
53 Reviews
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Hilda (2018–2023)
A heartwarmingly wholesome show
16 May 2022
While I understand that "Hilda" is a show targeted for kids, I think that everyone can enjoy it for its stunning animation, great soundtrack, and interesting stories. It just a sweet show that anyone can watch. The only drawbacks are some of the characters overstaying their welcome, though the main cast of characters is certainly likable. You'll love it if your a kid, and you'll love it if your an adult.
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A good show with an admittedly rough start
2 March 2022
The idea of a "Dungeons and Dragons" series sounded interesting, but I was skeptical after seeing the more raunchy tone this show had adopted. At first this show had little appeal, relying heavily on the adult humor to entertain and containing little depth. However, after the first few episodes, the show improves greatly and is able to become more serious without overly relying on bad jokes. It's not a perfect show by any means, but with some character work and an excellent finale, "The Legend of Vox Machina" proves itself to be worthwhile show, despite some of its rough patches. A good watch if it's what you are into.
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Finally! A good phase four movie!
3 February 2022
I don't think any of the new phase four Marvel movies are atrociously bad, I just don't think they need to exist after "Endgame" perfectly wrapped everything up. This movie changes that, introducing new concepts for the MCU to play with, and delivering fan service in a way that doesn't feel pandering. It also has some unexpected moments spread throughout that surprised me and everyone one else watching. Needless to say, this is the best one in the MCU's Spider-Man trilogy, and I'm glad that we were able to see all of these fun characters one more time.
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Shin Godzilla (2016)
That's...different. I like it.
2 February 2022
"Shin Godzilla" is a far departure from the usual Godzilla movie. With a darker tone and vastly different design of the titular monster, this movie isn't afraid to set itself aside from the more traditional monster movie, focusing more on the political side of things. While I at first thought this was unnecessary, it's important to note that this film was a representation of Japanese tragedies. Similar to how the original film was representative of the nuclear bombings of Japan, this film is representative of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster and the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, events heavily involved in political controversy. This isn't a perfect movie in any way, but I admire that bold steps it took to change. Honestly, probably one of the best Godzilla movies.
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Cowboy Bebop: The Real Folk Blues: Part 2 (1999)
Season 1, Episode 26
20 January 2022
This was a great way to end this fantastic series. The remaining members of the Bebop all get such great farewells, and it's sad seeing how this is the last time we will see them. The final battle between Spike and Vicious is not only visually pleasing, but has so much emotional weight that elevates it above all the other fight scenes from the show. While Jet and Faye's farewells are not as heavy, they still carry weight, and make you feel for them, as they exit the spotlight. This is easily the best episode in the show, and yes I'm going to carry that weight.
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Cowboy Bebop: Hard Luck Woman (1999)
Season 1, Episode 24
We'll miss you Ed
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ed was easily one of the best characters in this show, and even though she isn't the main focus for this episode, her departure feels earned, and it leaves an impact. This episode also nicely wraps up Faye's storyline in an interesting way that I didn't expect. While Faye does return in the following episodes, her resolution in this episode works so well that I would have been fine if she hadn't returned, but as is, it still works really well. Even Ein gets an emotional departure! In summary, this episode is an emotional one, and is probably one of the best in the series. I'll miss seeing Ed and her ridiculous nature, but I'm glad she had a nice ending. See You Space Cowgirl...
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Victory and Death (2020)
Season 7, Episode 12
So many tears
5 January 2022
"Victory and Death" might be one of the greatest finales in television. "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" is great show with some flaws here and there, so this finale had a lot of pressure on it to end the series on a high note, and what a note to end on. Seeing these characters depart from one another is truly heartbreaking and while you know their still in other shows, it still feels sad to know that this is the last time we will see them here in this show. The music hits right, the action is engaging, and the beautiful animation creates some of the most striking imagery in all of "Star Wars". This was truly a good show and I'm happy that it got the ending it earned. This is truly a perfect ending.
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Enjoyably bad...but still really bad
4 January 2022
This movie is just a blatant commercial by Warner Brothers, made for the soul purpose to sell their products, and it is kind of hilarious. It's not hilarious in an intentional way, but in an unaware way. While there are still some good jokes throughout the movie, it doesn't distract from the fact that this is only a feature length commercial disguised as a movie. I want to give this movie a lower rating, but I just enjoyed how bad this movie was, and how it lacked any subtlety when selling it's brands. Additionally, the 3D interpretations of the "Looney Toons" characters speak for themselves in how bad they are. If your looking for a deep and engaging film to watch, steer clear from this, but if your looking for an enjoyable mess of a movie to watch, then this may suffice.
