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Respect other people's choices even when you don't agree with them
30 May 2024
This is a hard concept for many to grasp, let alone accept, but here goes: adults are allowed to live their lives as they see fit, and others do not have the right to try to control their choices, no matter how disagreeable they may find them to be. Watching the lengths Miranda's parents and sister went to in a misguided effort to control her choices was disturbing. Yes, if everything was represented accurately, Robert and his organization are exploitative and reprehensible. Nevertheless, grown people have the right to associate with him if they so choose. I think most 'religions' are exploitative and reprehensible, and a case can be made that followers of any religion are 'brainwashed'. But again, that doesn't give others the right to control their choices and attempt to override their free will. Yes, even if it's your own adult child. The irony is that Miranda's family doesn't seem to realize that they are trying to 'help' her out of a highly controlling system by being even more controlling. They simply refuse to respect her choices and boundaries, no matter how many times she has made it clear that this is where she wants to be and this is what she wants to be doing. I'm surprised she associates with them at all anymore given the controlling, obsessive, and borderline harassing lengths they've gone to to try to 'bring her home'. And surprise, surprise, their behavior only pushed her further away. Now she maintains a relationship with them from afar on her terms, but judging by their behavior this far, they will continue to violate her boundaries. People need to understand that they need to respect the choices of others, even when they disagree with them. Now go ahead and downvote away, the truth may be difficult to hear, but it doesn't make it less true.
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Invasive (2024)
Tense and entertaining
29 May 2024
If you like the thriller/horror hybrid, this will be right up your alley. Keeps you on edge the entire time! A couple of squatters/phroggers make themselves at home in a mansion, unbeknownst to the owner, until the girl witnesses a crime in the residence, and her presence in the house is detected by the psycho who owns the place. From there it turns into an increasingly more disturbing game of cat and mouse. If you liked 'Don't Breathe' - awesome, AWESOME nail-biter - you will enjoy this one as well. Some disturbing imagery, not suitable for kids, but overall a very entertaining, edge-of-your-seat thriller horror.
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Hell's Kitchen (2005– )
Sadism, profanity, and silly theatrics
29 May 2024
As a Top Chef fan, I thought I'd give Hell's Kitchen a try. HK is not Top Chef, or anything like it. It's not even about cooking. It's about a sadistic nasty pr ick of a chef screaming at swearing at cooks nonstop, who for whatever reason seem to want to work for this a- hat. And people enjoy watching this? This is fun? No, it's sadism, and the fact that people relish this kind of abuse is deeply disturbing. The show is also laced with totally unnecessary, unfiltered heavy-duty profanity. Finally, the later seasons especially are full of dumb theatrics and amped-up fake drama. Unsurprised but disappointed that this is what so many Americans find entertaining.
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Food Choices (2016)
Very important documentary
25 April 2024
Very good documentary. Not perfect - I don't agree with portraying carbohydrates as harmless; carbos, especially simple carbos, if consumed in excess, can fuel obesity and other diseases.

That being said, the documentary was otherwise quite good, explaining the benefits of a plant-based diet for health, the environment, and most importantly, animals, who suffer terribly due to humans' insatiable appetite for animal flesh. I hope this documentary will be some food for thought for those who still consume animals, and encourage them to consider a better, healthier, and less selfish lifestyle. Peace.
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Monkey Man (2024)
Wasted potential
6 April 2024
Started off so promising. A potentially really good, unique, slow-burn, Indian thriller drama, about the gross disparities between the rich and the poor, and one man's quest for justice. I was very much intrigued. After less than an hour though (the movie is quite long as well), it very disappointingly turned into a non-stop, bloody violence fest. As the man at the concession stand told us, 'the Indian John Wick'. He was right. Sigh. The filmmakers must have a pretty low opinion of the American audience's taste in film - and they appear to be mostly correct, judging by the high reviews here. Had great potential, but turned out to be a huge miss.
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Misses the bigger point
3 April 2024
I completely agree that the way livestock is raised, treated, and killed for human consumption is absolutely abhorrent. To that end, I stopped eating meat several months ago. I am in agreement with many points this documentary makes. That being said, the documentary fails to address the bigger problem, the elephant in the room: Human overpopulation!!! The root cause of the overwhelming majority of the world's problems, including climate change, is that there are way, way, way too many people. We have exceeded the carrying capacity of the planet several billion people ago, and the world population only continues to grow. Until that is corrected, which nobody wants to discuss, things will only continue to get worse. Eating a plant-based is fantastic, but if you really want to save the world, the best and foremost thing you can do, by far, is to not reproduce.
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What Would You Do? (2009– )
Extremely manipulative
26 February 2024
People have enough to deal with. They do not need to be thrust into situations where they are manipulated into getting involved into things that are not their business. If I realized I was being linked like this - on camera no less, John Goofball Quihones would be wearing a drink on his head. It's not ok. Leave people alone and stop encouraging them to stick their noses into other people's business. There's more than enough of that in the world already.

