
5 Reviews
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Devs (2020)
14 April 2024
This is probably top 3 shows I've ever seen. The crafting of the music throughout this show sends the sweetest, eeriest chills through your spine. Dark sci-fi is at its best here. Each character in the show seems to turn in a stellar acting performance, and you can't help to get attached to most of them. There's enough real science to the show that it's like putting a VR headset on and traveling into some not so distant future. The free will debate aspect of this show is compelling and moving, so id be surprised if you don't find yourself grappling with the questions a bit while enjoying the show. It's also a real treat to watch the bad guy vs good guy dimension of the show. You'll be screaming at the screen "this person needs to die!" or "please let this character live!" Yeah this show tripped all my triggers. Suspense. Check. Original sci-fi. Check. Juicy plot line. Check. Strong character development? Check. Enjoy, I don't know how you could not like this show. Reviewing it after my second time through the show. Even better upon second watch.
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Dark (2017–2020)
Devil's Advocate
3 January 2023
A lot of people gave this show incredible reviews, and I don't blame until the show stopped making sense and things got super repetitive. Somewhere late season 2 but especially season 3 this show completely lost its thread. They abandoned a number of subplot lines which left you hanging and thinking ummm what ever happened with the other plots? Probably 10 times per episode you hear Adam and several other important and mysterious characters say "I'm going to finally tell you the truth" or "you'll know the truth in time". The constant flipping back and forth between past present and future for like 10 different characters becomes ridiculous rote and deeply depressing. Basically every character has a sad story and life has sucked for them pretty much their entire life. This show loves to emphasize how crappy the town of Winden is and all the people in it . It's a slow burn of sci fi that barely makes sense and just makes you feel emotionally zapped from nothing good ever happening . They occasionally throw in some sex scenes just to keep you hooked in a little bit longer because they don't have anything else going for them really. Season 3 is absurdly confusing with the introduction of a parallel world with the same characters and you're just left trying to remember which parallel world you're in. The show finally likes to sound pop culture physics-savvy by throwing in words like quantum entanglement to describe what's going on in the show. The very last episode is somewhat redeeming because it wraps up the major plot and ends on a semi happy note when compared to the despair of the entire show. Not impressed but I still had to finish this show just to see where it went.
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UFO (2021)
13 August 2021
This show does a wonderful job looking at the UFO phenomenon critically while also putting you intensely in the shoes of those who have experienced this stuff. "UFO" also lays out all the moving parts, spinning the tales of believers and non-believers alike and leaving you astonished at the topic's complexity. Moreover, clarity is gained from this in terms of understanding why no one has solved the mystery yet. You may find yourself believing in all the possibilities without resting your stance in any one side of the issue. For example, the arguments presented for UFOS being secret government technology is very strong in this series, but that is not without marveling at the arguments for extraterrestrial origins as well. Even though I was up to date with some of the material covered in "UFO", I was glued to the screen the whole time. Finally, you will encounter some of the more exotic UFO phenomena in this series (abductions, skinwalker ranch), but I'd advise you not to turn back from this roller coaster ride just because it has a few wild turns.
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10 August 2021
This show stinks it up bad. You have the entire cast that shares nearly the same exact viewpoint on these unknown phenomena (all of it is due to Alien presence and government knows), so the viewer isn't able to wrestle with the different perceptions of what else is possible (for example Mick West's interpretations). In short, these guys are trying to brainwash you into thinking what they believe. The breaking point for me was when they interviewed a man who said he autopsied many alien bodies in an underground secret base, presenting it as fact. It's sad that this Netflix series is putting a bad name on the topic because the stuff released by the New York Times recently is actually fascinating. If you're watching for a good laugh, enjoy yourself. If you're looking for an authentic source on this topic, avoid this show like it's poison. The only reason I gave 2 stars is because the personal stories are entertaining, but take them with a grain of salt. My grandpa was a great story teller too, but half his stories probably never happened the way he exaggerated it.
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Brain Rot
14 May 2021
Let's get this out of the way first. This is the worst show I've ever seen. These people are not scientists; they're a bunch of bimbos getting wowed by EMF reader spikes and when that isn't happening for them they're either playing make-pretend about fuzzy objects in the sky or feigning radiation sickness from the aliens. What a load of hot garbage. I actually have a good idea for this series. Introduce it to 2nd grade science students to show them how science should not be practiced. The only adequate explanation for why this lot is so full of dung is that they're being paid extra to default to supernatural explanations at every turn. I feel embarrassed for myself that I even gave this show a 1 star rating, but I had no other option since the rating system doesn't go deeply into the negatives. In the end, I am torn between two ways to view the show. It's like comedy central on one hand because I couldn't stop laughing at the absurdities. On the other hand, I see disturbing implications of how many Americans are watching this and being tricked into thinking this show is authentic.
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