
128 Reviews
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Haven't I seen this before
9 May 2023
I like Clooney as an actor, and certainly Julia Roberts is always good. But the story seemed to be a slight remake of several other movies.

From the moment the movie started I was having a hard time staying focused as nothing in the story was pulling my attention in. I can blame the director for this I suppose.

It's a formula so massaged into Hollywood that there are no surprises. Clooney and Roberts never seemed to develop any kind of chemestry. I'm actually surprised that either actor saw any kind of great promise in this project. It wasn't very funny. It wasn't romantic, warm, or surprising.

It is interesting to see the low rating. I guess many other people saw the lack of stimulation I did.
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The Rookie: Double Trouble (2023)
Season 5, Episode 18
You've got to be kidding
1 April 2023
After the watchers hated the previous documentary episodes you did it again. I thought you would have learned, from the low ratings, to steer clear of them for the life of the show.

I would hope that no police organization would desire, or allow, interviews like this ever to take place in their district.

How about some regular cop on the street episodes please. These interview format episodes are hard to follow and messy.

The camera shake, intended to add more realism, does just the opposite. It let's the audience focus attention on the camera and camera operator.

Get this show back on track.
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Perhaps our favorite
27 October 2022
My wife and I have been watching all sorts of detective, police procedural, murder mysteries almost every night for at least 20 years. Over the years we've realized there are certain aspects of a series which we rather enjoy.

1) A series will have about 20 episodes before we will consider watching it. We only watch streaming videos and want enough to keep us interested. Brokenwood is packed with 8 seasons, even more episodes in the later seasons.

2) Focused on the detective process without too much personal life of the main characters. Some is good. Brokenwood has a good balance here.

3) Quirky. I see other reviews use the same word. We like series that have just a little edge to them but not so much as to become unbelievable. Definitively quirky but not to an extreme.

4) We strongly prefer that each episode stands alone. We do not like those shows where a murder is committed in the first episode of a season, with it finally being solved on the last episode of the season. Even worse when the key elements are carried over for several years. We did enjoy the Mentalist but were so disappointed when the theme of Red John kept dominating the series. Brokenwood is formatted as one story per episode. We like it a lot.

5) Humor goes along with quirky. Lots of laughs but nothing silly.

I really like the interaction between Mike and Kristin. It's all business with a bit of fun and teasing. There is nothing beyond a good partnership and friendship. Some series benefit from a romance at the top level but this series is refreshing because there is no love interest and we like it that way.

I also enjoy that Kristin holds her own as a team member. She does a good job interrogating suspects, sorting out clues by herself, and contributes almost equally as Mike. Many years ago we watched the Hunter series with Dee Dee as the partner for Rick Hunter. But Dee Dee was just a pretty face who wasn't given much of a role in the action.

For us this is a favorite series, perhaps our most favorite.
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The Rookie: The Choice (2022)
Season 5, Episode 4
19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You've got to be kidding. A tank buerried in a house with multiple traps. An antagonist that can follow John anywhere he goes! Explosions! Gun fire. Fire. This isn't real cop action.

I don't care for these super criminals who seem to baffle the authorities. Where did Roslin get the money to buy the house and build an expensive unique trap that worked perfectly?

I'm glad to see Roslan is dead and the series can get back on track.

As always the cast is great. Production is good.

I see my three star rating is well below the average rating. I wonder if higher ratings are because Roslin was finally killed off.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Thick with gender related story lines
4 August 2022
I really tried to enjoy this series. In many ways I did find it refreshing, superb graphics, good casting, and some good story lines. What ruined it for me was the gender related issues.

I often felt the creators of The Orville were using the series for their own lifestyle progression. It was hardly subtitle. The story lines came at the gender issues from several directions.

I watched the two seasons, but stopped there based on user reviews of the most recent episodes. I will not be recommending this series to my friends or relatives.

It would be great to see The Orville return with episodes washed of the heavy gender issues.
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I saw this a bit differently
28 June 2022
I see all of the 8+ votes and can understand that people liked this a lot. That is a pretty high score on this website. At 7 stars I'm clearly in the minority.

