
9 Reviews
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Donnie Darko (2001)
Makes no sense unless you Google the ending afterwards
8 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I spent most of the movie just confused. The question of, "what's going to happen in 28 days??" kept me hooked though to survive till the end, but it wasn't easy.

Donnie is compelled by Frank to commit several random acts such as flooding his school and burning a house down. While you're watching there seems to be no connection between the acts Donnie commits.

After searching online for an explanation of the ending, I found out that apparently these acts were in some way supposed to guide Donnie back from an alternate universe . Somehow he shifted away from his original universe where he is hit by a jet engine where he was supposed to be killed.

But this movie fails incredibly to help the audience come to any conclusion close to that.
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Glitch (2015–2019)
Mostly great, but with a poor ending
25 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked this show for awhile, but as I got into season 3, I kept wondering when the heck they were going to close up the plot holes. Then, the show ended without the loose ends tied up, which was disappointing.

Biggest glaring plot hole was why random people started returning from the dead who were NOT part of the Noregard experiments. For example, why did Chris' brother in the wheelchair come back from the dead when he was never the subject of Professor Heysen's experiments?

Also, they could have gone into more detail about why the main characters caused the world chaos by coming back from the dead. In addition, why did only some of them (like Vic, Phil, James) get the desire to kill the others who returned from the dead?
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Come and See (1985)
Mostly a mess
30 June 2023
Where do I start?

  • Acting is mostly terrible. Most notably in the first half. The first hour at least could easily be skipped it's so poorly done.

  • Random extreme close ups of character faces for uncomfortably long periods
  • Plot provides no clear direction to the story and you don't know who anybody is except the main character (somewhat) or where anybody is or when
  • Quality of sound overall is terrible. And NO MUSIC except in the last minutes.

The last half hour could be considered a higher 6/10, but the people giving this a 10/10 must have seriously been drunk or high to give such a rating.
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The Expanse (2015–2022)
Well done, but where's the rest!?
14 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked almost everything about this show, but I am disappointed with the direction they took the plot in the last couple seasons.

Bigger than any human conflict in the solar system, was the existence of the protomolecule and the "entities" that seemed to be at war with it. In the middle of the show (around seasons 3-4), we were all drawn into that great mystery of those two forces and of other life forms that might be out there and discoverable thanks to the ring.

But what do the writers do? They strongly shift the focus of the show back to the Inners vs. The Belt (Marcos Inaros) conflict instead. This could have been fine, if that didn't consume the last season! This show needs at least a Season 7 to tie up loose plot holes. What was happening on Laconia? And, the Marcos conflict is not as consequential as what is beyond the ring!
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It's pretty good, but...
28 June 2022
The acting and dialogue is the weakest part of this film. The top cast speak 90% of their parts with no vocal inflection and show little emotion as well. This film is still worth watching to gain all the information I think we need to understand important things, such as Darth Vader's past.
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Logan (2017)
It was good, even great sometimes, but not amazing...
24 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think this was a good film, but I don't understand the incredible amount of 9/10 and 10/10 ratings. My thoughts below:

1. The overall storyline was good. Mutants thought to be going extinct, we meet Logan's daughter, and he is pulled in to getting her and her friends to safety (Eden). But, I thought the film was stagnant in other parts. Much of the film is too predictable. They drive, then the bad guys catch up, then they drive some more, and the bad guys catch up again, and repeat.

2. I would have liked to have seen Logan embrace his role as a father more. They make him resistant to finding any fulfillment in that role until the climax, and even then it is just him defending the mutant kids. From the beginning of this film, and shown in snippets of the other films, Logan has had trouble finding purpose and meaning in his life. Yet, when faced early in this film that he has a daughter, he doesn't even try to connect with Laura at all.

3. The action scenes were pretty good. I especially liked Laura's fighting style. However, the other mutant kids' abilities could have been showcased better. I was left with the impression that they were running low on funds for CGI because some of their abilities were not that fascinating.
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This film is phenomenal! I'm curious about some of the truth claims though...
15 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film was absolutely captivating from beginning to end. Great music, great acting, great storyline, great sets, etc.

I'm curious about at least one truth claim though. For example, I was saddened to hear at the end of the film that Turing committed suicide. I only spent a few minutes of research, but within those few minutes I already found some claims that Turing was regularly handing cyanide for other purposes and that cross contamination could have easily occurred. After a brief reading of these claims, it seems to me it could have been better for the film to state both speculations and not just say that he absolutely killed himself.
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13 Assassins (2010)
It's well done, but a little tedious...
15 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Great acting, pretty good plot, and great fighting choreography.

I gotta say though that I wanted the final fight scene to end sooner. It's literally like a HALF HOUR of non-stop fight scenes. I lost interest.
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Incredibly rushed
12 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
They tried to fit about 3 hours of content into 1.5 hours and it didn't work at all. Simply put, the pacing and character development was atrocious.

Characters are introduced rapidly and given next to no development whatsoever. Relationships, past histories, and motivations of characters are essentially just briefly summarized and not revisited.This contributes to a hurried look and feelings of discontent throughout.

Moments that the writers wanted to be significant feel quite lacking. For example, Selene's battle that ends in her "death" is not momentous at all, and the rest of the action scenes are not improved over those from previous movies.

Awakening and Bloodwars essentially work (barely) as filler movies and nothing else. I expect a true ending that TAKES THE TIME to close the series effectively.
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