
39 Reviews
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Father Brown (2013– )
Great .........
14 February 2023
... up to to a point and that point is season 9. Season 10 is where it all rapidly goes down hill. Father Brown himself stays the same, along with Goodfellow, but the replacements characters that were needed to fil the gaps left by Sorcha Cusack, Nancy Carroll and Emer Kenny are just dreadful. The only shining moment in this season was John Light as Flambeau, who put in a sterling performance as usual. How he never got his own series I will never know. My honest suggestion is, that if you haven't already watched it, then please do as it's very enjoyable, just stop at the end of season 9, you'll be doing yourself a favour.
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The Rookie: Feds (2022–2023)
10 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Trying to be a comedy (at least I think it is) and failing miserably. A terrible lead character who thinks rules don't apply to her because she is soooo much better/smarter than everyone else, combined with a high pitched whiny voice that could strip paint, is not a good combination. I'm not sure if the boobs-on-show thing is designed to stop you from paying too much attention to how bad the plot is, or if it's supposed to make you think it empowers her is some confusing way. I think it's to distract you from how bad the plot is.. Anyway, she abandons her post on first day and doesn't get fired on the spot, that should tell you how bad this is going to get. I'd have given it a zero if I could have.
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Dynasty (2017–2022)
Loved it up to a point...
3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
.until it went the way of the Woke. I ddin't care that they made Sammy Jo gay, I understand they they have to keep the liberals happy and remind us that there are gay people out there, just in case we forgot in the 20 seconds since we were last reminded, but now Kirby is bisexual too !? And what were they thinking with the Dex actor? Dex Dexter, the one character who should have been a full on macho hetrosexual male is reduced to being Alexis's effeminate handbag carrier. Even Michael seems to have been reduced to a simpering weak and neurotic mess. Alexis and Fallon used to be entertaining, but even their characters have been down graded to purile childishness. It's a shame,.as this was my guilty pleasure but now it's just a waste of my time.
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The Gray Man (2022)
Don't do it to yourself
28 July 2022
If you haven't already wasted 2 hours of your life on this, I would suggest that you don't, because it is laughably bad. Kudos 'tho to Chris Evans, for keeping a straight face through it, he did well in that respect. I'm a bit disappointed that the writers didn't go the whole hog and give him a proper Snidely Whiplash moustache in their attempt to create the perfect bad guy cliche.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Ok, up to a point.
11 July 2022
I really enjoyed seasons 1 and 2, season 3 wasn't so good and season 4 is nothing but liberal, box ticking drivel. It would appear that the writers at the end of season 2 were instructed to remind us that even in space, there are minorities who must be pandered to. Too much touchy feely emotonal rubbish and not nealry enough action, which is a shame, because this show had potential.
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The Lazarus Project (2022–2023)
Laughably bad
20 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this for Tom Burke and because the previews looked quite promising. It didn't take long to realise I'd been misled. The constant backwards, forwards and backwards again, will leave your head spinning and the idea that a normal member of the public can suddenly morph into a super agent, is beyond ridiculous. With the exception of Tom the acting is terrible and if it gets a second season I'll be gobsmacked.
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Kördügüm (2016)
It's not too bad
13 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched Kara Para Ask and this came up as a recommendation once I'd finished it. I'm halfway through season 2 and it's been good up until now, but the perpetual whining of Naz and Kaan is really starting to get annoying. I'm find myself fast forwarding through their scenes. Everyone else is fine, I really like the bad guy Murat and the plot is jogging along but if aliens were to arrive and beam Naz and Kaan away to their ship, then disappear, it would be greatly improved.
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21 March 2022
If you are expecting this to have the appeal and quaint charm of Father Brown then save yourself the bother of watching it, because it is truly dreadful. I gave it a 1 for the actor who used to be in Spooks, he deserves better than this rubbish.
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Screw (2022–2023)
More liberal garbage
28 January 2022
Boo hoo hoo poor prisoners. The premise was quite good, but there is way too much emphasis on what is supposedly wrong with prisons and the treatment of the convicts. The people who wrote this drivel seem to have forgotten that prison is supposed to be a punishment .Can't fault the cast 'tho, they were excellent.
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Pretty Hard Cases (2021–2023)
21 January 2022
Purile nonsense. Much like Brooklyn 999., you'll probably find it ok, as long as you're no older than 20. Other than that, the first 15 minutes of episode one, will tell you it's not worth wasting any more time on.
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The Tourist (2022–2024)
okay I suppose
7 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Only let down was the ending, Elliot tells Helen he was the accountant for Kostas's organisation, but it seems ridiculous that an acocuntant would be responsible for finding drug mules and seeing them off or collecting them at the airport, I'm pretty sure drug bosses have henchmen for that sort of thing, so that just made the angst driven ending seem totally ridiculous.
