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a true classic masterpiece from Disney.....the old times were great.
9 January 2009
This is an animated film that stands the test of time. Even now, it still is as magical and enchanting as it was when I was a kid, and the reason it works so well is its simplicity and witty humour, unlike the animated films nowadays which rely too much on forced slapstick humour without any real heart into it (Shrek an exception). The animation is superb, the voice acting done brilliantly and the storyline captivating, exploring the theme of love and being able to change for someone because of it.

This is a film future generations of kids should watch and cherish, giving them a true sense of magic and wonderment. Well deserved of the best picture Oscar nomination.
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improvement on original but slightly
4 August 2008
I thought the first Tomb Raider film was very irritating because of Angelina Jolie's stuck up take on Lara Croft. Luckily she calmed herself and made her a more likable yet still tough action girl in this film. Plot is ludicrous, with her looking for Pandara's box, and the editing of the film is way to fast paced. The scenes look impressive with many exotic locations, and the stunts are quite good, in particular the parachute gliding off a tall building in China.

Overall, this is purely a leave your brain somewhere else flick, and if you want something that doesn't make you think too much (except for some of the plot holes in the storyline) then this is for you. My main criticism of the film is that this doesn't take itself seriously enough like the first one tried to, and that sort of leaves out any real emotional connection to the film's story, or characters. You know how it all turns out usually anyway.
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Wanted (2008)
appalling and totally unbelievable
30 July 2008
This film is definitely for teen boys who fantasise about angelina jolie and guns and all that stuff. I may almost fit this category but this film didn't convince you in any way to take it seriously...which is what it tries not to do. Despite this whole assassin story with a father son revenge thing (how original!), you could hardly call this entertaining when so many things are ridiculous. James Mcavoy may be trying to get into mainstream movies but this really doesn't show him off very well. This feels like a matrix film and aren't we all sick of that by now? Morgan Freeman plays another pointless role as that figure head guy who looks out for everyone. Yawn..and it is totally unconvincing. None of the characters really haev any substance. The ending, (which i wont reveal) is not a very convincing one at all and leaves you feeling more stupid at the end. It is more of a direct question to the audience that Mcavoy asks 'What have you been doing lately?' Not worth your money.
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Almost like going to the opera.....
21 March 2008
From seeing the trailers i was expecting this to be more like the other films of Zhang Yimou's such as Hero or House of Flying Daggers, but this came as a surprise to me, not because of the lack of martial arts but how this tale of a corrupt and deceitful royal family really becomes a fascination to you. The film itself has a tone of intenseness, mainly due to Gong Li's performance, along with the terrific music score that adds that electric energy into the scenes. The visuals are fantastic though I feel that visual effects has a big part in it to play.

I would have liked to comment on the story's message but that would lead me into spoiling the plot. This film isn't' really for everyone, and is not a pleasant film in terms of its progress, but the visual look of the film, beautiful Gong Li and an equally convincing Chow Yun Fat makes a good bundle. China certainly knows how to make its conspiracy films much more entertaining - more focus on the characters and their developments. The film leads you into the outcome with such intensity that you are rooting for some of the characters to win in this battle of adultery, backstabbing, betrayal and family anguish. Honestly, this was like watching an operatic performance displayed very well on the screen, that will want you wishing you could be at the set itself.
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Match Point (2005)
game, set and match but slightly side tracked.....
9 March 2008
The trailer offered another affair movie. Hasn't this really been done before? But the film talks more about affairs. It goes on about the elements of luck, money and sacrifice for love or comfort. Jonathan Rhys Myers does a good performance as a poor tennis coach who happens to meet Chloe, a sweet but somewhat unadventorous girl who falls in love with him and helps him achieve financial success. Yet Chris (Myers) is attracted to his brother in law's fiancé, Nola Rice (Scarlet Johannsen) who is luscious, sexy and mesmorising. What becomes a casual affair soon turns into a decision that will change Chris's life and situatino forever.

