
9 Reviews
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Lie with Me (2005)
Interesting to watch but superficial
17 February 2006
I liked the characters in this film and the actors playing them. But the truth is this film falls short in its effort to examine sex addiction vs. the complexity of love and relationships. I suppose it is easy to dismiss this work as a well produced soft porn flick. It seems to want to be much more. The problem is the characters are not all that well developed. We do not know what the two principal characters find in each other that will transcend their heavy breathing. They say they love each other eventually, but who knows why? Frankly I have know idea what the lead female character has to offer in terms of substance. At least the male character is seen reading Steppenwolf and not the cliff notes version, either. So I guess we can deduce he has depth and intelligence. The female lead, however, seems to work in photo developing shop as a clerk. Yet she has quite a varied wardrobe which she somehow is able to afford. That's about it in terms of her personality and depth. But they do have attractive bods and I must guiltily admit I enjoyed that. If the sex scenes were edited out, the theater would be empty half way through any screening!!!
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Tony Takitani (2004)
art film for art film lovers only
27 January 2006
So much has been said about this film - most of it very positive. For those who love films with little plot or character development, this film is for them. It is about loneliness and isolation. It is also very slowly paced. Pretension also comes to my mind because we, the viewer, are asked to accept significant illogical plot points presumably because it seems artful to do so. Come on. We are asked to believe a very attractive, stylish young woman would, after a few dates, agree to marry a much older, lonely man who apparently does not have much personality. If the reason she does is because he can provide for her all the designer clothes she could buy, she must surely be a very superficial person. Yet, these two apparently find marital bliss although her clothes closet gets bigger and bigger to the point a whole room has to be taken over to accommodate her lack of control. Uh, really!!! Not once is addressed addiction as a serious personality disorder. Rather we are asked to find beauty in that somehow these two mismatched characters with serious problems are happy except for that elephant (or should I say clothes horse) in the middle of the room. I am perhaps viewing this film from too literal a viewpoint yet I came away thinking that I have been snookered. The photography is impressive as are the performances. Too bad the film is like a fortune cookie. Not much food value with a message no one takes seriously.
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Kings & Queen (2004)
Pretentious Mess
2 January 2006
In sum, overlong and filled with more subplots than swiss cheese has holes! The director and co-writer says he wanted to mix genres - in this case drama and comedy. Well, at least here, these two mix like vinegar and oil. To boot, the comedy is not very funny and juvenile. Additionally, the film is not really realistic. Liberties are taken regarding the legal system in committing French Citizens against their will and the apparent ease of absconding with drugs in French Hospitals. I watched this film on my big screen TV at home and found myself shouting at the film to move on. Eventually toward the end I fast forwarded the final long speech one of the main characters makes to his ex-lover's son. By that time I was worn out by the preposterous confused plot that deals with a dead lover, marriage of convenience and a nutty ex-lover. At times the plot diverts to the families of the two main characters and then reverts back to one of them - either Ismael or primarily Nora. To the detriment of the audience, viewpoints keep changing from Nora and Ismael, her ex-lover confined against his will in a psychiatric hospital. There probably are two potentially interesting films here neither of which are well developed. The epilogue does not really wrap up many of the sub-plots and seems to want the viewer to believe Nora somehow will find happiness although given her circumstances in real life the chances are equivalent to a snow ball's chance in hell. The actors do their best and are appealing, but this is not enough to overcome all the glaring faults of poor writing, editing and lack of focus.
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Grizzly Man (2005)
fascinating and thoughtful real life tragedy
31 December 2005
Documentaries are not to me the most fascinating type of cinema. Oftentimes they can be boring and full of themselves. But when they are done well it's important to give credit where credit is due. Grizzly Man is one of those documentaries. It has not one false note. Werner Herzog does a masterful job of letting Timothy Treadwell, the unfortunate and misguided self appointed warrior for the wild bear, tell his story through the video he, himself, shot. Since we know the tragic consequence of his behavior, we watch with horror and wonderment as he rationalizes irrationally the justification of testing the boundaries between wild nature and man. We see a man who could not fit in except in the wilderness where he convinced himself the wild bear needed him as their protector. He exhibits a child-like enthusiasm giving bears pet names seemingly believing they somehow accepted him. His friends loved him for his eccentricities and he apparently attained some sort of cult status because of this behavior. All of this was a recipe for inevitable disaster. Herzog edits and narrates his film objectively allowing the viewer to see Treadwell as a well meaning, overly enthusiastic protagonist who was like a kid in Disneyland while at the same time

a vulnerable, ill advised man placing himself and his partner needlessly in harm's way. You know a film is good when you find yourself thinking about it many hours after you have viewed it. Grizzly Man leaves the viewer with a lot to mull over. You won't easily forget this film or this misguided, well intentioned man.
