
22 Reviews
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What do you expect?
21 September 2001
Hey, I love this movie, I mean I do laugh more than anything when I watch it, but it's just entertainment. I'm sure their purpose was to scare me, but that's okay. I mean the killer is kinda scary, but the music is soooo cheesey, not to mention the BAD acting. I mean REAL BAD acting. Still it's funny. Watch it and see what I mean.
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Popcorn (1991)
Okay but not great
21 September 2001
This movie isn't really all that bad, I mean it has a pretty good story and the acting is good, nice touch throwing Dee Wallace-Stone in. But for some reason this isn't a movie a want to own or watch again for that matter. If your bored and have nothing to do, and have never seen it before pop it in, it's worth watching once or twice.
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Pretty Good For #4
21 September 2001
Hey after part 3 this movie was a dream come true. Not that 3 was a bad movie, but Michael was back for another round of slashing and stalking. Another good point about this movie is that it is scary, which alot of movies lose that quality when making sequels but not Halloween.
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Simple & Scary
21 September 2001
This was of course one of Wes Craven's firsts. It's actually a pretty good movie. It used to scare the hell out of me when I was a kid. Now I'm 22, and I watched it not to long ago, I almost fell asleep. I guess it doesn't scare me as much now. But hey, don't listen to me, give it a try.
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21 September 2001
Before Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Before Friday The 13th. Before A Nightmare On Elm Street, there was Last House On The Left. If you see this movie for the first time today, make sure when you review it you remember that it was before all those movies. I will agree that if you are a major horror buff like me, that you want find the movie all that disturbing, but for it's time I could imagine people being floored by the images that they had seen.
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Sequel that compares to Halloween 2
20 September 2001
It's not often that a sequel is as good as the original but here we have another one. I can watch this move over and over again, and never get tired of it. The only other sequel I know of that is as good as this is Halloween 2. The only thing I can't figure out is how come there are not more sequels to I Still Know... I mean it has the ability to keep going and going, so what are they waiting for?
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Three's Company (1976–1984)
Better than "Friends"
20 September 2001
I always loved this show when I was younger, over the years I had forgotten about it, then I caught reruns of it on Nick at Night. I catch myself never missing it, it's awesome!! I really enjoy it better than "Friends" or "Seinfeld" there's just something about it. I sometimes will be laughing all by myself, and there are not many shows that make me do that. I do enjoy the earlier ones with Suzanne Somers, but the entire series was excellent. Also just some advice for fans, if you can catch the E! Hollywood True Story about Three's Company watch it, it is excellent, with everything going on behind the scenes of this show it's a wonder it lasted as long as it did. This proves that John Ritter and Joyce Dewitt are extremely good actors, to watch the show you would have thought everything was perfect. They never let it effect their performance on the show.
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LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17 September 2001
This movie is awesome. You can't help but cheer for the bad girl in this movie, she's just so damn cute. Pamela Springsteen is to good. Just remember this is a low budget horror film so don't watch it expecting great acting or anything. It's just a fun movie, watch it with friends everyone will get a kick out of it, trust me!
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Halloween II (1981)
Best Sequel Ever!!
17 September 2001
It's rare to come across a sequel that is actually just as great as the original, but here you have it. It starts off right where halloween left off, so right from the start you know you're in for a good ride. Of course this is a sequel so the body count is a bit higher, but there's nothing wrong with that. Halloween is a good horror series, I can't wait for Halloween "The Homecoming". I hope to see a 9th and maybe a 10th in the future.
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Halloween (1978)
A masterpiece!
17 September 2001
This movie is just to good to even comment on, there aren't words that can express how great this movie is. Let's just say that Halloween wouldn't be what it is today without this classic. Everyone fears Micheal Myers on halloween, he has become a house hold name, followed by many sequels that are all worth watching.
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Urban Legend (1998)
16 September 2001
Urban Legend in my opinion was better then Scream, I liked the characters better, and it was actually scary. It kept me really watching wondering what was going to happen next. Also Tara reid who played Sasha should be in more horror films, she was excellent, and she just has that look. You won't be disappointed if you buy this movie, though it will remind you of Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer and ... well the list could go on and on, but still I give it a 10 for excellent cause it has a good story played by good actors.
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Jennifer Love & Sarah Michelle what more do you need
16 September 2001
This movie is good, don't listen to the people giving it bad reviews they apparently don't know what entertainment is, and that's all these movies are. You can't take them seriously or you won't enjoy them. It's a great story, a group of kids hit a guy with there car, then one by one they began getting picked off, I don't want to spoil it for you so just go buy it you'll enjoy it.
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Scream (1996)
Best of '96
16 September 2001
Scream is in it's on category of horror movies, it's not the same kind of scary as Halloween and Friday the 13th. It is more of a thriller, it has a very well thought out story, and it will make you jump and scream, but still it's not near as good as the older 80's horror movie. Still I was very pleased to see this movie do so well, it started a whole new horror movie frenzy with I Know What You Did Last Summer and Urban Legend taking in some of the bucks as people flocked to the theaters to get another good scare.
