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A fun experience with an ending that made me sad
26 January 2024
Maybe it's you was a fun romantic comedy with great performances all around.

Unfortunalty, like some of the other reviewers said... its ending made me sad and I don't think it should have ended like that.

Basically best friends end up dating after they both become single. Their chemestry is amazing It ends up taking a turn for the worst when you see this amazing and fun guy turn into a total jerk bag. The stuff he ends up doing is so not fair and will most likely make you a little angry.

Id say it's totally worth a watch for our characters fun chemistry but be prepared to most liked now how it ends.
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A masterpiece on all levels
3 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Legendary director David Decoteau, mastermind behind films like 90210 Shark Attack, Bikini Goddesses, Beach Babes 2: Cave Girl Island and the incredible Sorority Babes in the Slimeball Bowl-O-Rama trilogy brings the world another 100 million dollar budget Hollywood blockbuster. Unfortunately Santa's Summer House was a wee bit disappointing. It wasn't the killer action movie that was advertised and I was hoping for.

It stars 5 of the most legendary action stars ever: Daniel Bernhardt from John Wick, Atomic Blonde, Matrix Reloaded and Bloodsport 2/3/4.

Gary Daniel's from The Expendables, Tekken, Fist of the North Star and The Legend of Bruce Lee.

Cynthia Rothrock from Undefeatable, Mercenaries, Tiger Claws, Lady Dragon and Martial Law.

Kathy Long and Chris Mitchum also did a bunch of martial arts films

On a long car ride to a resort, our group teleports to Santa's summer house and is greeted by Mrs Claus played by Cynthia with an Oscar worthy performance. They end up celebrating Christmas during the summer... picking names for gifts out of a hat, truly enjoying each others company.

To my surprise the movie lacks any brutal fight scenes what so ever however it had a CRAZY 20 minute boys vs girls croquet match with killer Christmas music playing in the background like Jingle Bells. And the girls won. No way! Now the boys have to do the dishes!

Well eventually Santa shows each person old letters they wrote to him as kids and it brings the family together better than ever. A truly heartwarming experience that would put even the most bad a$& dude to tears.

Santa's Summer House, although lacking the action scenes it so blatantly advertises, is a powerful, special effects ridden, high budget masterpiece that'll keep you on the edge of your seat all 90 minutes! It's on YouTube.
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Nigel Bach yet again rocks this.
20 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
In my opinion, the Haunted Highway is my favorite Bad Ben. It's so hilarious and goofy you just can't help but love it.

Nigel Bach is always hilarious in these movies and his dialogue and personality are bar none some of the funniest things ever. I don't believe for a second that most of his dialogue was so not scripted. Bach directed it and clearly just had free range and did what ever he wanted.

There's an absolutely hilarious part where Nigel meets a doppelgänger of himself in the middle of the woods and their interaction is amazing.

What makes his character so good is that he's so used to being attacked and haunted, he just treats it like it's nothing. Like the ghost could smash him so hard that he flies backward with full force and all Nigel has to say is "oh cmon! Ef you! Don't ef with me!"

The Bas Ben movies are a load of fun and this one may be my favorite. It's so worth checking out.
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I haven't laughed this hard in a long time
3 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is obviously a comedy and it shows with Nigel Bach's absolutely ludicrous performance. He basically spends the entire movie getting trolled by ghosts and demons and his overacting and dialogue are so hilarious. He has such a way with words.

There are so many goofy parts in this film that'll make you die from laughter. Parts like when the ghost throws a fake pumpkin at him which knocks him to the ground.

He runs into a closed door and flies backwards. There's a character in the film that's literally just a floating head. There just so many dumb yet funny things.

What makes a lot of these goofy scenes so good is Nigel's reaction. There's a part where the ghost prints what it typed on the computer. Then the ghost prints one sheet that says "f$&@ you" so Nigel responds "f$&@ me? No f$&@ you!" It's just stuff like this that makes this one of my favorite bad Ben films. It's worth checking out!
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Camp Massacre (2014)
I don't have words to describe this experience.
28 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So the basic premise is a bunch of fat guys go and do a "reality" show to lose weight and win money. Well the kicker there is a serial killer picking them off one by one. That's about it.

I can't tell you how entirely cringey this movie is. It's really hard to watch. The contestants interactions with each other can be so awful but then they bring out a few absolutely zingers of dialogue that had my actually laughing really hard.