I first was disappointed with the scenes of the high speed plane. They were asking us to believe this plane could take off, climb, and achieve an unbelievable airspeed. I think that whole sequence could have been cut out without impacting the story.

The other thing I was disappointed about was they tried so hard to tie this movie back to the original Top Gun that I think it was overdone. Many of the scenes felt almost as if they took clips from the original and pasted them in as if nothing had changed in 30 years.

Finally the pace of the non flying scenes were all a bit sluggish. There was none of that sassy attitude running through the movie. The director tried but in my opinion failed. I would have liked this movie to stand alone more than it did.

The flying scenes (the whole reason for paying to see the movie) were good.

I would rate the non-flying scenes at 4 stars and the flying scenes at 8 stars.

Just my opinion. A Top Gun Maverick DVD won't be joining the other 300 DVDs in my cabinet.
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The Valet (2022)
I liked it
4 June 2022
I watch a lot of movies. RomComs are my escape when I want to relax. So many of them are silly, far fetched, over-acted, and/or poorly directed. This one ticked all my boxes though.

While this was on the edge of believability the storyline didn't veer off too far. The dialog was close to what I would have accepted, all except the very frank comments from the mother.

Surely direction took what was already a solid story and painted it with rich colors, well planned transactions, some surprises, and made some of the characters very objectionable which lifted the story even more.

The acting was in line with the story, just enough to keep it light but strong enough to make me think.
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Fortress (2012 Video)
Not bad
16 May 2022
This movie falls somewhere between what it was really like and an action movie without too much depth. Still I like WWII movies and this one was worth watching.

My only complaint was the constant music playing too loud in the action scenes. Not only was the music too loud but I would rather hear the sounds of battle.
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Morbius (2022)
Not my cup of tea usually
26 April 2022
Because I have a 12 year old son I end up watching movies like this although this isn't they type of movie I would normally choose. But this one was pretty good.

The cinematography was excellent The CGI was excellent The story line made sense and was plausible.

The acting was fine

I thought it interesting that there were two environments, one that didn't include "bat characters" where there were everyday people, cops and detectives. The behavior of the characters on this side of the line was as expected, not silly or over the top. Then there was the fantastic world of the radically changed two main characters and the action scenes.

My only critical comment was the fighting/flying/clashing scenes, especially toward the end, were often just smudges and mostly imperceptible.

I rate this movie much higher than I would most Marvel movies because of the quality of the overall project.
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The Rookie: Real Crime (2022)
Season 4, Episode 16
Really! Didn't you learn from the last time?
14 March 2022
You've got to be kidding. The last time you did a documentary/interview show most viewers didn't like it. So you did it again! Who's running the show there? Pay attention to your critics.

All we want is straight forward police procedurals. Start the episode, set up the problem, then solve the problem. Thats all. That's what will fly here, not director and writer imaginative plots that fail.
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NCIS: The Helpers (2022)
Season 19, Episode 13
May be the worst NCIS episode ever.
3 March 2022
You've got to be kidding me. Are you actually trying to push your loyal watchers away with dribble like this?

After the Gibbs character was replaced we have been hanging on and watching every new episode. There is promise for the series to continue but after this episode the end may be near. If you lose your watching audience you'll also lose the advertising income and the show can quickly die.

I would have to blame both the writing and direction for this failure.

I hope the next episode has some reality vs this weak and poorly directed disappointment.
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Another Time (2018)
Waste of my time
17 February 2022
This story was mellow, lacking any kind of bite or punchline. I liked the characters but the acting of those characters fell short.

Way too much time was spent on the time travel portion of the movie.

I really didn't like the ending either.

All-in-all I felt like it was a waste of my time to watch this movie.
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The Coroner (2015–2016)
So sorry it only ran two years
16 February 2022
Detective videos are just about all my wife and I watch. We don't mind deeply serious series, but mix in lighter weight series like The Coroner.

We only binge watch shows, researching a new series before the current one we've been watching is close to ending. On one of those searches we discovered The Coroner and very much enjoyed it.

Casting is spot on. The beautiful southern coast area of England was such a great setting.

Character development was good, there is little to no blood and no fowl language.

