
14 Reviews
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Should have been a good one
22 May 2024
I love Liane Moriarty's books but not sure I can get through this mini- series. First, it was filmed entirely in Australia which is where it should have been since it takes place there in the book. Then why in the hell pretend that it takes place in Florida? I live in Palm Beach County where it purportedly takes place but there are faint hills in the background in several outdoor scenes. This part of Florida is flatter than a pancake. Why go to the trouble of the scenery pretense and finding the occasional cars with steering wheels on the left side? Why not just have it take place in Australia like in the book and where it was actually filmed??!!
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Young Sheldon (2017–2024)
Amusing show
6 April 2024
I never watched TBBT so I had no expectations of this show when I first saw it on Netflix. Decided to watch the first episode and got hooked.

While the actor who plays young Sheldon is extremely talented, I personally can't stand Sheldon's personality. It's one thing to be a genius but another thing to be a complete selfish brat, rude, disrespectful and I could go on and on.

I blame this mostly on his parents. George is clueless what to do with his brilliant son and Mary clearly favors her youngest son and rarely reprimands him. The actress who plays Mary annoys me with her over exaggerated facial expressions.

The real stars of the show in my opinion are the actors who play Georgie Jr., the hilarious twin Missy and the wonderful Annie Potts playing Memaw. She's still attractive and fashionable so hard to believe her daughter Mary is so dowdy. I was raising my children during the 80's and I knew NO ONE who dressed as old fashioned as Mary does. Most of us dressed like Memaw!
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Ripley (2024)
6 April 2024
I'm a big fan of all the Patricia Highsmith's Ripley books and own all of them. Also, The Talented Mr. Ripley is still one of my favorite movies.

So imagine my glee when I found this series on Netflix. Couldn't wait to see this new series but so far I'm disappointed. I don't mind it being shot in black and white. I don't mind the series starting in 1961 when the early Tom Ridley took place starting in early- mid 50's.

It's borderline ridiculous to have an actor who's easily in his late.40's playing a 20 something Tom. Still,

Both the book and original movie are wonderful! . This series so far is just meh.
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Wonderful Britbox Original Series!
20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Binge watched the entire Season 1 today. Absolutely one of my favorite series in a long time. It was sad to see how the Jamaicans and other non-white citizens were treated back in the 50's but the series was very well written and the acting superb. As an American, I knew nothing of the "Wind rush Generation" so it was interesting to see how they struggled but at the same time kept faith that they had made the right decision to immigrate to Britain. I'm assuming there will be a second season since Episode 6 ended on an unexpected note. If so, I certainly look forward to watching it. Another Britbox winner!
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99 Homes (2014)
Good film but supposed "facts" are misleading.
8 March 2024
Had no preconceived notions about this film as I'd never heard of it until I saw it on Netflix. As one who lived in Florida during the housing crisis AND was a foreclosure attorney, the movie had many misleading information regarding Florida foreclosures. Judicial foreclosures in Florida could take years to complete back in this time period. We knew people who lived in their homes for as much as 10 years or more without making a single mortgage payment prior to the foreclosure orders being entered.

The movie portrays foreclosures as being very quick and then 3 days later the people are served with eviction notices. Just doesn't work that way in real life.

Finally, let's review what led to all of the housing crisis. I can only speak for Florida but back in 2000-2003, lenders were offering "liar loans" which meant as long as you had a good credit score, employment and compensation were not even checked.

As a result, there were cashiers at Publix Grocery who were making $35000 per year but applying and being approved for one million dollar home loans. These "borrowers" were essentially straw buyers who were being used to get the loans. Mortgage brokers were complicit in this as well as real estate agents.

So what did this do to the housing market when loans were closed and payments never made? Lenders began foreclosure which took generally 3-5 years minimum and the real estate market was flooded with upside down mortgages and houses which fell into disrepair.
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The Act (2019)
Horrible story
1 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sad that Gypsy was made to suffer through her fake illnesses by her psychotic mother. So many more people to blame here other than DeeDee though.

Ron was a completely absent father who was more concerned with his own family than Gypsy. He could have taken more of an interest in her various "diseases" and why did he never tell her what exact age was? Why didn't he ever try and visit her?

So many doctors are also to blame. Why did they take DeeDee's word that Gypsy was so sick with all the various illnesses? Didn't they run their own tests? Why wasn't DFS called more frequently if there were suspicions?

The biggest question is why Gypsy didn't just walk away knowing she was legally an adult instead of killing her mother?

Gypsy's prison interview and her post release interviews are worth watching.
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Happy Valley: Episode #3.4 (2023)
Season 3, Episode 4
Irritating Episode
26 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watch many British crime shows on Acorn and Britbox. I've always thought that British police/detectives appear to be the cream of the crop, doing everything by the book and respect up the chain of command. I've loved this show in many ways but have become increasingly annoyed with Ryan, Claire, Neil and Ann. Claire and Neil appear as dimwits and Ryan is a spoiled brat, manipulating all around him. Ann does not follow protocol and seems to get away with bad behavior. She is not suited to be a police officer much less a CID.