The murders are pretty much as lame and low budget as you'd think but some of them are actually really funny. They introduce Al Snow's character who happens to be there For the only apparent reason of making fun of them for being fat. He's absolutely ridiculous. But let me say, the stupid fight scene with the killer he has is just so hilariously stupid but also clever in a lot of ways.

And that's the thing with the movie... it has no budget and clearly no one of film knowledge doing anything with this film yet it manages to be extremely entertaining at times and downright clever. It's shocking to say the least.

One of the contestants I thought was prolly the funniest was the bald dude with the beard.

Overall, it's really a movie I can't recommend to most people but it would make a totally fun time if you're looking for something on the so bad it's good genre.
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A few laughs here and there but overall pretty bad
1 February 2021
I really liked the cast for this movie so I ended up watching it on Tubi. Mr Baldwin has actually quite a bit of screen time along with Vern Troyer. The story is about the mayor (Baldwin) who legalized weed in town and grows his own stash to sell at actual stores. He's completely in debt with The Chief (Keith David) 270k and Vern's character like 2million plus. Everyone betrays everyone a whole bunch of times. The mayors 2 daughters run a store and they narrate the film. A lot of the movies jokes fall flat.... hard. The 2 main girls try so hard to be funny but they just can't do it. Baldwin is actually pretty decent in this and David really doesn't have much screen time. The movie also has a bunch of where the audio if clearly dubbed. There was a part in the beginning where the two main girls are driving a car where one girls audio is fine but the other is so quite you can't even hear what's she's saying. It was really weird. Overall it was pretty disappointing... not that I was expecting much to begin with.
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Stoic (2009)
Wow. Uwe Boll made something really good
5 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Director Uwe Boll is well known for his terrible movies. I heard about this one a while a go and read the story and decided to watch it. It may be weird but I sort of find these types of movies fascinating in a way. It's just crazy to see what a human being is capable of.

This is based off an actual incident in Seigburg Germany I think in 2006. Tells the story of 4 cell mates that start to pick on one of them. Where playful insults turn into some truly disgusting and awful things. The poor guy is completely helpless because he's getting beat up for hours on end by his 3 other cell mates and can't fend for himself.

SPOILERS If you don't know the story, the roommates hurt him so much they decide to hang him and make it look like a suicide. They do just that. It's sad that the 3 other guys did some. Messed up stuff to get in there and the hanging man was only in there for 60 months.

I will say the performances are EXCELLENT, the music is great and I read it's most improved dialogue as well. Props to them

Uwe Boll has done a good thing here. The movie puts out what it wants to say and tell us a story of prolly one we would have heard of. It's not a movie for everyone. It's hard to watch, but def worth a viewing
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Concrete (2004)
Hard film to watch it
26 July 2020
I'm fully aware of pretty much all the details of the terribly sad Junko case. Much like the Lykans case made as a terrifying movie: The Girl Next Door. It's just hard to believe human beings could do this to another human being. The movie does not show anything close to what poor Junko had to go through. It's so sad. The movie itself is incredibly sad. Those of you interested in murder mysteries will find a movie like this fascinating. Not in a good way. Movies like this don't show the power a victim has to go through, and this was hard enough to watch as it is. It's just so amazing (sad) to see what people can do. RIP Junko
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I was excited to see the director of the Butcher back for his second film
13 June 2020
Back in 2007, first time director Kim Jin-Won created an one of the most brutal films ever made. The Butcher was a snuff film entirely in first person. The two characters are strapped to chairs, giving helmets with cameras on them and brutally tortured in first person. The three men doing the torturing were filming their every move using handheld cameras.

This film was incredibly brutal and very real feeling. The director has not made another film since that. I was incredibly pumped to see that this director has made this new film for Shudder.

Unfortunately his new film isn't really great. They have some decent jump scares, great environments and the effects looked pretty good, however it has a lot of horror cliche's and the ending doesn't really do the film too much justice.

I think the film is worth a watch at least. I enjoyed it for what it was, I just wish it was better.

