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Interstellar (2014)
Excellent movie, but annoying soundtrack
29 September 2017
I would give the movie an 8, except for the sound track. While the music itself is good, it made some parts hard to hear the dialogue and other parts it was just irritating, enough that it made it hard to enjoy the move. Nolan says this was intentional, and I appreciate what he was trying to do. But I thought it detracted from the film's enjoyment.
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Good production value, but poor plot
20 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen every episode of SG-1, and it was nice to finally get closure on the Ori storyline. The production value is very high, and i'm looking forward to the next movie.

Unfortunately, it seemed like one long episode - and I didn't care for the plot. First off, it seemed too easy to have some magical ark that instantly converts all the worshippers into non-believers. Second, I didn't like bringing back the replicators - the Replicator-ship-takeover was done a dozen times in the series, and was a bad move imo. Third, what's w/ the replicator zombie? That was really cheesy, and actually made me laugh at one point. Finally, I think a Jack O'Neill appearance would've made it much better.

In conclusion, this is a must-see for any SG-1 fan. But it may be disappointing to some.
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Wide Awake (2006)
Good doc about insomnia
26 June 2007
I had a bout w/ insomnia quite a few years ago, and this movie really does hit the nail on the head. Turned out worrying and stress were the cause, and I learned to relax and finally fall asleep. But this movie definitely brought back memories.

I can only hope Alan finally found some methods that helped him get some sleep. I've found that exercise, drinking warm milk or herbal tea before bed and not working right before bedtime really helps (try relaxing before bed by reading fiction or watching TV). I would also recommend he stop taking sleeping pills, though I'm sure the doctors have done that or at least managed his prescription better.
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Star Wars: Revelations (2005 Video)
Great FX, so-so story, horrible acting
1 August 2005
I'm trying real hard to judge this movie based on the fact that's it's fan-film and had virtually no budget, but it's tough.

Impressive special effects, the story is OK i guess, and plenty of cool costumes. But trying to watch this movie amidst the horrible acting and dialogue is definitely a test of patience. If I were making a film like this, I wouldn't be in it - because I know i suck at acting. I would find some friend or family member who at least semi-decent and cast them. I'm sure the fame and fortune would be enough to make up for the non-existent salary ;) But seriously, I appreciate the film for what it is - but I can't give it more than 5/10 stars.....
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Not terribly funny, and boring
18 July 2005
I rented this upon recommendation from a friend, he claimed it was weird but cool or something. And it was either this or the pianist, so we didn't feel like getting depressed.

It has a star-studded cast: murray, Wilson, houston, defoe, blanchett - but it doesn't help. The acting is decent enough, but the story lacks interest and it doesn't really keep you watching. I found myself looking at my watch a few times.

In addition, it's supposed to be a comedy but there are only like 3 semi-funny parts. The rest are just bland and sometimes stupid. The story is original enough, but overall it's just not an entertaining movie.

Skip this one....
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Book or not, it's just a really bad movie
17 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
If you're looking for a remake of the original movie, you'll be greatly disappointed. I have no idea if it's closer to the book since I never read it, but I don't really care. Two of my friends were baked and they hated it also. Johnny Depp came no where near portraying this genuinely nutty recluse like Gene Wilder did, and the factory and oompaloompas did not have the magic, appeal or mystery of the original movie. And they removed one of the best scenes when charlie and his grandfather were floating from the fizzy lifting drink. The only really good scenes involved charlie's grandparents at home, they were really funny and I loved the one grandfather's comments about the other gold ticket winners. But in the end, i've never seen so many disappointed movie-goers.

If you really want to see it, save your 10 bucks and wait for the DVD.
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just not funny
28 April 2005
At least meet the parents had a few funny lines, even though the rest of the movie sucked.

But i cringed the whole way through meet the fockers. Not only did i only laugh maybe once, but it actually made me feel uncomfortable. The unstable relationship between idiot gaylord and jack was really annoying.

Of course he's gonna get into some stupid situation and make a fool of himself and jack will hate him even more, and the situations he gets into are not just absurd and ridiculous, but just not funny! And dustin Hoffman - man, what a great actor. But it's lost in this trash, he doesn't seem at all comfortable with the role, and of course was not funny either. Barbara Streisand is the only actor who felt relaxed and performed decently, and she was a bit humorous.

I honestly don't see how anyone can laugh at loud at this stuff - don't think i don't know comedy when i see it, i've seen a ton of comedies from the mel brooks films to the snl films, and i've definitely enjoyed watching them and laughed hysterically. But meet the fockers is a complete disappointment....

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Elektra (2005)
This movie sucked
6 April 2005
I'm a fairly big fan of comic movies. I luv the x-men flicks, spiderman, and looking forward to batman begins in a few months.

But this movie was a real stinker. The fighting choreography was boring. The movie didn't was too short, it could have spent an additional half-hour explaining the history of elektra, her master and the history of "the hand." The only redeeming quality was the acting....sorta.

Storywise, I was also disappointed. I mean, what's with the demons and crap? I woulda preferred the movie have no supernatural junk. I think it would have made for a better movie.

Alias is much better....

1/4 stars :(
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4 stars.... if not for the unrelenting gore
1 March 2004
This was a great movie - acting, visuals, dialogue (very little though). unfortunately, the message of hope, love and forgiveness were completely overshadowed and forgotten by the unrelenting 2 hours of gore and bloodshed. some friends said they cried, but i didn't cry at all - i mostly cringed. this movie had more beatings, blood (and guts!) and gratuitious violence then any movie I've seen in a long time - it's even worse than movies like Gladiator and Braveheart. It's definitely not a movie for kids or adults who are sensitive to such graphic images.

