
2 Reviews
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Twilight (I) (2008)
Exceeded my expectations
21 November 2008
I'm sorry there's many fans who are disappointed with this movie but I found that it was done pretty well. When I heard there was going to be a movie made of Twilight I was naturally excited like all the fans were, but then I saw the trailers...and then the movie posters and became less excited as the release date drew closer. However, I forced myself to go see the movie opening night and it was awesome. Sure, Robert Patterson wasn't my interpretation of Edward, but it's kind of impossible to find an actor (or human being) alive that resembles all of the qualities that make Edward, "Edward." Robert did a wonderful job portraying the one of the more complex characters in the books. I was also happy with Kristin's (forgot her last name) job as Bella. I was mostly worried, since everyone had something they didn't like (she doesn't look like Bella, she's too forceful for Bella, she can't change her expression to save her life etc...)but despite some minor annoyances and picky things about her portrayal of Bella she did great as well. As for the other characters, they all did phenomenal and I was pretty much drooling every time the Cullen family came on the screen. When my friend saw the Cullen's house she whispered to me "it's perfect" and indeed it was. On the downside however, there wasn't Bella's Lulabye anywhere in the movie...and Edward's sunglasses bothered me a lot lol. And yes, the movie didn't follow the storyline completely, but they added some things that I found amusing...Charlie meeting Edward while cleaning the deliciously cliché. So, don't go into the movie expecting it to be exactly like the book. The book and the movie are separate things and should be looked upon as such for the ultimate viewing pleasure.
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Moonlight (2007–2008)
A very sweet show despite the small clichés.
28 September 2007
With the t.v and movie genre getting bogged down with all of the new vampire flicks I thought "Oh great not another thrown together show that'll be canceled after the third episode." But after watching it, I was proved wrong. With me being a big fan of all and anything vampiric, I was pleasantly surprised. Yes, there are a few clichés here and there but I really enjoyed the first episode with the reference to the vampire cult case in Florida. Also, I absolutely loved the music from Evanesence. I'd say the only negative thing about this show is that the story line isn't that fresh. A P.I. and a reminds me of Blood Ties on Lifetime. Maybe if the storyline was fresh more people would enjoy it. Though I did absolutely love the fact that they used the woman who played Isolde from Tristan and Isolde. I'm really excited about the future episodes. What can I say, I'm once again hooked.
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