The Butcher was a better film. It was clever and unique for its time. Whilst it doesn't hold up too generously now a days, it still a cult classic.
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An incredible cast ruined by not giving them any screen time.
25 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers

With a cast including legends Cary Tagawa (mortal kombat), the amazing Bolo Yeung (bloodsport, double impact, enter the dragon), Tommy Lister (fifth element, Friday), mike Madsen (any Tarantino film pretty much) and Don Wilson (tons of (90s action movies). Armand Assante and Peter o tool are prolly the movies biggest know actors.

This cast is AWESOME. Lemme go on record and say I was so happy to see BOLO Yeung back. Guess what? He has about 5 minutes of screen time. I swear I caught him standing, sleeping in the background.

This movie is basically an Armand Assante fest. He has some of the most screen time. Which is fine, but with such a big supporting cast, why no use them.

They kill off Tommy Lister, Peter o tool and mike madsen with in minutes of them making an appearance. Cary Tagawa is prolly the movies best performance. He's really ruthless but he's only in it for about a third of the movie.

So on to the movie: it try's very hard to be super stylistic and it does succeed sometimes but most of the time it borderlines dumb. The budget is obviously low and it really shows with what the movie sets out to do. The story is passable and with a bigger budget, could have been pretty cool in the hands of a better team. There is a pretty annoying love story thrown in the mix also, which is pretty much just cringe worthy and though to watch at some points.

The cast is really good but underutilized and it's sort of grind house style of goes for would have been so much better if a better team was behind it. I think it's worth a watch, but you prolly won't have any interest in watching it again.
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The Final (I) (2010)
It's a solid premise but just handled very poorly
28 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst I don't condone this, it's a crazy and somewhat interesting idea for a film. A bunch of bullied kids in high school... and I do mean bullied horribly... set up a "party" to get all those that bullied them drugged and tortured. I can see being like a saw film in the way the story goes. The problem I had with it is that the actual filming can for from 10/10 to 1/10 in an instant.

Some of the torture scenes look solidly shot and others it just blatantly shows how bad it really is.

The acting is hit an miss. One character is good, then the next scene absolutely terrible.

I feel under a more talented director and a bigger budget, this would be a hit over here. But is that a good thing? After all the stuff that has happened after all these years, it may not be a good idea.
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Flight 666 (2018)
A fun little horror movie
2 October 2018
By all means, this film is very low budget, doesn't make much sense and quite terrible in almost every aspect. But I had a lot of fun with it. I consider myself a fan of actors Jose Rosete (severely underrated actor imo) and action star Paul Logan. Seeing these two buff heroes in the same movie made me quite happy. They aren't fighting or blowing stuff up. Just in the film and they both do a great job with what they have. The company behind the film is the notorious Asylum. The Asylum is known for ripping off big budget movies using a very similar name and a next to nothing budget. I didn't expect much from this when I saw that logo pop on.

To my surprise I had a lot of fun watching it. It was cheesy, bad effects, mostly terrible acting from a few of the people on the plane... but it was a fun ride. It's a movie that became my background movie when I'm not paying attention.

I think it's worth a shot and if you like cheese, you'll prolly enjoy it as much as I did.
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A surprisingly effect horror movie and a great sequel to a great film.
22 September 2018
Hell House was a great slow burn of a horror movie. It's setting was pretty darn creepy and the props/costumes/bad guys they have... the scares... were pretty effective and most of them didn't feel cheap. Hell house 2 is a much faster paced film. It's shows different group(s) of people getting killed by the house during a interview of the survivor of the first one. It's basically a film trying to portray what happened was real but he's also getting called a liar so he can promote his film and make more money. It cycles through different footage after the bad guy lawyer and the medium ask him questions and the interviewee asks them to try and explain said footage. Eventually he gets convinced to go back to the hotel and it's a pretty fun (some good dry humor with one of the characters), and surprisingly effect scares and moments.

I think it's hard to say which one is better because one is a slow burn and the other is much faster paced and shows a bigger budget. But I may say the sequel would be better.

I'd certainly recommend checking it out and I can't wait for the third one!
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I Spit on your Grave meets captivity
10 August 2018
I enjoyed the movie for what it was: 2 chicks get kidnapped and put inside crates outside, get sexually molested for days, manage to escape and then get revenge on their evil doers. Nothing more, nothing less. However a unique little addition to it was their uncle who came to the town to try and find them. This added some humor to the film.

I'd classify it as a very dark comedy. It wasn't really funny until they escape and then it turns into a bloodbath and bad jokes.