What is appealing and intriguing about this film is its themes that while cliché, are done quite convincingly from all performers. Johannsen is extremely terrific as an American girl trying to find her way in life, and you can see why Chris is memmorised be her and not with his wife Chloe who is an extreme bore to him. The pace of the film almost feels like it is set out in acts like a play, but gets right to the point of what the director Woody Allen wants to convey. The ending is a bit far fetched and feels a bit clumsily done but nevertheless makes an extremely good watch.
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Mr. Brooks (2007)
surprisingly intriguing thriller
8 March 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a big fan of these new sort of serial killer or crime films, but this one certainly has a lot of charm (though creepy) that drives the plot and characters into interesting depths. Kevin Costner plays tormented Mr Brooks, a successful business man in the eyes of the world, but actually a serial killer who hasn't killed for a long time. He has William Hurt on his conscience as a reminder of his crimes - yet no one can see him except Brooks. Demi Moore, playing detective Tracy Atwood is out to get him after another murder happens which Brooks committed, while also dealing with an escaped criminal after her and dealing with her money squeezing two timing ex husband.

All characters are well developed, with Dane Cook having a somewhat weird role as a man who wants to kill someone for no reason, asking Mr Brooks to help him. Its good to see Demi Moore in a convincing role and one that doens't rely on her body or sex appeal which she always seems to sell in most of her films (Striptease,Full Throttle anyone? -horrific films). Her role is actually very well thought of and her performance is very good. While there are too many subplots that entangle about four stories altogether, this kept me involved from beginning to end. Costner's performance is also chilling, as he shows a side to his addiction with almost craziness and coldness, while also giving the impressin to everyone of an overworked business man. I loved the music score as well.

For those who love thrillers, this is one for you.
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Jane Austen's world altered too much.....
8 March 2008
I was looking forward to this adaption of JAne Austen's masterpiece. The BBC series was absolutely perfect, as it went at a reasonable pace in episodes so you felt you didn't miss out on anything. This adaptation takes what made Austen's work intriguing as a social study subject and wrecks it by modernising it that it portrays society that was not like it was back in the 19th century. Keira Knightly does a seemingly good job though, but lacks the intelligence that Jennifer Ehle had. The women act more bubbly than is allowed in this time. For example, Mr Darcy's sister meeting Elizabeth was one of the worst scenes in the film, and did not stay true to her character's predicament or personality.

It is difficult to adapt Pride and Prejudice on the big screen in just roughly two hours, so I could say that it is a modest job. However, the elopment of Lydia is done way too quickly to feel any remorse for the Bennett family and their situation. However, the feel of the film, the art direction and casting is quite well done, but the whole pace and tone of the film does not match well with their surrounding environment.

All i can say is, is that if Jane Austen saw this, i'm sure she'd be pointing some things out during a screening of this.
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The Road Home (1999)
A quiet gem of a film....
27 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
What mainly appealed me to this movie was actually just the fact that Ziyi Zhang was the main star. Having seen her in Rush Hour 2, her beauty was extremely appealing. So to be honest, I had no idea what this movie was really about. Having watched it, all i can say is that Zhang Yimou really knows how to pull a lot of emotion into this story. It transcends two periods into a story that evolves around a long love. Ziyi Zhang plays a girl who is desperate to catch the affections of a young teacher who has moved into her village. Though you know they get togother from the very beginning, as her character is much older and her husband has died, she wishes to have his body carried back home carried by men, which hasn't been done for a very long time. A flashback of the younger couple shows how they met a very long time ago, in a beautifully shot and wonderfully heart warming encounter and relationship established.

There doesn't seem to be much lines for the actors, with only a few scenes in where they communicate, but the emotions are all captured on their faces. The quietness of the film adds a layer of deepened emotion where you can feel Zhang's passion for this man - it doens't need to be conveyed verbally. The film is very romantic and powerful, in such a simple story, yet I was totally mesmerized by it. It also contrasts the old generation with the new, showing differences in traditions, values and the development of a new society (slightly touched upon).

