works and he is so ideal for the part that you start to wonder why on earth did he decide to do this simple story of a film. Of course the director did Spotlight so it makes sense but the script in the 1st act is too slow and meanders without pushing the story forward, and the 3rd act is too abrupt and it ends almost in a wither that some might find blaise and meaningless - yet for me it actually worked; as the main point of the story seems to be a failed father trying to regain his daughters love - again. Even once he realizes that his daughter is partially or mostly at fault for her lovers death that got out of hand by the hired thug.

I loved the last lines of " Life is Brutal" and after spending time in France Matt Damon's character sees his hometown of Oklahoma totally different. This part could have been fleshed out better but it is a solid film.

It probably only deserves a 5 or 6 stars but I give it 7 because I loved seeing a film shot in Marseille and the love story had amazing chemistry with Matt and local woman Virginie and the adorable little girl Maya.
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The big picture - is not to watch this dull story with a very predictable ending
2 February 2021
This is one of those scripts that should have stayed in the closet back in the 90s as it really has not much to add to the genre and the ending is obvious and blase. Thankfully the actors are top notch but even with Denzel, Rami and Jared this film had some potential in the 2nd act even though the editing is horrible but the 3rd act makes you realize it is predictable and an ending that leaves much desired. If the writer wanted to show the dark side of a cops life and how frustrating it is to not find the real killer there are many other movies that do a better job and this one is far from entertaining even with these stellar actors. Yes spoiler... the guy was a psycho but not a killer and all the clues are easily revealed but you hope the writer is bringing in another hidden element like maybe it is Denzel or Rami. Instead you almost fall asleep like the cops watching the perp all night long like watching paint dry on a wall. If the A list actors were not in this movie it would be a terrible B movie that Roger Corman would be proud of instead it is the big picture that makes the little things matter so the script is worth making into a film. Better luck next time... and watch it with some coffee or red bull so you dont fall asleep as there is nothing really new to this old plot. It is no wonder that one of the reviews said nobody wanted to make this film back in the 90s.. as it is still not any good in 2021 almost 30 years later. And if you did not figure out the ending then you must have fallen asleep from the boredom. 5 stars for the actors and watching the cars driving around LA endlessly
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Terrible script, slow boring with PC WWoman and a silly Cats Cheetah outfit as a villain.
26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was very excited to see this film especially after the success of the original Wonder Woman.

This film starts off with a great sequence back in Amazonia but once it delves into the 1984 world it becomes a dull boring film that feels more like an actual 80s film rather than a modern 2020 film. It goes downhill from that point forward..

And the plot and story has so many holes and trite pathetic characters that you are so lost with this 'wishing crystal' changing what it can actually do to the writers whim that you just give up trying to understand it and it becomes laughable at best. And the silly idea of trying to create villain out of Dr Poison and Maxwell Lord is probably the worst part of the movie as these are not villains so when WWoman tries to fight them its for trite reasons. and you wonder is there going to be another more ominous villain or is this it. ... and by the time the film meanders slowly into the 3rd act and you see that Dr Poison has now become a transformed to Cheetah but instead looks like a 'rip off' of Cats movie outfit .. .at that point it just becomes comical that Wonder Woman is having a cat fight. Did the Director get a discount on the Cat outfit or was that really the best they could come up with for a villain outfit. This movie should have been a B Comedy movie from the 80s like Weird Science or Back to the Future with Wonder Woman in the drivers seat.

I will not even mention the pathetic scenes of Chris Pine trying to play the side kick love interest ...and looks like he had a wild binge night and phoned in his performance that really had little meaning except to maybe try on some 80s outfits. And I grew up in the 80s and it was painful to watch the film waste time on them connecting through him changing outfits. Talk about making Chris Pine become Pretty Woman... is hilarious but not in a DC action movie. Maybe Jenkins and her co writers thought it was funny but it just was odd to say the least.

However, the main message even if it is a bit PC preachy of having more faith and peace in the world is nice idea but not enough to carry the entire convoluted bizarre wishing crystal idea into being a credible story that is entertaining. It is shocking that this film got green lit by Hollywood and Jenkins definitely is best being a Director and not a writer if this is the end result. ... at least Zack Snyder script was a beautiful balance of entertaining and colorful characters and the love interest seemed real between Gal Gadot and Chris Pine. And what was this obsession with so many shoes in the beginning... like it was a rip off of Sex and the City.

