
181 Reviews
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(5/10stars)Also finding some routine in this.
28 September 2010
Adventure movie written and directed by Charles B Griffith.I'am not a true fan of this film,cause I feel like the good potential lost mostly because the characters were very used,and despite the better second half of the film,I never felt this will get that big ending like lot of similar movies of the genre,and lot of similar movies of the decade.But decent acting will satisfy the taste of classic movie lovers.Personally seen this film on television,with lot of commercial breaks,that means,if you will rather rent this film,you can have a better time.I don't know how far was this film successful as business,but probably television,and rental stores will help,but looks like they are also can not see real business in this film.
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Swamp Devil (2008)
(3/10 stars)Bad.
25 September 2010
Awards:4 wins,but please don't disturb,or take the time for this bad creature feature type of film.

It was far long for a little good it's contains.Memorable parts:0/all.Good and original ideas:0/all.Acting:4/10.Scenery:5/10.Dialogs-dialogs ? Sorry,well:3/10 but only if you watch the film ironically.Others say the script has lot of elements that was another movies own before this was made,and this is not a new thing,lot of other movies steals from somewhere else,or from another film.But despite some fun moments,this movie is just boring and could not entertain me.
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Memory (II) (2006)
(2 out of 10 stars)Bad,incoherent movie.
31 August 2010
A boring,incoherent,long movie,with bad dialogs,and screenplay.Do your self a favor,and stay away from this movie.The sentence before this was a real warning,today you can find bad movies with some entertaining value,but as far as I recognized,this movie was just a long and boring effort from people don't know how to engage the audience.After I've seen this,I had a feeling that this was just a footage with some element that the movie needs,but the incoherent creators don't know how to edit it,after they shoot-ed the footage.I'am sure there are lot of underrated serial-killer movies out there without a good marketing,but this was not that.Don't see this film.
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Grizzly Park (2008)
(2 out of 10 stars) Thanks a lot but this was boring,and imbecile.
24 August 2010
The bear horror films are usually made for bigger audiences,this was also a point of the makers,but personally not sure they can keep our attention with used,imbecile,bad characters,lame,boring plot,bad dialogs,twists after twists,and more twists at the end,pictures were enough sharp,and grading is good.I had seen the cable television version,which was not entertaining most of time.No question this was originally straight to DVD,or straight to television,but somehow they try-ed to push to the other area.(in some countries)Believe me Grizzly Park (2008)is a mess in almost every level.Rather watch something else like Jaws 3D,or Jaws 4.
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Towelhead (2007)
(7 out of 10 stars) Good questions,sharp answers,yes this was a good movie.
24 August 2010
Not a slasher-movie ,not an action movie,but after heard about it,I knew this will probably worth the rental,and after seen as a DVD premier,I sad this was a good time killer drama with some sharp themes.No question the main audience rather hate or love when they get the head wash every year,but those feels like they are not around these problems,they will get some entertainment value from this film.It was more than a year ago I had seen this film but the better scenes are still in my mind.Looks like sometimes directly funnier,but this will help for some of the viewers,the movie has two messages,the first is clear,before the ending scene,the second needs more skills.
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(6 out of 10 stars) Despite the little problems this film was good.(I had seen the rental DVD version)
24 August 2010
I have rather positive feelings about this movie,but the whole movie would be truly great,if the creators get more time to write the script from the book.The feature film The Lovely Bones directed by Peter Jackson is just a good fantasy,horror,thriller,crime feature movie with some funny,captivating,and entertaining parts,but also contains less good,or honest parts.For example the great actress Susan Sarandon get some incoherent funny scenes,unfortunately in a ordinary style.While the movie shows the directors skills,some elements of the script will be too used,and old for more experienced film fans,probably they will have some negative feelings on this film.The actress plays Susie Salmon is absolute good for the role.Mark Wahlberg is good,Reacel Weisz is good,Stanley Tucci is also great in he's role.The soundtrack is very memorable,and helps a lot for the whole movie.The message is something in this movie that is what we need,and all of us hope one day those have job around that area,we hope they will do something against the problem,that is a big problem around the world.Despite the Oscar and other nominations (won some of them)the movie was not a big hit as business at the box office.For me personally this film was far better like the directors King Kong remake,that was almost absolute terrible to my taste.But some good questions are not get the answers in this film,and this is a big mistake in a movie.
