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Dune (2021)
Half a film, but not in a bad way.
27 February 2024
Rarely do you see a part one that is as clearly half a film, half a story as this one. Despite being more than 2,5 hours long, telling a story that is really not that complicated, not that unique, it only gets halfway. But I really like it, and I have seen it multiple times. This time, I rewatched it the day before I was, finally, going to be able to see part two. And I still liked it.

Denis Villeneuve has made several films that I like a lot, such as Sicario and Arrival, and with both of those he managed to tell compelling stories in only two hours. So what did he do differently here, and why do I like it?

From just watching Dune: Part One, my guess is that with this one Mr. Villeneuve had the confidence to take his time. I'm not mainly talking about his self-confidence, but the confidence of his investors.

The result is a beautiful movie, at times even visually stunning, that is never in any rush. It allows itself to dwell, to linger. Scenes are allowed to play out in full, allowing the viewer to enjoy, even ponder each one, before being flung into the next one.

I'm reminded of a review of the first Star Wars movie that I read many, many years ago, comparing the difference in pace compared to Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. Well, Dune: Part One is in some ways somewhere in between, with some intense fighting scenes similar to those in the Star Wars franchise, but with most of the film being more similar in pace to that of Kubrick's classic. But while I'm not as huge a fan of 2001: A Space Odyssey as most people, I thoroughly enjoyed Dune: Part One. If you're in the right mood, attentive, but relaxed, I think you will really enjoy it.
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Caché (2005)
Close, but no cigar.
12 September 2023
This could have been a good film. Quite a few things about it are good, and it's not that far off overall. For me personally, however, there are also important aspects of the film that hold it back, that prevent it from being great. Close, but no cigar.

I normally like Daniel Auteuil, but in Caché he doesn't do it for me. I think that a big part of it is the character. I just don't find the main character believable. That is not only because of Daniel Auteuil's acting, or even mainly about that, it's about about the writing and the direction. The twists and turns of the story, and the reactions of the protagonist to them, just don't add up to me. Sorry.
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Duh, it's a sequel, stupid.
4 September 2023
If you like the first two installments of this movie franchise, you'll like this one as well. The Equalizer 3 is about as good as the second one, with the original film head and shoulders above both of the sequels.

Director Antoine Fuqua has proven many times that he knows how to produce an aesthetically impressive scene, and there are a few in this film as well. The story, however, is not entirely convincing. But at least there is a story, in contrast to the wildly successful John Wick movies, where the creators didn't even bother to take a stab at that, but went all-in on jaw-dropping (sometimes literally) aesthetics.

I would do anything to be in Denzel's physical shape, but even he can't hide the fact that he's getting older. Nine years after the original film, it is increasingly difficult to find the fight scenes credible. Dakota Fanning's character isn't very convincing either.

Don't watch this movie, unless you already saw the first one and liked it. But if you did, then do. (Duh, it's a sequel, stupid.)
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Unless you're a die-hard Bond fan, just don't.
4 September 2023
Movie number three out of four in my effort to rewatch all of the Pierce Brosnan era, and it's taking all of my commitment to the idea. Not only is the world not enough. Neither is the James Bond brand. Nor is the fairly sizable budget. This just isn't a movie for 2023. Unless you are a die-hard Bond fan, of course.

The World Is Not Enough is why we desperately needed the Bourne Identity that came three years later. It is why James Bond desperately needed the Daniel Craig reboot.

The World Is Not Enough is a weak script turned into a weak film. The dialogue is a combination of ambivalently updated sexism and a never-ending series of dad jokes that are on-par with my own. To top it off, Pierce Brosnan looks uncomfortable in all scenes containing any physical challenges. And there are quite a few.

Unless you are a true James Bond believer, don't waste your time. I wish I hadn't.
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A light hand and a light heart.
4 September 2023
One of the best things about Shakespeare in Love is that it doesn't take itself very seriously, and I mean that in the best way possible. The story is told with a light hand and a light heart, and I often found myself smiling. It's not the kind of film, during which you look for inconsistencies or historical inaccuracies. I was perfectly happy accepting that some things were inspired by real events, while others were just... well, inspired.

At the time, the leading roles were huge for Gwyneth Paltrow and Joseph Fiennes, and, in the case of Gwyneth Paltrow, that sometimes shows. But, overall, they both do a good job. And they are supported by a really impressive cast. Geoffrey Rush shows off his acting skills and comedic talents in a very impressive way. Judi Dench plays a fairly small role as the queen, but she does it really well. The only supporting actor who proves a bit too weak is Ben Affleck.

