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the pre wrath rapture trickel down economics salvation?
29 September 2001
Was the rapture the greatest lie of the ufo crazy great awakening and prohibition period? The pre wrath rapture the united states achilles heel. The belief chrisitans can assume control with out fear of prosecution only to persecute others and then a trumps sounds and they go off to glory to escape 666 and what not. WRONG.There could in theory be one yet do not underestimate satan or an enemy state who could use this book and the end chapter against a lazy complacent nation and planet who forgot the lesson of 1923-45. To the athiest this book is a commentary on that era...to a believer on both satanic and christian sides the chronicle on variables to the route of mankind. Something to think about. Did the far right ever think THEY could put him into power like in germany 1933..as ellen white's theory foretold.
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Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005)
the pilot
26 September 2001
ENTERPRISE does not draw enough on what made the original series so great. I saw the last hour of the pilot and it was not bad. I liked SCOTT BAKULA as the captain, yet, somethign was missing. Episodes like AMOK TIME stickout. I also think back to two previous pilotds WHERE NO MAN HAS GONE BEFORE ( a possible commentary on son of manism) and THE CAGE (one of the best episodes of the series). I think what I miss about the Roddenberry series was that it was not politically correct (yet today some is expected) Yet in almost every episode there was another level to the writing. Having written two no sell hack scripts my self I am in no position to criticize the writing or production staff. yet, There was a strength to those two pilots I mentioned. The original series commented on VIET NAM, inter-racial love, the holocaust, etc. The series that ran after NEXT GENERATION lost sight of this. There is so much to comment on today in the news in media. over the years shows like FOREVER KNIGHT uses allegory the way the original trek did. Perhaps, that type of story telling went out of style. On a plus side this show has a great art design look and good effects. I suppose in time over a year the show will develop as most do. The die hard STAR TREK fan will enjoy this yet, I have strayed from the franchise over the years. I keep hoping they will write one that will hit a nerve like THIS SIDE OF PARADISE, or THE CAGE, or RETURN OF THE ARCHONS etc. or the other greats. then again I am nobody destined for nothing. Who am I to judge.:) Enjoy.
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the import with American footage
26 September 2001
POWER RANGERS was a tv show that over the years grew in it's production values and in later seasons developed a stylized look. Based on a Japanese format similar to SPACE GIANTS, the series featured a group of heros who were multi ethnic battling evil and homework. In later years the show gained a bigger audience and was a basis for frenzied high monetary merchandising. The program was a mixture of martial arts and childrens fantasy adventure with Japanese footage. Currently still in production, the franchise continues. The series uses tounge in cheek and harmless adventure to convey a tale of action and adventure. The series operates from a formula but this has never hampered young viewers. The heros are positive role models against gangs, drugs, gun violence and crime. The villians are involved in harmless plots to take over the world, destroy exams etc. Categorized best as highly profitable harmless family fare. As a boy I was a fan of something similar SPACE GIANTS. In progressive seasons actors and characters changed like on DOCTOR WHO.
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Street Fighter boasts some of the best martial arts action
26 September 2001
STREET FIGHTER boasts some of the best martial arts action since Bruce Lee's ENTER THE DRAGON. STREET FIGHTER boasts a formula mixing martial arts movies, Sam Spade style detective stories and hitman genre tough guy pictures. SONY CHIBA plays a character who is a good guy yet has the motives of a villain. These were imported in the mid 1970's along with other Japanese films and tv shows like SPACE GIANTS. The film series revolves around Chiba who has the ability to take care of himself and wade into a corrupt martial arts school and beat up a 100 man force. The strength of this film is the action but I sense much is lost in the editing and subtitles also (as usual ) in the versions with dubbing. A great escapist martial arts saga from the era when they were made good. The film has moments of over the topness to it, yet his is part of the appeal of Japanese cinema...(ie: their mixture of fantasy and action). More than a B movie...a B movie with class and artisitic martial arts moves. Imported to the USA circa 1973-74 by NEW LINE CINEMA before it's mid 1980's rebirth.
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met the sister of the guy who played the police officer recently
25 September 2001
THE LAIR OF THE WHITE WORM was a film that was about a era aka "the men of the cloth" and delt with occultism in europe. This era was tied in with the mystery religion sect craze aka ie. the freemasons, set egypt sects, thules etc. around mid 1800's. This production was tounge and cheek and had a controversial tone. The film marks the first appearance of HUGH GRANT who with ANGUS his "grenade hiding under the kilt by his willy" sidekick singlehandedly save the women and vanquish a satanist cult tied in with the roman empire from their small community. The film uses sexual metaphor and bondage as a commentary on satanic cult seduction and the "adam and eve" tale. The film uses over the top metaphor and dark humor to convey it's story. Different from previous films like THE WICKER MAN, this film had at times an experimental video look and was a cross between a cult classic movie and an experimental piece. Interesting film which combines visual allure with the battle of good and evil plot. The story could have been done in different formats...this one uses a dry british AVENGERS style wit. Currently the film has an underground following abroad. Enjoy. 4 out of 7 stars.
