
45 Reviews
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Dig (II) (2022)
26 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, two proven killers (we saw them do three) keep letting these two almost escape and then don't kill them. T Jane's character is so stupid (flagging down a vehicle they can't see) and "let's get out of here" when two armed people are 50 feet away? They made it maybe 30 yards. And still not dead. Giving the the electrical worker clues to call the cops when one of the killers is listening and has your daughter?

We never find out what is in the box that needs to be excavated (except the dead brother.) Why dig at all when there is a ton of money (drugs) in the walls?

Just really stupid.
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Peppermint (2018)
I hate these movies.....
26 March 2022
I really hate these kinds of movies, but I have to admit that Jennifer Garner really rocked in this one. She looked great despite a dirty face and messy hair the whole movie, and she transformed herself into a total badass.

I usually cringe when the hero takes a ton of punishment and keeps on going, but she had the ultimate reason to do so.

The part where her dead daughter woke her up just before the bad guys came into the warehouse was a little too far out there, though. Not sure who gave the director that idea. Otherwise, it was great.
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Not sure about the bad ratings
27 February 2022
I was trying to decide whether to give this an 8 (which is excellent for me) or a 9, but when I tried to find a flaw in the movie I couldn't so it gets 10.

You don't have to like Jessica Biel dying early (it was necessary) or the incongruity of some minor just being left with a horrible uncle., or a successful man just chucking it all out of grief. I didn't have to suspend any disbelief because the story just flowed and I went with it.

Not a cookie-cutter movie for sure and that is what made it great.
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Stealth (2005)
If you need a little reality for a war film, you will hate this.
23 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Decent concept and Jessica Biel in a bikini get this a D+, but is F- after the halfway point.

Never leave your wingman? I do not think this applies when they have been shot down.

You invade Russian airspace and they only send up two fighter jets? There would have been a regiment and SAMs would have filled the sky.

Only a few squads of N Korean soldiers at the border of the DMZ? There are divisions.

Navy fighter pilots using automatic weapons to take out trained soldiers on the DMZ and mercenaries in Alaska? Their training doesn't include this.

Map makes N Korea look really close to Alaska. Google says it is 6000 miles. And the auto-plane wasn't refueled (or rearmed) when it got to Alaska.

Hero has the code to operate the tanker plane but the know-everything plane does not?

Hero can fly plane through a city at Mach 4 at street level (while partially passed out) without running into a building? And be able to pull out of that dive in the first place?

This movie was cheesy enough but the stupidity just built upon itself and made the ending almost unwatchable.
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Dune (2021)
Great if you haven't read the book. Pretty good if you have.
16 February 2022
Advances in cinematography make this a cant miss if you are a sci-fi fan. The first part is close to the book in some ways, but there are some holes.

Where is Feyd Rautha? He was played by Sting in the first movie. This is an important part, but he is not in this version.

The battle scenes when the Harkonnen and Sardaukar attacked were too dark to really see much of anything. This could have been better.

This version says that there is a huge amount of water naturally underground just waiting to make Arrakis a paradise if it wasn't for the value of the spice. The book and movie let you know the water exists only by the extreme hoarding and husbanding of resources employed by the Fremen who want to make Arrakis green and care nothing of the spice.

Overall, though, it is a good watch and I can't wait for the second one.
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Could have been really good
1 February 2022
The acting was fine. The story was interesting. The women were beautiful (but looked alike.)

The plot though was too confusing with all the jumping around from timeline to timeline, and the ending was totally implausible.
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Barely passable
30 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie barely passes muster. Why? Because Glenn Close denying the junkie kid at the beginning of the movie (who has been cut off due to stealing and 14 failed rehabs) is the only realistic part of the movie. Parents eventually learn (but still love.)

Her real Dad learned. Then Close, who had doubted everything, takes her to look for a "sick" friend. No way. You take her straight home. Never trust a junkie (which she knew at the beginning.) Then, she actually fakes a drug test with her which could result in death by the miracle drug? Please. If Kunis had died because of this ridiculous scenario, I would have given the movie a 6. But, of course, everything turned out just fine.
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28 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You just cant suspend your disbelief enough to get through this movie with a straight face (and a lot of swearing.) Two turnarounds of advantage were stretching it, but they just had to keep getting the upper hand on each other without killing each other. Travolta wanted a confession, so maybe this was okay as to why he kept him alive. No way DeNiro would not have finished him at the first opportunity, though.

When DeNiro threw his gun away at the end and Travolta didn't kill him, that was just plain stupid. He overcame paralysis and traveled 10,000 miles for revenge.

And a sweet ending, of course. This was just pure crap.
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Stardust (2007)
Waste of a lot of talent
26 January 2022
This movie barely passed as acceptable for me. I cannot believe so much solid acting talent was amassed here with so little result.

As was mentioned by another rater, Cox was a weak lead. The other stars really had little to do with the script they were given. Pfeiffer was good, though.

