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Curb Your Enthusiasm: No Lessons Learned (2024)
Season 12, Episode 10
You nailed it Larry.
8 April 2024
I was actually never a fan of Seinfeld but was aware the general consensus was the finale wasn't up to scratch. No worries with Curb, this episode is pretty much perfect and had me belly laughing from the off. It also very clever, I particularly liked the appearance of the woman who has been in therapy for quite some time -I'll leave it at that so as not to spoil anything. Oh how I will miss this show and the characters so, so much. And dear, sweet Richard Lewis, you went out on a major high. RIP and let's not forget the marvelous Marty Funkhauser and Larry's dad. Thanks to everyone involved for all of the laughs, the memories and brightening my life. I don't think we will ever see anything like this again. Simply wonderful.
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Constellation (2024)
Outstanding and gripping.
20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I have never watched a show that has induced so many goosebumps so often and I am not even sure why.

The atomsphere is superb, the story is slow but totally enthralling and the acting first class by all with a special mention to the Alices, one to watch out for in the future.

The production values are very high and there isn't a single thing not to like, although it does require the viewer maintaining their attention at all times, so if you watch this whilst messing about on your phone, well just don't bother - you'll probably end up moaning it doesnt make sense or is all abotu nothing.

I'm not sure why it makes me feel the way it does. It's not scary as such but is from a point of view of a family in turmoil and grief but constantly given false, or maybe not false, hope.

I guess a show where a young child is constantly teased by the possible return of her dead mother/ or suspects her mother isn't really her mother and doesn't have natural motherly feelings for her, is bound to be emotionally draining.

I love this. I can't wait to see how it plays out but I supsect there may be clues via the cats which I believe may well belong to a certain Dr. Schrödinger.
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The Signal (2024)
I love the message
9 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The acting Is pretty good. The story is fine and the run time is just about right.

The special effects are up to scratch and the production overall is highly polished.

This is a very watchable show.

But above all, I love the message.

Voyager 1 set out in 1977 and to date has traveled billions of miles. The world was going through some stuff back then and if it were a thinking being the spacecraft might have hoped if it came back after all those miles, the world would have moved on, grown up and become a better place to live.

It does come back and guess what... the planet is in a even worse state. More divided, more war, more death, more misery, more greed.

The message of this series is clear and correct;


Sadly I doubt the message will get through to those who are the problem.
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what I did after ten minutes after this film started..
6 February 2024
Reviwed a few things I bought on Amazon recently.

Checked the news, numerous times.

Checked the football results.

Wondered how long that spiders been in that corner.

Carried on learning German on duolingo.

Debated on getting off the couch to retrieve the remote and turn this rubbish off.

This is a terrible, boring and meaningless film. I have no idea of the point of it and the acting Is pretty awful. As per, the male lead is unbelievable and blatantly acting, seems a nice bloke but I have yet to see him in anything where he impresses. It's all too forced and ultimately vague. We seem to be at a point where if it is bbc, bfi and lottery backed it is best avoided, never used to be but here we are.
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If you've read the book don't let that put you off...
8 December 2023
The book was poorly written, pretentious and so bad it actually made me angry. The hype and fellow author reviews were totally undeserved and basically total falsehoods. It was a sound premise very poorly executed. Thankfully I paid 39p for it online, if I'd paid the full cover price, I would have tracked the author down and demanded my money back. This movie however is very, very good. Mr Mass Email (not a typo) has had a HUGE hand in this - probably sat next to the books author and showed him how to construct a gripping tale with clever social commentary and even a somewhat open ending which is satisfying - admittedly that last thing is hard to do in a novel. The cast are outstanding, Julia Roberts is unlikeable - how hard is it for her to make that work? I love her, always have, but at times I was glaring at her! It is a slow burn but if you can immerse yourself in it, it is well worth it. The set pieces - some of which are from the book so kudos for that - are very well played. The overall feeling of menace and doom is constant, it is gripping, it is terrifying.

You're going to need to pay attention and think, judging by a lot of the reviews here a lot of people cannot do that and just want whoosh...aliens..bad guys...BANG!!

