
12 Reviews
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Into the Deep (2022)
A load of SHIP
6 August 2022
If you want to watch a low budget movie with characters you don't care about and a plot that is predictable... then this one is for you. If you want to watch a better "trapped on a boat" movie, watch Dead Calm or even Harpoon.
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From (2022– )
2 Froms don't make a Fright
20 February 2022
I've watched 2 episodes of this new horror series and I'm still waiting for the scare factor. At this stage it's moving a little bit too slow.

So far there's nothing overly original about the show... a holidaying family gets stranded in an a supernatural, off the grid town filled with clichés and threatened by vampire like creatures that for now, only come out at night... and there's been more day scenes than night.

The series is created from the producers of Lost and casts former Lost actor Harold Perrineau as the small town Sherriff. I have to say, the creatures praying on a small group of people, the Sherriff, the backdrop and even the opening credits to a point gives the series a slight The Walking Dead feel with just as much dialogue, but not as much makeup and gore. It also has a Stephen King feel to it partly due to the casting of Eion Bailey from The Stand as the annoying out-of-towner. I'm hoping his character improves or else I'll probably struggle to care. The premise of the show has potential to be a decent one off series as long as they don't go down the same path as Lost and drag it out for way too long and ends with more questions than answers.

Just finished the 3rd episode and still no scares. Almost 3 hrs and there's been a total of 1 second of the creatures attacking. Less talking ... more scaring.
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Marry Me (2022)
It is what it is
11 February 2022
Marry Me is a light-hearted rom-com just out in time for Valentine's Day. To summarize in just over 150 characters, think Notting Hill meets Long Shot.

Owen Wilson plays the quiet, likeable, shy guy role well and Jennifer Lopez plays Jennifer Lopez well. If you're looking for something that's fresh and original with believability and depth... this movie isn't for you. If you're looking for a generic rom-com that's just a bit of fun... then this one's for you. 6 out of 10 if you like this genre. 2 out of 10 if you don't.
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Reacher (2022– )
Chris Hemsworth... a young Russell Crowe and Gary Coleman...
5 February 2022
Any one of those would have made a better Jack Reacher than Alan Ritchson. I get what other people are saying how he is true to the book version of Jack Reacher, but that just makes me not want to read any of the books. Sometimes changing characters from the book description is better... take Forrest Gump for example. Hanks' portrayal of Gump was way more appealing than the book version. The other main characters were contrived and almost comical which came a cross as bad acting. Alan Ritchson was so stiff. It was almost as though he was trying to do an impersonation of Clint Eastwood. I would have preferred to have seen John Cena in the role of they wanted to keep the character huge. Even Dwayne Johnson may have saved the series if you can overlook the brown hair and eyes. Even so the storyline dragged on.

If the storyline was based on the novel Killing Floor and the movie was based on One Shot, why was there so many similarities? Does Lee Child not have any new material?

And the end of the day, I wasn't a fan of the series or the second Jack Reacher movie for that matter... mainly because they had a kid in it. Stick to the original and move on.
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The Requin (2022)
28 January 2022
Clueless.. to why they would make this movie, how they got the funds to produce it and who would agree to be part of the production? It's not as if there's a shortage or shark movies out there and there are a others way better than this.

Seriously, if you want to watch a good shark movie just re-watch Jaws. Released in 1975, it leaves this for dead. Even though in Jaws you hardly see the shark, it it has more suspense in the first 5 minutes than this movie has in the whole 90 minutes. If you want to see a couple trying to survive a shark attack movie, the watch the low budget (but more believable) Open Water.

I think the makers of this movie just discovered a little thing called the Green Screen. Not only did they over use it, they didn't really know how to use it. Terrible SFX, terrible movie.
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Gold (I) (2022)
27 January 2022
A little disappointing after so much hype and online ads ramming it down my throat. The plot was too thin and very predictable. To be completely honest, the trailer was more than enough.

Zac Ephron's character wasn't developed enough to feel any real empathy towards and like the storyline, there was no arc. The production value was decent enough, the acting was fine, but there was just no real depth to it. If you don't want to give up 97 minutes of your time, watch it on fast forward... you get just as much out of it.
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Wolf Like Me (2022– )
There's something about Mary...
13 January 2022
This is different kind of love story from Down Under. I'm not sure why they cast Josh Gad in the lead role as Gary, a single father suffering from a literal case of puppy love. Maybe it was to attract the American market? Whatever the reason may be, he did a good job and the onscreen chemistry between Gad and Fisher was surprisingly believable. Isla Fisher as Mary, was adorable as usual. If you're expecting Olaf or the typical Gad humour you may be disappointed. This series is a drama not a comedy or horror.

Apart from the last episode it's not action packed, scary or full of Special FX, but at just under 3 hours in total, it's easy enough and engaging enough to binge. Who can't look at Isla Fisher for 3 hours?

This is not a standalone series. There needs to be a season 2 because the story hasn't finished.
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Like watching a basketball bouncing around the hoop. but not falling in.
6 January 2022
I saw the original Ghostbusters when in first hit cinemas back in the '80s. Many decades later, I expected more. The trailer sucked me in... the movie sucked.

To give it some credit, it had potential at the beginning (as we saw in the trailer), but lacked originality throughout the most part of it. Maybe for young kids it was okay, but for any oldies trying to recapture the magic of the original... it fell short.

The highlight of the movie for me was AFTER the movie with a short scene between Bill Murray and Sigourney Weaver. Even so, you'd have to have seen the original to get anything from it.

The plot rushed along and problems were solved as fast as the arose ... from the dead.
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The Tourist (2022– )
Not the best... Not the worst
3 January 2022
Being an Aussie I had high hopes for this new Australian series, unfortunately the 2-dimensional characters were hard to take serious and care about, coming across more caricatures than characters. An overweight American Hitman in a cowboy hat for example... very cliché.

At times the creators seemed to be influenced by the Fargo series and Cohen Brother characters but failed to capture the quirkiness so ended up with just plain corny.

The production quality was decent and Jamie Dornan's character and performance was solid enough to carry the series, but I spent a lot of time disbelieving most other characters that in real life would be way too dysfunctional or uneducated to become Police Officers or even Taxi Drivers.

The scriptwriters could have tightened up the storyline and made a Netflix Movie instead of a Netflix Series. Not in the same league as the Mr. Inbetween series which also stars Damon Herriman.

If this Australian series sounds like your cup of tea but don't want to commit to 6 hours, maybe try movies like Two Hands (1999), Dirty Deeds (2002) and Bad Eggs (2003), or Goldstone (2016) and Gettin' Square (2003) for something a little more serious without the whacky characters.
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Classic 2D Animated Short!
30 December 2021
Referring to "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" saying, it's a simple message for parents NOT to repeat the mistakes of their parents. Communication is king. Tastefully done in a warm, fuzzy, Disney way without being too preachy. Also it's great to see Disney pumping out some 2D character animation ... even though it's only a short.
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Soul (2020)
Over thinking it
26 December 2020
Not appealing for kids and many parents. Pixar made better movies when they relied on a good story rather than the high quality animation. Bring back the golden years of their buddy movies!
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11 November 2020
Sorry guys ... swearing doesn't save a bad script... it just comes across as desperate, amateurish and trashy. The funniest thing about this series is that they had the nerve to compare themselves to South Park. Maybe they were referring to the limited animation ... but it's definitely not the writing. Bluey does Australia proud ... this series is a national disgrace.
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