It only deserves 1 star and that is only for Gal Gadot and poor Kristen Wiig who had to wear the silly Cat outfit at the end.
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Capone (2020)
Nice try but no cigar - only a carrot. Poor script with holes. Great Acting/Directing
26 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I want to say that I am a big fan of Trank's prior movies and loved Chronicle and Fantastic Four and was really looking forward to this artsy Film. Regardless of this review I look forward to his next film and it was a worthy venture. The film will surely be a film classic in the artsy part of the world and film school /critics but as far as entertainment for the masses it is not a big box office allure. Nice to see it on VOD.

The film had lots of potential especially with such a superb actor like Hardy but unfortunately the script has too many holes to bring any type of cohesiveness except to take the viewer down a rabbit hole of bizarre dementia that gets old after the first act. At one point you think perhaps the writer is going to make the film only about how crazy Fonzo dementia is from his point of view and keep you there for the entire film but instead he jumps all over the place with diff characters that are not explained at all so you are at a loss of understanding and eventually it just meanders into meaningless to the point that even the supporting actors are at a loss looking for him and you find out some of it is real and some of it is illusion of his dementia.

That pretty much is the basic perspective of the entire film and if you like that type of chaos without any structure then this is a film for you. And some might want to try to put some psychological stretch of the imagination into this element but it just does not work and deliver more depth to Fonzo's character to make one feel a connection to his madness.

Regardless it was entertaining and well directed with some great shots and the acting by Hardy is superb even with his Donald Duck mumbling and hilarious carrot dangling from his mouth. It almost makes you wonder if it was better as a satire as some moments are just way out there. It must have taken a lot of energy to edit this movie and since Trank was also the editor there is no debate about him leaving anything on the cutting floor unless the producers made him cut vital parts. This is one of those films that you either love it or hate it so the low ratings is no surprise as it is definitely not a pop star mafia entertainment movie.

Kudos to the director for taking a huge chance of making this unique film even if it did not come together perfectly it is a valiant effort and surely his next film will be more successful financially at the box office , which is not always a fair portrayal of a movies' success.

I give it a solid 5 as the acting was superb and the directing was solid but the script was so uneven that it does not merit a higher score.
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The Informer (2019)
Terrible script that has absurd ending - acting good but waste of time
27 December 2019
This movie is a prime example of a terrible script screwing up a film. The acting is good and the directing okay but the story is so bad that you stop believing in the horrible plot, and they add a terrible finale that suspends any chance of belief that you just laugh and smirk that anyone thought this was a good idea of a story line. Plus the ending is so preposterous it feels like it is a tv series with a part 2 To be Continued. As if this piece of crap would have a sequel.... A 5 for the acting
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The Mustang (2019)
Excellent Film, superb directing and great musical score and acting is fantastic
7 December 2019
At first I thought this film would be boring and like a docudrama but it pleasantly surprised me. The directing is superb and the story moves at a fast pace capturing your attention with some great shots and a musical score that was fantastic. The main actor from Belgian carries the film and reminded me a lot of his character in Bullhead so it was nice to see good character arcs by the writer, and the supporting actors made the film feel more complex and entertaining. It will definitely be worthy of some nominations as it has a feel good message and a charming ending. I rarely give films a 9 but this little gem deserves it. Kudos to the Director and team.
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Terrible script and horrible directing - amateur first time beginner
25 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The sad thing is that the cast is phenomenal but the writing is terrible almost like a first time film student with no sense of timing, music or any momentum or suspense. The movie starts with way too many subplots with silly labels like the audience are morons and it continues with endless set up after set up trying to be a pseudo Sicario that falls flat. It is almost laughable like a b movie that has an A cast that can only walk through the roles. It had a lot of potential maybe the director should consider doing documentaries or made for tv movies as it had no originality or flair. I give it a 3 for the acting and DP work.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
Worst writing Ever - like producers had Amnesia or on Crack
21 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
FYI: I loved all 7 seasons of GOT and then there was this terribly rushed illogical season 8 with the worst finale ever. It was like the writers never read or watched any of the last 7 seasons - and ended it with more gigantic holes with lack of character development and history - that everyone i know that loved GOT was flabbergasted by such atrocious writing.