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King Kong (2005)
over produced special effects
28 December 2005
This film has been declared a masterpiece by some professional critics. Not really. It is at times very interesting to watch - especially the recreation of New York in the 1930's. King Kong, as well, is impressive. But come on, this tale has been told before (ie the original) and much better as well as much leaner. Once again, less is more. At over three hours, this flick is overkill. And sometimes a groaner and eye roller. Does anyone notice Naomi Watts is wearing a slim, thin dress in the middle of a freezing New York with no discomfort at all??? Howabout all those men running with under those prehistoric monsters and most not getting squished? I wanted to really like this movie, but left the theater saying is this worth several hundred million dollars? The answer is no. While it may be entertaining at times and Naomi Watts is a good actress doing the best anyone could probably do in this one dimensional role, it definitely is not a masterpiece.
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Close to Leo (2002 TV Movie)
worthy but flawed effort
28 December 2005
There is a lot to like here. The actors are first rate and the script provides good dialog best capturing the ambiance of a tightly knit, likable family. However, for that reason the film does not ring true. We see Leo, who apparently just learned of his HIV positive diagnosis, essentially react in a way that is not in tune to the supportive atmosphere for which he finds himself. As well, the film ends somewhat abruptly avoiding what Leo, his brother and the rest of this close family must have dealt with in light of their love for him. The young actor who plays Leo's brother, Marcel, is impressive as generally is the rest of the cast. Unfortunately, the scriptwriters could not decide onwhether they wanted an insightful dissertation on the effects of HIV on a functional, appealing family or what the devastation HIV is on the victim - so it only hints at both. While this film provides food for thought it leaves the viewer wanting much more than it delivers.
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Wild Side (2004)
Little plot lots of kink
26 November 2005
If you like films that ramble with little plot exposition spiced with kinky sex, this film is for you. On the plus side the lead actor/actress (newcomer transsexual) does have an interesting screen presence, but not enough to add up to much more than a mildly interesting movie - if that. Essentially this film is about 3 social outcasts (transexual prostitute, male hustler, and Russian,gay immigrant) who somehow have developed a bond. Why is not clear. We are expected to accept these misfits are at the core basic honest people who have the ability to love while they hustle their bodies on the street. Right!! And Anna Nicole Smith was truly in love with her ninety something sugar daddy! The filmmaker shows a gritty, unpleasant side of life while wanting us to believe underneath it all these seriously damaged people are really quite normal to the extent they have a menage a trois which helps them through life. Quite a fantasy, but unfortunately portrayed here as real look of life on the wild side. In sum, no plot, no truth and no real reason to spend much time here. Unless of course you just like to revel in the kink!!!
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underrated classic ahead of it's time
17 November 2005
The two here are Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney at their prime. The road is the bumpy road of relationships and marriage. As this couple travel this rocky road you, the viewer, observe how a charming, charismatic couple can change and evolve and hurt one another while still being in love. Stanley Donnen, director, does a masterful job in moving things along. The storyline is not linear. You get to see the couple a various times in their relationship revisiting them at crucial stages. The result is an engaging film that demands your attention. The European setting is romantic, the humor balancing the pathos of their life, and the viewer coming away with perhaps some universal truths of what it means to be connected. Audry Hepburn is class personified and Finney, in a word, a hunk!!!
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classic but dated
14 November 2005
Nostalgia is the primary reason to view this film. The plot is too cute, the storyline too improbable and the comedy not particularly funny. I think there may have been perhaps two or three times I smiled but most of time thought a well made for TV flick is more entertaining. However, if you like Barbara Stanwyck and want to return to a more innocent, naive time devoid of faxes, computers, etc. this film is for you. Actually the cast does quite a good job with the lines they have to deliver but most of the plot points elicit groans rather than guffaws. The home in which most of the action takes place is very impressive, but like the plot, unrealistic. Most people, even today, don't live this good. The film is a fantasy, but so over the top it simply no longer works.
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