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(3 out of 10 stars)The boring death of Ian Stone.
18 August 2010
If director don't know what to do,that means the end of good things,specially this movie is not different,and this was just the beginning.Fantasy horrors are not my favorite movies,but if there is a late night television program,I was like,well I give a chance for this,as usually I checked the main page of this film,before see it.I know my review will not keep back lot of movie fans,but personally as a real thrash fan I don't recommend this.What we never get in this film:Good characters,strong sex scenes,good,or just decent screenplay.What most of viewers will get:some good acting,(some),lot of time they will not get back.
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The Mist (2007)
(3 out of 10 stars) Despite the smart ending twist,this was a long,and boring effort.
17 August 2010
Few killing scenes poses as something plus,in a film you had seen many times.A few good dialogs,but next day you will not remember to this film.This is a very simple movie,as creators wanted,but what looks good on the top of a skyscraper,that is not sure,that will looks good on the top of the tree.(Ironically,if you can understand this sentence)Rating show it's typically a movie which was loved by most of the audiences,but I'am personally not impressed by this science fiction,horror,with some typical doubt in the government problems.Acting is good as most of the audience says,but the script is not better than a high school student would write it,and the film is far longer than my patience can accept.
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Heart of Fear (2006 Video)
(3 out of 10 stars)Movie want to be a guilty pleasure,but believe to me not that.
17 August 2010
Straight to video film want to pose as a typical crime thriller,with twist,hard cop woman,good,and bad guys,and some nudity.Some of the fans of the genre will accept this despite the lot of script and other little problems,but personally I'am not impressed,and don't recommend this movie.Probably acting is not as weak in this film,like other problems in it.Main female character has only a few good scenes.I can not remember any good,or memorable action,or suspense scenes,probably the budget is also the reason,and the part of the problems of this film.Some members of the audience will just scream to something different while watching this film,I have to tell you it was very,very hard,and long to write this review.
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P2 (2007)
(3 out of 10 stars) Impact is not an excuse for poor script.No heavy spoilers here.
16 August 2010
That would not be irritating if we can see a horror movie which is just directly does not keep anything new under our face,and senses,but since the creators working on a movie as this is a job we must make it,the production was just a job,they started,and they finished somehow.Decent acting makes watchable this film,but our crazy security guard has a character that will not satisfy all the fans of the genre,rather work maniac young woman,as a woman who became somebody else with time,under pressure,now this was more helpful for the audience,if they can handle this fact.Despite these few good things the movie is just boring most of time,and I'am not sure the last 5 minutes will satisfy everybody who waited that quality during the whole running time.
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(5 out of 10 stars)This movie is rather just entertaining,if not outstanding.
7 August 2010
The Stepfather (2009) is a somewhat enjoyable remake of a movie I have not seen,if I'am not sure that all of the viewers will be satisfied by this film.Wile does not tries to be a typical trashy slasher,this film is entertaining,with some black humor,and with some good dialogs.The situations were put together as in the USA,or in other country's army would make it,and despite the fact this film was not rated too heavy by film ratings,(by age of involved audiences)this film was not boring to my personal taste.The acting is very natural,what is a very good thing for a movie,which is a remake,and box office success is not a sure thing for a film.
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(2 out of 10 stars) Bad,boring,movie.
7 August 2010
Unfortunately Illegal Aliens(2007)does not work at all.Since the cast has not a director,who is able to take seriously the directing,perhaps he was not the only person who is responsible for this irritatingly bad movie.(by far)Lot of people feels like the producers are also had the problem:how to make move,and speak people those real talent was lost when they become enough rich to feel like they are in safe.The script is also flat just like dialogs,but we know this was direct,this is why I have to say this movie will not satisfy people with good,or normal taste,but I have to tell you,as a big thrash fans like me,also this time not recommend this movie.
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Utolsó idök (2009)
9 January 2010
Fortunately television get the right to show this,I was very happy,cause I could not be there at the most important Hungarian film festival.

Against the story is not for my taste(very not).Main male character plays very strongly,and this is save the whole movie.