The movie is far from original, but has a lot to be enjoyed about it. I'd say if you enjoyed I Spit On Your Grave, you'll enjoy this film.

Yes ISOYG is veru vulgar and pretty much a niche genre.
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Hack House (2017)
Considering the zero budget, it's actually a very good attempt.
10 August 2018
I can see a lot of style in this film. A lot of 80s noire makes itself present. Lots of close shots, rad music and violence make it pretty fun. However the budget does show. Thr story is flawed and the characters make some really stupid choices but thy are damn well devoted to making it work. Some of the actors I really enjoyed seeing on screen.

I appreciate what hard work these guys put into it without any money to fund it. It's truly impressive in that matter. Unfortunalty it's not cheesy enough or clever enough to really take off. I'll def say it's fun and you'll be laughing quite a few times, but it doesn't quite take off.

I can see the talent of the director and damn man, give this guy a budget and I'd bet he could truly make a work of art
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One of the greatest action movies ever made
5 October 2012
The Raid has been called the greatest action movie ever made. Is this true? Well i'd easily say its one of the best i've ever seen.

The Raid is about a group of 20 cops that infiltrate a drug lords apartment complex and are sent their to kill him and stop their operation. During the attack, the team is found out, and now the entire building's residence are out to kill them.While the plot isn't anything special, its more then serviceable for the incredible action scenes, cinematography and tight direction.

As soon as the cops enter the apartment, you'll immediately notice how dirty and sometimes even scary the place is. It's a dump. People are doing cocaine without even caring that they have their own urine on them, there are bug and rats everywhere, and even bloodstains on the walls and floors. It's extremely immersive and downright freaky.

The gun fights feel real. The cops and tenants are not hesitant to fire their weapons, and they do it in a way that is intelligent. Three round bursts and head shots. The cops start getting completely over run and now have no more ammo. This is where the movie shows off the talent of the cast. Rama, played by Iko Uwais, shows off his fighting style of Silat which has never been shown in movies before. Its a brutal fighting style with lots of quick jabs and kicks. After the first fight scene your jaw will have dropped.

The movie started out with the cops in a truck on their way to the apartment complex. They are chatting about the mission and the captain talks about the three main leaders. Tama(the crime lord) and his two body guards Andi and Mad Dog. Mad Dog is explained as an absolute killing machine and would easily lay his life on the line for his boss. Little do we know as viewers, Mad Dog is actually the really skinny and short guy who doesn't have an once of fat on him.

"Pulling the trigger is like ordering takeout...this is what its all about. This is the thing. This is the pulse, This. Is what I do." Mad Dog clenching a fist and challenging The Captain as he unloads his pistol.

His first fight is against the captain. Here you will notice how fast and talented these guys are. The sheer brutality of the fight will drop your jaw even further.

During this last hour, you won't be able to take your eyes off the screen. In different and equally creepy parts of the apartment complex, each fight still feels fresh and fun. All of these lead to and amazing two on one fight. Rama (and another unarmed person who i won't say because it would spoil it) fight Mad Dog. It is seriously one of the greatest fight scenes ever made.

The fights feel very real and luckily never use any wires. The action is all done by the actors themselves. What also surprised my was how amazing the score was. All the music was done by Mike Shinoda of Linkin Park( which I'm not really a fan of). But to my surprise, his score was absolutely perfect. Equally tense, creepy and fitting.

The Raid: Redemption is easily one of the best action movies ever made and by far the best martial arts movie out there. If you're looking for an adrenaline rush, look no further. The Raid will have you glued to the screen with your jaw dropped to the floor.

5/5 The Blu Ray

The Picture: The picture does look very crisp, however most of the movie takes place in fairly dark areas. It's not the best picture i've seen from a blu ray, but definitely worth the upgrade from DVD. 3.5/5

The Audio: Very crisp sounding. Each punch comes in clear and the soundtrack by Mike Shinoda sounds incredible on Blu Ray. 4.5/5

Decision: Buy
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A Fun Ride with a few story problems
5 October 2012
Grave Encounters 2

The first Grave Encounters was a horror phenomenon from 2011. A VOD(video on demand) release, and limited theatrical, that scared the pants off tons of people. Grave Encounters 2 takes place almost ten years after it.

