
70 Reviews
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24 March 2023
Well. That was certainly something..

This was a very. Out of nowhere movie. The choices they made for this movie really suprised me.

The story was very Unneeded. It wasnt bad, I'd go as far as to say it was a good. I like how unique it is compared to the other 3 shrek movies.

I just dont know why they felt like they needed to make another shrek movie. This one doesnt really change anything that we havent established in the 3rd film.

Animation was great. No suprise there.

This movie made me cringe. Like a lot. I dont know just some of the things the characters do just make me go wild. In a bad way.

This movie defenitly had less comedy than the other 3. But it still has some. And i dont really think its that bad that they toned down the comedy. Since last movies comedy was so bad. They kinda go more into action in this movie.

The characters in this movie were quite good. They toned down the comedy with donkey (good) Puss is still puss and The others did their thing. They improved the supporting characters alot in this film. Because in the previous 2 films they were almost unbearable.

The villain was cruel. He was surely a villain. I didnt like his character all too much but he was a good villain.

Overall i dont know why they made this movie. But it was a nice changeup. I cringed alot too.

It gets a solid 6/10. I dont know if i can reccomend or not. Just watch it if what i have said in this video sounds intresting to you.
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milk milk milk
23 March 2023
Man oh man

At this point theres nothing special about this shrek movie. Its just an easy cash grab.

They've stopped doing what made the 1st film so good. Now if you havent checked out my review on shrek 1 i reccomend you check it out. But in that vid i said that shrek 1 was clever with its writing and jokes. And didnt just go for the easy fart joke and such. Well they've totally abandoned that at this point.

Fart jokes. Bad writing.

This movie seemed only aimed at children or atleast they did a bad job at making it for adults.

They really use the fairytale characters in this movie too.

The animation was good. I can say that.

I dont know why they have 2 comic relief characters by the way. I know donkey and puss n boots are fan favorites, And i like them very much but do we really need TWO comic relief characters?

The characters i did not like in this movie. Especially the villain, His motive is very stupid also. It was something like getting revenge for his mother or something like that, they dont address it all too much.

The story is cheap. The story is what really makes me think that the only reason they made this was for the $$$$.

Voice acting was good as usual. Not much more to say there.

I will admit this movie made me laugh at some points. But that doesnt mean that the jokes were actually funny,.,.,.

Overall this was a bad movie. I pretty sure there just cashing in on the success of shrek at this point. 4/10.

I dont reccomend unless your doing something like me and binging the entire shrek film series. Otherwise you might as well talk with a 7 year old for 90 minutes.
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Shrek 2 (2004)
22 March 2023
Shrek and Fiona travel to the Kingdom of Far Far Away, where Fiona's parents are King and Queen, to celebrate their marriage. When they arrive, they find they are not as welcome as they thought they would be.

Not quite as good as the first one.

This movie makes me enjoy the simplicity of the first movie.

They also kinda go against everything positive i said about the first movie. Not everything but still a few things.

The one thing they arguebly got better in this movie was the villain. She was defenity more prominent than the first movies villain.

The animation was the first thing i noticed when i watched. It looks great, even for todays standards it looks amazing. And this movie was made 19 years ago.

I didnt really enjoy the story all too much. And i dont think it was very good either way.

The humor was also not as good as the first movie. It had funny momments and some funny jokes. But for the most part they kinda went back to the regular kids movies jokes.

They made donkey less funny for some reason

The characters were fine. I liked shrek and the king dad, Puss n boots and donkey were pretty cool too. The rest were ehhhhh to me

Something else they tidied up was the pacing. Much more even in this movie. Welllll. The start went by quickly but other than that.

Theres alot more singing in this one too. Woo hoo.

Overall. It was a downgrade. But it was still enjoyable. But i imagine its downhill from here.

This movie gets a 6/10. I recommend it if you liked the first shrek.
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Shrek (2001)
21 March 2023
A mean lord exiles fairytale creatures to the swamp of a grumpy ogre, who must go on a quest and rescue a princess for the lord in order to get his land back.

This movie lived up to the hype.