I had seen only 5-7 Hungarian movies in last one year,but except this those were all rubbish story tellers,and those just never captured me.

This movie was a very strong,and captivating complex with all of it's hard,and every of it's light weight,but direct movements.

Give this one a chance,this is not a comedy,but this film is good for what is.Don't miss this film if you are in the right mood.
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Iron Man (2008)
Very little to offer,but seems like the director is not so violent.
8 January 2010
The fact is a little wonder,that the capital of USA film making using the actor Robert Downey Junior,pays for him,I'am personally never met Robert,this is why I don't say more bad things like the fact he's dialogs are seems like something he says as help for the audience.

Logic of the plot is also flawed.

Dynamic editing does not help all the time.Action scenes are not different like other big budget movies knows,and digital effects coming in the best scenes,but I rather wanted to see real effects in that scenes specially.(with some exceptions) I don't want to recommend this,maybe just for children.

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JCVD (2008)
Not bad but not really impressed me.
8 January 2010
This film is not a comedy.

But also not an action movie.

Creators trying to find new ways for something new,or they just trying to make something new by some forgotten ideas.Belgian tiger,actor legend Jean Cloud Van Damme plays himself in this.

Believe me most of the old jokes just find the way to make you happy cause you know this is serious as hell.

That is a very good sign that Jean still has sense to be half serious,but he still using this in only the situation when that is really needful.

I hope he will return,against the fact I'am not living in Asia,and I'am not the member of the Bulgarian location managers union.

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Better than average 3-th episode.
4 December 2009
Science-fiction episode,worth renting,cause cult status is hidden in this film,if the middle of the movie should have been more exciting.

Powerful start of the film keeps the viewer,but the middle of the film is not really good enough,and unfortunately,most of the users recognized the same problem.

Some science-fiction elements comes to this 3-th part,and lot of main characters we have to miss this time,but this episode is rather a stand-alone horror-thriller-drama,with cruel death scenes,and those will be memorable scenes all the way.

Acting is very decent in this film,but for me this time this was not the most important thing.

Main bad character is not really memorable,but this is not the actors mistake.Director,writer has some sick ideas,thanks for him.

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Halloween II (1981)
4 December 2009
Quality of this second episode is very questionably,but it was not the worst horror I had seen,but it was one of the (most)-mediocre horrors I had seen.

Also this horror film was made for the crowd older than 21 years old,and this horror was directly bloody,and gory,but against this,this film was mostly boring,and has a story which is not enough for a good horror film.

Rather fans of the genre will love this mediocre sequel.

I just can not love this episode really,from the bottom of my hart,it was just a cheating to the viewers.

This horror film was not pointless,but what this film wants to say is not enough content to it's long running time.I do not want to say it was bad,or good,but that is not a good feel to say it was good.

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Open Water (2003)
Open Water is not careless.
23 November 2009
Most of running time is in one location,this was a big challenge for the makers.The story of the film is based on a true events.

Now acting have to bring the whole material,and I feel like they were very,very good,just hard to believe what would you do in their place.

This time this is not a question the dialogs has very,very big role,and maybe this was the biggest challenge for the creators,they had to decide what ,and how,or how ,and what.

If you are a business movie director,you have a big risk,when you trying to make something different.Only a few people believed in this truly.This movie needs more memorable scenes,but finally a good movie 6/10
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Rather a science fiction comedy,just can not really love it,while Mister Raimi is not enough helpful to me.
23 November 2009
I had seen this movie ,and this is the only reason why I writing this comment.Spiderman director Sam Raimi directed a parents guide 13-horror,comedy for the main audience.

Acting is very good in this film,and this means watchable movie,against I never waited clever story from this,this film has just clever points in the screenplay,but the whole screenplay is just a step here,and a step there,and there are some boring scenes,with oral jokes,and lot of editing,and you just can not follow,and enjoy what happening.

I was just confused at the end,but not in a good way,cause Spiderman movies were better in every simple way.Mostly cause the audience felt something about the characters.

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Better than average.
23 November 2009
Jonathan Libesman get the right to direct this part,and big member of USA film making,Michael Bay was producer as he did it before and after this.

They directly made a fun horror,with some funny,and also with some serious minutes,some patriotic,and family values comes to the story,and makes richer that in a good,entertaining way.