If you haven't read all the light you cannot see you will think the TV show is great but those of us who have read the book know it's fine, but falls well short of the written version. The opposite of this show is so true, a terrible book becomes a brilliant movie. Well done Sam.
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Obliterated (2023)
Oh it's just real good fun.
30 November 2023
Turn your brain off, stop being a snob and just enjoy totally silly chaos with loads of laugh out load moments and a hot and tallented main cast who totally pull it off. Think scorpion but with the competence of superstore and lots of naughtiness. It doesn't all work but enough does to make it work. Did every minute of Naked Gun get it right? Or Airplane? People are far too critical and just need to relax and have fun which is exactly what this let's you do. This made me laugh and forget all the bad stuff for a while, let's hope the boring naysayers don't stop a second series. Totally enjoyable, give at least 2 episodes a go.
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Life on Our Planet (2023– )
The backgrounds look good...
26 October 2023
...but the CGI is amatuerish. It's hard to understand Morgan Freeman half the time and the timeline jumps all over the place barely explaining anything properly. Compared to the shows already mentioned by others, this is a dishevelled mess that fails to teach anything new or exciting. The script is terrible, talking about one thing before moving onto something else that is totally unrelated and failing to explain the link, if any, between the two. I watched the first episode and will not be bothering with any more. Considering the pedigree of those involved in its creation, this is very, very disappointing and well below par. Again, as others have said, the same subject has been much better covered in several other documentary series and if you are looking to learn something, watch those as this one falls well short of the mark.
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I love it when...
25 September 2023
... a movie captures the essence of the book and this does it so well. The books are fantastic, a real treat and so is this movie. It's pretty much how I saw it all in my head and is all at once sad, uplifiting, funny and keeps you interested. The acting is perfectly fine and the run time flies over. Some may say it is a bit "soapy" but it isn't overly so, though a lot of Japanese drama can feel that way. It certainly doesn't harm this production even if it is. I see there is a new version in production, if it is in the English language I think it will be a huge hit and the books will become even more popular. As there are now four novels it actually would make a very good TV series. I hope Netflix or Prime pick this version up soon, it is an absolute treat and people will lap it up.
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Krapopolis (2023– )
Oh my word...
25 September 2023
...that was awful, truly awful. Two episodes, 42 minutes and I laughed once. You can only think someone said to Dan Harmon, any idea for a show? And he replied, I dunno, ancient Greece or something maybe? And that is the full extent of his collaboration. This is as far away from R & M as you could get; there's no edge, no humour and nothing remotely clever about it. Is this what happens when you go mainstream? There is one amazing thing however and that is how Richard Ayoade has managed to transfer his usual woodeness and lack of comical talent into a cartoon character - he has created a drawing that is actually a bad actor! That takes some doing. Not than anyone else with the exception of Hannah Waddingham seems at all interested in what they are reading/portraying. This is a very disappointing show. I won't be watching any further episodes, it just isn't funny.
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This isn't perfect....
22 September 2023
But it's a lot better than many movies out right now and I really liked it. Think Close Encounters crossed with Communion with a dash of 2001 and some interstellar thrown in to boot. Plus it has its own originality. It looks great and moves along at a lovely pace. Kaitlyn Dever carries the movie and does it exceptionally well - its a fine perormance by an actress that will grow and grow and I can see her with a Streep like status in a few decades time - you can see it in her face. To the reviewer who skipped through it and claims there is "not one line" of dialogue... well, that's what you get for skipping.... My one criticism is I didn't really get the ending, as well done as it was, but that may just be me. I have thoughts on it but hopefully some other reviewer will clarify. This would be best seen on a big screen but regardless of where you see it, I think you will enjoy it and find the 90 minutes flies by. It also stays in your head afterwards which I always think is the mark of a good film. Enjoy.
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Wilderness (2023)
Had a lot of potential...
17 September 2023
.... to be a fun thriller then turned into just another man hating attack. It started off ok, just like a decent thriller with decent performances - jenna Coleman is really good until it starts to get stuck in its man hating mud. I would say it took four episodes before it went from being an ok bubble gum drama into a diatribe against the male race and it flipped quite quickly, so much so I felt like, oh, I didn't see that coming, that's a real disappointment and it ruined the entire thing (much like the reveal at the end of Good Omens, that was just ridiculous). The final scene, the final speech, is really silly. I would say for every man like her husband in the world, there are a hundred thousand who are faithful, loving and respect their spouses - this Misandry is really starting to permeate TV and film - almost like an indoctrination and society is divided enough as it is without more division being promted in what is supposed to be entertainment. What I actually find quite amusing, and I would imagine certain sections of society are quite insulted by, is, just like in the recent Amazon series with Sigourney Weaver, as soon as a female has a problem with a male, they turn lesbian! I just want to be entertained, not preached to, not in drama, not in sport, not in comedy. Not in anything.
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Dune (2021)
I lasted 43 minutes...
18 July 2023
And then gave up. I felt like I had started the movie in the middle and had missed the set up or I was watching a sequel without having seen the first. Nothing happens. It is so boring. I get slow burn, I get epic, I get cerebal sci-fi but this isnt any of those - it is simply boring and pointless. I dont care about the characters, I don't really care about the story as, as far as I reached, there wasn't one. It looked okay but again, nothing out of the ordinary compared to other big budget sci-fi films. I get people are loyal to the book and there is a devoted following but how people can throw around words like "epic" and "masterpiece" and"genius" etc is, I think, wishful thinking as this movie is none of those. I would normally criticise people for reviewing a movie they have not fully watched, but if I feel how I do after 45 minutes then I'm afraid that's a bad movie. A massive disappointment.
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Lola (2022)
I really wanted to see this at a cinema....
10 July 2023
After seeing the trailers online but sadly it didn't come anywhere near where I live. That it received a very limited release is such a shame as this is truly a unique, smart, entertaining and wonderfully made film which kept me glued to the screen - tv screen :(( - so much so, I forgot I was watching a film and was totally and utterly immersed. The performances are outstanding - each and every one. The direction is smart and doesn't waste a frame on filler and the atmosphere is spot on, it feels so much like war time. The special effects are worthy of any blockbuster and the script/story is tight and very clever. I like the way it is shot although I guess some people might not but if you turn it off due to that, you are making a huge mistake. I have a feeling this will achieve cult status and hopefully finds its way onto SKY and the like and then enjoys the audience it so deserves. It would be such a shame if it wasn't widely seen as, for me, it is probably the movie of the year so far and will rightly take a place in my all time favourite list. I will be watching it again very soon.

