
89 Reviews
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15 May 2024
Someone described this movie as tedious, that is the perfect word to describe this movie. It's also boring, with elevator music playing throughout. Then again, what movie after 2019 isn't tedious and bland? Guess we need a crayon box of partners in this new world to be valid. Makes you feel nothing, you just hope for it to be over. Ended up as background noise while I did crafts. Worse than a Woody Allen movie. Nothing has soul anymore and the characters are ugh. Hopefully movies can be made by worthy people again someday. I would have thought humanity being locked up like rats, would have ignited creativity but all it did was ruin everything, all movies, all food, all acting.
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Serendipity (2001)
Too much sweetness for today
7 March 2024
This movie isn't realistic, or what we expect to happen in real life, but that's what we want to see in a romantic movie. We want to get lost in a fantasy. If we want reality, we watch the garbage they make nowadays, with no magic, no heart, no sweetness and no likeable characters, nothing beautiful to get lost in. Thankfully I can go back in time and watch movies like this, that still make me cry and make my heart flutter. Even though I've never felt a magical love like this, it's still beautiful to watch. It's a fantasy, which is what a movie should be, a fantasy. And that's what makes this movie a perfect romantic comedy. I love the characters, the actors and all the scenery. It's what every movie isn't today.
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Anything after 2019 gag
15 July 2023
A horrible and disappointing movie. What a surprise, in today's collection of garbage movies. I forgot to check the cast before watching this nonsense, it always gives a glimpse of how bad it's going to be. Dalton's roommate was my breaking point, she was unbearable and unnecessary. I laughed when I read the fake, ten star reviews saying this was an incredible movie and the best one in the franchise LOL. Like everyone else, I found it incredibly boring. I love creepy horror movies and Patrick Wilson but this had nothing enjoyable. I even forgot I was watching a horror movie, from how slow and stupid the story was. I'm so tired of the bratty kid in movies, do kids really behave like this in families? My family would give me up for adoption, if I behaved like the teens they portray in movies. I feel bad for anyone that paid for this garbage.
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12 July 2023
The one star I have to give this movie goes to Sam Elliott, the only enjoyable person in this horrible movie. Unpleasant to watch from beginning to end. I was trying to figure out if it's because I don't care for any of the actors in the movie, the constant mumbling from Bradley, the annoying way the camera moves, the dragging pace, pointless story, Lady Gaga constantly screeching, so many painful parts. They make a big deal about any movie and hand out Oscars like Halloween candy because this movie is horrible. Yet they made such a big deal when this came out. I finally decided to watch, to see what was the big deal. Well, I melted the paint off my forward button.
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Trust the reviews, don't do it!
4 May 2023
I know there's a 99.9% chance of any movie made after 2019 being a piece of trash but this movie needs a new category of horrible. The whole movie is awkward, rampant rambling. The first 40 minutes are annoying, breathy whispering, with close ups of kissing. There is no chemistry, all the actors looks like programmed robots. As you are watching it, you are in disbelief that something this horrible got made. Usually I stick until the end of a movie no matter how bad, hoping for a reveal. In this movie there is no story, no reveal, it just ends as bad as it began. I could only make it to half the movie, especially after reading the reviews and I forwarded it to the end. So glad I did.
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Animal Control (2023– )
Light and fun
12 March 2023
Pleasant show to watch. Happy to find a show, I don't shut off after 15 minutes. Most shows today make me gag. This show doesn't have all the annoying trends of today. It has The Office vibes but with animals. All the characters are likeable and know how to act, unlike most new shows. Really feels like a refreshing show that doesn't hurt your brain. Pleasant show to watch. Happy to find a show, I don't shut off after 15 minutes. Most shows today make me gag. This show doesn't have all the annoying trends of today. It has The Office vibes but with animals. All the characters are likeable and know how to act, unlike most new shows. Really feels like a refreshing show that doesn't hurt your brain.
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Like low sodium toast
1 March 2023
Movies are so bland, actors in them actually look bored. Stories are boring, they have no point, they don't pull you in, everything feels hollow. I don't know why they keep making movies. Where have good writers gone? I wouldn't want a movie from the free bin, knowing it came from Netflix. It's like Netflix is determined to only make garbage. As long as they tick off all the boxes for the new world requirements, they think it's worth watching. Not even good actors can help these horrible movies. Only way to make it through this garbage, is to forward half of it, annoying songs and all. They feel like cheap shows with amateur actors.
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M3GAN (2022)
Chucky 2.0
26 January 2023
This movie may cause a giggle here and there, from how dumb it is. The acting is horrible and the characters are annoying. The boss looks like he learned how to act last week and the detective is like a random guy they picked up in a mall and paid 200 dollars to read a couple of lines. The story makes absolutely no sense. Why would they let some woman and her kid, keep a robot that must be worth more than a house? And what was up with that demonic kid? Was he a future serial killer? Gemma looks braindead, why would you let a kid, boss you around and act like a psycho brat with no control, even hitting her? She should be in a mental hospital, not with a woman that has no experience with a children. Why would a dumb kid be allowed to say, what happens with a super expensive robot that belongs to the company. At least I watched the whole thing lol.