If you haven't already seen it, I can warmly recommend it.
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An epic love story without picture-perfect love.
4 September 2023
The English Patient was, I presume, designed to be an epic love story already from the outset. The colonial setting. The looming world war. The desert views. The passion.

It could have been a bit too much for my personal taste, but it just clears the bar. Perhaps the most important contributing factor, in my opinion, is that director Anthony Minghella does not portray the characters as perfect ladies and gentlemen of a better time. People are people. Very few people are all bad, and very few people are all good. Most of us are a little bit of both, depending on the timing and the situation. The main characters in this film are both poetic and petty, loving and deceitful, forgiving and jealous, courageous and cowardly.

The cast and crew actually succeed in making the English Patient an epic love story, partly because they don't tell a story of picture-perfect love, the generous kind we wish for everyone, but rather of a passionate, almost obsessive love that cares not for the collateral damage it leaves in its wake.

The cast is stellar, and it delivers on its promise; the acting is solid.
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Philadelphia (1993)
Not as good as it was. And that's a good thing.
30 August 2023
In 1993, Philadelphia was a really important film, and a good one. I remember that it made quite an impression on me, and that I liked it a lot.

Now, thirty years later, when I watch it again, I give it a 6/10 rating. Why? It's not a film mainly aimed at young people, making me too old for it. It's not a movie whose special effects or fight scenes have aged poorly.

No, Philadelphia is a film that reminds me that a large part of the western world has actually evolved in a decidedly positive way. Watching it again in 2023, I remember how much more prejudiced our societies were towards gay people thirty years ago. I'm not saying there's not still a lot of work to be done. I'm saying it was way worse back then.

Philadelphia may even have contributed to that evolution to some extent. The cast and crew deserve to be recognized for their courage in making this film.

But a consequence of the evolution of society in this regard is that some aspects of the film feel dated. That is certainly true of Joe Miller, the character played by Denzel Washington. The legal case forces Mr. Miller to confront his own prejudices against gay men, but it's depicted in a clumsy, heavy-handed way. In fact, I doubt that film makers today would have chosen to make Mr. Miller a Black man, since it feeds into another stereotype.

Philadelphia is still worth watching, but it's not as good as it was. And that's a good thing.
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Good story. Solid acting.
30 August 2023
I like this story, and I like the script for this film. In terms of the script, the only thing I take the slightest issue with is the way Tilda Swinton's character is written. To be clear, I think that Tilda Swinton performs really well. It's just that I find the character to be a bit unlikely. Not impossible, but unlikely. And I find that that detracts from the credibility of the story, rather than add to it.

George Clooney's performance is absolutely solid. He finds the right tone, and manages to be just the perfect degree of jaded and cynical. He doesn't take it too far. He doesn't go overboard. In fact, he doesn't make his character too complex or too interesting, which I bet is tempting when you play the protagonist. His interpretation of the character is perfect for the story, and makes it all credible.

We've all seen Tom Wilkinson successfully play interesting characters in a number of films, but this may be one of his best. Hat tip.
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Shadowlands (1993)
Toned-down and fairly slow.
26 August 2023
Shadowlands is, more often than not, described as a love story, and, sure enough, it is. But it is also a story about a famous writer and respected scholar, an Englishman of advancing years, who has repressed any and all feelings ever since he lost his mother as a young child.

Socializing mainly with his colleagues, and living with his brother, the protagonist has built an intimidating castle, surrounded by fortified walls and a deep and wide moat, in order to protect himself. Not against any threats from the outside world, but from reality and, most of all, from his inner self.

Now, what would happen if someone approached the outer gates of his castle? What would happen if someone knocked on his door?

Anthony Hopkins is brilliantly cast as the emotionally handicapped author C. S. Lewis, and he does a really good job of portraying him. Debra Winger performs well in her role as the author's American fan, but this is clearly Anthony Hopkins' show.

I recommend that you watch Shadowlands, but don't do it on a night when you're tired. This is a toned-down and fairly slow film, and to enjoy it thoroughly, you need to be focused.
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Not a poor Bond film, but a poor Bond parody.
25 August 2023
If you *are* a hardcore Bond fan, don't read this review. You won't like it.

If you're *not* a hardcore Bond fan, don't watch this movie. You won't like it.

