
6 Reviews
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Worth the viewing for its cinematography if nothing else
28 November 2023
Good story well executed. Very good director the filming was excellent really the type of work you'd expect from a much higher budget film with top rated actors. This cast did a great job it's obvious to me they worked very hard on screen and the attention to details in the sets was well done. Seeing these great actors come together in a film later in the years of performing to me really shows they truly want to work. My compliments to cast and crew. I do not remember the location of the shooting but it was certainly very well planned. Mr Carradine is certainly getting on in the years but can still demand an on screen presence. My compliments.
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Americana Canadian Style truly Western style
6 May 2023
Truly a classic shot in dynamic color showing the unspoiled great outdoors. Don't pay any mind to the few power lines in the background of a few scenes or the few Indians that without a shirt maybe had been hitting the American Hostess Twinkee a little hard. Enjoy the scenery. The beautiful First Ladies and amazing colors shot on location. The Canadian mountains/ north of Montana is the feeling I get when watching this Randolph Scott classic. I can't help from getting the feeling the writers and producers where thinking this could spin off and be the next prime time Bonanza continuing saga for generations to come.
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Long before Ice fishing buddies Lemmon & Walter Matthau
3 September 2022
I if you like the amazing chemistry between these two on screen you will Find this classic truly enjoyable. The Fortune Cookie has absolutely bare minimal to do with the the movie but it will make sense later. The beautiful Mrs Judy West did amazing if you think about her age and time in films experience to be paired up with two already major screen legends that the Odd Couple. I mean Lemmon and Matthau. Truly regret not watching its 50 years sooner. Glad I've got a few more good movie years in ne ready to see again. The Odd Couple paired them on screen again only a few years later. But my heart warms every time I see them fighting over fishing spots and a certain beautiful woman we won't talk about.
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The Husband She Met Online (2013 TV Movie)
This Movie Needs to be watched and given credit for this plot and details
1 March 2015
Well, after reading the other three reviews I had to say, that this movie was very well written for the parts portrayed, very well acted for the most parts and the story was followed very well, I am quite shocked it did not receive a better review when released but that often more than not is timing and how much money they have to promote and produce it, I hate to also bring that to the attention to details, please never skimp on details as this movie did quite well in details the burial plot at the beginning leaves us wondering what is going on for awhile but then is denoted by detectives, If you are going to say in the movie that your are taking the companies private jet, do NOT refer to a Falcon Jet as a Learjet, the companies Learjet would no only not make the trip to Greece without fuel starvation, the Falcon Jet you actually depicted in the movie could very well make the trip, Just something experts in the industry will see and note that if you are going to make a movie make it right, The acting was done well, the extra's and casting for extras also done quite well in my opinion, the movie needs to be given more of a rating that its now given.
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A must see Episode nightmare in the sky
10 April 2013
Now this one you just have to see. Anyone that thought these two as a couple was just a perfect match. Major Kelly played by Farrah Fawcett Majors a real live Air Force test pilot flying an experimental jet that is magically tricked into landing in the desert by Kelly who just can't remember why she lost her plane. Then good ole Major Steve Austin to the rescue. Amazing vintage aircraft footage. Probably the only time you will ever see Steve Austin and Farrah. I mean Major Kelly working as aircraft technicians hand in hand in the desert. This is a must see and remember this was 1976. Not 2006 or even 1999. This is pure entertainment with a tight Hollywood budget in mind. I can't spoil it for you but YES He does get the GIRL. ENJOY THIS ONE.
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Miss Farrah angels are Angels
9 April 2013
Farrah will always be a special Angel to me. Cheryl did well filling in the slot with her departure. Watching these old episodes the cars the hair the clothes. Sure takes my mind back to another time and place. Thanks COZI TV for bringing them back. The acting was completely acceptable for this era in network television. I have to think if it wasn't they probably wouldn't find a current audience and no need to bring it back. The Angels in Flight episode I enjoy since it has an Aviation background including a little bit of vintage airport footage. The clothes I just can't stop smiling about how we all dressed back in this time.
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