Ay em Dee bee, drop your stupid six hundred character requirement. Ay em Dee bee, drop your stupid six hundred character requirement. Ay em Dee bee, drop your stupid six hundred character requirement.
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The American Dream is anything but
24 January 2024
Although a fictional story, an incredibly relevant and sobering reminder that the 'American Dream' for most people is a farce, and that most of us in the middle class are just one round of bad luck away from potentially losing everything.

That could include a job loss - as is the case in the movie, a death of a provider, or a catastrophic illness. In the film, the protagonists find this out the hard way when the husband loses his job and is unable to find other employment. The wife is unable to keep up on the mortgage of their new house on her salary. The couple enter a financial, psychological, and marital downward spiral that ultimately has tragic consequences.

Happens all the time, and the powers that shouldn't be don't want to talk about it. Almost criminal that this happens in the wealthiest country on earth.
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Misogyny is still alive and well
18 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Very well-made and extremely captivating documentary. I remember this incident, and it was horrifying how this couple was smeared by the sensationalist media. Let this be a lesson to all the sheep out there to STOP BLINDLY TRUSTING THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA. The endless cooties lies and propaganda by the MSM is another example of this. So glad that this was made into a documentary, and that Vallejo PD and the FBI have egg all over their faces for their disgusting misogyny and the way they treated these people. Glad everything ultimately turned out in the couple's favor, but they certainly paid a high price to finally be vindicated.
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Stillwater (2021)
Excellent, sans the ending
11 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Outstanding, engaging drama thriller that held its own for over two hours, up until the very end.

SPOILER ALERT: What happened to the bad guy???

Why didn't Matt Damon go back to his life in France??

Why didn't he hold the daughter accountable for her crime?


Disappointing and lacking ending, but overall an outstanding drama thriller. Well-paced, and excellent performances all around. If you liked 'The Next Three Days' and similar films, you will enjoy this one.

Just so bummed that he chose his lowlife criminal daughter over his fulfilling life in France. Dang it, Matt.

This is worthy of a sequel that redeems the ending.
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Don't know who's worse - the psychopath or the women that fell for him
27 December 2023
OMG these women.... Embarrassed for my gender yet again.

First there's the supposedly intelligent, accomplished journalist who lets herself get drawn into an insane web of lives, quits her career, pulls her kid out of school, and plans to move overseas without any idea where she's actually going. Smart, no??

Then there's the other dingbat in Italy whose son dies after being operated on by this psychopath of a surgeon. You would think she would sue the dude, and get the word out about his malpractice, right? Nope! She starts scruing him instead. What kind of woman starts a love affair with the sketchy psycho surgeon who killed her son? I mean, seriously? But he flew her first class and took her to nice restaurants, so that's what matters!

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Accurate portrayal of a psychopathic narcissist
5 November 2023
The French know how to make a solid thriller, and this is one of the best I've seen, I would say rivaling even some of Hitchcock's greatest works.