I am adding to this having read some of the reviews written since I last looked. UI'm afraid I find the negative opinions ridiculous - maybe it's just you have to have imagination, intelligence and a heart to get this movie and not be a mysoginistic halfwit who doesn't understand of you fast forward through a movie, you miss most of it... sigh.
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The Power (2023)
This is like The Last Of Us....
1 April 2023 that it like reading a big book, an epic. It has many moving parts acted out throughout the world and the slow burn really works. It's not all about action - just like The Last Of Us - it's about character growth and story building. The performances are excellent - what has Toni Collette ever been in in which she hasn't been outstanding? - and my one concern going in that it might be a feast of man bashing so far hasn't happened. Yes there are nods in that direction but they are realistic and are not just there to beat home a message, they are paramount to the story. I've watched two and they flew by. It is beautifully photographed and I am looking forward to the next tonight. I was pleasantly suprised how much I did enjoy this.
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The Big Door Prize (2023– )
It feels like I am watching the second series..
29 March 2023
Without having seen the first. After Servant and the currently wonderful shrinking, Apple has created a real dud. I like Chris O'dowd a lot but he is really floundering in this one. The stories are nonsensical, all over the place and it lacks any charm, insight and wit. You feel it is trying to tell us something or give us answers and meaning and it really doesn't. It's confusing, souless and pointless and most certainly not funny. There's not much wrong with any of the perfomances but given the lack of substance, they all look they are trying way too hard. Three in and I can't see it getting another series. I guess the trouble with getting hits is they the fall into the habit of thinking theyhave a winning formula and sadly this one does not work in any shape or form. I won't be continuin with it and in fact, turned the last one off ten minutes in.
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Champions (2023)
Formulaic, predictable and by the numbers...
28 March 2023
But I still just spent two hours with a smile on my face only interrupted by genuine belly laughs nonetheless. It doesn't matter that we know what's going to happen, the performances are superb and the entire feel of the film is warm and happy and uplifting. If you're down in the dumps then give this a viewing, it will change your mood from the off and by the end of it you will have forgotten what was bugging you in the first place. If you're not down in the dumps then this will only make you happier still. Great fun, a definite pick me up and nothing at all negative to find in it. Definitely a film to watch with all the family.
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I truly love Tom Hanks..
1 March 2023
...and his performance in this is excellent but the story feels like we have seen it all before. I haven't seen the original nor read he book I should say. But this feels a bit manipulative, like it is aiming for emotional targets and ticking them off as they get hit. It's good but it's not a classic and I doubt it will win any awards. It is also spoilt by shoe horning in one or two PC issues which do absolutely nothing to further the story and really do not fit in. Watching this I was moved and then disappointed in equal measure. It's worth a watch but on a number of occasions you'll be asking yourself, oh why did they do that?
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This is an awful film...
18 January 2023
With very few redeeming qualities. I like Stephen Dorff and Emile Hirsch and both have acted very well in many things but I haven't a clue why they aggreed to be in this beyond a paycheck. There isn't much wrong with their performances but basically, they are in a remake of From Dusk Till Dawn. The storyline is almost identical but with the badder bad guys being of a different type of evil. Both are just impersonations of Clooney and Tarrantino's characters - the insane younger guy and slightly older wiser chap who tries, unsuccessfully to limit the damage. The special effects are laughable and the ending is just plain silly. I would have loved to have liked it, I love FDTD, but this is such a poor shadow of that film it pales in comparison. It also chucks in some other horror movie cliches and eventually, you just feel like you have seen it all before but done much better.
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Letterkenny (2016–2023)
I love silly and I like smart...
2 January 2023
And you get both with letterkenny. I somehow stumbled across a clip on youtube and instantly became addicted. I then bought the series on Amazon and to be farrr, that is something I rarely do but I needed to see every one of these shows. It's like a cross between Father Ted and Paradise PD. It's very clever and very silly. The dragons den episode will go down as a classic. Every performance is superb - even when an actor is not centre stage their facial expressions and reactions are priceless and add to the scene. I have no idea why this isnt on regular TV as it would be so popular. I love it. I end up with tears streaming down my face. I urge you to give it a go, try a few episodes to get into it and then you will be hooked.
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Mammals (2022)
I'm afraid I also suffer...
26 November 2022