For those of you not familiar with the first one, its about a group of paranormal investigators, called Grave Encounters, set to film the final episode of their show. In the beginning it's clearly shown that the TV show is a pretty big failure. None of the cast actually believe in the paranormal and are clearly just doing it for the money.

Grave Encounters 2 takes the " it's real and we need to prove it" style.

Film student and reviewer Alex does a negative video review of the original film. He receives a message on his YouTube channel from one known as "Death Awaits" explaining that the film is real with links to websites explaining it. He becomes obsessed with the film and wants to find out if Grave Encounters is real or not.

He decides to phone Lances mother ( Lance was the spokesman who apparently died from the first film) and she invites them over for an interview with her son. After being invited into her home, Alex's crew sets up for an interview and asks to speak with Lance.

"He will be right back!" "Can we check out his room?"

The group gets kicked out of the room by the house sitter. After they explain they got permission from Lance's mother, the house sitter says that she has had dementia for over 10 years and her son has been missing for almost a decade.

Alex sets up an interview with the producer of the first film who says he will talk to him off camera. Alex sneaks a very small black and white camera with him to the interview.

"We never changed anything, outside of a few special effects that were added." Admitting that it was actually real.

Alex thinks to himself: "None of the actors were in other movies before or after this. Everyone was reported missing. Not a single member was found."

Alex gets another message from "Death Awaits" giving him the exact longitude and latitude of the building and says for him and his friends to meet him inside the building at 3am. He decides to bring his four friends and crew with him to meet "Death Awaits" inside the building to have an interview with him.

When they arrive, a cop immediately stops them and tells them to leave, demanding the tape they are filming on. They speedily drive away and almost run the cop over in the process.

They decide to go to the building at about 1am to get some footage before meeting up with "Death Awaits".

Walking to the front door, they notice the phrase "Death Awaits" on the door. They use bolt cutters to get into the building. After setting up multiple cameras throughout the building and doing some EVP readings, they get nothing.

Closing in on 3am, they go to meet their contact "Death Awaits". They wait for about over an hour but he doesn't show. Alex's friend Jennifer notices an Ouija board under some newspapers. They decide to use it. "Is there anyone here with us?" The board immediately spells out "Death Awaits". The events start going nuts from there.

The first Grave Encounters took the slow approach. It started slow and built suspense until its awesome final act. The 2nd Grave Encounters doesn't do that. It hits you hard 30 minutes into it and doesn't let go. It's much faster paced then the original.

The ghosts are even more creepy this time around and there are a lot more appropriate jump scares. I also liked how they brought in some footage from the original.

After a few deaths, the rest of the crew ends up finding Lance Preston. He's apparently been hiding in the building for over nine years. What has he been doing? And why?

This is where the film takes a turn for the worst. It's tries far to hard to weave the two movies together. It's explanation isn't very clear and doesn't make much sense. It's hard to review it without giving much away now.

"You must finish the film!"

It seems the director took many ideas from Chronicle as well. There were parts where the camera floated behind someone and gathered footage. There was a part in Chronicle when the main character used his telekinetic powers to grab everyone's cameras and have them rotate around him while filming. Grave Encounters 2 does just that. Something grabs all of the available cameras and has them film everything around Lance. It looked exactly like Chronicle.

I look at the film in four acts, and its the 3rd act that messes up the film from being the brilliant horror sequel it wants and could have been. The 3rd act ruins the pacing and gives us answers that don't make much sense and just aren't explained logically.

That being said I still enjoyed it a lot. The film makers managed to take the exact same location from the 1st one and bring in a lot of great new ideas. It was generally scary and very fast paced. The acting was really good too, especially from characters Alex and Lance. While I'm sure you could have fun with it without seeing the first one, I would highly recommend watching the first one before this. There are loads of references and you need to be familiar with certain characters to fully understand the ending.

Overall it's a fast paced thrill ride full of great performances and lots of scary moments.
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V/H/S (2012)
The Best Found Footage Film ever made
5 October 2012
V/H/S is created as an anthology. A group of young guys are paid to go into a house and steal a particular tape. During this time, one of the guys finds a stack of tapes located in a room with a seemingly dead older man sitting in a chair. There starts the viewing of the tapes.

There are 5 segments each created by a different director(including my man Ti West).