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A really good commercial
4 January 2022
I am so happy that "The Lego Movie" didn't end up being one big commercial for the toy and actually had some heart and thought put into it. The humor works, the characters are fun (especially Batman), and the story, while very simple, works well in conjunction with the previous two aspects. It's just a solid movie, and while not all the jokes land, it's still an enjoyable trip. This is essentially "Space Jam: A New Legacy" but better in every conceivable way. It knows what it's selling, but that doesn't stop it from making a good movie. Not to mention the great animation, which cleverly uses the imperfections of the actual LEGO pieces and uses it as added detail. If you've played with Lego ever since you were a kid or have never watched it, there's a good chance you'll like this movie.
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Cowboy Bebop: Gateway Shuffle (1998)
Season 1, Episode 4
1 January 2022
This was an odd but still enjoyable episode. The villain's main goal is to literally turn the population of a planet into monkeys, and for some reason it works. It's still a ridiculous and bizarrely insane episode, but it works well enough that it doesn't fall into obscurity. It isn't anything deep or challenging, it's just a fun episode of a great show that succeeds in entertaining the audience.
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Black Widow (2021)
That's unfortunate...
31 December 2021
I was really looking forward to see this movie. It was the first movie I had seen in theaters since lockdown, and I was excited to see these new and interesting characters be introduced into the MCU. But, this movie just doesn't work. It would have been far more interesting to see Natasha's origin in the red room and her original mission to kill Dreykov. But instead, the movie focuses on the period between "Civil War" and "Infinity War" and it is significantly less interesting. Additionally, the villains in this movie are some of the worst in the MCU. Dreykov has no real motivation and Taskmaster isn't a threatening enough villain to justify the lack of personality. While some side characters such as Yelena and Red Guardian are enjoyable, it doesn't save the movie. To put it plainly this was not a great way to kick off the New phase four marvel movies, and does little to justify its existence.
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Great aside from some subpar animation
30 December 2021
This short greatly builds off the previous shorts revolving around "Autodale". The Friendly Shadow is such an interesting character, especially when you consider how much he deviates from every other character. He is a perfect blend of cool, mysterious, and chilling, all of which is conveyed with only 18 minutes of film. The only problem is the animation. It's not particularly bad, but it's just not lively enough for the story and characters it's displaying. However, that one gripe aside, this is a great short that I'm sad to see has not received more attention.
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Happiness (III) (2017)
An interesting perspective on society
29 December 2021
While this short film does feel a little pessimistic in its interpretations of work and consumerism, it still presents them in an interesting way that makes the viewer think. I feel like this could have been just another movie or short showing the flaws of society, it it unveils those flaws in an interesting and visually striking way. The lively animation Paired with the classic music, serves as a meaningful yet cautious take on the meaning and purpose of happiness. This is probably one of Steve Cutts better shorts and it shows.
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Batman: Year One (2011 Video)
Great Gordon origin story. Batman's there to.
25 December 2021
Bryan Cranston shines as the voice for Commissioner Gordon in this movie, making the character far more complex and interesting than most other interpretations of the character. Oddly enough though, the main Batman aspects of the film aren't as interesting. A large amount of his character development happens offscreen before the movie even starts, making his transformation feel a little incomplete. However, it still work well as we see a darker side to him. This certainly isn't the best animated Batman movie, but it's far from the worst.
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Invincible (2021– )
Such a great subversion of expectations
21 December 2021
When I saw the initial trailer for "Invincible" I didn't really think much of it. It didn't look particularly good or bad, it just seemed like it was going to be another animated superhero show or movie. But after I heard all the good reviews I decided to watch it, and oh my god this show is so good. Almost all the characters are amazing and so emotional, which is highlighted by the amazing voice acting. However, certain secondary characters like Amber and William can come off as really annoying, and they don't really get any better. The 2D animation is also not the greatest, though it is still much more lively than many recent 3D animated shows. But the great storytelling and characters easily overshadow these issues and while I have admittedly never read the "Invincible" comic, I can say with confidence that this is possibly one of the best animated shows I've ever seen. I would recommend it to anyone who has a "Prime" subscription.