For those who are a fan of romantic films,beautiful scenery and a simple story, this will not disappoint at all.
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The Forgotten (2004)
thrilling, but confusing
10 January 2008
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The premise of the memory loss saga is quite chilling to me. Julianne Moore does a fantastic job as Telly, who is traumatized by the loss of her son on a plane crash, only to have her told by her psychiatrist that she never had a son and imagined him the whole time. The film starts off pretty well, with character development well structured, yet goes over the top with the whole police chase soon afterwards. Christopher Kovaleski as Telly's only confidant who believes her after he goes through similar things is convincing and gives a strong performance. Yet the performances aren't enough to ride over this somewhat silly plot as when you watch the second half, it feels more like an X files thing, that Downs't really make sense. Why on earth would aliens want to separate a child from their parents just for an experiment? It just seems ridiculous - wouldn't they have better things to do?
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doens't hold a candle to the book....
10 January 2008
I was desperate to read the novel before i took in the film, and i'm glad i did because the film doens't capture Phillip Pullman's magic that draws you into another world. The film tells how there are other worlds connected in the universe, and how in the main character's world, Lyra, their souls can be seen in the form of animals, known as demons (goood things). Lyra is given a golden compass by her master in an Oxford school that tells the truth when you ask it something. She learns of a sinister plan that will effect the lives of many children that is very disturbing to her.

What was really rich about the novel was how the characters connected really well with one another. Iorek Byrnison, for example, the polar bear, i felt didn't' really connect with Lyra as in the novel, and Lyra, played by Dakota Blue Richards i felt didn't really have the warmth to actually admire her in the film. Nicole Kidman was effective as the icy villain, and Eva Green should have had more appearances. The film was rather rushed and the ending was absolutely done badly. Though the film does slightly contradict the ways of the church, it should have been emphasized more because that is what the novels do. I never understand the Church and their criticisms of everything, but it wouldn't really hurt to have films that are given free speech.

Overall, the visuals are gorgeous, special effects quite good but not enough to draw you in.
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Half Light (2006)
half good, half dark
10 January 2008
Having heard most of the critics take the life out of Demi Moore's new attempt, I couldn't help but wonder if this film really was that bad. And the news is, its just average. I thought that it started well enough, with some interesting characters where Demi plays a best selling novelist who's son has drowned in an accident. She then moves to a part in Scotland or somewhere like that and meets an attractive lighthouse keeper who apparently isn't meant to be around. The scenery is gorgeous and nicely shot, music is quite pleasing. The plot gets all out of control over the place in the second half with too many cliché surprises. Demi's performance seems somewhat unconvincing, perhaps because it feels she tries to hard - her face feels somewhat deformed as well with all that surgery she's had.

This feels more like a thriller rather than a ghost story. And the thrills don't reallyl work very well.
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Ye yan (2006)
visually satisfying but not as good emotionally....
6 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Having high anticipations for this film, in particular it was a Shakespeare play adaptation i was fond of (Hamlet),the story suits the betrayal and revenge themes that most wuxia films are evolved upon. Yet, I could not really feel any feeling towards the characters, and the fight scenes don't really display anything that makes the violence truly horrific for such a tragic story. The acting is good, Ziyi Zhang showing another compelling performance. Many of the scenes feel a bit oddly shot, as though it doesn't really capture the characters true feelings. The ending ( i wont say anything about it) is also a tad confusing, but i'm assuming is meant to be symbolic of tragedy - see it for yourself and see if you understand.

The similarities with Hamlet are very apparent, yet the real villain in the film is the queen. Shows an interesting twist to the characters. Its well worth a look.
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Red Eye (2005)
Entertaining ride..... (contains slight spoiler)
29 October 2007
I didn't expect too much from this film, as it was another air plane film, which somehow doesn't appeal as much, but surprise surprise - it was an entertaining ride for me. The story follows Lisa Reishart (Rachael Mcadams) who is a lonely, workaholic hospitality imaged based career woman who happens to get a seat on a plane to an attractive but eventually crazy guy (Cillian Murphy in another creepy role) who makes her an offer she can't refuse. She must change the room of a politician in a hotel she runs so terrorists can kill him. Thats the whole story pretty much. The fact that the film is on the plane creates a whole claustrophobic tension with the tight space and nowhere to run feeling. Lisa is a likable character where you sympathize with her situation. Cillian Murphy pairs well with her as a master of control but overall, the film lacks a bit of substance in its plot. The acting is well done, and nevertheless, the film keeps you on your seat from start to finish, though Wes Craven cant seem to get rid of that whole 'Scream' thing with the ending, which makes things a bit far fetched with the whole chase thing that happens in these films. The humour is actually quite good sometimes, with Cynthia being a stressed out hotel worker (played by Jayma Mays) who has to do whatever is told.