Spoilers: Jon Snow ends up back on the Wall (which is broken and there is no threat anymore). That is his reward? Also instead of him killing his Queen he defended so adamantly forever... maybe use Arya to use one of her Faces to pretend to be maybe Queen's top soldier. Anyone really. The lack of creativity is so far fetched that even the notion of the Dragon melting down the Iron Throne is just pathetic. Really? Did the Dragon suddenly realize the Throne had some meaning or was it the danger stuck in her side that confused him as to the real culprit. The dragon never did anything like that before.. so sure.. lets just have him Burn the Throne to the ground. Brilliant idea. Not!

That is all you could come up with after 7 seasons of everyone striving for this valuable Throne?. And to top it off... Jon Snow is not killed after killing his Queen. Or made the King which was pushed for so so long. Huh? There is no way her loyal followers would just dust off their egos and walk away. And Cersei and Jamie die in each others arms.. just 10 feet away from possibly being alive if they just moved over a tiny bit. It was the last 20 stones that got them killed. Hilarious! I think his fake hand could have stopped them. Why not have him still breathing just to say a few last words - that would have been just as pathetic as the rest of the finale.

And the best part is that the crippled almost non existent character of Bran who is always high as a kite flying as a Raven most of the time, this character that is not even a central person is somehow King. Huh? Why not put Sam on the throne while you are at such trite levels. And Arya decides to become Arya Columbus and wander around the unknown West. Huh?

Pathetic is the best word to describe this terrible finale. More holes and open ended plots than a true finale but maybe it leaves room for a Season 9 one day in the next century with different writers.. or maybe the original George RR Martin will rise to the occasion and finish the last 2 books and provide a more appropriate finale. At least the acting was fantastic and special effects also. Kudos to them!

1 star because 0 does not exist.
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Terrible. B movie with horrible script and acting
19 May 2019
The script is terrible and low budget. The 2 diff time lines look like all of the movie was spent on the old part but the new older couple look like shot on low budget with terrible acting. The message is trite and not worth watching. B movie 1 star for cute younger actors.
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Great acting, animal message but falls short in the script
3 May 2019
This is a great message about Lions and caged hunts and it is very obvious the film was shot over many years watching the children and lions grow up, and the acting is well done. But the 2nd half of the movie the film really falls shallow and unrealistic. Almost wish they did a documentary instead as the movie just does not work towards except maybe for serious animal lovers - and even that is an odd message to send that Lions purr (not true), and that little children should get attached as if it is a true life story is truly irresponsible. Next thing you know there will be loads of children wanting to go pet lions like they are big kitty cats. Anyways, probably be a big hit on Netflixs or Amazon soon and worth a watch but beware of the cheesy 3rd act with Disney ending.

A 5 for the great acting and directing effort.
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Drunk Parents (2019)
Terrible script and directing. And i like Baldwin and Hayek.
24 April 2019
I really wanted to like this film and I am a big fan of Baldwin and Hayek but the story and jokes were pathetic almost like Home Alone but written very poorly and dry slapstick. Very strange as Fred Wolf is a great writer and this script just does not work at all even the music selection was odd. Sad to see two great actors be wasted on such a horribly written script with terrible plot. It felt like a SNL compilation trying to be a feature film. I give it a 1 for the acting.
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Great story, script, acting and directing - Kudos to Penn/Gibson
17 April 2019
This is one of those rare stories that makes one enjoy good story telling and acting with depth. Not a silly hollywood film but a true classic. Sean Penn pulls off a spectacular acting job, and Mel Gibson is in his element once again. It would have been interesting to see what the Director had in mind as a final cut without being kicked out, so maybe a Directors cut will happen down the road. Regardless of the legal aspects, it still is a wonderful film especially about a subject that could have easily been rather dull by any other creative team. 8 stars
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Terrible script and camera work is horrendous. Like a student film
2 April 2019
This film is a low budget terrible script shot on some cheap camera that makes it look like an iphone was used or a cheap camera. The acting is pretty lacking and not sure how anyone could rate this as a 10 unless they worked on the film which looks like shot locally in LA. I give it a 1 for being resourceful in stealing so many free cool locations.
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