
36 Reviews
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Shredder (2001)
Unpleasant people in an unpleasant film.
27 May 2024
There will be no spoilers in this review for the simple reason I did not make it to the end.

The drama,so called,revolves around a group of over entitled older teenagers on a skiing holiday at a remote and disused resort.

As usual the main topic of conversation is sex.

There is not one character than I could sympathise with or empathise with. I found them all superficial and unpleasant;the sort I wouldn't want to spend a single minute with.

If you like the gore then what there is takes a long time to show.

The character documenting their exploits on a camcorder is as annoying as you can get by mimicking Keanu Reeve's Ted character continually. I suspect it's an attempt at comedy but fails.

I stopped at around 35 minutes just as a particularly graphic sex scene was underway.

I don't object to such scenes but it was obviously padding to spice up an otherwise weak horror film. I wanted to see horror but I didn't see much.

If your drunk and it's late at night and you have some company then maybe it's the film for you...otherwise I wouldn't bother...(The soundtrack is noisy and unremarkable. Probably another attempt to take your attention away from how bad this film really is).
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Hidden (2018–2022)
Quality gloom.
8 May 2024
This review is for series 1.

I struggled during the first episode but by the end I wanted to find out what happened next. Whodunit's are a favourite genre of mine.

It's well acted and directed but I found it rather slow going.

What struck me most of all was the overall design. It was consistently dark in every sense...the lighting and mood...very dour throughout.

It's the unrelenting gloom that I personally found hard to cope with though as the series progressed I got used to. So some may struggle with that at first. Perseverance is rewarded because it really is quality drama.

My one main quibble is the ending. It ends on an anticlimax which left me feeling a little cheated. One of the main characters said as much towards the end of the last episode. I can't say anymore about that for the risk of using spoilers which I would hate to do.

In conclusion,if you can cope with the gloom and slow pace then you will be rewarded,(with the caveat about the last episode.
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The Mist (2007)
Truly Horrific.
4 May 2024
When I decided to give this film a go I expected it to be little more than a time passer given how disappointing some Stephen King adaptions have been. How wrong I was.

It was superbly made. The acting was first rate and you can empathise with the characters' predicament though I doubt Marcia Gay Harden's character will gain many supporters.

The scares and set pieces were expertly placed and the creatures suitably terrifying.

It might be a little over long but considering how engrossed one gets in the story that hardly matters.

The ending is worth waiting for and is as surprising as it is tragic. A few tears would not be amiss.

I think it can be regarded as a modern horror classic.
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Whitstable Pearl (2021– )
An heroic attempt which fails.
24 March 2024
I wanted to like this series because whodunits are a favourite kind of drama for me but I'm afraid it just didn't work...especially when compared to superior fare like 'Poirot' or 'Midsomer Murders'.

The plots were paper thin and rather dull but the main problem is the two leads,both fine actors I'm sure...however,Pearl is just too plain and uninteresting and lacking any charisma...Mike is a stock character,the taciturn cop with an unhappy past...much the same can be said of Barber's turn as Pearl's mother who doesn't seem to serve any real purpose.

I give it 4/10 for a heroic attempt but the standard for such formats has been set extremely high and this show just doesn't measure up.
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Femme (2023)
Dark but impressive.
4 March 2024
I enjoyed this film very much and agree with other viewers about the high acting quality of the two leads.

As others have stated in their reviews,the world of drag queens and excessively effeminate men is not for me but the drama quicky transcends that scene as the central relationship develops into something that I was expecting to be quite touching.

The ending was open ended which is a device I personally do not like. I prefer a story that has a beginning,a middle and an end.

I don't think it would be giving anything aways to say that the romantic in me would have liked an ending worthy of 'Heartstopper' but of course it is an entirely different world.

One more thing,and this is not restricted to 'Femme'. Directors create mood partly with lighting but scenes that take part at night or in dark nightclubs should be lit more effectively. There were several scenes where I was not entirely sure what was going on.

In conclusion I would recommend this film for the performances of the two leads especially...and despite other issues,Preston is very sexy.
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An insult to Amateur Dramatics.
14 December 2022
At 36:19 one character asks another,"What do you think of it so far?".I immediately recalled Eric Morecambe's famous reply,"Rubbish!"

This film fails on every level. It eschews a music soundtrack and is therefore devoid of any forward movement or sense of foreboding,being as it is billed,a horror film.

The 'actors' cannot act at all.

I'm one of those film buffs that quite enjoys a 'bad' film,but they usually have a sense of enthusiasm behind them. This effort has no such thing.

Suffice to say we are in amateur night territory.

At 45:22 another character mutters to himself,"We're gonna be here all night".

