
13 Reviews
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The Clinton 12 (2006 Video)
Incredibly moving and extremely relevant
9 December 2023
I have seldom seen a documentary that is as powerful as this one. It is heartbreakingly timeless, as the rot of racism is all too invasive even today in America. The events depicted happened so early on - igniting not just two schools, but the entire Civil Rights movement. It's very inspiring and sad to watch what these young people were going through, when they should have been worrying more about normal teenage drama than whether they would make it through the school day. I grew up in Oak Ridge and remember these events. A friend's mother, who was an activist and supported civil rights, testified in court and a cross was burned on their lawn. This was a very real, very ugly fight against white supremacy, and the war isn't over. This documentary should be required for American history classes in all American schools. These students were courage personified.
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Great acting, deeply unsatisfying - NOT a thriller!
21 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Now that I've seen this entire series, I can honestly say that I didn't care for it. I kept waiting for it to become a 'thriller', but it never did. Suranne Jones did an excellent job with a role that must've been exhausting. I disliked Bertie Cavell's character from the start. I kept waiting for some redeeming bit of humanity, but I could never understand what any woman would be attracted to - he literally had nothing going for him. At least Gemma was a character who evolved. Tom Taylor did a great job with his namesake character, but the writing didn't help him at all. On the whole it was tedious watching these relationships unravel. The continuity editor deserved firing. So many obvious errors! Jumping back and forth in time didn't help. An exercise in patience for any viewer, especially those who have known anyone who is unable to tell the truth.
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In the Dark (2019–2022)
I can't believe I watched the whole thing
19 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
IF all you watch iS Hollywood tv shows, and you like gratuitous sex, and you don't care about things like plot holes and editing (both continuity and storyline), you may think this is great tv. Especially if you have never known a blind person or a guide dog, you may like it. As a procedural it is kind of okay, but the depiction of cops swigging hard liquor kept in their office desks is cliche. Blackout segues are used between scenes that needed resolution to be believable. The final episode is just another murder with evidence left everywhere to keep the chase going. The characters are well-developed for the most part. The lead's blindness comes and goes. No one needs money to support their outlaw lifestyle, which is weird. I stuck it out to the end, but ultimately it was shallow and unsatisfying, despite the good potential. I f there's another season, I think I'll watch a foreign series instead.
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The best episode so far
23 September 2023
I can't remember the last time a tv series episode made me cry. Having come of age during the late 60s, it was heartbreaking to experience again the most painful parts of my high school years. I'm white, raised to love everyone regardless of origin or orientation. Most of my classmates loved soul music; every weekend we danced to live soul tracks played by a mixed-race band of our friends. The atmosphere was energetic and peaceful, uplifting, everyone got along. It really was much like this superb episode beautifully depicted. We all wanted the world - our future - to be like that. Naive, but until Dr King was assassinated, we had hope. Every detail of this story was an accurate representation of the era. I cried at the end, knowing that such senseless hatred still persists fifty-odd years later, as the planet dies.
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America could learn a lot from these men
28 August 2023
I was surprised how interesting this show became. I was looking for something that wouldn't require taking notes to keep up with the plot - one of those days - but I watched every episode, riveted. I do enjoy car chases in films, but these are some true heroes facing hardened criminals and organized crime gangs - usually with nothing more than a baton. Occasionally they will call in the taser-trained backup, but there are NO guns, and very civilized encounters. I was impressed with their cool heads and restraint. They leave their egos behind and they are incredibly skillful drivers. The police themselves have enough personality to keep the show interesting. If you like fast cars and want to see how police SHOULD behave, then you might be as impressed as I am.
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Looper (2012)
One of my favorites
15 February 2023
The time travel is not new, but this story is original and complicated. Joseph Gordon-Levitt uncannily takes on the persona and mannerisms of Bruce Willis as his younger self - in my opinion, one of his most nuanced roles. He has always totally embodied his characters, and he doesn't disappoint here. Bruce Willis is solid in his role, no big surprises there. I really enjoyed the twists and turns of the story. It held my attention and interest throughout. Emily Blunt is great here; she's brilliant in everything I've seen her in. Jeff Daniels does a perfectly villainous turn as the mob boss who coldly orders hits. Very entertaining film.
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Waking the Dead: Walking on Water: Part 2 (2003)
Season 3, Episode 4
I'm glad I'm not the only confused person
26 January 2023
This Part Two was very well-acted, and I was impressed by its complexity. However, I, like the other reviewers, reached the end thinking, "What just happened?!" I would've rated it higher had there been any resolution to the mystery. I can't leave spoilers because I still don't know who did what - and this is the second time I've watched this entire series. On the whole, I don't think this two-parter is up to par because of its fuzzy ending. All the acting was good, though. The dual character Mark/Maria is especially well realized. I just didn't know exactly how confused I was until the episode ended, and I was expecting there to be another part that would make some sense.
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Blackbird (II) (2022)
I have liked Eric Roberts in other films
12 January 2023
I really agreed to watch this because I like Eric Roberts - or I have. Previously. I guess he was suffering from the lack of work post-Covid. I don't know why else he would take this junk on. He, alas, could not begin to redeem it.