I'm 52 years old, and I've seen most of the James Bond films more than once. I was never a die-hard Bond fan, but I found the films fairly enjoyable. I grew up during the Roger Moore era, but already in my twenties, I found that I preferred Sean Connery and Timothy Dalton to Roger Moore and Pierce Brosnan.

In 2006, Daniel Craig and the cast and crew of Casino Royale blew me away. It was, by far, the best Bond film ever. It was on par with The Bourne Supremacy of two years earlier.

Since then, I've only watched the Daniel Craig movies, and I have seen all of them a few times. Recently, however, I watched GoldenEye and now this one. I'm quite shocked at how poor they are. Did I ever enjoy them? I'm not sure anymore. What I am sure of, is that time hasn't been kind to these movies.

The story-telling, the characters, the acting, the dialogue, the fight scenes and the special effects. They are all bad. Just plain bad. A few times during the first half of Tomorrow Never Dies, I thought to myself that this isn't a poor Bond film, it's a poor Bond parody.

Daniel Craig saved the James Bond franchise, but in the process he murder-death-killed some (all?) of the old Bond movies.
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Disobedience (2017)
The challenges of being human.
23 August 2023
Disobedience is a truly beautiful film about the challenges of being human, balancing your beliefs, your expectations and your true self. So many people struggle to accept who they really are, because they're afraid of the reactions of others. Perhaps deeply religious people have a tougher time than others, because they often judge themselves at least as harshly as their communities.

Rachel Weisz and Rachel McAdams do a great job playing the two childhood friends (Ronit and Esti) who meet again years later, only to discover that their feelings for each other haven't changed. Alessandro Nivola plays the young rabbi husband (Dovid) of Rachel McAdams character (Esti), and portrays him beautifully.

I encourage you to see it. I doubt that you'll regret it.
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A lot more than nudity.
22 August 2023
I never turned out to be the huge Stanley Kubrick fan I expected myself to be, but Eyes Wide Shut is one of his best in my opinion. The first time I saw it, I wasn't that impressed. I believe I got hung up on the nudity and the sex. Not that I mind either. It just felt like a cheap trick to get a lot of attention back in 1999, I suppose.

Now that I've seen the film a number of times over the years, I appreciate it a lot more. Sure, there is a lot of attention-grabbing nudity, and sure, 98% of the time it's naked women we're talking about. The male gaze is ever-present.

But this film has a lot more than nudity to offer. Stanley Kubrick manages to create a certain feeling, where the surreal and the very real exist in parallel, and maintains that throughout the movie. Not bad considering that this is a long film, almost two hours and forty minutes. Some parts of the film remind me of Taxi Driver, depicting seedy New York neighborhoods, while other parts remind me of Babylon, providing glimpses of the parties of the ruling elites. The common thread of these two halves of society is the blatant decadence and depravity.

I'm not a huge Tom Cruise fan either, but, then again, I never expected myself to be. For me personally, Eyes Wide Shut is one of his best films, maybe the best one. And his performance in this film, where he has toned down his ego significantly, is also one of his very best. Kudos, Tom.
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An Ideal Husband (I) (1999)
It's a farce, stupid.
20 August 2023
A play by Oscar Wilde and an impressive cast. I had high hopes for this film, but, unfortunately, it didn't quite deliver. At least, not for me.

In large part, it's my own fault. Farces are just not my favorite comedic genre. If it is yours, you definitely should see this movie.

I'm a big fan of Cate Blanchett, and while I think she has evolved into an even better actress since 1999, her performance in An Ideal Husband is solid. There were moments when I didn't find her as convincing, but I chalk that up to the genre.

The same goes for Rupert Everett. He is perfectly cast for his role in this film. I quite like him, and I never thought I'd say this, but there were moments when I thought he was a bit too much, well, Rupert Everett. Almost a parody of himself. But then I had to remind myself that it's the genre, stupid. An Ideal Husband is a farce and Rupert Everett does exactly what he's supposed to do.
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Human weakness and the male gaze.
20 August 2023
Il conformista is a dark tale of a dark era in Italy, the fascist regime of Benito Mussolini. What will a person do under such circumstances? What is he or she capable of doing? What deeds will he or she rationalize?

The cinematography is beautiful, and so are quite a few sets, including some impressive architecture and interior design. The colors and the grainy quality of the film contribute greatly, sometimes adding a surreal feeling. Jean-Louis Trintignant does a good job, and is quite convincing as the protagonist.

Considering the dark themes portrayed in the film, I do find it a bit of a peculiar choice to throw sex into the mix. It's not an uncommon combination in cinema, I know, but that's thought-provoking in and of itself.