The main problem is, is that the film is way too short. Its over before you know it. For those who prefer shorter films, this is reasonable, but you wouldn't care if it was short or long as long as the film is interesting. The characters however, are pretty interesting so it doesn't matter that your stuck with them on the plane for about 45 minutes.

For a good night in, Red Eye certainly hits the spot.
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entertaining but too fast paced
23 October 2007
I was surprised that I enjoyed the first resident evil film, despite its soundtrack being off pace and lack of character development. This film starts where it left off with Alice being left in a world of destruction by zombies. I felt that there was too much emphasis on special effect shots and slow mo style matrix type martial arts. Obviously this film appeals to a younger audience, but overdoing it to make it look cook can wreck its appeal. Jill was a good add in but there could have been more engagement amongst the characters in general. Some scenes are pretty dumb at times - the graveyard scene with the zombies was not scary at all - and usually I'm terrified of graveyards (imagination takes over!). Overalll, if your in for a popcorn night after a tiring day, this is the recipe to melt the butter in nicely.
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31 July 2007
I love the Simpsons, but the TV series was starting to lose me with the new episodes. I was hoping this movie wasn't going to be anything like them, but it clearly was. The plot was pretty pointless, whereas the episodes really had more heart into it. Many characters are underused, including Mr Burns who would have made a great villain (don't ignore the formula!), and I just feel that the jokes were too forced. I barely laughed out loud, but the kids in the theater will laugh at anything remotely funny. That whole spider pig thing was really dumb in my opinion, and I'm sorry but Homer acts more stupid now than he did before, which was a stupid but smart and funny as well. Only absolute die hard fans will love this movie; for everyone else, stick with the memories of the early seasons.
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The Witches (1990)
dark but amusing film...
24 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Roal Dahl book is a classic that kids can enjoy (though quite morbid and dark at the same time) and the film doesn't disappoint. The film is quite loyal to the novel, despite the changed ending, and the whole film has a real dark tone and dread to it. Luke, the protagonist is told stories by his grandmother about the so called women who are really witches that kill children, in their views that society is better off without them (from their viewpoint). Though you could argue that the witches would need to produce kids, well they don't, because there are no male witches existent! Anjelica Huston is terrific in this role, and though I'm sure her appearance is friendly in nature, in this film it is truly terrifying at times.

Don't know if this can be called a kid's film but its somewhere between 12 to 15 year olds in my opinion. However, I think its worth a look and is highly enjoyable as a good fantasy flick, and won't disappoint Roald Dahl fans.
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Ringu (1998)
the Japanese know better horror...
16 May 2007
I'm getting sick of Hollywood trashing respectable foreign films into remakes. Not that all of them are bad remakes, but it denies the original credibility from its creators. The Japanese version is slightly different, but with the same plot, though this time it reveals more about Sadako (who is Samara in the US version) and her mother's abilities of phychic powers. The Japanese version adds more of a fearful element because it is based in their culture rather than the US version which relies more on special effects and stereotypical characters who are sometimes out of place.

However, the original has some flaws. The character of the the female protagonist's kid doesn't seem to have much substacne and you don't really feel the connection with him that you did with Aidan in the remake. What's more, the original doesn't boast a very effective soundtrack at times, which made the remake spooky as hell. Nevertheless, the sound effects are pretty good in the film.