...from a totally illogical dislike of James Corden. I have no idea why. And it's been going on a long time. Long before he sort of proved me right becoming all ffar too americanny and then with the omelette incident. I've never seen Gavin and Stacey so I have no idea what he was like in that. I just saw clips of car pool karaoke and things like that which made me want to kick my TV screen in. However, he is excellent in this, as is everyone. Melia Kreiling was wonderful in Tyrant and she is equally good in this and sorry, but i have to say, she is truly beautiful to the point of taking ones breath away. I love the storyline, the Coco Chanel thread which is bonkers but works and whoever chose the music throughout has to be greatly commended. This show is really DIFFERENT and it works. I get the feeling it is what Gervais was aiming for with afterlife - the feeling, not the story - and this shows how badly he missed after series one. I put off watching this due to my Cordenophobia - I heartily reccomend you do not do the same as you will be missing a treat.
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This has a similar dark whimsy...
6 November 2022 the banshees of of Inisherin although it isnt quite as good. The story is simple and well written and executed and the subject matter is treated with taste and respect. There is humour and sadness and the acting is superb and flawless. I have seen many professional critics seem to dislike it and I really cannot think why, nor do they really give their reasons in their reviews. I loved it. The 90 odd minutes flew over. I really think this is going to be one of those where you are betting off trusting the publics opinion as I get the feeling the critics tend to band together as they are afraid to go against the grain for fear of looking silly. Give it a go, it is well worth your time.
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Grimcutty (2022)
I think the people who really don't like this...
15 October 2022
Just don't get it. It isn't really a horror film as such. It is much more a social commentary. It's actually very clever and is a very good take on what can happen when people over react and mass hysteria takes over (especially when those people are supposed to be in charge) - something that has happened at least a couple of times over the last two and a half years. It's well written, well acted and moves along at a good pace. Yes, there are elements of horror but this is needed to make the plot work. The creature, admittedly, isn't the best but it doesn't really matter as, as I have said, this is not meant to be viewed as a horror in the Halloween sense. I would say give it a go but don't limit your expectations, viewing it with an open mind as to what it is will open the entire experience up to you.
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This took too long to get going...
7 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Then once it did, it was actually really fun and rather good. It would probably make a good short story but stretching out to a full length feature was a step too far. Nothing wrong with the performances, I have seen Maika in several things and she is definitely a star for the future, and all other actors were just fine. The special effects were good apart from the last cucoon scene where you could tell she was just wearing a suit. But, it's a good enought time passer, I just wish there was more in the first 45 minutes because if there had been, it would have been a solid seven. A good effort though.
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Inside Man (II) (2022)
I hope I am wrong...
3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
But Moffat is almost excusing child abusers - or at least the one in this story and looking at child porn is child abuse as it allows and helps it to exist. At one point Tennants character says I have a duty to protect the vulnerable, but he doesn't mean the victims, he means the abuser becuase that person hmself possibly has been abused or has mental difficulties. This is what the entire story revolves on and it does not sit well with me. There are more plot holes than I care to mention and these have been well documented by other reviewers and the story is, frankly, ludicrous. Fargo this is not, nowhere near and you can well imagine this was was Moffat was aiming for. Tucci is great, as usual, but is in almost a totally different show. I'm a big fan of Tennant but he should have said no, this is truly awful. It leaves a real bad tatse in the mouth - the word paedo is thrown around almost humorously. I think this show is very revealing but for all very, very worrying reasons. If there is an uproar about Netflix's Dahmer show, where is the concern over this rubbish? I gave it two stars for Tuccis performance, his very funny next door cell mate and the US production values and music. Beyond that, I feel I need a shower after watching it and not because it was that good.
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The second half...
1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Is much better than the first. This takes a while to warm up but once Christopher Lowell takes centre stage it gets much better and funnier. I'm not sure why it is set in the 80's, it would have worked in the modern era but that doesn't really matter. The acting is solid, the story is good and it is a more than passable time waster. It could have been shorter if they lost the first half padding and then might have been a better movie. It's fun. Not really scary but there is the odd moment. Some of the 80's references may be lost on those not around back then but they are fun for us older folk. Like I say, it's never going to get rave reviews but it is fun and worth a watch.
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