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It's not Marvel Universe, or Star Wars folks
8 March 2022
And that means, the plot isn't linear, it's not about "good" vs "evil", there's no explosions, it doesn't have a zillion cuts and edits, and it's not fast paced. So. If you like that "comic booky" kind of film, run. Run fast. Run hard. Run away.

But if you like films that aren't obvious. If you like movies that don't come out and "just say things". If you like Latin American literature, like Gabriel Garcia Marques, or Borges (this movie has a non-linearity reminiscent of them), and if you like filmmaking closer to Buñuel than Lucas, give this one a try.

It's a good show. It's well done. It's very satisfying. And it's very human. How many of us have wanted a second chance? Or third? If only we could revisit all our many mistakes.
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Dune Drifter (2020)
VERY confused at these reviews
25 December 2021
First of all, perhaps nobody who reviewed this movie has seen movies upon which it was based. No. Not Star Wars. It was based on very gritty art films from the 70s that dealt with war, the Vietnam war specifically. So you have to approach it with that mindset.

So you're going to get confusing camera work, long, long takes, slow pacing, and VERY simple plot.

There's a gentleman on here who was in the Air Force, and said that the director was totally wrong about how those fighter pilots would REALLY act in a combat situation. Again, this is not a documentary, first off, and secondly, it's made painfully obvious that the troops were raw and poorly trained, the defense mounted by the humans was poorly organized, and that the humans were seriously outgunned and outclassed by the aliens.

Of course, this ain't Godard. So no, there's not much there there. But what there is of the film is interesting and quite well done, actually.

Doing non Hollywood sci-fi is a thankless t, because nearly everyone wants "slick". They want the extremely high budget, very predictable, standard scripts replete with all the standard tropes. A movie that doesn't offer that is automatically and unequivocally branded as "bad". That's simply unfair.
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The Last Push (2012)
Had to write a review because comments
8 November 2021
No. This film does not suck. It. Does. Not. Suck. Trust me. It's thoughtful, well acted, well written. And if you think it's boring, I implore you to never ever watch any Godard film, and to unfriend anyone who asks you to see one. Like "Alphaville".

That being said, no. This film isn't genius, or "2001", or even "Forbidden Planet". It's not a classic. It's introspective, yes, but it's not "deep" (I reserve that for something like Dostoevsky, which this isn't). But that's okay. Minor art is still art.

And I'm sorry, to all those who said that the ending is "illogical": You're wrong. Dead wrong. Given the main character's thoughts, it fits perfectly into what was foreshadowed in the plot.

Finally, ANY movie that includes T. S. Elliot in an important scene in an intelligent way is one that at least deserves a look.

Honestly, I don't understand why people who like the typical Hollywood film, or the typical Sundance film, or even the typical Cannes film (these days) bother watching movies like this and insisting on writing negative reviews. Obviously, movies such as this one won't appeal to their esthetic, or even their idea of what "narrative" means. And by doing so, they unfairly distort the perception of the film, discounting or ignoring its potential merits.
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Alien Code (2018)
5 November 2021
This is no "2001". It's not Vonnegut either. But it's not "Plan 9 From Outer Space" 2.0.

It could have been quite good, if it tried not to be grandiose. It had a rather interesting premise, and towards the end one sees that the writer actually had some interesting ideas they could have explored.

But then there wouldn't have been much action in the film, which is perhaps what the director wanted? I'm not exactly sure why certain decisions in regards to the plot were made.

If they had decided to go with the philosophical questions they had touched upon, it would have made for a very intriguing, though potentially confusing, film. By opting for a more linear plot, with more straightforward problems, it made a more comprehensible, but sadly less Interesting and ironically less coherent, movie.

Nevertheless, I would give it a look. If nothing else, it might give someone an idea to make a better film based on similar ideas.
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Final Voyage (2019)
3 November 2021
Do you like big explosions? Do you like GOOD vs EVIL? Do you like women in tight uniforms in space? Do you like fast, "exciting" plots? Do you like heartwarming interactions? Do you like everything resolved and satisfying conclusions? Do you like every single question and ambiguity answered and clarified?

Then skip this movie. Don't even look at its trailer.

However, if you like films like Tarkovsky makes, or films that are highly ambiguous, or films that leave you puzzled. Then watch this.

No. It's no "Solaris". But it's a good indie European film that thankfully doesn't explain every single thing, sucking all the mystery and interest out of the script, leaving a bland, predictable husk.

As for the negative reviews you'd see here, well, I sincerely wonder if science fiction might be held back from attaining its artistic potential because of the audience that's drawn to it. Lynch's "Dune" was widely despised. Though I am amazed that Kubrick's "2001" is well beloved, as that's filled with unanswered questions, "slow boring sequences" and such. Though it does have "the evil entity", which probably helps people navigate it.

Anyway. I liked this movie. I wish more sci-fi was like it, and less was like Disney.
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Encounter (II) (2018)
Depends on what you like
2 November 2021
Do you like those Marvel movies? Do you like the Star Wars franchise? Do you love Disney films?

Then I'd skip this movie.

Do you like quirky, off beat, un-Hollywood-like movies that are a bit rough around the edges, don't have neatly wrapped up plots, don't have expensive anything, and are an earnest expression of what a director's worldview or perspective might be? Do you find cheap, but evocative films like those made in Europe in the 70s Interesting?

Then give this one a look.

I don't quite understand what people who despised this movie saw. Perhaps they like things like Spiderman and Batman better. I dunno. I saw decent acting, believable reactions, a creative plot, and genuine characters.

I thought it was going to be terrible. It surprised me, quite pleasantly. I'm sorry that it revolted so many. Perhaps it will disgust you too, dear reader. But if you're anything like me, you'll be captivated by its unusual, non-conforming charm.
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