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Wizards (1977)
a tolkeinish fantasy mixing humor sci fi and animation
24 September 2001
A fantasy worthy of a book. WIZARDS was a dark antimated film about a fantasy world in which science and fantasy collide along with the discovery of modern weapons like tanks and machine guns. The film was part political satire/allegory with a dash of ww 2 history and a great fantasy adventure yarn for families. There was a subtle slyness to the writing and it's delivery visually to the big screen. The film had a depth the discerning adult and history major could enjoy. With the exception of the HOBBIT and LORD OF THE RINGS and FIRE AND ICE there has never been an animated movie like this except for HEAVY METAL in 1980. A great film. The best BAKSHI has done.
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Alien Nation (1988)
In the wake of THE HIDDEN....
23 September 2001
ALIEN NATION was originally entitled OUTER HEAT and featured a darker trailer than released film footage in the theatrical cut. The premoise was a alien cop and a human cop team up in a situation different from the HIDDEN. This premise revolves around a population of aliens that live on earth after coming as refugees on earth. The film some have said had a different version but perhaps I am confusing this with a DOLPH LUNDREN movie. The film was not bad and was a different take on the "cop buddy format". The films action centers on a vice investigation involving a alien bio war style drug which is hitting the streets. I felt the film could have gone for more of a action mob noir edge yet, well, there is the editing room. A science fiction film that uses the police fantasy genre. The alien race is used to mask ethnic tensions and was highlighted better in the series of the same name. Not a horrible film.
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interesting premise
22 September 2001
In this installment the crew of the enterprise takes a klingon bird of prey back in time to 1986. The crew touches down on earth of the past to find two humpback whales to transport back to earth in the future. The purpose of the trip is to stop an alien probe trying to contact the whales species who have gone extinct in the future. The premise is intriguing. The story and the film were one of the most monetarily prosperous of the series. The strength of this film is the modern day time warp story and the future crew thrown in a contemporary setting. STAR TREK 4 has a eco friendly tone and does it without being a farce. The only problem was it would have been nice to have at least a three minute synopsis on the probe and the race from which it came. One of the beter movies of the series, STAR TREK 4 was a box office hit of the christmas/thanksgiving season of 1986. Of note is CATHARINE HICKS, the beautiful yet talented actress who plays GILLIAN TAYLOR in this film. As a 16 year old I was attracted to her much the way my grandfather was drawn to past actresses such as BETTY GRABEL. A great film and an ensemble piece.
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Cube (1997)
great genre film
18 September 2001
This film highlights the talents of often overlooked actress NICOLE DEBOER a woman capable of incredible range who (along with JOANNE VANNICOLA) is one of the best looking actresses in canadian film and tv. THE CUBE is a ensamble piece which shows the range of the entire cast but notable is the acting ability of deboer, who has come along way since doing acting pieces on shows like PSI FACTOR and BEYOND REALITY. The best parts are her reaction to the seemingly crazy man played by MAURICE DEAN WINT who starts sane but gradualkly devolves into a LORD OF THE FLIES murderous paranoia. The CUBE is canada's answer to conspirator theories and is a commentary on them. The film revovles around the danger of unfounded paranoia and also focuses on a life boat mentality when people are stranded in a situation in which they will probably all die. The acting is top notch and the film rises above normal science fiction level to A grade. THE CUBE has a arthouse feel like EXOTICA (a film I enjoyed) yet trashes the perfectability of man theory with a "the last shall be first tone". great cinema and good for a rent. Budgeted tone and structure but has a deepeness to the dialouge I could never achieve. 4 stars out of four.
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a fun genre piece..intersting concept
18 September 2001
A film with some great special effects shots and a few not so great. A film with neat ideas yet, crisp film cinematography and color. This is one of those popcorn and coke matinee films which i saw a zillion times when it ran on WGN and WKBD in syndication. The film features well known actors. In another version i thought I read CHRISTOPHER LEE says his lines. There may have been another version. STARSHIP INVASIONS came out as a "b" movie yet garnered a cult following on tv. It also was one of those post star wars films that capitalized off ufo myths tied in with ancient astronaughts like HANGAR 18. All of this makes for a fun story and has been fodder for years for writers searching for fiction story material. With some revamping the film could have been better. I sense budgetary constraints. As a boy I liked it and loved the escapism. Fans of older science fiction will enjoy this piece for a fun afternoon or evening. Fans of LARENCE OF ARABIA don't expect DAVID LEAN quality here. Expect escapism.
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apes in peril
17 September 2001
PLANET OF THE APES was a film that sufficed but left me wanting more. The film stressed more, OZ style sets and costumes and great backdrops over gunplay. The script and story had a few continuity problems (probably due to editing) yet the film is a great update of the first two movies. I think the original series warts and all is the best. I liked this film and primarily the " camp by the water sequence" for the lighting and art direction. The film features an all star costumed cast. In the opening on the space station the name on whalbergs suit reads briefly "wahlberg". PLANET OF THE APES main problem was it's "too quick" resolution of the conflict and not enough exploration of the FORBIDDEN ZONE. A good film and well told also imaginative on the visuals and TOLKIEN novel visual flair. This is perhaps TIM BURTONS best film. Of note is the genre classic line "okay guys we only got one shot at this". The apes were too realistic I am a fan of the original chambers designs...yet these were utterly life like. Of note is the surprise ending in keeping with the 1973-74 animated series and an origianl draft by serling. One more note...the forbidden zone sequences look like some of the story boards for the DEHN scripted sequel. (fascinating)
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