
11 Reviews
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Well Done!!!
30 November 2022
So far, the writers and cast have done a brilliant job of bringing William Gibson's story to life. Everyone always compares the movies to their respective book(s) and unfortunately, a large amount of those movies fall short. It really doesn't take much for a show to flop and that is doubly so in regards to shows that were created from books, because there are also fans of the books to contend with - no pressure 😉 I can honestly say that is not the case here! Everyone involved in this project is doing a fantastic job of telling this story. (Don't listen to people at Metacritic) Gibson created a vast and highly complicated world that also becomes a little madhouse when dealing with the technology aspects of the story.

The special effects is simply breathtaking when you think about all the little things that had to be created in order to stay as true as possible to the book - simply in awe of their talents!
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6 October 2022
It seems as if Covid-19 wreaked a lot of havoc on people's intellectual being (not just the physical side). Also, the Entertainment Industry has severely lost touch with REAL PEOPLE. Instead of the fools on social media who (those of us with more than two brain cells to rub together know) will do or say anything - from the safety of their Moms basements of course - to seem relevant because that is the only attention they get, affording them a false sense of power. Since Hollywood is full of Wall to Wall narcissists we can all see who are really cowards because NO ONE has the nerve to make substantive shows - too controversial and they don't want to be "canceled". Which rolls back to this movie. The only nice thing I can say is that at least it isn't a remake/remastered older movie. This is the new phase the rest of Entertainment is taking - going back looking at shows that majority of people liked and literally film it again without changing anything but the actors. COWARDS and NO TALENT HACKS.
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Vendetta (I) (2022)
Waste of time
26 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted this to be a good movie but within 20 minutes I was bored to death, mainly because this has all been done before so many times making this too predictable and an utter waste of time. I understand that Bruce Willis's condition requires the other actors to step up and fill the gap for him but in this movie it just came off as the others over acting. I have seen Theo Rossi and Clive Standen in other projects and they are good actors, which is why I wanted to watch this to begin with, so I'm assuming that what was filmed was at someone else's direction and the cast wasn't allowed to do their own thing.

I also have a huge issue with what the writers and director did to Clive Standen's character in particular - he is supposed to be a retired decorated military man who served on the front lines in Afghanistan. Yet, he gets his butt whipped by a punk kid ?? Then there are all the scenes of shooting between the characters and somehow nobody hits anyone from 10 feet away. Again, retired military guy who can't shoot - really? It doesn't matter if he hadn't shot a weapon in years - from 10 feet away ANYONE could hit a target.
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The Sandman (2022– )
Absolutely Fabulous
7 August 2022
I was hooked within 10 minutes! It's rare these days to find a show that I haven't felt like I could have written it myself (especially with Hollyweird regurgitating old shows and trying to pass them off as new) but this show is wonderfully unique. Definitely a fan!
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NCIS: Hawai'i (2021–2024)
60 Minutes you will never get back
24 July 2022
Oof - where to start... the actors are so bad and the writing is beyond cheesy. They canceled the best NCIS show (New Orleans) and replaced it with this nightmare. I don't know who was the one who made these decisions, but they should be fired.
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Uncharted (2022)
It's campy fun
11 May 2022
I get it - in the land of CGI everything "has to be bigger and badder" and I say not always.... I would have liked to see more of the clue solving/research etc. (similar to National Treasure & Indiana Jones movies) but it was a good start.
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The Nevers (2021–2023)
Definitely different.......
19 May 2021
Great story line and really good character arcs. Did not see it turning the way it did - and I love it! My only issue was that parts do seem to jump around or are rushed. Love the humor and sarcasm.
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Greenland (2020)
Things we could stand to learn from Disaster Movies
18 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
1) When the "you know what" hits the fan it DOES NOT mean we have carte blanche to act like animals.

2) Yes, the governments around the world have a "designated survivor" program for civilians and 99.9% of us will not be on it - which means we have to sack up and figure it out for ourselves.

3) As in the movie, the Military Personnel who guard our Freedoms ARE NOT the ones who came up with the system - we are doing our jobs the best we can in a bad situation. And like the movie - we don't get selected either.

4) Whiners, cry babies (not kids), evil people: BEWARE (some people will ignore #1)

5) Maybe preppers are on to something

6) Greenland would not be ideal

*** The acting in the movie was pretty good but it was hard to overlook some of the bad CGI.
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18 May 2021
Kate Winslet is an outstanding actress and the other actors are right at her level! The storylines are intriguing and have kept me tuning in each week. BRAVO HBO! I really appreciate how Kate portrays REAL WOMEN - the good, the bad, the ugly - without apologies or compromises.
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Dota: Dragon's Blood (2021–2022)
5 May 2021
One of the best new anime stories to come out of Netflix since Castlevania. Can't wait for the next book!
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
25 April 2021
I am stoked that they stuck to the original story line - finally. Nice build up to a sequel and OUTSTANDING special effects!
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