
14 Reviews
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RSVP (I) (2024)
A winner!
1 June 2024
This is another winner for Bet+!

This fun, action-packed thriller about a dinner party with deadly consequences has good acting, nice scenery, and some great fight scenes. It definitely looks like a much higher budget film than you usually see on cable.

Avoiding spoilers, I'll say this about the plot: a business man plans revenge on people who wronged him. But one of the dinner guests fights back.

Is it perfect? Of course not - no movie is. But it'll keep you entertained from the first minute until the last.

I rated it a 9 because there's no option for 8.5. I also give it extra points for making the most of their budget (this isn't a high-budget Hollywood film) and for the well-choreographed fights.

Would love to see more with the main character!
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Fun Indie Fantasy
20 March 2024
I have to laugh at how many people simply don't understand film budgets. They make comparisons to films like Lord of the Rings...but. LotR spent several TIMES more just on their craft services than it cost to make this movie.

This is a low-budget (low/mid-6 figures US dollars) indie film. For the cost, it has: good acting, good action scenes, an OK script, and pretty good CGI effects.

As others have said: it's like a D&D game come to life, but you don't have to play (or even like) D&D to enjoy this film. It's a very straightforward fantasy adventure suitable for fans of all ages. (There's no nudity, mild curses with "made up" words, and limited blood/gore.)

At a time when so many films go WAY over the top on SFX, this is a nice throwback to more simple/practical effects (and some nice CGI to fill in the gaps).

I'm looking forward to watching the other films in the series.
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Good Indie Horror
29 February 2024
"Camp Pleasant Lake" is what all good, low-budget, indie horror films should be: fun, gory, and satisfyingly violent, with just enough cheese to make you laugh.

The "big names" - Jonathan Lipnicki, Bonnie Aarons, Michael Pare, Andrew Divoff, and Robert LaSardo - all turn in great performances. Divoff is particularly creepy (as he should be in the role) and Aarons shows she can play evil just as well outside of her "Nun" character. And Lipnicki leaves it all on the screen and is clearly enjoying getting away from the "cute kid" roles he played when he was young.

And speaking of kids... Lacey Burdine turns in a fantastic performance as "Young Echo Meadows." She more than holds her own in scenes with far more seasoned actors. I would be shocked if her career doesn't take off.

I won't bother re-capping the entire film as some people feel is necessary. The plot is simple: horror fans pay to spend a weekend at a "Camp of Terror" and things get bloody.

There is plenty of blood and some fun kills. It's not a film for the squeamish - but these films never are. Does it always make sense? Who cares? We watch horror movies to see the killer(s) kill and the victim(s) die. It's about the entertainment value - and "Camp Pleasant Lake" has a HIGH entertainment value.

I'm giving this a 9/10 for an indie horror film. Is it "The Godfather?" Of course not! But in this genre, it's far better than most and should be rated accordingly.

Hopefully there will be a sequel - I'd love to see this masked killer do some more damage.
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A good horror revenge flick
12 January 2024
This is a relatively low budget horror flick. If you're looking for crazy special effects or big explosions, look elsewhere.

What you get here is raw emotion, suspense, and some good kill scenes. There's plenty of blood - don't worry!

The acting is generally quite good, with standout performances from Scout Taylor-Compton and Tony Devon (RIP). The timeline jumps around a bit, but it's easy to follow. The characters are believable and easy to root for/against. The set locations are simple - their rawness matches the feel of the film.

This is NOT a "whodunit." You know who is doing it and find out pretty early on why. Then it's just a matter of finding out how the bad guys meet their end...and enjoying the payoff.

For a relatively low budget film, the sound and camera quality is exceptionally good - on par with standard theatrical releases - and the direction is top notch.

Fans of horror - especially revenge horror - won't be disappointed.
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Campy Fun
9 November 2023
If you're a die hard, hard core horror fan, you probably won't like this.

If you're a casual, horror/comedy fan, this is right up your alley.

Make no mistake: this is a horror/comedy. There are numerous, over-the-top, smack-in-you-in-the-face tropes. Some of the more race-related ones will even make some viewers uncomfortable. All of that is fine, because - together - it all works.

Simply put: this film is about a bunch of black people (yes, that's relevant!) playing a deadly game. Correction: a deadly RACIST game. And yes, that's relevant, too. Some die, some fight back, some goes around and around, with little twists and turns (some obvious, others not).

Overall, it's a fun movie. There was just enough gore to make me happy and just enough comedy to make me laugh.

I'd love to see more films like this.
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Bloodthirst (2023)
Good indie horror film
9 November 2023
What's with the "1" ratings? Very few films are really a "1." Those who give this film a "1" clearly have something against the makers of the film.

Moving on...

This is a low-budget, independent horror film. It was probably made for less than most movies spend on craft services. But that doesn't make it bad - far from it. With stars such as Costas Mandylor, Tara Reid and Robert LaSardo, there's some real talent on board.

And, unlike some other low-budget indies, the stars aren't in it for 2 minutes - they have major roles.

I'll avoid spoilers and say this: There's plenty of gore, laughs, and campy-cheese (or is it "cheesy-camp?") to make this film enjoyable. Most of the acting is good (Robert LaSardo is always a pleasure to watch) and the costumes/locations are believable - they keep you in the film.