The women are 15-30 years younger than their husbands, they make themselves sexually available in all kinds of situations, and they're bi-curious when they have a little bit to drink. "No" means "yes, if you persist just a little", and the women are semi-nude in a number of scenes while the men are not. So, the male gaze combined with some of the most cliché male fantasies. But hey, this is an Italian film from 1970. Surely, nothing like that would happen in the world of cinema today.
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GoldenEye (1995)
Not in 2023.
17 August 2023
Wow, watching this film again in 2023 was not a good idea. I don't remember what I thought of it in 1995, but time definitely hasn't done GoldenEye any favors. Only the most hardcore Bond fans will enjoy this today.

Full disclosure. I grew up during the Roger Moore era. He was my first Bond, and thus the "real" Bond of my childhood years. By the time I was 16, I really appreciated Timothy Dalton's efforts to swing the character back in the Sean Connery direction (but with the sexism toned down a bit) for two movies. After that, Pierce Brosnan swung the character back again, emulating the style of Roger Moore. That never sat well with me. Both of them seemed to wear their hair perfectly at all times, and both of them seemed uncomfortable with the more physical aspects of being James Bond. Having thoroughly enjoyed the Daniel Craig version of Bond for quite a few years, going back to Pierce Brosnan is just impossible. At least for me.

But that's definitely not the only reason that GoldenEye doesn't work in 2023. The acting overall is, in my opinion, far from convincing, and the characters would be too cartoonish even for Marvel.

Avoid this movie, unless you are a huge James Bond fan.
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A ten-minute fairytale in 130.
15 August 2023
As far as I've heard, the Green Knight is based on a poem. That makes a lot of sense, no matter whether it is true or not, because I think that this story could have been told in ten minutes, rather than in 130.

I'm not saying the remaining 120 minutes were wasted, but you could certainly feel that they were stretching the storyline for all that it was worth. And then some.

So what did they add to the story to make it last longer? Well, they added a lot of beautiful sets and scenery. They added solid actors, who performed very well, and they really, really tried to add classic fairytale magic and mystery. That last part didn't quite work, at least not for me.

But don't take my word for it. Watch it yourself. Public opinion on this film seems to be as divided, and as divisive, as an American presidential election, and I wouldn't want you to risk missing out just because I can't recommend this movie.
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Jane Eyre (2011)
Mia Wasikowska shines.
14 August 2023
Few novels have been made into film more often than Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre. I quite like this version. Visually simple but compelling, the sets never take over.

This film is all about the acting, and it allows Mia Wasikowska to shine in her role as Jane Eyre. She is perfectly cast and she does a truly beautiful job. Michael Fassbender is also quite convincing in his supporting role.

Judi Dench has a fairly small part (considering the giant that she is) but she plays it flawlessly. Seeing Jamie Bell (Billy Elliot) all grown-up was really nice, and he performs well (but not brilliantly).
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Howards End (1992)
Another English period piece.
13 August 2023
I used to love period pieces, and especially the ones about English aristocracy. The etiquette. The intricacies of so-called decent society. The stiff upper lip. The Queen's English. I loved it all, and now, at the age of 52, I might have been expected to enjoy it even more.

Instead, I find myself a bit tired of the whole thing. The inequality. The contempt for the less fortunate. The imperialistic ideals of a ruling class who wanted to subjugate not only their fellow Englishmen, but Welshmen, Scotsmen, Irishmen and pretty much the rest of the world.

None of this can, of course, be blamed on Howards End, and yet it undoubtedly negatively affected my appreciation of it. So, please bear that in mind when reading this.

The cast is, indeed, most impressive. Personally, however, I don't think that director James Ivory managed to get the best possible performances out of the enormously talented trio Emma Thompson, Helena Bonham Carter and Vanessa Redgrave. I've seen them all play other roles more convincingly. Anthony Hopkins, on the other hand, was perfectly cast and put in a solid performance.
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Orlando (1992)
An enjoyably surreal feeling.
11 August 2023
This film could have been great, but it isn't. Tilda Swinton does a solid job, though. I haven't read the Virginia Woolf novel. Perhaps that would have helped, but I doubt it since I quite like the basic idea of the story already.

One person, Lord/Lady Orlando, lives on for centuries without aging. Sometimes as a man, sometimes as a woman. Not only is the protagonist an androgynous character, but, overall, the film takes a somewhat feminist point of view. I say somewhat, because I was actually surprised that this theme was not more clearly pronounced.