The movie ran for slightly over two hours, and I was flagging at 30 minutes. I got the DVD from the library and it took me five different sittings over 3 days to get through it. Being a fairy tale, knowing the end at the 10 minute mark did not help.
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Slow AND stupid. What a combo
22 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the film is an old man trudging around in the woods. This accounts for the slow.

How stupid was this? Let me count some of the ways.

1) Old man carries revolver in the woods but no extra ammo for it.

2) Takes two automatic rifles from dead bad guys with empty mags so discards the weapons. No extra mags in their pockets? In their truck?

When he took the first one, he could have taken his own rifle which he did have extra ammo for.

3) Old man is sick anyways, but gets shot in the chest and is able to trudge for miles over a couple days in the woods without the younger men catching him? He doesn't even trot.

4) Bad guy falls and is paralyzed but tells him he'll split the money with him if he saves him? Seriously?

The only saving grace in this movies was the cute waitress.
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22 December 2021
It did not take long to get the point of the movie: Let people be what they are. As soon as you get that the rest becomes monotonous and pointless. You, of course, have to have the roommate unable to control her wants and the boy who is not accepted by his father try to harm himself. Predictable.

It would have been better if Pastor Rick got caught with one of the guys (or maybe the good Dr went after one of the girls.) Either one would have made a point that Christianity contains a lot of hypocrisy.

Moretz is hot, and she is all that kept me marginally interested.
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Very pleasantly surprised
2 December 2021
Usually, the most this type of movie can get from me is five stars. They are all pretty much boiler-plate, and I usually hate the nerds and the hot babe equally.

This was not the case here. Rust and Carpenter came off as more "normal" and less annoying than say Jonah Hill, Michael Cera, Christopher Mintz-Plasse or Jay Baruchel. Panettiere was indeed beautiful (could have used a toning up for head cheerleader role, though), but she was not some aloof, unapproachable/unattainable b****.

I genuinely liked the characters and didn't find the story as annoying as usual. This makes it a cut above.
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Compliance (2012)
Don't watch this crap!
18 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
First off, there is no way you could find five such stupid white people anywhere in America. No way.

I enjoy movies where beautiful women take off their clothes, but this was an absolute insult to my intelligence. I was screaming after five minutes.

I borrowed the DVD from the library and was saved from watching the rest when the DVD froze up. This was when the cop was telling the restaurant manager's fiance, who didn't even work at the restaurant, that she would have to do jumping jacks to see if the money would fall out.

If you enjoyed this, you are a complete moron. Suspension of disbelief is one thing, but there has to be a shred of credibility involved.
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Relic (2020)
Dont be fooled
7 November 2021
This movie moves more slowly than a glacier, and there is no explanation of what the evil is or how it makes the house bigger.

Some of the reviews here have said you have to watch it a few times to keep finding nuances.

I am sorry I watched it once. I kept checking the time remaining after half an hour. No way I watch it again.
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Browse (2020)
No resolution
19 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is confusing because L Haas is either insane over losing his wife and just can't cope (not paying rent/furniture for months while holding down a full-time job) OR he has been doing everything correctly and someone is trying to sabotage him by hacking his accounts and sending him a gun to get him to commit suicide. But why?

It's not a bad watch because you have to stay invested so you don't miss an important piece of the puzzle.

By the end, you really have to go with the insanity bit, but he unsuccessfully tries to kill himself and the movie stops. Say what?
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The Doorman (2020)
Beyond stupid
16 October 2021
I can't believe the reviews on this. Everything about this movie was horrible. Everything I thought it could not get any worse, it upped the ante.

Sometimes you have to suspend your disbelief to enjoy a movie, but this movie turned that used up its quotient of that by the 3/4 mark and the final 20 minutes were just hell to watch.
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R100 (2013)
What the hell?
2 October 2021
The first hour was pretty good, but then it went crazy. I don't think the movie had to devolve to the point of utter lunacy. 7 for the first hour and 3 for the ending. That is B+ and D in my rating system.
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Donnybrook (2018)
Just not good enough
10 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Good: Margaret Qualley and Frank Grillo. Both were awesome in their roles. Also, the deaths of certain characters were twists I didn't see coming.

The Bad: What was the deal with the deputy/cop? Never explained what his position of power was and why he decided to go after Angus on his own. He knew how dangerous Angus was but warned him that he was coming in the parking lot. He was out of range with his sawed off, but knew from the bartender that Angus had an elephant gun. Really?

This decent fighter thinks he can win this fight that pays $100k when the drug dealer kicked his butt in the second scene of the film? Does he think a bunch of pansies will be fighting for 100K?

The contrived "final matchup" between Jar and Angus. Angus had Jar done and this would never have been reversed. Angus was just too strong and too evil.