Now of course this movie is not perfect as there is a few problems. The end of the movie was rushed. Its pretty obvious. But the first hour of the movie was great. And the end of the movie wasnt bad. It was went by very quickly, and it didnt quite have the same impact as the first hour.

This movie was actually very clever for what this movie looks like. The jokes were not just stupid fart jokes and stuff. They were very thought out and funny.

The story was alright. Its not really the most creative thing out there. But it works. And they kinda reinvented it for this movie which i like. And all the scenes in this movie are ACTUALLY NESSACARY! Theres no filler at all.

The characters in this movie were pretty darn great. There all pretty likeable for characters that are supposed to be unlikeable.

Oh yeah and this movie is very quoteable. Some of the lines in this movie are just so dang funny that i have to blurt them out sometimes in public.

Animation was good. It wasnt INSANE or anything but it doesnt really need to be anything crazy. Thats something ive been seeing alot more lately in movies. They'll have insanly good visuals but it'll lack in writing and actually storytelling.

This movie was made for everyone which i like. They have alot of adult jokes in this movie and they also made it good for kids too.

I feel like some people may not like this movie because of the visuals. Because there a little gross, i guess you could say. But if you just sit down and actually watch you'll see that this movie actually is secretly clever.

Voice acting was great. Every character fits their voice really well.

Overall this movie was almost perfect. If only they didn't rush the ending.

Its definitely a comfort movie id say.

I give it an 8/10. I recommend. And i don't care who you are. Watch the movie.
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They weren't lying.
18 January 2023
Heres the plot: A young boy befriends a giant robot from outer space that a paranoid government agent wants to destroy.

What a great movie.

First of all. The animation. Is great. No suprise there. A round of applause to the animators of this movie. They captured the 2d-3d animation style really well.

The voice acting second of all. Was. Great. It was a bit screechy but other than that. They all did really great.

The characters third of all. Are great. Something that i liked about the characters where the fact that they actually acted like their character. Some movies exaggerate stuff like this or dont do it at all. But this movie. It just felt realistic. The 9 year old kid acts like a 9 year old kid. The villain was actually a bad guy. The overprotected mom acted like a overprotected mom etc.

Maybe this happens in all movies and im only noticing it now but. Yeah

The story. Fourth of all. Was ok. I wouldnt say most original. Especially since this is an adaptation. But i think what matters is that it is well done. And if you've watched this movie. You know how well done it is.

Something that people always like to menton about this movie is that it is just so darn sad. For a kids movie! And they are not wrong. But its not only that its sad. Its also a really funny movie at times. Thats something that this movie did really well. Messing with your emotions.

Overall. Now i know thats theres no such thing as perfect. But this is one of the closest things to perfect i have watched in awhile.

It gets a ... 10/10... Its hard to give something that you cant find any flaws in anything under a 10.

The movie is 1 hour and 20 minutes long. Trust me. It's worth watching. I recommend.

Thats all.
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Scrooged (1988)
34 years old
20 December 2022
Its a changeup from the usual chrismas carol stuff. And i enjoy it!

First of all the actors were great! They all played their characters well.

And the characters were great too. Execpt the ghost of christmas present or whatever. She got annoying

And i think what makes this scrooge movie stand out is the fact that. It has one thing that the other ones dont have. Comedy yesterday we watched a scrooge movie with bad comedy. This one instead. Has actual funny comedy

I also love all the spirits. They all have their uniqueness and.. yeah there good.

But the ghost of christmas present on the other hand.. I didnt like. Mostly because she was annoying of course. But i just dont get her. Tactic. Like all she did was beat up the guy.. why? How does that effect anything?

Pacing was fine. Maybe a little fast but like i usually say. You get used to it.

Another thing i like about this movie is the fact that after all the goofiness and crap that happens. It still has that christmas spirit in the movie. Its still somehow christmasy. It has a heartwarming ending.

Now overall. This was a funny, goofy, somehow heartwarming, movie. It makes you feel all thy emotions.

And i will give this an 8/10

Even tho it got an 8/10 I feel its more of a movie you can watch with your friends on christmas or something. Its not really made for christmas eve evenings.

But id reccomend if your my age. Or just want to see an unique twist on the scrooge movies.