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Ragdoll (2021)
28 December 2021
Not very good at all. It's one of those programs where you get to see all the good bits in the previews. Acting was OK, American character was very annoying 'tho.
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Black Money Love (2014–2015)
Enjoyed it
28 September 2021
Saw this on Netflix in UK and as subtitles don't bother me I thought I'd give it a try. I was hooked from the first episode and as I'm off work sick, I've watched all 54 epsiodes in a week ! Plot is good (sometime a bit longwinded to be fair) and acting is ok, especially when when compared to some of the drivel on UK tv. I think I will look up other Turkish thing to watch now.
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Devils (2020– )
23 February 2021
Even if you know absolutely nothing about the world of finance (like me) it's still easy enough to understand what's going on in their cut throat world.

Really enjoyed this, so much so that I binged the whole lot in one sitting, because I knew I'd never sleep for wondering what was going to happen next. Great plot, good acting and edge of the seat tension.
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ZeroZeroZero (2019–2020)
A brilliant watch
9 February 2021
In a world where most TV shows are now laughably bad due to their ridiculous liberal agendas, it's nice to watch something that feels real. Bloody, brutal and gripping. Do yourself a favour and watch it.
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Spiral (2005–2020)
29 January 2021
Found this by accident and I'm so glad I did. Great acting on all counts, brilliant, gritty stories and no liberal drivel to bring it down. Normally when I watch a show, I reach for my laptop and start browsing, but this keeps my full attention and I'm hooked. The 2 female leads are especially outstanding (love the policewoman and HATE the lawyer so much), but there really isn't a bad character amongst them. Probably not for people with a queasy stomach, as some of the scenes are quite gruesome for the BBC. I guess the French TV censors aren't as narrow minded and squeamish as our own are.
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Ghosts (2019–2023)
Best laugh in a long time.
25 December 2020
Daft but brilliant. Thought I wouldn't like it but I actually love it. All the characters are great, but Robin the Neandertha steals the show andl has me splitting my sides. Long may it continue.
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The Third Day (2020)
Do yourself a favour and avoid.
26 September 2020
I can't think of one single thing to commend it for. The plot is slow and the acting is terrible. so clear your gutters or worm your dog, either way your time will be better spent.
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The Immortal (2019)
3 September 2020
Loved Gomorrah and was worried this wouldn't live up to the same standard but thankfully my fears were unfounded. Writing and acting were both amazing and now it's made me want more.
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FBI (2018– )
Save yourself the bother.
27 July 2020
I had high hopes for this when it first came out and season 1 wasn't initially too bad. Pity it didn't last. Season 2 has gone the way of Designated Survivor's season 3 and it is complete and utter cliched liberal drivel.
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Ultraviolet (2017– )
Loved it.
20 June 2020
I'm not exactly up to speed with all that exists in the world of modern technology and all that can be done with such gadgets, but I love watching this. It's very interesting in how they use social media and readily available (well, some times anyway ) information to connect the dots and solve the crimes. If you can suspend your belief that the police would let these people get away with inserting themselves into active crimes then you'll enjoy it. I think this may be the first show I've ever come across where I haven't disliked a single character ! I'm watching it with subtitles as it isn't dubbed, but it doesn't bother me one bit,
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Chesapeake Shores (2016–2022)
Ok viewing for a rainy afternoon.
3 June 2020
It won't tax your brain cells and it's a lot more sugary sweet than the usual kind of thing I watch, but it's entertaining enough. I'm at the end of season one and the only real downside I can see is the awful whiny character of Jess.
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Gangs of London (2020– )
Gut churning but epic !
7 May 2020
Loved it from start to finish. The only thing I disagree with in the other reviews is the slating of Joe Cole's performance, as I found him to be eerily sinister. Fingers crossed for a season 2
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Avoid torturing yourself and don't watch it.
28 April 2020
As bad as everyone says it is and then some. Hoe the ever dreadful Forlani continues to get work, I just don't know. Bruce Willis must have lost a bet with someone and appearing in this was the price, there simply no other excuse for it. If you haven't already wasted your time on it. go worm you dog, mow the lawn or clear your gutters instead, you'll be glad you did.
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24 January 2020
I'm a big fan of Mark Strong, he's a brilliant actor and I usually watch something with his name in the credits, which is why I stumbled into this nonsense. If you haven't already wasted away some of your life to the tune of whatever the run time is on this, just don't. I can only assume Mr. Strong owed someone a huge favour, or simply lost a bet and the forfeit was to appear in this. It's so bad, it's actually painful to watch.
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