After watching a few episodes we regretted that there was only two seasons of this show.
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CSI: Vegas (2021–2024)
18 December 2021
My wife and I watched the entire original CSI series which was set in Las Vegas. We even own some of the original episodes on DVD. We never came to like CSI Miami mostly because of the odd behavior of David Caruso, but did also like CSI NY with Gary Sinise. We were excited to hear CSI would be returning in Vegas, and that some of the original characters and actors would be involved. CSI was a big influence on our video watching habits. But this new series isn't CSI. I don't know what it is but it misses on several fronts.

The dialog is poor. The story line is full of holes, skipping over the detail investigation, which we find to be the most interesting parts, and jumping to conclusions. I have to blame the director(s), and producers. They either let poor writing pass through, or modified it sufficiently to warp it.

The way the camera zooms in and out to a digital noise is cheap and meaningless.

Sorry to say but even the acting is off, even from the original cast members. This has to be the directors fault because we know that cast once did a fantastic job.

My wife and I watched through three episodes hoping it would get better but it didn't. We finally removed CSI Vegas from our watch queue. I guess this franchise has finally really ended for us.
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Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005)
My favorite
20 October 2021
Of all of the star trek series Enterprise was my favorite. It always seemed more inteligent than the others. I enjoyed this series being a prequel. Not all powerful or having all the answers.

I don't know what happened to the final season though. It turned into a different series, and not a better one.
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Interesting series but we quit after 2 episodes
30 September 2021
We watch a lot of murder mystery series so were attracted to Only Murders in the Building. The attraction was mostly due to the three lead actors. We've always liked Steve Martin and Martin Short. It is great to see Selena Gomez in a series role too and she is doing a fine job.

The story line is quite different, quirky which we like. The comedy is fun but not overwhelming.

Based on all I've written we would stay with the show except for one thing. The director must live in a different existence than we do. The swearing interrupts the flow for us and is completely unnecessary. It could be simply cut out of the script with no loss whatsoever.
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Little Boy Blue: Episode #1.1 (2017)
Season 1, Episode 1
26 September 2021
Totally ruined by the use of hand held cameras and artificial camera shake.

Watching the first episode all I could think about was how the director was telling the camera operators to "make it look real" by the use of camera shake. All it does to me is distract from the story being told.
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Jungle Cruise (2021)
Action packed
13 August 2021
This movie is like a mix of Pirates of the Caribbean and Indiana Jones. If you took both of those movies and shook them up together you'd be close to producing Jungle Cruise. That is a good thing.

This is an action packed fantasy adventure. Casting was perfect. I think this is the best role for Dwayne Johnson so far. There was great chemistry between he and Emily Blunt's character.

Tons of CGI fit perfectly into the video. Great job by the director Jaume Collet-Serra. I will look for more work by him.

I took three tweenagers to the theater. Two of them had already seen this movie.
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Black Widow (2021)
Saw this today with my 11 year old son
13 August 2021
My son liked Black Widow. I think his appreciation for the video comes mostly from how many shots are fired and how many explosions there are. I have more complex views to evaluate.

I thought this was the worst Marvel video out of the dozen or so I've watched. I blame it all on the director.

There were many scenes where the camera was in way too tight. It was difficult to follow the action to even get a sense of which of the two fighting was winning or not.

This video would have been much better if I had seen the Marvel comic behind the story. The video did not do a good job of standing on its own. It was difficult to figure out the overall story.

Even though my son enjoyed the movie even he spoke up a few times saying nobody could live through some action scenes. Do super heros feel pain? Do they heal a few instances after being badly beaten?

There were a few good Marvel sized action scenes. Way too many frames devoted to non-action.

To me the movie was a disappointment.

The best thing about this move was my son and I spending time together.
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McDonald & Dodds (2020– )
We like this show
11 August 2021
My wife and I have been watching police procedurals for many years, usually one each evening. We can certainly get involved in some of the more serious and dark shows, at least for a while. Then we need something short and light. Still there are other shows that are engaging, without the blood, that gently crosses the border containing both a respectable story and a few things we can laugh with. McDonald & Dodds is one we can watch for a long time. We hope there are many more episodes.