I debated between 3 stars (my highest rating for a poor movie) and 4 (my lowest rating for an okay movie) but had to go with 3. I would not recommend it to anyone.
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Open Range (2003)
High reviews are a joke
28 July 2021
Are you kidding? Great movie?

I made it through an hour. It was boring, the plot downright stupid, and Costner and Duvall didn't have any likeable qualities.

I told myself I could make it all the way but when it came to light in the saloon that Annette Bening was not the doctor's wife, but just his sister (and would obviously fall in love with Costner's sullen, PTSD character) I had to call it a day. Seriously. PTSD in a western. HAHAHA.

The magnificent seven these two aren't. They weren't hired by the town to save them from the tyrant rancher and corrupt sheriff (marshall.) They were essentially a couple of grifters just blowing through town.
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If you liked Dark Web: Unfriended, this is not it.
20 July 2021
Warning: This is NOT a movie about evil computer hackers/killers preying on the unwary. It is a satirical spoof with over-the-top acting.

I only got through this because I made myself. My interest was gone after 20 minutes.

The court scenes are so ridiculous I just couldn't stand it. The overachievement of an underachieving bartender was stupid beyond belief.

The masquerade ball made absolutely no sense, as well.

I couldn't find much redeeming value as I was expecting something similar to Dark Web: Unfriended. The librarian was hot and the buffoon NSA agent was good for a couple chuckles.
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8 July 2021
The acting is atrocious. Rebecca and Paris are okay, but every other part was cringe-worthy. The storyline was very contrived and not all that shocking when the truth came out. .

How many conservative, rich white ladies best friends are all gay? How many professional call girls fall in love with clients? Especially an older woman when the love of her life was was a young, good-looking man?

Jessica Clark is gorgeous and is the only reason I gave this any stars. I did not mind the fact that the movie, per some other reviews, pushes the lesbian agenda. Why would you watch a movie like this if you are against that?

If you want to see a good lesbian movie, watch Portrait of a Girl on Fire. If you want decent lesbian scenes that don't dominate the whole movie, watch Ammonite.

Another review said this is soft porn. I totally agree. Pretty graphic sex, no plot and bad acting.
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Life (I) (2017)
True to what would happen in real life
2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is great because it is true to human nature. We live based on hunches , beliefs and curiosity, ignoring possible cataclysmic possibilities.

Should a "real" scientist stimulate, feed or shock a hibernating organism that has survived harsh conditions on Mars and that he/she has no data on? Of course not. But our scientists would do this.

Should a crew member break quarantine protocol to rush to save another crew member who screwed up? Of course not. But many people might do this.

Should the quarantine officer have relied on the third protocol to actually work when everything else has failed miserably? Of course not. But a human's overconfidence could allow this to happen. As soon as they lost control, and determined it was difficult to kill, they should have used the maneuverability fuel to blow the station our of orbit before wasting it on trying to keep the creature out when the commander had it outside.

The complaints you can read about here about the scientists acting unprofessionally and illogically are true in the comfort of your own living room, but in real life, ignoring threats and overconfidence are what humans do best. The movie is great because if you can overlook the "unprofessional" and the "illogical," you see exactly what would happen if this were a real life situation.
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Predictable but first fifteen minutes should have told haters to quit
13 June 2021
I love the one star ratings. These people are indignant about things they should have known would be coming from the first fifteen minutes.

You know it is going to be a romcom with a little action thrown in. If you can't handle the modern romcom, turn it off. It will be filled with cliches, inaccuracies and implausiible situations.

There were enough humorous scenes to make this an okay movie. It was certainly not great, but this is pretty standard fare for Hollywood these days. If you like the three main actors, it is a decent watch. Not great, but you should know that from the beginning. Were you expecting a Best Picture?
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Okay watch but too much stupid.
2 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The cast does well, and the movie is watchable but there are too many stupid things that happen to make the movie believable and be given a higher rating.

*A police chief of a major city who is not afraid of J Edgar Hoover?

*An LA detective who can assault three FBI agents with no repercussions?

*The detective is patted down by MPs and relieved of two guns but they let him keep his club (sap)?

*The security on an atomic base is so lax that the police can run around breaking through gates by shooting the locks off?

*The detective alludes the MPs the second time he is there, finds the gate to the general's house locked, so just walks around the back and is able to get the drop on him sitting on his back porch?

These annoying things, plus a slow pace, make the movie just okay.
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Certainly not great, but.....
24 May 2021
When you watch this, think of ALL the superhero movies now with their implausible scenarios and CGI. There are no good ones anymore.

So while I agree this was NOT good, it was just as good as any of the other swill perpetrated on us. Batman vs Superman and Iron Man 3 killed these kinds of movies for me, but I watched the original WW and this one for, of course, Gal Gadot. She is hot. I like Kristen Wiig, too, so I was able to suspend my unreality yet once again.

So for all the people who think this is not as good as the other superhero movies, ask yourselves "How good are the others, really?"
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