
12 Reviews
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A sense of impending doom
28 January 2024
An old friend returns out of the blue to give Ben and Rachel a gift. A seemingly empty box with no bottom. Inside is something that wants to get out. Something that could very well have sinister intentions.

Directed by Caleb J. Phillips and running at a little over fifteen minutes, The Other Side of the Box is one of the best short films that I've seen thus far on the ALTER YouTube channel. A sense of dread is built up constantly though the majority of the film as the strange "thing" looms over the young couple. What is it? What does it want? Why was is passed on to them? Those questions may or may not get answered by the excellent conclusion but it's definitely worth the fifteen minutes to find out.

Other Side of the Box is an awesome little horror short that doesn't try to do too much and succeeds at delivering a sense of impending doom. It's proof of how you don't always need much of a budget to hit a home run.
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Curve (2016)
All humans have hope
28 January 2024
Every review I read about this short says stuff about how it's depicting depression and hopelessness but I couldn't disagree more... I think it depicts the exact opposite honestly.

Its a dramatized example of the animalistic instinct humans have of survival and everlasting hope even in moments of complete weakness and vulnerability... even when humans are placed in positions where there's "no way out", like the character in this short film, we still have the slightest ounce of hope left in us because that's just human nature. She does everything she can to survive until the bitter end...

So, no, this short wasn't about falling into the pits of sadness and depression, it's about how how even in the darkest/most helpless of moments, there is an inherent instinct in all of us to do everything possible for survival. All humans have hope.
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A really powerful horror short film
28 December 2023
There is of course the ever-present fear of something horrifying lurking in the shadows.

Beyond that, there is the confrontation of beliefs and reality, and the mixing of the two. Is this an epiphany ? Or perhaps the beginning of a renewed belief. Or its end ?

I really like the multiple layers of themes here and there which give you thoughts, way more than most of the horror movies nowadays.

Moreover, there are no jumpscares, which are overused in modern horror movies.

The director is a very young and talented film maker. I really hope he will continue to offer us this kind of horror, more dreadful than startling.
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November (2022)
A film that is too succinct, sometimes confusing and without endearing protagonists
6 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The nervous style of the director did not help to understand who we arrest and where it exactly leads us in the middle of the pursuit of the terrorists. We only see this at the end with the final panel including photos of each suspects, under red threads, connecting them or not. Why not have this regularly throughout the film ?

The only character in the story who is really endearing, convincing and interesting is played by Anais Demoustier. The others failed to be really convincing with their emotions and the very thin personnal history that is presented to us.

This movie tried (but failed) to be too factual for a sadly too human catastrophe.
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Timeless fairy tale
10 March 2022
I think Guillermo del Toro has achieved what he wanted to do: to create a tale that is authentic, that feels old, told for generations before reaching us.

Not only that, but as a film, it stands very high in terms of: an engaging story with beautiful cinematography, well crafted decor and period costumes.

The actors are well chosen; we follow Ofelia as the protagonist and we are truly by her side from start to finish which reinforces the impact of her discoveries and trials, both in the post civil war Spain and in the magical realm.

It is a story that contains many emotions like a true fairy tale, guiding us through the best and worst of human nature from the innocent and imaginative point of view of a 10 years old in time of war.
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A strange dream
27 January 2022
This movie is like one of those strange dream that lingers with you all day after waking up.

It is a crazy theatre piece with zanny characters, a mystery plot and an uncanny atmosphere which create a dream-like style à la David Lynch.

So, it is indeed not for everybody. But if you like the strangeness, dream-likeness of certain movies, go for it !
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Historical timeless masterpiece
22 January 2022
When I was in high school our history teacher showed us this movie. Later, as a young adult, I rewatched it while rediscovering the filmography of Steven Spielberg. More time passed, I became a history teacher myself and showed it to my students.

If I have kids, I will show them this masterpiece someday.

It is more than just entertainment based upon historical events. It is a lesson. And a big one for ourselves and later generations.
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One of the best vampire movie i've seen
21 January 2022
I have never liked vampire stories nor romance things for that matter even though i've seen many of that kind of movies. Still, this film strikes me on many level.

Let the Right One In resonated with me, and not just because I like horror movies. I found myself identifying with Oskar from the outset, sympathizing with him during his torment, longing to protect him from the evils of his life, and nodding with understanding when he stood alone in the playground, stabbing a tree with a knife and pretending it was one of his tormentors.

It was because of this connection that I totally welcomed Eli into the story. I saw Eli as Oskar saw her, and I sensed his great relief when he came to realize that there was another in the world who wanted to understand him. Even though Eli was clearly different, a vampire for that matter, still, she was the one who saw Oscar for what he was, a lonely gentle soul tormented by bullies.

You see, this film went beyond the vampire and romantic stuff that we could see in other movies, deeply overused. It uses it clerverly, gently, put us in the shoes of those two gentle and broken young souls and guides us through their journey of understanding, friendship and maybe more without overlooking the scary things that can happen along the way.
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This movie adds nothing new or clever to the trilogy.
2 January 2022
It is rehashing old concepts and visuals and put them into 2021 and then... nothing. Why ?

Firstly, because there is already Matrix from 1999 if you want to approach those interesting concepts of reality, identity, dreams, humanity, AI, etc. This movie adds nothing from our own era that could be clever or really useful to the story.

Secondly, from the visual point, of course it has its charm (sometimes), but nothing revolutionnary like the trilogy during its time.

Finally, the story, at its core, is just the same as the first one, so what's the point ?

I am very dissapointed. I will rewatch the original Matrix right now. You should do the same.
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A dissapointing end to the Daniel Craig era
11 October 2021
Good visual and some ok action times.

However, it has some flaws and the idea of a James Bond who settles and has a wife is so far away from the Bond we all know.

This Bond is not as witty as a Sean Connery or Pierce Brosnan, and where is the womanizer Bond ? I understand the sensibilities of today, of some people, but this is not, once again, the archetype James Bond that we love.

Nonetheless, thank you Mister Craig for your service.
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Dune (2021)
Good sci fi movie
18 September 2021
Visuals and sounds are impressive which give an epic experience à la Star Wars. I'm so glad to have seen it on the big screen.

The story is not complicated but the universe is rich and well developped. It has a Game of Thrones feeling when it comes to political mysteries and tricks.

The main down point is the apparant lack of reactions of the protagonist . He was too stoic. It reminds me of the protagonist of Tenet, just following a course of events without really questionning it.

I would say that this film is entertaining, It lacks maybe a more dynamic pace.
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Titane (2021)
At its core, this film is an average drama.
31 July 2021
Strangely enough, I think this movie works best without the fantastic and body-horror parts.

At its core, this film is a drama. We experience the relationship between two broken people, the conflict between their deepest desires and the consequences their meeting has on their respective personal struggle.

Because of that, the acting is very important and both actors deliver a very good performance, especially Vincent Lindon. He plays a lonely disillusioned old fireman on steroids, completely adrift after losing his young son several years ago.

The other lead, Agathe Rousselle, plays a disturbed young female, also very lonely and about to experience an unprecedented metamorphosis.

I don't think the soundtrack is the strong point of this film. Nevertheless, the cinematography is excellent; I really enjoyed the use of colors, contrasts and lightings which reinforce the drama and its horrors elements.

Overall, I was more or less interested in the relationship between the two leads, but I don't think the fantastic part was that well integrated and used.

I don't know why it won at Cannes. To each its own I guess.
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