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Spirited (2022)
18 December 2022
If im being honest. I was not a fan of this.

It just started out so poorly. With all these horrible unfunny jokes and AHHHH

The cast was crappy. Other than the main characters of course. There all just super annoying and not funny. And even the main characters annoyed me.

Now that i think of it this movie is super unfunny. Its just bad jokes. Only one scene had me laughing. And there was ALOT of comedy in this.

Now another thing. The music part of this musical. Well if we're talking about the singing itself. Golly. There was autotune on everything. And you can litterly hear the autotune in the singing so. Yeah that i didnt like.

Now the songs themself were fine.. Later in the movie the songs get good. The only song i hated was the opening song. Jee that was bad. Also just a warning. Theres alot of songs in this. Like almost every scene. So if your not the biggest fan of musicals dont watch.

The story was.... Unique.. Did i like it. Not really, but i respect the changeup from the original scrooge stuff. Its kinda just the regular stuff execpt they make it like a play? Its really stupid.

Pacing was good. One of the only good things from this movie

Also the characters are SO STUPID. Other than ryan reynolds character. BUT THE OTHER ONES. They say they've been doing this for 2 centuries than WHY ARE YOU SO BAD AT IT!

Now.. the second half was. Better. But it just couldnt redeem that horrid first half.

Oh and i just remembered. Some of the effects SUCK. When there flying it obviously is a greenscreen.

Now overall. This movie had a unique story, Horrible characters, the music was ok at best, And this movie was the worst try at being funny ive ever seen.

With that this movie gets a 5/10.

I would still reccomend to people who are fans of musicals. Im not the biggest fan of them so maybe you'd enjoy this unlike me.

Otherwise i dont reccomend.

Moral of the story. Just because you got big name actors. Doesnt mean you got a big name movie on your hands.

Thats all.
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Klaus (2019)
Santa Klaus
15 December 2022
Klaus review

The plot is too complicated for me to type it out myself so this is the movie description

When Smeerensburg's new postman, Jesper, befriends toymaker Klaus, their gifts melt an age-old feud and deliver a sleigh full of holiday traditions.

I really dont know how to feel about this movie.

The first half of this movie. I wasnt really a fan of. It

second half was really good. So im kinda puzzled on what i rate this.

First of all i think this movie starts off really slow. It was probably nessacary but the start feels like a totally different movie than what it turned out to be. This movie really had nothing to do with christmas until like 45-50 minutes in.

Another thing is. I dont really like the characters all to much. They all have anger issues and it irratates me.

Now lets get to the good things.

The animation is very unique and really stunning. Honestly.. whats with christmas films and them all having great animation?

The story was very questionable at first. Like its a very weird setup. But it worked. And it was actually a great take on the orgins of santa klaus.

Voice acting was good. Everyone played their roles perfectly.

Overall. Im kinda split on this movie. But i think im leaning towards the good side. Pacing was kinda slow. Animation, story, and voice acting were all great.

So I will rate this... a..... 7/10!

I feel like this movie will grow on me. So ill give an update in the comments in like a year or so. Whenever i rewatch this movie.

Honestly. I think this is a movie that you should atleast try out during christmas. Everyone. Who knows maybe you'll discover another christmas must-watch

Thats all.
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Not even children will enjoy this
13 December 2022
Elliot the littlest reindeer review

We're starting off this christmasathon pretty weak.

Heres the plot. Elliot is a miniture horse. With dreams of becoming a reindeer for santas sleigh. He finally gets his chance. And theres alot more than just that. But thats basicly the main plot.


The animation is atrocious also

The story is pretty basic for a chrismas movie. Its basicly just every other reindeer movie on christmas.

The pacing was ok enough. Tho now that i think of it i feel like they kinda stretched this movie out abit.

Now i should also menton that this is a KIDS MOVIE (atleast i hope it is) But i still think there are WAY better christmas movies to choose for your children than this. Like its bad. But its also boring at some parts... So its bad for everyone!

Voice acting is also pretty trash... Only that elve guy thats on the thumbnail of this video has good voice acting.

Overall this was not a good movie. Characters probably the worst ive ever seen, Story is cliche, Animation is garbage. Voice acting is trash, And overall it was just a bad take on reindeer movies.