Ending is shocking enough,acting is good,blood,and gore is enough here,old man forced to live with family,it was made with care,but lacks at suspense,but fortunately not in every scenes.

The ending scene is really good,and memorable,a real triumph in the genre,this is not hard to say the whole movie is on the positive side.

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First Born (2007)
Poor parts,almost every time.And forget the word different.Not worth watching.
12 November 2009
Poorly written script,and directors art visions about women,I don't want to recommend this,slow,poor,disturbing,but is not as different as they says.Seen it before parts put together without any skills.Unforunatelly Elizabeth Shue plays with one boring face in the whole movie.Laughable dialogs makes the situation worst,but not in a good way,cause this movie,and it's director has not real sense of humor.Feels like the movie is almost 150 minutes long,while not,but feels like that long.Officially this movie has not(V)or(TV)-sign,or rating by IMDb.At this moment,but I will not wonder if years after this will get it,cause it worth that.

1,2/10-not worth watching.
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Prom Night (I) (2008)
12 November 2009
Box office data shows this time audience were more excited about this,like they wanted to love it.Britanny Snow plays a character has a past she wants to forget.She's enemy also can not escape the memories of her.A cop does not wants to stay inside this strange,but from one side forbidden contact.I have to say this was one of the better crime-thriller-horrors I've seen.Unfortunately the killers character was not enough mysterious for me.This movie was not really gory,and sexuality is also something where they should have done more in this film.Director had to walk by what producers say,and what parents guide-13 means for he's work.Nobody looks insider from the whole cast,including those worked only with the completed footage.Now I really want to see the original Prom Night horror movie,I want to see the differences,and also what,and why that would be too different like this was.This movie would be better with more little details,but this film was far,far better,than originally made for television movies,if it's directly does not wants to be more like a simple parents guide-13 crime -thriller-horror,with a strange bad guy,that is not a typical bad man,but has it's own bad,and skills that is hard,or interesting to accept him,but please don't be afraid to rent this,cause this is interesting in a good way.Give this movie a chance.

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Rather poor,and you will see way smarter.
1 November 2009
Today there is a very interesting fashion in USA film making,but this fact is not irritating all the time,cause there are writers,directors,know how to be innocent,after made this directly.The following sentence will help to understand:The good man is the bad man,the bad man is the good man.This remake use this fashion,but against some good moments I would say it was mediocre,and rather a bad movie,which trying to look realistic.The acting of positive heroes just makes the situation worst,while good acting of negative heroes failed by the directors happiness of work.Violence is just to cover the problem the screenplay is too old for a remake.Against my opinion,lot of slasher,and horror fans will love this new version.I recommend this rather for the main audience,cause this is a routine movie in every single step of it's own way.A remake can not be a screenplay heavy film.Lot of important elements of the genre movie are not there:the sound editing,mysterious negative hero,the atmosphere,and lot of other important horror elements you just can not find in this remake.Sometimes looks like a strait to DVD release,it's just poor,and primitive mostly,with strong violence,but without fear,and character.I don't want to see this movie again,it was just forgettable.

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Strong short film.
1 November 2009
Great short drama focus on one of the biggest problem of relationships today,but I don't want to reveal it.And I'am not living in relationship,and I don't want to be in one at the moment.Seems like the director want to say something personal,but it's just me,for me personally movie aesthetic is not something,everyday thing,cause mostly subjective,or personal movies are made for theatrical release,and unfortunately the main audience can not understand,or tolerate sad facts,time after time.This short was made rather for the art,and saved by that.I'am afraid the short format will not help to make well known piece of film history.I hope I will fail,like the true life.
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Bodily Harm (1995)
Sharp,but unsatisfying.
8 September 2009
Enough important,to be a good movie,but unfortunately very unsatisfying,acting was good,but all of them will,and were better like in this.This is not a well known movie at the moment,against the important material.

Why the main audience can not get this.

Writers,and directors always will love this type of basic story,and characters,and you also will see similar movies like this was,with a sad message,you have to learn,to be stronger.

Against all of the good things,this movie was unsatisfying for me,but if you seen this with your own eyes,you will be more objective like I was,maybe.

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