At first we thought the McDonald character was to harsh and stiff but it seems that is exactly what the writers were going for. By the time this episode came along she had softened and now McDonald and Dodds make a well balanced team.

This is a quality show with great cinematography, music, and sets. The acting is fine but there aren't many scenes that show the actors true capabilities.

2 episodes per season is quite thin, We hope for more episodes to be released on a more frequent schedule.
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Death in Paradise: Pilot of the Airwaves (2021)
Season 10, Episode 1
Something went wrong
5 May 2021
Like most others we've watched every episode for 9 years and very much looked forward to the new season. But something went wrong.

The show lost some of its charm. This story was fine, in fact quite good. Changing so many characters was a shame but we've been through that so it will be fine. I guess I'd have to say it was the director who came across in such a way that the charm of the island was a bit smothered. It was a little too flashy and hurried. The pace was off.

As for Neville he's a fine detective but those personal quirks spoil the episodes. I hope the character can find a cure and put all of that nonsense behind him.

Changing the theme song was a mistake.
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The Rookie: Amber (2021)
Season 3, Episode 9
Shaky camera
16 April 2021
Okay I understand some person(s) in Hollywood long ago convinced a few directors that camera shake would make the scenes more realistic, like a novice was doing the recording. So they have the hand held camera operator abnormally move the camera, or actually have some other person grab the camera and shake it. Just quit doing that.

The problem with this technique is it instantly takes me out of the action and makes me think about the camera and camera operator. It's distracting but not in the way you'd want it.

For me camera shake, artificially induced, has ruined too many movies and TV shows. I often can't sit through it and stop watching the movie or episode. Amber had a number of scenes where camera shake was introduced. It may have been to simulate video from a body cam but that was never part of the episode.

Otherwise this episode had some interesting dialog and action.
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The Rookie: True Crime (2021)
Season 3, Episode 7
Don't ever do that again
10 March 2021
I don't know what TV series the staff was working on when they conceived this episode, "True Crime", but it wasn't The Rookie. The real True Crime here was this episode.

Don't ever do that again. It's not fair to even say this was the worst episode of The Rookie ever because it doesn't even resemble a Rookie episode. I would be pleased if there was a way to erase this episode as if it never existed.

In our house we only watch exactly three TV shows each week, NCIS, Blue Bloods, and The Rookie. But The Rookie is in question after watching tonight's episode. The pace was wrong, the dialog wasn't interesting, and there was no action at all to speak of. We will have to wait until next week to see if this series gets back on track.

The only reason I even gave this two stars is simply because I couldn't give it zero and it did deserve a little respect for all of the actors.

Producers and Directors get your head on right and get back to the true character of this show.

After thinking it over I'm dropping to one star.
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The Dig (2021)
Slow and boring
12 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The real interest here was the actual find but the story presented focuses on who owned and had the rights to the site. Precious little is offered about the actual find, how it fits in history, the monetary value, or the significance of it being anglo saxon.

I felt the directory had to reach far and wide to fill the time allotted for this movie. Who really cares about Maggie and her failing relationship with her husband. It had nothing to do with the story.
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Aftermath (IV) (2017)
Far from reality
24 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The description says this movie was based on an actual case. But apparently "Based on" doesn't mean much.

I realize the conversations between the ground and aircraft is much too cryptic for the average person so it had to be heavily modified for the movie. But the director depicted the air traffic controller as being inept and not focused. Trust me you don't get to be an air traffic controller easily. They have sharp attention to detail; not the detached and puzzled character we saw in this movie.

Did they really let just about anyone walk through the wreckage even while there were still bodies strewn all over the place.

The pace of the movie is slow to the point of being boring.

The scene with the lawyers was cold beyond belief. Yes we can all make jokes about lawyers but they aren't that inhumane. Somewhere during the meeting they would have let the Schwarzenegger character speak. They were trying to sell him on a settlement. Instead they cut him off. Lawyers aren't that stupid.

There was a story here, it just didn't come to the surface. There were possible challenging and intelligent scenes with the details of the steps that led to the crash could be argued. One pilot ignored the ground controller and descended from 10,000 feet to 6,000 feet without permission. That alone would have worked in the controllers favor and he would not have been ostracized.
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