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What in the Hell??
16 September 2001
This was a major let down. This movie could have been really good, but of course someone screwed up. I hope the director and writers are happy for almost destroying this series. First of all, we want Jason in the movie, that's what we pay for. Jason killing teens. There are so many things wrong with this movie I don't know where to start. I mean part 5 was oscar material compared to this. Well, the movie had way to much of a story, we do not want a complicated plot, when we go see a Friday the 13th I don't plan on having to think a whole lot, I just want to see blondes running through the woods screaming, and Jason with some metal sharp object. How hard is that? Please people trust me don't watch this movie, all of the ones before are excellent, buy them, rent them, just stay away from this mess!! Let's all hope that no one from part 9 has ANYTHING to do with Jason X.
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Just keeps going and going
16 September 2001
Part 7, well by now it must be really hard coming up with a new plot, But this movies proves with the right brains behind it anything is possible. This was actually one of the better ones. The acting is better, the characters are enjoyable, and Jason gets his hands on all kinds of different weapons. The special effects aren't bad either, I was surprised. When you watch this movie don't miss one of the best scenes near the end when Melissa gets it.
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It will always be Crystal Lake
16 September 2001
Let's give this movie a hand. It saved the series, after 5 you would think it was all over, but then Jason Lives came out. Bravo!! This was excellent, it reminds me of the original it's got that creepy feeling to it, it's not just slash and screams. You actually feel scared watching this. Also I have to add this, read the Maltin summary about this movie, He actually gets paid to write that, I bet he has never even seen this movie. Well, that's okay I always do the complete opposite of what critics say anyway. Most of the time they don't know what they're talking about.
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16 September 2001
This movie is bad, but for some reason I watch it over and over again. It seems more like a made for TV movie, but it's still good. It's at the bottom of my list as one of my favorites right above Jason Goes To Hell. The story isn't all that bad, it's just the lack of blood when someone gets their head split open and the acting is pretty bad. Don't get me wrong it's still part of the series and it's not that bad, give it a chance.
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The Final Chapter, I don't think so
16 September 2001
There was no way they were going to stop making Friday the 13th, it's guaranteed to make money. Maybe it was just a trick to make everyone think it was the last, so we would all run in and buy a ticket. I don't know, but it worked this movie actually did very well at the boxoffice. Just like Jason Goes to Hell we all thought that was the last, now we have Jason X due out March 22, 2002. I don't believe they will ever stop making Friday the 13th. I was a kid growing up and watching these, now I have a daughter, and it looks like she'll be doing the same thing. I hope she enjoys them as much as I did.

Now here's my opinion on the movie. I have seen this one hundreds of times, and I still enjoy it. It doesn't really have a plot, just kids camping and partying getting picked off one by one. It's very enjoyable to watch with friends, you don't have to worry if you missed anything if you got up to get a beer, just get them to rewind it if you missed someone getting slashed. I give it a 9 out of 10 it's one of the best of the series!!
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good movie
15 September 2001
Hearing mixed reviews about this movie I wasn't sure what to expect. I heard from several people that the first half was good, and that it went down hill from there. So how come an hour into the movie I found myself really enjoying it? The story was actually going good, it also was actually scary, scary like Halloween, not Scream. Which is a good change. Remember don't listen to what other people say, if you like scary movies, and no not to take them seriously go see this, it's worth the money.
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non stop ride
15 September 2001
I've seen the original House on Haunted Hill too many times to count, so I was thrilled to hear there was a remake coming out. I went in to the theater with an open mind, knowing they would have to change up things a bit, the original is a bit slow moving. I actually liked this alot better, since the house was actually haunted. Plus Famke Janssen is awesome in everything. Geoffery Rush was excellent playing Vincent Price, I almost couldn't tell them apart, and Chris Kattan was hilarious. The movie was just all over great entertainment funny, scary, and an eerie soundtrack that fit well into the movie. Normally remakes never live up to the original like Night of the Living Dead and Psycho, but I give House on Haunted Hill a 10. Also get the DVD it's awesome!!
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15 September 2001
This movie IS a classic it's the start of a never ending franchise that does not get the credit that it deserves. There have been many movies that have tried to do what this movie has already done. Friday the 13th is just entertainment, you're not to take it to seriously. Anybody that does is just stupid. I'm not going to comment on the movie it's self, because in my opinion this is one of the best movies ever made, and there is nothing more to say. Go buy it now, turn down the lights, and see what I mean.
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Disturbing...but one of the best!!
15 September 2001
I saw this movie when I was very young, and it really freaked me out. Now that I'm older it's still just as scary, but it's really not all that gory. I mean Friday the 13th has more blood, and gore than TCM. It's the way the movie was made, the screaming at the end, and the different camera angles that really get to you. This is a movie that you watch and remember for days. It's a classic I advise you not to watch it alone. Check out part 3 but stay far away from 2 & 4.
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