If this was a $50 million movie, I'd give it a 3. But it's not. It was probably made for less than 1% of that amount...and, honestly, it's better than some big budget movies.

The Mahals have carved out a nice niche in the industry. This is another good one from them. Overall: 7.
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The Shepherd (2019)
Powerful Film
23 October 2023
I'm not sure how anyone could rate this film a "1." I also notice that NONE of those reviewers bothered to leave an actual review.


This is a powerful, moving film. You're not going to walk away from it with a smile or warm feeling. You will walk away from it feeling you have witnessed incredible filmmaking and a movie that MUST be watched.

From the long, single-takes (which are FAR from boring) to the power that comes with not saying a word to the raw violence, this film will keep you riveted.

Warning: without spoilers, there are scenes that are likely to be disturbing to many people. However, like "Schindler's List" (and yes, I'm making THAT comparison), these scenes have a purpose and it's important to watch.

The acting is impeccable and I can only imagine how difficult - and moving - it was for the actors.

I've seen this movie twice...and still feel a need to watch it again. It's that good.
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Craving (2023)
Slow Burn - Nice Payoff
23 October 2023
As others have said, this movie is a slow burn - but it's worth the wait. You know the headliner is coming - just be patient and enjoy the opening acts. They are there for a reason.

This film has some good character development, often through the use of flashbacks. Not everything or everyone is what they seem. The viewer knows something is missing - we just have to wait to find out.

When the headliner finally hits the stage...oh yeah! It's time to ROCK! And rock it does! Horror fans won't be disappointed.

I'll leave the spoilers to others and say this:

This is a low-budget indie horror film. They make the most of their cast and location, putting the rest into practical effects. It works.

Oh...and make sure you watch through the end. :-)
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Fun indie action/thriller
16 October 2023
Let's be clear: This is a relatively low-budget indie film. But that doesn't mean it's bad - in fact, quite the opposite. With a cast that includes Felissa Rose, Dave Sheridan, LC Holt, Xander Goldman and Robert Mukes, you know you're in for some fun - and some blood!

The cinematography is great - none of that "was-this-shot-on-a-phone?" junk - as is the acting. The cast is full of indie film talent - there's a recognizable face in every scene. There are no "slow moments" as the movie keeps things moving quickly - there's plenty of action and excitement to keep viewers interested.

This film makes the most of what it has and uses the West Virginia filming locations well.

If you like indie action/thriller/horror films, you'll enjoy this one!
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Enjoyable western horror
24 December 2022
I love westerns and I love horror movies, so I was excited about seeing this movie.

Of course, being a big fan of westerns, I'm picky about them. Too many modern day westerns miss the old school look and feel of the classics. They try too hard to be modern.

This movie captures that old school feel. The costumes are great, the scenery is on-point, and the characters have that "good/bad" feel about them - they aren't perfect, just like real people.

Richard Grieco does a wonderful job - he should do more westerns!

As for the horror aspect: it's a horror movie, so there are monsters, blood, deaths, and - of course - plenty of fun moments.

This movie looks a LOT better than its budget would imply.

Forget the "1" scores. This is a solid 8.
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Death Count (2022)
Fun gore fest!
30 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
People are writing reviews like this is a multi-million dollar movie. It isn't. It's a B horror movie - and it's fun!

A few spoilers:

Sarah French does a wonderful job as the "heroine." Devanny Pinn has an awesome death scene - loved it! Robert LaSardo isn't in it nearly enough, but does a great job in his brief appearance. Michael Madsen has been better...but Costas Mandylor turns it on and steals the movie.

Lots of gore and gross death scenes. Some brief nudity, too.

Grab a drink, some popcorn, and enjoy the movie.
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016–2022)
Lots of silly, tongue-in-cheek fun
26 June 2022
I can't believe how many haters are here.

After Season 1 (which I found to be the worst, by far), the show became far more enjoyable. It rarely took itself seriously, had lots of silly, tongue-in-cheek moments, and was an enjoyable romp through time, space and the Arrowverse.

It probably held up better, over time, than most of the other shows in the Arrowverse.

It's unfortunate there won't be more seasons - I'll miss it.
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Another Life (2019–2021)
Second season MUCH better!
16 June 2022
I watched this series a few months ago, so I'll stick to the basics:

The first season is NOT good. It's like a teenage angst film in space. There are a few redeeming qualities - Katee Sackhoff, mainly - and a promising plot, but it gets bogged down by the aforementioned angst.

Now...the SECOND season is completely different. I won't spoil anything, but let's just say they dealt with the problems of season 1 and turned things around. It became a very enjoyable sci-fi show.

Too bad there won't be a third season. It could have built on things and become a great show.

Season 1: 4 Season 2: 8

Overall: 6.
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Cheesy Fun
16 June 2022
Look folks - this is not a Sunday afternoon "Million Dollar Movie" (I'm probably dating myself with that reference). It's a relatively low budget horror/slasher flick with some appearances by B-movie actors.

But that doesn't mean it's bad. The acting is decent, the special effects are cheesy at times - but not horrible - and the movie, slow at first, picks up the pace quickly.

I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. If this was a big budget film, I'd give it a 2. But since it's low budget and they did a decent job with what they had, I'm giving it a 6.
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