How is a police killer like Tommy allowed to freely have visitors, do all kinds of deals in prison, no heavy guarding when he goes to court? He should have been in leg and hand shackles since he is a dangerous person.

On a positive, James Norton is terrific as a sociopath. I still gave this an 8 but didn't care for it as much as the other episodes.
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1923 (2022–2023)
Disappointing Series
10 December 2023
I enjoyed 1883 and loved Yellowstone but couldn't get into this one. It was like watching 3 different shows thinking the story lines would soon merge but so far it didn't happen, at least not in this season. Had to look online at a Dutton Family tree to see how Spencer was related to the Duttons (James and Margaret's son born after Elsa died). The Catholic school/beating of the Indian student scenes were very hard to watch and how do they fit into this storyline of the Dutton family building empire in Montana? John, Jame's son who was 5 years old in 1883, could be easily missed in this show if you didn't watch it carefully. I thought originally that his son, John Jr., who is called Jack, would be the grandfather of Yellowstone John Dutton but now I'm not sure since most of 1923 is about Spencer Dutton.
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1883 (2021–2022)
8 December 2023
I enjoyed the series for the most part although I found it depressing. Have no idea why Taylor Sheridan decided to make an 18 year old girl the main star of the series. I found her pompous and obnoxious, a real know it al and I'm not sure that women were treated as such strong women in 1883. Tim and Faith proved themselves as good actors. Sam Elliot was fantastic as usual but I hated his ending. Why people would have traveled such an arduous journey in 1883 is beyond me. Just so they could take their precious few household goods? Faith and her children initially took the train from Tennessee to Texas so it begs the question- WHY DIDNT THEY JUST TAKE THE TRAIN ALL THE WAY WEST?
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Line of Duty: Episode #6.1 (2021)
Season 6, Episode 1
26 September 2023
Five previous seasons were great and Line of Duty remains one of my favourite British detective series. However, the 6th season opener was a real disappointment mainly due to the lead female role. Kelley MacDonald is a horrible actress. Speaks too slowly as if she's trying to remember her lines and her thick accent is very hard to understand. She always seems to have the same facial expressions. I miss the old team of Arnott, Fleming and Hastings but I suspect they may be back together again at some point. I hope the pace picks up but if MacDonald continues to play the lead role, I probably won't watch the next season.
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London Kills (2019– )
14 September 2023
While this is fairly good entertainment, I watch British police/detective shows primarily because of the attention to detail. Most take the time to investigate the crime, carefully interviewing witnesses, family members, etc. And waiting on forensics. In this case, the 1st person interviewed is immediately told they are under arrest which is rather preposterous. Also, the interviewees are never given an impartial person or their own lawyer to sit in on the interviews. The top Detectives tend to just ignore the rules and go off half cocked. Also, why do the detectives drive very high end cars? Could have been a better series with more attention to detail.
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Next of Kin (2018)
Why am I watching this?
31 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to like this but so many holes in the script. The family has gathered to welcome Kareem home from Pakistan but he had just phoned Mona, his sister, an hour before the party to say he was on his way to the airport. That flight would have taken several hours so why were they hiding to yell "surprise!"?

Was the older lady, Mrs. Shurani the mother or aunt? At one point I thought Mona called her aunt.

Mona travels to Pakistan to identify Kareem's body and was shot in the side when meeting with her nephew, Danish. She appears critical but then is up and walking and flying back to London soon after.

It seems that finding her nephew is more important than her husband and son. While supposedly an intelligent physician, Mona makes one stupid mistake after another including wiring £12,000 pounds from a business account to try and save Danish even though he's a suspected terrorist.

Maybe this gets better but the first 3 episodes are borderline ridiculous.
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Boring documentary
15 July 2023
This documentary could have been completed in 1 episode. I felt like I was hearing the same thing over and over again.

Ex was a creep but the wife must have been completely blind not to have noticed. Also annoyed that she kept referring to Acworth as a little town where everyone knew each other and people were talking. It is a suburb of Atlanta area with over 6 million people. Most people who live in Acworth work, shop and dine in the metro Atlanta area. The husband taught at a high school in another county. Wife is very dramatic and pretty full of herself. I usually love these type of shows but found this one boring.
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One sided documentary
28 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm extremely bothered by this one-sided documentary. Did Maya have CRPS? I'm not a physician but am bothered by how the parents initially treated it by going to a doctor who gave Maya high doses of Ketamine and then the parents going to Mexico. Why not go to elsewhere in the U. S. to seek treatment?

MPS is definitely a real phenomenon and there have been instances of a parent actually killing their child for sympathy. Pinellas County CPS was correct in taking this seriously and keeping the mother away while they continued to treat Maya. Did they go to far? Perhaps. However, I do believe the medical team thought they were making the right decision at that time. Was the mother responsible? Is that why she really killed herself when the Maya continued to improve?

Is it a coincidence that Maya recovered after my mother's death? Or was this really a case of MPS? I don't think we will ever know. Thankfully Maya appears to be doing well now.
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