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What's there to say? It's amazing.
15 December 2021
"The Dark Knight" is not only a perfect sequel to "Batman Begins" but is just an overall great movie. With a top notch performances from Heath Ledger as what is easily the most terrifying and interesting Joker, there is so much to examine and decipher. The action is impressive and great upgrade/deviation from the action in "Batman Begins" and many of the stunts and feats still shock me. There is almost nothing wrong with this movie, and it deserves all the praise it receives. Not only the best Batman or superhero movie, but one of the best movies ever made.
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An emotional and endearing story
15 December 2021
"I Lost My Body" is just such a great piece of art in almost every way. While I hear many saying that the beginning is slow, I believe that everything following the beginning justifies the somewhat lacking start. There are so many metaphors and themes to unpack that you'll be thinking about it even after the movie is over. While it's probably not for everyone, I highly recommend this film to anyone. Just an overall amazing movie.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
"Star Wars" at it's best
12 December 2021
Most would agree that "The Mandalorian" is some of best "Star Wars" content we've ever gotten. It's just such a great show driven by Complex characters, threatening villains, and an emotionally driven story. The episodic structure, while unliked by some, works to great effect, creating journeys that last more than one episode. While I think "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" is the better "Star Wars show, this is show still proves it's value in so many ways. If your a "Star Wars" fan you'll love it, if not you will still probably love it. A great show.
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Rick and Morty: A Rickconvenient Mort (2021)
Season 5, Episode 3
An overall good episode with some problems
9 December 2021
The main story of the this episode is great and really develops Morty's character in a interesting way, which was unexpected considering the more comical tones of the previous two episodes of the season. If it weren't for the subplot with Rick and Summer, this episode could have been one of the best in the series. However, it drags this episode down a lot for me making, me wish that they had removed so they could focus more on the main relationship between Morty and Planetina. Other than that though this is one of the better episodes of the season.
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A bit of a guilty pleasure
8 December 2021
"Army of The Dead" has some very clear issues with it but I can't help but like it. Yes the writing is lazy; yes some of the characters are annoying; yes the story isn't great, but I just like this movie for some reason I can't explain. If your looking for a genuinely good and engaging movie to watch, this isn't for you. But, if your bored and looking for some time to kill, then this is for you.
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Love, Death & Robots: Zima Blue (2019)
Season 1, Episode 14
The Idea of Legacy
7 December 2021
"Zima Blue" gives so much for the viewer to think on even after the episode is over. There's just so much to unpack; so many different feelings at once; such beautiful animation; astonishing storytelling. This is a genuinely amazing piece of art and the best episode of the "Love, Death + Robots" series. Absolutely stunning.
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F Is for Family (2015–2021)
Pretty good for what it is
6 December 2021
"F is For Family" could have been just another unfortunate animated adult sitcom trying to bank on the success of shows like "Rick and Morty" and "Family Guy". However, Bill Burr puts a unique spin on the usual formula and adds plenty of heart and emotion. At face value this show is really dumb. A lot of the jokes are crude and unfunny and a lot of the characters seem pretty annoying. But, this shows makes sure there is plenty of enjoyable comedy and emotion to justify some of the more unwanted content. And worth while watch.
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Green Snake (2021)
Bizarre but not bad
6 December 2021
This is such a strange movie, with so many different flowing parts and interesting ideas. While some of these elements don't work well with the story, the parts that do work can be pretty engaging and interesting. At it's worst "White Snake 2: Green Snake" is too weird and doesn't work but at it's best it is pretty engaging and visually stunning. An odd sequel but one worth watching.
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Moss (2018 Video Game)
One of the best VR games
5 December 2021
"Moss" is such an engaging game with an interesting story and beautiful graphics. It's different than most VR games, with the player being able to control two characters at the same time. While this sounds like it would be confusing at first, the game nicely uses this structure to give the player an interesting experience that nicely combines story and gameplay. A game worth playing.
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Vice (I) (2018)
Good regardless of political opinion
5 December 2021
I've seen people hating this movie because they don't like the political nature of it but that just doesn't seem fair. "Vice" is not pushing any political agenda or saying that one political party is better than the other. It's just telling the story of Dick Cheney, and some of the extremely controversial things he did. It works well as do the some of the metaphors used to explain what happened in a more understandable (and sometimes funny) way. A film deserving of all the praise it received.
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