Two women are best friends as well as next-door neighbors, with sons who are the same age. When one of the boys dies in a freak accident, the mother of the dead boy blames her friend, and decides to get revenge by slowly and steadily making life hell for the friend and her family.

Like any skilled psychopathic narcissist, she does this slowly and methodically, turning her targets against one another in the process. The friend being targeted realizes what is happening, only to be labeled as 'crazy' by her own husband, which is absolutely infuriating.

The tension builds as the crazy one goes further and further in making the family's life hell with evil deeds. However, she does so in such sneaky ways that make it very difficult to prove her evil intent, and thus the person accusing her is not believed. Which is exactly how these malignant types work, and they know exactly what they're doing.

Great movie though, captivating and very tense.

I wish the ending had turned out differently, but just like in real life, when a malignant narcissist infests your life, the outcome is rarely a happy one.

Two stars off for the unnecessary, long sex scene.
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Depp V Heard (2023)
Social media clowns need to get a life
17 August 2023
Way, way too much focus on tik-tok/youtube basement dweller nobodies who embarrassingly consider themselves experts worthy of breaking down a legal case for the public.

Worse, this 'doc' gives social media in sells - including some lunatic who hides behind a stupid mask - a platform to further tear down an abused woman who had already been viciously raked over the coals.

Also, the CONSTANT clips of randos watching the case were so annoying and unnecessary.


Overall fail on Netflix's part.

I watched this entire actual case live, and encourage you to do the same and make up your own mind without listening to social media clownery.

If you watch the entire actual case and still walk away a Johnny fanboi, then you prejudicial beyond belief, and seriously need to work on your critical thinking skills.

For the record, this entire spectacle of a case absolutely proved Amber's point about women being grossly retaliated against for bringing sexual abuse into the limelight.
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The Wife (I) (2017)
Nothing ever changes for women
2 August 2023
Nothing ever changes for women. Even in this day and age it's still 1950 in reality, with a thin, fake veneer of 'gender equality'. In reality however, virtually nothing has improved. The portrayal of the panel of all old white men on the Nobel winner board is accurate - not just for the Nobels, but for all real positions of power. Intelligent, strong women are routinely subdued, and worse, credit is taken by others for their work. It's happened to me too. And it's not only the men keeping women down. In the real world, it's other women as well. Though somewhat painful to watch, this was a solid film. Brilliant performance here by the legendary Glenn Close. Christian Slater did a great job as well. The ending was satisfactory.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
27 July 2023
For all you attention-deficit sheep, this is NOT a BOOM-BOOM story about the bomb, it is about the life of the man who created it. And yes, it is three hours long. If this is too much for your cranial bandwidth, go watch Die Hard. Cilian Murphy did an OUTSTANDING job playing a brilliant but tortured physicist. Emily Blunt was amazing as always especially in her testimony on her husband's behalf. A well-told story that takes its time. All-star cast. Gary Oldman makes a brief but important appearance as the narcissistic psychopath war criminal Truman who called Oppenheimer a 'crybaby' for having moral conflicts about designing an instrument that murdered over a quarter of a million innocent human beings. I do wish there would have been much more of a focus on the criminal devastation inflicted upon the people of Japan. Also, deduction for the sex and nudity - WHY do movies do this? Do people enjoy watching depicted sex scenes? If so, why not more scenes of people sitting on toilets? Ridiculous and unnecessary. But all in all a great story. Murphy absolutely deserves an Oscar for this one.
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Rats (II) (2016)
Sickening animal torture
13 July 2023
Since the synopsis acknowledged that rats are very misunderstood creatures, I figured this film would attempt to right the many misconceptions about these animals, and educate viewers about their intelligence, community structures, and relationships to humans. Instead this movie glorified all kinds of disgusting torture of these innocent creatures. Absolutely sickening. Rats are sentient, highly intelligent creatures; they take care of their sick and elderly. I had a pet rat, and his intelligence and affection rivaled that of any dog. Why people hate them, I have no idea. Because they want to survive? What if someone was constantly trying to exterminate you for simply trying to keep yourself and your family alive? Vile and barbaric 'documentary' promoting ignorance and animal torture.