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Mack & Rita (2022)
Poor eardrums
4 January 2023
How irritating can a cast for a movie be? They put one or two good actors in movies and the rest are garbage. This movie is painful to the ears, within 15 minutes or less. If a man is ever subjected to this I feel sorry for his ears. I can't believe good actors are participating in trash like this. How desperate are they for money? If I was an actor in today's garbage Hollywood, I'd go to my mansion, enjoy my millions and quit the industry. This movie is like a cheap TV teen show but without teens, just a bunch of middle aged and elderly women squealing and acting like teens. The story is dumb and the women in this movie are beyond irritating.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Netflix boxes ticked
3 January 2023
A couple of great actors mixed in with annoying amateurs. Boring story, mixed with interesting travel scenery. The type of movie you stop caring about several minutes in, then wonder why you kept watching it. Maybe the attractive actors but even they aren't enough to make a bad Netflix movie worthy. I keep falling for the good actor cast, I should know by now no good movies are made anymore, especially on Netflix. A couple of great actors mixed in with annoying amateurs. Boring story, mixed with interesting travel scenery. The type of movie you stop caring about several minutes in, then wonder why you kept watching it. Maybe the attractive actors but even they aren't enough to make a bad Netflix movie worthy. I keep falling for the good actor cast, I should know by now no good movies are made anymore, especially on Netflix.
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12 December 2022
According to this movie, a successful life with everything that makes a person comfortable, is not good enough. You have to want kids, a marriage and a mini van to be happy. He liked his life and all of a sudden a nagging wife, a crappy job and struggling existence is better than everything he had. It's frustrating and makes no sense. Sure, those things may make certain people happy but if you were already happy with your successful existence, why would you want to give it all up for a life you never wanted? Someone said this movie was offensive and I thought that was a bit extreme but it does offend the senses in some way, for people that don't want the domestic life.
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Like current life
17 November 2022
Didn't like this bland movie at all. Unnecessary violence and stories that went nowhere. What was her accent even supposed to be? There's definitely no passion and beauty, like in Dances with wolves and Last of the Mohicans. The story feels like what is currently happening in America. Land being controlled, ability to speak being stifled, freedoms taken away, food being limited, people being brainwashed... Sad to see that history really repeats. People don't see it and are in denial of what those in control are trying to do until it's too late. I really hope the powerful and mighty, don't wipe us out, just like they did to the natives.
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What crap
9 November 2022
I guess actors are making movies just to get a check and treating it like a 9-5 job. Something you do and that's it. This movie was slow and boring. I love romantic comedies but this had nothing funny or romantic. Movie starts off with nagging and complaining, it lets you know what garbage you are in for right away. So sad to see once upon a time actors, making this "straight to video" junk. The story is dumb and illogical. Plastic American girl, meets convenient guy on a boat, that looks nothing like his people and all of a sudden she is ready to marry and completely at home with his culture. Ugh there is absolutely nothing watchable anymore. Why do I keep falling for the actors on the cover?
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Elvis (2022)
6 September 2022
Everyone that said this movie is a mess is right. So thankful there is a forward button at home and I could forward through most of this annoying movie. Glad I no longer go to the theater because I would have walked out. It's loud, chaotic and pointless. These horrible writers/ directors, need to stay away from biographies and make circus movies or something. Leave the classics alone. Tom Hank's accent sounded like a Transilvania vampire. I wasn't expecting much, I never do from modern movies and it still disappointed me. Need to go watch something else, to wash my brain of this tragedy of a movie.
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Abandoned (III) (2022)
Slow and meaningless
14 August 2022
This is one of the movies you stay watching because you hope that it will get better or something will happen. 80% of the movie is a baby screaming at the top of it's lungs, the rest is the girl creeping through the house by herself with random stuff happening. Just a lot of screaming and no point.
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Uncharted (2022)
So bad
12 August 2022
Are movies being written by 16 year olds? I was bored in the first 5 minutes, then it just became background noise. You would think that after being locked up like we all were, would have sparked some creative juices and great stories would have been written... But nope, same old nonsense, same narrative, same everything keep being made. Why do I keep thinking something worthy can come from Netflix?
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26 July 2022
This movie has enough substance for the past four years of empty, meaningless movies. Happy, funny, sad and significant. Love this type of movie, with good actors and a beautiful story.
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More Netflix garbage
23 July 2022
Just like every other Netflix movie, this was unbearable to watch. I feel bad for all the good actors, that have to settle for being in the garbage movies that are peddled nowadays. Super annoying from the beginning. No point, no real comedy, nothing at all.
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19 July 2022
The only thing likeable about this movie is the location. The story and characters are absurd. I have never found myself saying Ewww really? In a romantic comedy but this movie had me saying it.
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14 July 2022
Once upon a time movies like these were made. Cute and sweet. Dorky at times but what movie from the 80's and 90's isn't? If only real life worked out like this but hey, that's why we watch movies like these, to dream.
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Inception (2010)
Miss these movies
12 July 2022
Watching these great movies, is like a refreshing shower. Movies from a time when there were brain cells. You had to think, imagine that. Awesome actors, great story and engaging. If only I didn't have to go to the past, to watch a smart movie like this one.
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6 July 2022
Sweet movie from when love still existed. Not a perfect movie, has many ridiculous parts but still great compared to stuff today. If only simple sweet movies, with characters you care about still were made.
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The Princess (I) (2022)
So bad
2 July 2022
Absolutely nothing and I mean nothing, is worth watching anymore. This garbage was so much worse than I expected it to be. Just a bunch of screaming and kicking with no real story. The lines are cheesey and like if written by a 13 year old. Just wanted something to play in the background and it wasn't even good enough for that.
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Better than most
23 June 2022
The beginning had me questioning what I was watching but after a while it pulled me in enough to finish it. So much better than, the last 20 English movies I've watched since 2019. At least it had a story that made me feel something and not the usual agenda, I'm so bored of watching. It was also refreshing to look at pretty people in a movie, forgot what that feels like.
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It was good the way it was
14 June 2022
Hollywood wishes they could recapture the magic of movies from the past but it can't be done. Guess they are going to remake every single movie ever made and modernize it, as if this time was so grand.
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