What really puts this movie above everything else in its genre, is its ability to do something different. Each segment has a different and creative way to use the "found footage" style. The first one was done with a group of guys going to a bar trying to hook up with girls. He has a camera actually built in his glasses so you see everything he sees. The last segment was during Halloween in which another group of young guys are off to a Halloween party. The way they do the footage here, is that the camera is located the bear outfits head(being worn by one of the guys).

My personal favorite style used, was a sort of "face-time" style. All the video shown was through a webcam on a laptop. In the bottom right was the person the young girl was talking to. This part was created so brilliantly. It didn't have to rely on gimmicks to completely shock the crap out of me. While not my favorite segment, it's style is unmatched in anything I've ever seen.

The movie is extremely violent to the level of disturbingly realistic. I also liked that the camera doesn't "mess up" during action parts. A lot of other movies use certain camera glitches that block a lot of what's going on. While V/H/S has these, they are not used in important scenes. They are used really well and are fitting to what's going on but not once was used as a way to screw us over as a viewer.

I'm not sure what the budget was on this, but it looked perfect for what it was trying to do. It had low resolution cameras(on purpose of course. Since these are.... VHS tapes) but everything else looked high end. The gore looks real, and a lot of effects used and make up looks really top notch. The last segment, my favorite, shows off more of the budget. It was done so incredibly well and in only a few shots. I was shocked at how they were able to pull certain things off without a camera take. V/H/S is that masterpiece of horror cinema not many will watch. It's filmed brilliantly, well acted, very violent, the effects are top notch and the movie is so damn good at creating suspense with great camera work and characters.

I'd recommend V/H/S to anyone who likes horror movies and can deal with excessive and real violence. I know many people are sick of the "found footage" style of films, but V/H/S adds so much originality and brilliance to that style, that it should not be over looked.
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An absolute blast
5 October 2012
The Expendables 2 The Expendables advertised itself as a trip back to the 80's where we had some of the best action movies ever. Some of the greatest action stars were at the peaks of their careers: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Jean Claude Van Damme and Chuck Norris were the biggest and baddest dudes on the planet. While the Expendables did give us a fun ride, most people thought it could have been better.

The Expendables 2 surpasses the first film in every way possible. It is exactly what you expect: old action stars kicking ass. Extremely violent fights, lots of explosions, plenty of great one liners and loads of action and old movie references.

"Wow this plane belongs in a museum." Stallone "So do we." Arnold

Added to the cast are Van Damme, Scott Adkins, Chuck Norris, Liam Hemsworth and Nan Yu. We were also promised much more screen time for Arnold and Bruce. Van Damme plays the bad guy with Scott Adkins as his body guard. He kills one of Barney's(Stallone) men and sets off to get his revenge. While the story is pretty standard, its more then serviceable for the action.

"Whats the Plan?" Statham "Track 'em, find 'em, kill 'em." Stallone

What made this movie so much fun was that it was completely self aware. It knows what fans of the cast want to see. Pure cheese. Arnold and Willis have some truly epic dialog, a lot referencing their older movies. Chuck Norris is not in the movie for to much, but every minute he is on screen, is just so brilliantly done. Any person who watched old Chuck movies will instantly get all the puns and jokes that are said to him.

"You're gonna need more men if you're gonna get through this one." Chuck "Can we count on you're help?" Stallone "I work better as a Lone Wolf." Chuck

Van Damme and Scott Adkins make an amazing duo as the bad guys. Van Damme is still in amazing shape and shows off a lot of classic moves he used to do in his old movies such as his world famous spinning back kick. He has a stand-off with Stallone at the end, which is one of the coolest fights in recent memories. Hearing Van Damme smack talk Stallone as he beats up on him, brings back a lot of great memories from his characters in Replicant and Double Impact.

"Im out of bullets!" Van Damme "That's your problem!" Stallone

Van Damme walks out unarmed. "Do you want to shoot me like a dog? Or fight me like a man?"

Scott Adkins who is most known for his amazing athleticism and fighting style from the Undisputed movies, gets a chance to show off how skilled and quick he is as he has a brutal fight with Jason Statham at the end.

The Expendables 2 was easily the most enjoyable theater experience i've ever had and my favorite movie of 2012. It has the greatest action stars of all time, its paced perfectly, has amazing and over the top action scenes, and is absolutely hilarious. It was a massive crowd pleaser and took my back to the good olé days of action movies.
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