Shame on you, Spurlock.
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No Limit (2022)
Didn't have to happen
1 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Based on the life and death of Audrey Mestre. Why didn't anyone help this woman up from her tragic final dive??? I understand they couldn't give her oxygen, but what is the point of having divers all along the diving route if they don't at least jump in and HELP HER UP in an emergency? They could have saved her life! Why didn't they? A life is more important than a stupid record! And the audacity of the little WORM who killed her suing Netflix because it makes him 'look bad'!! And the audacity of the few trolls on here defending him!! Evil!! This poor woman.... a life lost much too soon, at an age where you're lacking the wisdom to identify the snakes among us, which her 'partner' was. Rest in peace young lady, you deserved better and we're failed by many.
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I can't believe people are all that surprised by this
21 June 2023
People are stupid. Really stupid.

Over the past three years, the overwhelming majority of the populace willingly and eagerly threw away all our most fundamental rights, that our predecessors fought and died for over hundreds of years. For nothing. All based on lies, propaganda, and fear-mongering. Without thinking, without question, without any discernment, while demonizing those that encouraged them to at least use some critical thinking.

Why then would the situation portrayed in this documentary be any different?

People have not evolved at all. They never learn.

Yes, I understand there are people who are VERY adept at incredible manipulation. In my extended family, there are two narcissistic sociopaths that have the skill down to a science. I've seen what these people are capable of, and how easily people fall prey to their tactics.

That being said; as adults, people have an absolute responsibility to use their God-given minds to think things through, to make mature and intelligent decisions based on discernment.

And yet that seems to be too hard for most people.

Hence, pretty much everyone in this documentary plays the victim, when they had every chance in the world to break away from this sociopath. The two kids have my sympathy, as for the others, well, hopefully they've learned some things.

As a species, we seem to be doomed.
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20 June 2023
Heavy and infuriating documentary, but very much worth watching.

Beata fought a David vs. Goliath battle all on her own, against three deeply corrupt systems all working together: the 'healthcare' cartel, er, system, social 'services', and the judicial system. She persevered and stood stronger than the overwhelming majority of people would in such a situation. Had her husband supported and fought alongside her, instead of subduing and criticizing her valiant efforts, I do believe the outcome for this family would have been very different.

Good on Maya for surviving through the ordeals these awful systems put her through, and for calling her three-month 'hospital stay' what it was - medical captivity. She is smart to steer completely clear of the medical cabal now, and I hope viewers learn the priceless lesson that our utterly broken, incompetent, corrupt, and self-serving 'healthcare' system cannot be trusted with your health and your life.

The utter AUDACITY of Johns Hopkins to bill Maya's insurance for obscene amounts under false billing codes, on top of the terrorism they were inflicting upon this family is blood-boiling. How is no one in prison over this?!?! Oh that's right, because these systems protect their own, and each other.

The cowardly statements issued by Johns Hopkins and that horrible judge at the end are disgraceful. Zero remorse or accountability for the devastation they inflicted upon this family. And as the documentary shows, this is hardly an isolated case. Who knows how many other families have been wrecked by the trio of social 'services', 'healthcare' systems, and the judicial system when they decide to destroy parents' lives based on little or no evidence. Or simply as punishment for daring to question the all-knowing (not) megalomaniac doctors.