A good friend was a top tech on one of Flatley's productions, and told me about his experience in great detail. I won't go into the most sordid bits, as the man is ill. Suffice it to say, Flatley has an ego the size of Australia, showcased in this ill-conceived vanity piece. Only a pubescent boy could possibly think that this is good filmmaking. Thin plot badly written, worse editing, and ridiculously unnecessary hats. I'm embarrassed for Eric Roberts. He can do better, so I gave it two stars.
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The Bridge (2011–2018)
Truly one of my favorite series ever!
4 January 2023
This show deserved all the award nominations! It's uncanny how well the autistic lead, Saga, is portrayed. That's not really a spoiler. The contrast between the two leads is beautifully balanced. The subtle ways they create a working relationship are fascinating to watch. The story is complex, compelling and unfolds at a steady pace. No filler in this series - just a very original story that just gets better with each episode. I haven't watched the US version of this series, because they couldn't possibly do a better job of it than this. I may have to buy it so I can watch it again. It's really THAT GOOD.
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Springfloden (2016–2018)
Only gave 9 stars because I wanted a 3rd season
4 January 2023
This is one of the best shows I've ever seen. I've watched the whole series twice, and will probably watch it again before Mhz takes it off. Nothing is overdone, and not one note is wasted. I truly was amazed by the acting and the story in the first season, and when the second season came out, I re-watched the first season, too. The second season is just as excellent! The characters are so believable, the story has great twists, it's brilliantly filmed in beautiful places... I honestly only took off a star because I wished it would continue. The main characters draw you into their lives so completely. I can't give details - I can't spoil it for anyone! Mhz is my favorite streaming service. Everything is top notch - no perfect, plastic actors like Hollywood. Real people, unusual stories. Highly recommended!
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Mo (2022– )
One of the best I've seen this year
11 December 2022
I loved it from the start. Loved the character, loved the lead, loved the story and the script. It was so bittersweet and painful to watch this man getting knocked down, but getting right back up and starting over - and over... My mother was a first-generation American, and her mother went through SO much to give her children a good chance at life. I was cheering for Mo every episode. His strength of character was uplifting to see. So many times, disadvantaged people are not 'seen' by the people around them. This show is hella entertaining, but there's a big truth under the humor - the struggle too many people face every day, just to have the necessities the rest of us take for granted.

Watch this show! You'll be glad you did.
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Watch it!! I loved every minute of it
10 December 2022
I found this original and enchanting from the start. I love foreign tv/movies, but I prefer subtitles - the reason being, I like to hear the inflection and nuance of the actors' voices. And I can read well. All the characters in this series are really well-developed. The leads are excellent - some charming and innocent, some conniving and a bit mean-spirited - but all are so well done! The research that went into Woo's performance was impressive, and she was amazingly consistent. The episodes kept getting better and I will be very disappointed if they don't renew this series. BUT with subtitles, please - Woo's supervisor in particular had some very funny and subtle moments that were lost in the awkward voiceover; I for one would rather hear the original actor. That lost it a 10 star rating.
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Intricate and well-executed
10 December 2022
I was intrigued by this from the start. I found the characters realistic and the regional accent was done very well - NC has its own cadence & it's not easy to master. The story was well-paced, and not too terribly unbelievable. Occasionally the time periods were hard to keep track of, but with 8 episodes, you can't really watch it all in one sitting.

The CG settings were really good! The character's' relationships were established early on. I have to say the costume designer deserves kudos for all the time periods represented. Lastly, the leads were excellent. I hope there's a season two, or more!
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