Plus i should mention that it doesnt really feel that christmasy. Sure it involves santa and elves and reindeer. But while your watching your think about nothing christmas

So i will rate this a 2/10..

I dont reccomend to anyone.... this sucked.
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Kevin Bacon MCU canon
8 December 2022
This special is pretty straight foward. Starlord is sad. And chrismas is apporching. So Drax and mantis go to earth to get kevin bacon and give him to starlord as a chrismas gift.

This was a nice little special

This special definity felt rushed but I shoulda expected that when the runtime is 40 minutes.

The acting in this was all round great. I feel every character plays their role really well. And i think Mantis and Kevin bacon both went above and beyond in this special.

Drax was for the most part getting crapped on this entire special. And i kinda felt bad for him at some parts. But.... The characters redeem themselves later.

The humour (which there is alot of) is really hit or miss in this movie. Its rather cringe or really funny.

Theres these like poorly animated scenes at the start and end of the movie. I originally thought they did it because they couldnt get yondus actor but he did the voices. So i have no idea why they didnt just do live action. Maybe because it was a flashback.. no idea.

And the music was.. eh. I didnt like the actually background music for some scenes. It was just rock chrismas music. Wasnt good. But at the start and end of the movie theres 2 scenes that involve music that are actually pretty darn good. If you watched the special you probably know what i mean.

Overall this was a pretty heartwarming movie. Rushed but they did the best they could with what they got. Actors were Great in this movie. Humour was hit or miss. Story was goofy but fun. Music was also hit or miss. Its also abit corny.

So I will rate this special an 7/10. Which i think is pretty aceeptable for a special like this.

I reccomend if your a fan of the gotg. Or just marvel in general. Because even if it isnt chrismas there are some quality gotg content in this. Esically with mantis and drax.
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The Cable Guy (1996)
21 November 2022
This movie was alright. Definitely not the best movie out there but it's pretty intresting and any movie with Jim Carey starring in it is a must watch.

This movie is a comedy/drama movie and you can definitely see those two things in this movie

It wasn't the most funny thing out there but I laughed a few times.

Now my favourite part about this movie was just how the second half played out. Everything that was being used in his benefit in the first half of the movie was being used against him in the second half and I just find that really cool

Soundtrack was alright. Really the only highlight song I can think of is American women and the song cable guy is singing I forget the name of that song tho

Acting was ok. Jim Carey had the best acting there by far cuz the rest of the cast was pretty meh if I'm being honest. They did their roles and that's that. And I'll give some credit to the other main character guy. He plays his role well too

This movie was also packed with many tv show references and movie references with basicly all of them coming from the cable guy himself. Many of them I did not get tho because this movie released in 1996 I think.

Now it's time to praise Jim Carey because MAN he is a good actor. He plays a mentally unstable cable guy really well. Probably better than anybody else. And what makes it more impressive is that the cable guy in this movie has a lisp in the movie and if you don't know what a lisp it kinda sounds like this

So it's really great acting from him

Overall this movie gets a 7/10. Second half and Jim Carey's preformence Carry's this movie

I'd reccomend to... I don't know actually. Just check it out if it feels like the type of movie you'd enjoy

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Injustice (2021)
17 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was gonna say batman was more human than superman but then i realized superman isnt even human this movie is great. Mostly for the action i also really like the story. Its really something many people have wondered about through the years. What if superman went mad?

I feel like they couldve done it abit better but im happy with what we got How did nightwing just... die from THAT? Maybe im stupid but i dont think that shouldve killed him I should also menton that i have not play the injustice game or read any of the comics so this is my first expierence with injustice this is gonna sound bad but i kinda wish that superman was a little bit more evil than what he was in the movie. He was more corrupt than evil.

Also i kinda wish it was longer just so they could the movie as good as possible cuz i feel like some parts i wish we could see more of.

But nonetheless i enjoyed this movie and will rate it a solid 7/10 i was really close to giving it a 8/10 but harley quinn annoyed me too much so.

