
2 Reviews
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Silent Hill (2006)
Open Mind...!?
16 March 2007
I just checked the "Hated It" list here, and I found some interesting fact that's common to most of the 1-star givers:

Most of them don't have an "OPEN MIND".

For more than a full page of rant, I noticed nothing but bored viewers who couldn't explain the movie with their logics. Some even, hilariously, wrote he/she couldn't understand the movie since most of it isn't realistic enough for REAL LIFE.

Horror FICTION, anyone?

Even more interesting is someone complained how the movie treat Christian faith as the villain; and how the person and spouse find it boring.

(Sigh...) If you want, let's get down to it. Islamic, for example, is pretty much being branded with a very negative image in real life political world. Besides, when President B**h used God's name as part of his reasons to invade I**q, you can't really justify Christian being put a bad name if one of your own, a worldwide famous/infamous leader, put it on first. (What happened to "Forgive and Forget", the mercy of Jesus' spirit? Oh, wait, let's talk about Jesus after we "FREED" I**q with our bombs)

When people are complaining about how poorly the casts acted, they don't even bother to give examples.

With out support, I find the above accusation very unfair and biased. (Then again, most of the hated board are like that anyways...)

The only notable complain are from the original gamers, which their claim stood ground and most of them took time to explain and give examples to SUPPORT their ideas.

However, I'd like to remind them that this is a movie, not a video game. While it maybe BASED on a video game, it doesn't necessary mean it has to COPY the video game.

I never played Silent Hill series in my life, and I never liked horror movie or games.

I watched this "MOVIE" with my friends, and I find it impressive. Having knowing very little about the original V.G. Plot, I still find it understandable and scary enough to be entertaining.

Yes, I like this movie, it's even nice enough to explain things to people like me, and I was truly scared by its style. It's different than other movies, and it works.

(I found it hard to leave the theatre after it finished because I was so shock from the movie.)

(I had to flee to the next door to watch that funny "Scary Movie 4" to dilute those scary yet awesome images.)

In conclusion, you don't have to like the movie, no one can force you. However, please try to give LEGITIMATE, REASONABLE SUPPORTS for your point of view; Otherwise, no matter how old you said you are, I'm afraid you'll sound just like a bratty teenager who's complaining everything for no particular reason.

Please keep an OPEN MIND, and have a nice day. O_<
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At least it's an action movie that tries to improve
8 March 2007
I'm not very picky in most of the films. To me, it's entertainment, thus, as long as I felt interested in it, and have fun watching it alone or with others, I'm contain.

This movie occurs to me as fun and exciting while watching the action sequence; it also surprised me by showing the viewers the ugly side and the consequences behind the underground racing world(ex. Deaths in car accident. Furthermore, the fact that most youngsters do put their lives on the line to race dangerously for stupid reasons such as impressing a girl. Those are the qualities I haven't been able to find in most of the other racing genres which focus heavily and mainly on actions.

(Oh, did I mention their stunts were actually impressive?)

In conclusion, I give this movie a 9/10 because I was impressed with their stunts, the seriousness of consequences, and the effort to improve from its prequel, but most importantly, it was successful to "ENTERTAIN" me and my friends while we are watching the film. After all, to Entertain, that's whats matter about action movies, isn't it? O_<
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