Trust will be thinking the same after the first 10 minutes.
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Bore me with your film.
30 April 2022
I have to go against the orthodox view and say that I found this film a total bore from beginning to end.

The story,such as it was,took at least 30 minutes too long to tell.

The real stars were the Italian locations. Quite beautiful.

After watching the various relationships rumble on I was left with only one thought;so what?

It did however show us a novel use for a fresh peach.
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Good gore but needs a better story.
25 April 2022
An 80's style slasher with some suitably gory kills.

The scenes in between them were mere padding,but that's not why we like horror films.

At 42:57 something happened that was so gross and unnecessary I found it hard to keep watching,though I did.

The ending was a bit sudden with no real resolution.

A fair effort for its type,but could have been much better with a decent script and story to attend the kills.
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Heartstopper (2022– )
Beautifully done.
23 April 2022
Comparisons with 'Beautiful Thing',(another fine film),are irresistable.

'Heartstopper' also deals with those pesky awkward times as a teen when you're working out who you are.

The cast was outstanding,(though Olivia Coleman didn't have anything to do except be there in a few scenes).

I think it can appeal to two main audiences: obviously it's target one is the teens,discovering their sexualities and suffering the exquisite pain of first love.

The other would be older ones,looking back nostalgically to their own experiences,with either warmth or regret.

If I was 16 again I'm sure I would fall in love with Nick too,if I was on the recieving end of that devastating smile of his.

The whole was presented as a fairy tale and I particularly enjoyed the cartoon flowers et al highlighting every frisson of attraction between the two boys...(and no sex!) (One word of caution:Tao's hairdo may be injurious to those of a nervous disposition).
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Too dark to see much of anything.
22 April 2022
I'd like to be able to talk about plot,character development,acting quality,and all other aspects that contribute to a good film.

Sadly I find I cannot because of one fault that too often spoils films such as this...poor lighting.

There were great chunks of the film,not least the final act,where the two 'Hulks' were fighting,where the screen was so dark it was almost impossible to work out was was going on at all.

Therefore,I can only say that I would be happy to give a more comprehensive view of this film...once I've been able to see it.
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Hell Hath No Fury (I) (2021)
Too bad to take seriously.
9 April 2022
This is truly awful,on every level.

The portrayal of visceral insanity from a Melissa Brown quickly leans into farce. Too many times I laughed out loud.

The warning before the titles was disingenuous;an attempt to fool the audience into expecting much more than it offers.

Deliberately playing it as a comedy would have made it a better film,albeit still in an amateurish way.
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Night Vision (1997)
Never mind the quality,feel the porn.
22 March 2022
This B movie has a distinctly 70's feel about it,belying the fact it was made in 1997,and too often resembles soft porn,(due to the de rigeur shots of bare tits,which gave it it's 18 certificate.) It was entertaining enough but I couldn't help feeling that the story had the potential to me made much more of,if it had had a bigger budget and better actors.

Still,it will please those who enjoy such fluff.
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You could see a lot worse.
12 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Also known as 'Poisonous Protege',it gives away the bad guy in the title. Rather like 'Columbo',we know from the start who the culprit is but It was nevertheless fun to see the story play out.

I found it to be an effective drama with some tense scenes. Yes,it was mostly predictable,but it was staged well enough.

Other reviewers condemn this film outright.

It isn't Geilgud's 'Hamlet' or Oliviers' 'Henry VI',but there are much worse films to spend time with...(and if all else fails,Charlie is pleasant eye candy.)
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Thriller (2018)
Tedious teens.
22 February 2022
Will only be of mild interest to those interested in African American 'hood culture and the hip-hop sounds that accompany it.

A standard stalking murderer plot with no tension or suspense at all,largely because of the pacing. It's as though any of the kills came as an afterthought while too much time is spent on the tedious day to day events in the kids lives.

The acting was as you would expect in such a low budget film,and most of the dialogue is mumbled,though the opening and closing title sequences showed a little originality.

About as niche as you can get.
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The Arbors (2020)
Slow but sure.
14 February 2022
The main criticism of this film,from most reviewers,seems to be it's slowness,or lack of any real action.

I think this is unfair. Those beloved of all action blockbusters will be disappointed and should look elsewhere.

Even though it features an unpleasant alien I don't think it can be regarded as purely a horror film,or even a sci-fi one.

For me it was more of a character study. Much time is invested in Ethan's state of mind,how his relationship with the creature informs his decisions and,ultimately,how he resolves his own demons.

So it's slow,thoughtful and considered,but given it's costs,it was an impressive effort by all involved.