Infuriating. I hope the family wins huge at trial, but if there were true justice, everyone who played a part in this awful situation would be behind bars.
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Entrance (2012)
Extremely disturbing
8 June 2023
Ignore the idiots with the attention span of a gnat calling this 'boring'. Yes, the first hour or so is spent on watching the protagonist's daily routines. There's a reason for this. It's to show just how vulnerable women are to stalking and predation, especially in dangerous big cities where there are many sickos who prey on women. The last 20-ish minutes are shocking and provide quite the payoff (?) for the above-mentioned attention-deficient crowd. The ending will stay with me for awhile. Incredibly disturbing, especially so because it's not outside the realm of possibility. Now for the PSA: Ladies, please be SO careful out there! There are so many sick and crazy people that target the innocent like the protagonist in this movie. Be hyper-vigilant of your surroundings, and have hardware ready to go at home and when out and about too if possible.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
Awesome movie!
6 June 2023
One of my favorite, if not the favorite M. Night Shyamalan movie, and one of my favorite horrors in general. First of all, for those of you that don't appreciate the HILARIOUS rapping kid, you need a major infusion of a sense of humor! That kid had me laughing so hard. This movie is an unusual but effective combination of horror, drama, and comedy. The comedic relief helps break up the otherwise constant tension and growing sense of dread. The movie is terrifying. The back story about the familial traumas is poignant, and how it all comes together in the end is so good. There are many layers to this movie, and it's worth watching a couple of times.
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It could be right now...
12 May 2023
Life is what happens when you're busy making plans. The Delinquent season is one of the best-made dramas I've seen, and I've seen it three or four times now. A beautifully-made and superbly acted story about relationships, love, loss, and life, and how very often it doesn't go according to our plans. But even when we don't get what we want, we may just get what we need. At times the plot was heavy, but there were also moments of perfectly-timed comedic relief sprinkled in, i.e. The funeral fight, which was the last thing you expect to see at that time, and it was hilarious. All the actors are fantastic, particularly Cillian Murphy. I highly, highly recommend this gem.
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Speak No Evil (2022)
Entertaining but with a highly disappointing ending
8 May 2023
The movie could have been a solid 10 if it had maintained focus on the tense psychological terror component, instead of descending into cheap and incredibly vulgar physical violence at the end all for shock factor. Super disappointed by the ending. Otherwise, it was a solid thriller, with a steady growing sense of dread that something awful will happen, which of course it does. The message of course is that evil is all around us in this world, and we have to be extremely cautious and not blindly trusting. The other message is that you do not risk your family's lives to rescue a stupid stuffed bunny - UGH.
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Catering to the lowest common denominator
22 March 2023
Gratuitous unnecessary sex scene as soon as the movie opens: check!

Vince Vaugn who gets fatter with each role, playing obnoxious, misogynistic Vince Vaugn: check!

Mel Gibson, who looks horrible, displaying his mortifying lack of acting skills: check!

Boring plot and insufferable dialogue: check!

Another dud of an action flick catering to the lowest common denominator in 'Murica!: check!

Just a total pile of garbage that insults your intelligence and kills your brain cells for over 2.5 hrs (!!!)

This is why Hollywood continues to lose respect, and intelligent foreign films are finally getting the attention they deserve.
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Sorely Lacking
11 March 2023
The first theory is the correct one. As the saying goes, the simplest answer is usually the correct one. The fact that the pilot simulated the fatal flight plan at home?? How is this not enough evidence for some of you? Bizarre. Also the fact that no one from his family - not even his wife! - participated in the documentary. If you were the spouse and were certain he was innocent, wouldn't you want to defend his good name? I would! But they didn't. It was most likely the pilot. People don't want to believe this theory because it's terrifying to think that a pilot could take the lives of hundreds of people on purpose during a routine flight, but this is not the first time it's happened (look it up), and it probably won't be the last.

The second most likely theory is that the U. S. shot the plane down, either on purpose because it was carrying compromising cargo, or by accident during tests the U. S. was conducting in the China Sea. Again, wouldn't be the first time such a thing happened. Does no one remember TWA 800? Or was that before y'all's time?

If it was the latter, the truth will never be officially revealed, as it wasn't with TWA 800. The government covers up whatever it wants. Also, if this is what happened, it explains why the volunteer citizen in Florida was ignored - of course they wouldn't want the wreckage to be recovered in this case.

But I still believe with 80% certainty that it was the pilot.

The Russian conspiracy was ridiculous and shouldn't have gotten any air time. Jeff Wise lost whatever credibility he had by floating that nonsense.

Anyway, overall a letdown. Netflix should have done better to fully explore this awful tragedy.
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