You should see this version first, (pity i didn't) for its originality and cultural significance.
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Gothika (2003)
its spooky at times but very forgettable....
15 May 2007
I had read all the bad reviews about this film, but it is actually a good ride, if totally unoriginal and at times, stupid. Halle Berry plays a psychiatrist who runs into a girl who seems to burst into flames on a road. Next moment, Berry wakes up to find herself in the ward instead of outside of it, and learnt that she has apparently killed her husband.

The plot is quite predictable but some of the elements don't make sense. The girl Berry sees from the road is trying to tell her something, instead, she ends up attacking her for no reason, making her look insane. Penelope Cruz is good as a disturbed patient, but offers little depth. What's more, the story doesn't make sense sometimes, and after the film, i was still more confused than ever.

its average, but alright, in a sense.
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what a disappointment.......
15 May 2007
I thought the first matrix film was a classic, (if still somewhat confusing) but the second was alright, because i thought all the answers to the film's concept would be answered in the third installment. I was wrong...

Instead of taking us into the heart of the matrix, we get some giant war film with fantastic special effects and fight scenes with millions of agent smiths up against Neo. Yeah, we saw that all in the second film...

I don't know if those huge die-hard Matrix fans will still be talking about these films after this third installment is be missed.
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Collateral (2004)
dazzling and mesmerizing....
14 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I knew this film had tom cruise as a bad guy - kind of like a weird idea, but everyone, in particular cruise, gives startling performances. Collateral takes one ordinary night for a taxi man (Foxx), who leads a pretty dull life full of unconfidence, into one that defines life and all expectations beyond human instincts. Cruise, who plays a confident, emotionless hit-man, takes Max (Foxx)hostage in order to make five stops to kill witnesses in an upcoming trial. BOth characters get an insight into their 'opposites', and how they both function in this strange, crazy unpredictable world.

Collateral, also poses some great scenery, with the city shown at night, when darkness takes over and nothing is what it seems. Both the characters of Vincent and Max are very likable characters in a sense, even though Vincent is a villain, you feel sorry for his upbringing and inability to connect emotionally. When Max confronts him about this in one of their philosophical convos, Vincnet replies 'of all the taxi cab drivers, I had to have Dr something.' or something like that.

The atmosphere you get from the film is a feeling of anticipation and excitement, as you see these characters develop in a bad situation. Max ultimately becomes the man he has aimed to be because of Vincent, leading him to change his perspective.

The only flaw in the film is that Max's life has been ruined by Vincent. He's exposure to crime syndicates and underworld leaders, in my opinion, will lead to his life being on the run. Even when he manages to rescue one of Vincent's potential victims, whom he met at the start of the film - Annie, their lives will be in fear and phonological trauma. I don't know about other viewers, but I really wanted to know what happened after the film's ending - what did they do? where did they go? did they stay together? these questions are up to the imagination of the viewer.

A breathtaking film, which is strengthened by very powerful performances, and a realistic look of the film, capturing those moments that seem rare to all of us but could happen to anyone, at anytime.
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The Ring (2002)
spooky and surprisingly well done....
14 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I had heard mixed reviews about the film, with a silly premise about a videotape that kills you after you watch it. Hahahha...yeah that sounds real clever. However, this film isn't really a horror film in the first half, more of a psychological thriller. I found the story quite interesting about Samara, the disturbed girl with strange powers. All the performances are pretty good, especially from Naomi Watts. The cinematography is perfect, with a cold greyish tone for the film. I did feel that this deliberately made the film look like a horror flick - there was barely any real daylight in the film. I mean, even in horror films, you can have some sunny days, even though the characters are obviously trapped in a nightmare.

Its the ending that will scare you, especially when Samara comes out of the TV. The curse never ends, so you have to show the tape to someone in order for them to pay the price for the curse. The ending is a little bit unsatisfying, but luckily the sequel (though nowhere near as good as this) will solve most of your answers.

I think the Japanese version captures more of the scary elements, cuz they know how to do horror better -its in their culture in a way. So see the japenese one first if you want to.
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Monster (2003)
one of the most powerful films i have ever experienced...
5 May 2007
I knew this was about a serial killer who killed other people. I knew that this was going to have a sad ending, which i usually don't like in films. I knew that there was going to be some pain involved in the characters lives. Yet I still watched it. A few hours later, I couldn't stop thinking about it.....