(I'd like to know what they have in store for the future.)
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Abducted: Fugitive for Love (2007 TV Movie)
Sex appeal isn't everything.
10 February 2022
Other reviews have,quite rightly,noted how sexy Andrew Walker is,but the film offers a little bit more than that.

The story is engrossing,(based as it is on a true one),and most of the cast play well.

Ok,it's not a masterpiece,but entertaining just the same and well worth a look...and not just for Walker's pecs.
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A real life creep.
29 January 2022
An effective chiller.

Ok,the acting was a bit dodgy in parts,(except for Derek Miller),but overall it was entertaining enough,with a bad guy suitably creepy.

I wouldn't put it in the horror genre,but there's enough uneasiness to keep you interested.

(Poor reviews may be from younger viewers more used to plenty of gore and screaming,which don't necessarily make a decent film.)
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Deep Water (2019– )
Deep Gloom.
28 January 2022
I found this a hard slog,chiefly because it's so downbeat and it was hard to sympathise with any of the main characters.

(One exception was the young child Fergus,who had the misfortune to have such bad parents.)

It's saving grace,and the best 'character' of all,was the beautiful Cumbrian settings.

A bunch of unpleasant people who seemingly deserve every misfortune that befalls them.
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CGI overload.
20 December 2021
I cannot share some of my fellow reviewer's enthusiasm for this film. It's probably a generation thing since I am no longer a teenager obsessed with my smartfone and play video games until I'm bug-eyed.

It does score highly in the CGI department,not surprisingly. It has the look,feel and sound of a computer game.

However,there is little else to engage even the tiniest part of the brain;(probably why it's so appealing to today's teens).

There is no real story to speak of. The acting is adequate. Tom Holland is suitably cute in the titular role,but the actors are really subordinate to the effects.

If constantly loud computer generated fights and explosions are your thing then this film scores highly.

Otherwise,unless you're a braindead teen,I'd give it a miss.
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The spirit of Ed Wood.
18 December 2021
I strangely enjoyed this film,even though I shouldn't have.

It's 'Plan 9 From Outer Space' for the 21st century.

Every imaginable cliche of the genre is brought into play,together with a script that's unbelievably bad. The same can be said of most of the acting,which is clearly in AmDram territory.

What saves it from complete disaster is the sheer enthusiasm of all those involved. They are clearly enjoying themselves and give it as much as they can.

For this reason,above all others,I recommend it as harmless fun.

Definatley,as Ed Wood himself might say,it belongs in the category of 'so bad it's good'.
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Good Tidings (2016)
Happy Bloody Christmas.
16 December 2021
A decent rating for a decent effort,as long as you like films about psychos running amok with machetes and knives causing death by beheadings,along with gore aplenty.

The effects were pretty good and for once,the acting was too.

The whole is rather like 'Die Hard' in reverse,in that the putative hero ultimately fails and relies on another character to save the day.

Very entertaining,if you're into that sort of thing.
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The Hitcher (2007)
Seeing is not believing.
15 December 2021
On the grounds that serious movies are helped by having a certain amount of believability,this film fails miserably.

From beginning to end it is totally ridiculous.

Sean bean aquits himself well as a menacing and murdering presence,and if you're a gore fan then you may enjoy it up to a point...but seeing characters doing things that are clearly out of their percieved character renders the whole affair absurd and,in places,quite laughable.
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Storage 24 (2012)
A real British horror.
9 December 2021
Unlike many American efforts,(that promise far more than they deliver),this film deserved the genre title of 'horror'.

The makers came up with a genuinely scary monster and the overall production values were high,as was the acting. There were plenty of gory kill scenes to satisfy fans.

What surprised me most was the ending,which I didn't see coming,and which seems to call out for a sequel with an even bigger budget. From the evidence here,I believe one such would do very well.

How about it Mr Clarke?
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Don't go down any holes today!
8 December 2021
Not a bad film and it had it's fair share of twists and scares. Those who are claustrophobic will 'benefit' more from the setting.

It borrows liberally from 'The Descent' and 'Jaws',but despite that,it was a worthwhile watch,and the actors were effective in conveying their peril.

As others have said,the ending felt as though it was stuck on as an afterthought,but it didn't detract from overall enjoyment of the film.
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The Strangers (2008)
Another unsatisfying climax.
7 December 2021
Yet another so-called horror film that leaves unanswered questions,and therefore ultimatley unsatisfying.

It manages to create tension and provide a few jumpy moments,otherwise it seems like a homework piece for the director to experiment with shock video techniques without actually going anywhere.

A story,of whatever kind,should have a conclusion.

Who were these strangers,and why did they do what they did?..we shall never know. All of which means that watching was a complete waste of time.
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