I enjoyed the movie its short for a movie. Its funny at times the plot is very intresting, i like most of the characters Wonder women and harley quinn being the only ones i didnt like. And the action is some of the best ive seen in awhile so i reccomend to superhero people.
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The Dirt (2019)
Dirt y
16 November 2022
That movie was freaking wild but I loved it. This movie really shows how wild Mötley Crüe were and their struggles they had during all of it.

Music was good because it's a movie about Mötley Crüe. Of course it was good music.

I always like these autobiographies, because it shows the perspective of the band instead of the audience

This movie was funny, sad, and exciting at the same time

It was also painful to watch at times too

Also, how did they not get arrested in this movie. If I was doing this stuff, I would be in jail for 10 years or more probably. I'd also probably be dead

But yeah, that's movies really wild but it was amazing. I'll read it a nine out of 10 really interesting I recommend to Mötley Crüe fans.
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As a teen...
16 November 2022
That was a ride.

That was a wild movie and I really enjoyed it.

Pacing is very weird but the movie makes up for it. It's not a big deal.

Soundtrack was great. Not suprising coming from a movie that's sorta based around KISS

This movie released in 1999 which really suprised me cuz this movie feels like it would be something released in like 1986 or something.

Critics hated this movie. Probably because they weren't teenagers.

This movie was wild and I freakin loved it. I'll rate it 9/10 because it's just a fun time.

I recommend to teens or rock fans, kiss fans,

I don't recommend to mature people. You'll probably just find this movie obnoxious.
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
29 September 2022
That was just sad... only sad

The ending felt quick like I feel like they could've gone in more depth than what they did that took like 3 minutes the scene itself was fine and all but I don't like how quickly the problem got resolved after what felt like a big leadup

I really feel bad for Elton John in this movie to be honest his life is so much more sad than what I thought it was like

Just like the bohemian rhapsody movie I wish they would've at least continued up to current times instead of just writing it out at the end but at least in this movie it makes more sense why they wouldnt do that as Elton John is still standing

The music is good which is pretty self explanatory.

The actors were also really good especially the actor for Elton john he was phenomenal

Other than that, there's not much to say about this movie to be honest it's just very sad and that'll kinda affect my rating as I like happy movies more than sad movies, but I'm still gonna get this movie a pretty good rating as I will rate it a solid 7/10. This movie is just sadness but it was very well made and real.

I do like this movie but it was just to depressing for me but it was a bop and I somewhat reccomend this movie. It's good but not really my thing.
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27 September 2022
Like the first movie it got better in the second half of the movie.

Except this one was way harder to watch.

The funniest scenes are the most unessacary. Like the bird fight one

This movie was very boring at times but it was also sorta funny at times too.

This movie makes me appreciate the simplicity of the first movie

This movie was trying to be home alone two but ended up being home alone three These movies really do feel like home alone with a overweight cop

Also we get like no mall cop stuff until like an hour into the movie.

The soundtrack wasn't good because I don't remember a single song they had in the movie. If any.

They basicly ditched the entire cast of the first movie except for 2 characters

And the story isn't creative at all. They just go to Vegas for some speech and Paul's daughter gets aceepted to college.

Speaking of the college storyline i didn't really like it. Plus I feel like this movie would be exactly the same if they didn't add that plotline in

There's a lot more nit pics I have, but I don't want this video to be too long so we won't get into too much

Let's just say this movie was a pretty big downgrade from the first movie

But I will rate this movie a not so solid 5/10 really the only positive I had with this movie was it was pretty funny if not funnier than the first to me.

Overall it was just a very bland and boring sequel I do not recommend this movie at all. I hope there not making a mall cop 3 because they should have made a MALL COP 2.
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Freakin Legend
26 September 2022
Now I definitely enjoyed this movie but it would've been better if the entire thing was good. Because I didn't really like the start of the movie all too much and I understand that it sorta set up what was to come but it just wasn't that interesting

But it did 100% get better and that second half was really good.

But Paul blart is a freakin legend

At first I thought the villain was gonna be the hero of the movie but nope.

It has weird pacing but it fits with the movie so it's fine.