Charlize Theron is absolutely spellbounding in this role as Aileen, who killed seven men as a prostitute. Though I don't approve of anyone killing people, you can't help but feel sympathetic to Aileen, due to the troubles in her life. I often wonder why the world works sometimes, why we're born into the lives that we have. This film is about trying to find purpose, despite of who you are; whether your gay, blind or whatever life gives you. All the performances are great, and Ricci is very good as a vulnerable and sensitive lover of Aileen. The ending really has you feeling gutted inside, especially the final words shown 'Selby and Aileen never spoke again.' The film is a love story in a dark world, showing how the judgements we make are usually the worst, but we never get to know someone inside...because we never look close enough.

This isn't a film to watch if you don't want to feel overwhelmingly dead inside, but for those who do, the experience can open your eyes in many ways you couldn't imagine. Recommended absolutely!
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its alright but over the top.....
3 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Charlie's angels is more for TV than film. I mean, you have dance sequences that look really bad on film, then you have so many cameos that are of no relevance to the film (eve, and the Olsen twins.) I don't know how they come up with plots of these films, it obviously wasn't thought of very well. In this film, the three angels are off to find two rings that when combined, reveal a list of people who are under witness protection against crime figures. Then you add Demi Moore into the lot, a fantastic body in a bikini and acting that sometimes seems like she's forcing herself too much.The three angles have to stop her from releasing the list, and wolah! After one crazy scene flying off a building, Demi lands in her car while the angels happen to land it in too with just wires to support their landing...

The film is too fast paced most of the time, while the first Charlie's angels had a more realistic and appropriate flow that made the film more interesting in a way. You could like the characters a bit more, while in this one you only see them without really feeling anything for them (which I suppose your not meant too anyway).

Demi Moore is a good villain, and she has two golden guns which seem really huge. But she's barely in it! She comes up in a beach scene saying about 6 lines then she's off in a Ferrari. I mean, i know she needs a comeback in cinema but surely she can give more substance (though she does look gorgeous for a 40 year old) The film is fun sometimes, but the first one was way better. Hollywood needs to start thinking about how to improve quality in films....
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Striptease (1996)
what a waste of time...
2 May 2007
I just recently have taken a liking to Demi Moore, as she is a beautiful woman (though now that she's 40 something its starting to fade a bit) but I feel most of her film choices were more publicity stunts than for meaningful roles. The plot in this film could have been done better. The bad guy played by Robert Patrick is extremely stupid -he steals wheelchairs and he's a badass criminal? What's more, I felt that the only good thing about the film was Demi's great physique, but that ain't anywhere near enough to make this enjoyable.

How come Hollywood comes up with these stupid films? I hope Demi can make better choces in the future.

A poor film.
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one hell of a ride...
1 May 2007
Tarintino really has one hell of a crazy brain, but luckily knows how to use it to his advantage in cinema. For those who saw Pulp Fiction and Resoivoir Dogs, this brings back some of his charm, in a more violent way..

I thought the plot is pretty thin, but it is strong enough to stand on its own as a story. Uma Thurman is out for revenge after being beat up to almost near death by her ex-gang members. Next, she is out to kill her enemies one by one, until she can reach the final guy, Bill.

It's a crazy film that sometimes doesn't take itself too seriously but that's what makes it fun. The violence is usually laughable so you forget that its all violent. The music is absolutely amazing. That track that plays when Lucy Liu walks down the restarant aisle is bloody cool! What makes this a good action flick is that the gender is equal: both girls and guys kick ass -but with the japenese, anything goes in this film.

The only letdown is that the substance of the film is a bit lacking. You don't really know much about this character of Uma's entitled 'the bride' or 'black mamba' - you don't' know her name in the film. Yet, you can't help but feel sympathy for her, having lost her baby in a coma and everything. It takes guts to take on a hundred or so Japanese swordsmen.

An enjoyable film, nevertheless.
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