As for the plot, it was pretty much like I remember reading the in the bible and learning in church, aside from a few aspects that I thought were more Mel Gibson's interpretation. The whole controversy over who killed the jews (or which group was responsible for his death) and if the movie was anti-semetic went though my mind during most of the film. After seeing the film, it's quite clear who was responsible for his death - the Jews, no doubt. Does this mean the film is anti-semetic? Not at all. If Mel Gibson really does believe things happened as he illustrates, then that's not anti-semeticism. Throughout the whole movie, the Jewish cheif priests insisted that Jesus be crucified while the mob (made up of jews and gentiles alike) usually agreed. The roman governor, pontius pilate, tried everything to prevent it. Even when he offered to free Jesus or Barabbas, a known murderer, the Jewish mob demanded Barabbas be released. Pontius then had Jesus beaten to a bloody pulp (most horrific scene in the movie), and the mob still wanted him to be sacrificed. Pontius, over course, eventually handed Jesus over to them to prevent an uprising.

So in the end, basically everyone got off except the Jewish priests and mob. Even Judas, the man who betrayed Jesus, eventually gave the money back to the priests he received for revealing Jesus' whereabouts, and regretted what he had done. He was cursed, but he at least was shown to show remorse for his actions. I didn't see remorse from the Jewish priests at any time in the film.

Overall, the film was great. There was very little dialogue, so reading the subtitles wasn't a problem. All of the actors were believeable in their roles, and Satan was very haunting (there's an end scence with satan that's really cheasy, but no big deal). I would've given the movie 4 stars, but the blood and gore ruined a lot of it for me. So I gave it 3 stars.
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18 September 2003
weird movie. not really scary. the mom and dad psychos are really convincing, and "fool's" performance was decent.

if you got nothing better to do, then maybe check it out - not an oscar winner though....
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Nostradamus (I) (2000)
i don't get it
16 September 2003
monks traveling through time with machine guns - FBI agents who dress like prostitutes by choice - mr hunky who is really nostradamus but doesn't know it yet - and enough paradoxes to drive you bonkers...

i don't know why i sat through most of this movie - i guess i kept hoping it would get better, or maybe it was the sexy fbi chick - i lasted about 1.5 hours, then gave up and went to bed.

if you've got nothing better to do, then by all means, watch this really stupid movie...
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A little disappointing
17 February 2003
With all the hype surrounding this movie, about how funny it is, I was expecting to laugh like i did when watching moonstruck, or 4 weddings and a funeral. Unfortunately, i only laughed a few times, and most of the movie was slightly predictable, and a little boring. This movie is highly overrated and not worth the price i paid for the dvd.
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Bad opening theme, but good overall
25 November 2002
Overall, this movie was pretty good. The action was intense, the plot was usual bond depth, and the gadgets cool. And it was unorthodox in a sense that the beginning showed the side of James Bond's work that is is not so glamorous (can't go into detail w/out giving it away). Best of all, it had Halle "the berry" :-)

Only two things I didn't like:

1. The opening theme by Madonna is probably the worst to date. David Arnold was quoted as not liking it either. And even Madonna's camio was bad. 2. Too many computerized special effects in glacier scene towards the end.

Other than that, it was really entertaining. I'm always interested to see how they will outdo themselves with each new bond movie, and they surely succeeded this time.
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Brother (I) (2000)
Moral of the story: Crime doesn't pay?
11 November 2002
I started watching this movie at 1am and was really sleepy, but I couldn't stop watching. I have to admit that I got lost several times, wondering what happened to this person, or why he just killed this guy or hit this guy.

Overall, it was a pretty good movie. The relentless violence and bloodshed is a little rediculous, but I think the point of the movie is well taken. It's nice to have friends, but crime doesn't pay? Maybe it's deeper than that, I don't know.

If you like gangster movies, this is a good pick.
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Signs (2002)
Good acting, good direction, stupid story
8 September 2002
This movie was so overrated. It got great reviews and I thought I would see a "scary" scifi/horror flick. What I got was slow moving attempt at 6th sense with a stupid ending that was not at all scary. I appreciate the idea of aliens and religion, but it couldn't have been done worse. No movie is worth the cost of tickets today, but this one was really dissappointing.
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Was this a movie?
8 September 2002
I coulda swore I was watching a screensaver. Horrible acting, poor dialogue, stupid script. Seems like natatlie and hayden weren't even trying to act well. So much of this movie was special effects made it worse. Only cool thing was watching yoda fight, but that's about it. Episodes IV-VI are still the best.
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Thought-provoking, emotional and little strange
15 March 2002
Yeah this movie isn't for everyone. Three fourths of it is dark and depressing, while the end is happy joy joy kinda like ET. It's pretty easy to tell where kubrick ends and spielberg begins. I personally loved this movie. Haley joel osment is one of the finest child actors i've seen in a long time. And jude law is also excellent. The movie challenges your beliefs about the meaning of life and makes you think about concepts like the spirit and love in general. Lots of people don't like this movie cuz of some loose ends and others think it poorly depicts kubrick's vision. That might be true, but it's a really well-made movie, nonetheless, that is entertaining and opens your imagination. Give it a chance... you won't be disappointed. Only question i have: Are the characters in the end aliens or advanced AI? (or both?)
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Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005)
Good show, bad theme music
8 October 2001
So far, i've only seen one person comment on the opening music. I love the show, but the theme music is my only problem. I'm a music enthusiast and loved the orchestra music of TNG, DS9 and Voyager. The music during the episode is quite good, but the opening theme is this lame folk song that just doesn't cut it. I really hope they replace it with a good orchestration.
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