This movie wasn't really that funny even tho I think it's an action comedy atleast that's my guess. I laughed maybe twice but not too often

It has a good soundtrack. It has some good moments. And the story Is nothing special It just felt like It had a mixture of a love story and home alone but it doesn't matter if the story is been done 2 million times as long as I enjoyed it will get a good rating by me

That being said I will rate it a solid 7/10 I enjoyed this movie but if the first half of the movie was better it probably would have got a 8/10 or maybe a 9 but that first half is just not that interesting to me though I do like the characters and there were some pretty good twists in there but I think 7/10 is pretty good for this movie

If you do end up watching it. Just don't take it too seriously.
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Click (2006)
Made me cry
18 September 2022
OK that movie changed me.

First of all, let me address the first problem and the biggest problem I saw with this movie which was why didn't you just use the reverse button.

Why don't you just reverse everything like Bruh?

It also has a few repetitive jokes like the dog humping the duck plushy, and stuff like that.

Kinda got annoying after the fourth time It showed it yeah four times. They probably show me like eight times tho.

But other than that. This movie weirdly changed me, I did not expect it to come from an Adam Sandler movie, but I teared up a bit. I'm gonna admit I teared up a bit. It was actually that good. Creative story if they didn't just steal it from something else. I like the soundtrack a lot. The characters were good I mean we didn't really get to know them too much since time kept changing so quickly.

I feel like I'm a more confident person after this or maybe only for the first hour after watching the movie maybe I should watch it every morning before I go to school and I'll be more confident and not a shy guy. I'll try that.

Also, for a comedy movie this movie was really sad. Like I said I teared up.

It's a beautiful movie the comedies good the stories good the plots good if they didn't just steal it off of something. They probably did. But watch this movie. It's so good. I liked it so much more than I thought I would rate it nine out of 10 not perfect but it's really good.
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6 September 2022
I really really liked this movie. I think they did mostly everything great!

But I don't really like the pacing in this movie. The start seems to go by quickly while some parts are slower.

I also feel like they just forget stuff they already put in the movie like the thing with Freddy's teeth they really just forget about. And him and his parents except that we do kinda see at the end but for the most part that was forgotten about

Spoiler alert: I also woulda liked it if they showed everything up to Freddy's death. Instead of just writing it out at the end. But who knows. Maybe we'll get a sequel.

But yeah I recommend this movie to any music fans to be honest it's such a good movie I already want to watch it again.
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Happy Gilmore (1996)
It was an Adam sandler movie
12 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this at like 3 am so i might not be the most reliable source but this movie was fairly decent. My favourite parts are whenever happy gets mad and chubbs death scene. I'd recommend if you need to laugh.
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It's time to stop.
22 June 2022
Disney needs to stop making Star Wars. This show is legit pointless for the Star Wars story. Disney needs to stop milking Star Wars because it's sorta ruining Star Wars. All these unnecessary shows and movies. There not even that good! But as long as there getting $$$ there gonna keep making new Star Wars. This show was boring and I didn't really care for it at all. Maybe casual Star Wars fans would enjoy this more than someone who grew up with the old movies and fell in love with them.
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A good conclusion
21 June 2022
Chances are this won't be the last muppet movie but if it is. It went out in a good way. This is what I think of when I think of the muppets. Catchy tunes with comedy and a bunch of other wacky shenanigans along the way. Muppet fans will love it and musical fans should also love it.
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This movie made me go viral
29 March 2022
ZOINKS! YEAT! JEEPERS! JENKYS! DAME DA NE!!! Yeah. Search up Fred's new catchphrase and you will find it. Also this movie is decent. Typical scoobydoo movie.
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Uncharted (2022)
It was ok. That's it
20 February 2022
This movie only gets a 7 because I saw it in IMAX and I don't think I've ever seen a movie in imax before. The screen was sooo big and the room was so high! Oh yeah uncharted well it has good action scenes I'll give it that. Otherwise it felt like something I've watched before. I've also never actually played uncharted so that probably changes my opinion. I don't think I can recommend it unless your seeing it in imax or something.
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The Cuphead Show! (2022– )
It got better the more I watched
19 February 2022
At the start it was meh. I actually skipped ep 2 because it was just a annoying episode. But by the end of the season it got way better. The devil episodes are usually the best in my opinion.
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