With a Virginia Woolf novel and Tilda Swinton in her corner, director Sally Potter had the opportunity to create something quite spectacular, but she comes up short. She manages, however, to create a surreal feeling that is enjoyable. For example, she has Orlando look at us, the audience, at several occasions, and even directly address us, in a way that works perfectly.
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Not a lighthearted feel-good movie.
11 August 2023
This film has a beautifully simple storyline that manages to capture the dreams and struggles of a group of street kids on a roadtrip from Medellín, Colombia, to a poor and rural region.

Los reyes del mundo shows us both the best and the worst in humans, without being loud or in your face about it. We see the empathy of strangers, but also the lack of it. We see undying friendship, but also friendship cracking under pressure.

The cast puts in an incredibly impressive performance. I don't know anything about their backgrounds, but they hardly miss a beat.

If you're in the mood for a lighthearted feel-good movie, this is not the one for you. But otherwise I warmly recommend it.
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War Pony (2022)
An important reminder.
11 August 2023
I tend to think of the United States as a rich country. One of the world's richest, in fact. And so do all Americans I've ever met. And I know perfectly well that large numbers of Americans are poor. But every now and then I need to be brutally reminded of just *how* poor the poorest Americans are, and how disproportionately these poorest Americans tend to be Native Americans or Black.

War Pony is exactly that kind of reminder, and it does that job beautifully. As far as I understand, the cast is entirely made up of amateur actors, who have grown up on the reservation. If that is true, their performance is very impressive indeed. Having said that, there are brief moments, where the acting comes up a bit short.

I'm very glad that I saw this film, and I happily recommend it. All privileged people will benefit from watching this movie, and all privileged Americans really ought to see it.
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Becoming Jane (2007)
Adds to the understanding and appreciation of Jane Austen's novels.
8 August 2023
Impressive cast. Impeccable acting. This story of unhappy love, however, feels all too familiar, too predictable to be the basis of a great film. That is not to say that it's not worth watching (it is), but to me it's no more than a 6 out of 10.

Becoming Jane does, however, put Jane Austen's novels in a context that adds to the understanding and appreciation of them. Living in a time when convention and family obligations consistently got in the way of true love, it makes perfect sense that the famous author never married, and that she wrote books reflecting these themes. And while we like to think that those times are behind us, it's worth remembering that in several parts of the world they're not.
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Supernova (II) (2020)
All the best moments were included in the trailer.
5 August 2023
I thought I would like this film. I was ready to like this film. This is a deeply human story, and I like both Colin Firth and Stanley Tucci. But I just wasn't moved in the way I'm often moved by films like this one.

The acting was good, even though Colin Firth looked a bit awkward at times. Perhaps his character was supposed to be the stereotypical Englishman; not quite comfortable with physical displays of affection?

Personally, I believe the greatest weakness of the film is that writer/director Harry Macqueen fails to show the audience how much these two men have meant to each other over the years. As a consequence, we don't feel their pain to the extent that we could have. And it's never a good sign when you leave a film thinking that all of its best moments were included in the trailer.
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The Sperm Donor Dad Is All Right.
2 August 2023
Don't you just hate it when your sperm donor dad turns out to be a cool, sexy biker-restaurateur with a passion for eco-friendly, locally produced vegetables; a dreamy guy that women of all ages drool over?

The Kids Are All Right is a fairly good movie, which could have been even better. The hardest part for me to accept was the introduction of the sperm donor dad. Not the fact that he's a complete hunk, played by Mark Ruffalo, but that the process of contacting him and convincing him to meet his hitherto unknown biological children felt way too quick and uncomplicated. (This is not a spoiler. It's the premise of the story.) Yes, this is a movie and the director has to move it along, but this process would have needed a few more minutes of screen time, in my opinion.

All in all, it's a pretty decent comedy, and should do the trick if you're in the mood for one.
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A very competent film about very incompetent policemen.
1 August 2023
Memories of Murder is a very competent whodunit set in rural South Korea. A small town is plagued by a string of murders with young, female victims. In approaching this challenge, the local police very quickly prove to be grossly incompetent, not only in terms of their technical skills, but also in terms of their attitude. Luckily, the local policemen are reluctantly reinforced by a colleague from Seoul.

By Hollywood standards, this film must have been made on a shoestring, but director Bong Joon Ho makes use of every penny, and produces a very engaging thriller. The weather, the dark of night and carefully selected camera angels are all masterfully utilized to create all the suspense that you need to enjoy this film.
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