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Twin Dragons (1992)
Jackie Chan Is Back In Action!
29 July 2002
Warning: Spoilers

This is a film that most Jackie Chan fans do not like. This film is not in my top 10 Jackie Chan films, but it's also not that bad. This film is directed by two very famous directors Ringo Lam and Tsui Hark. But I felt like they were not used properly in the production. Writers who were responsible for this film were Barry Wong(Writer: Hard Boiled, Righting Wrongs, and Rosa)and Tsui Hark. So far this film has good writers and good directors. The lead actors are Jackie Chan, Maggie Cheung(Police Story 1-3, and Project A 2), Nina Li Chi(Jet Li's Wife). Even the lead actors are good. Even the cameo's feature some very good actors like Ringo Lam as a car mechanic, John Woo as a priest, Tsui Hark as a car mechanic, Mars as a thug, and Jing Wong(writer: High Risk with Jet Li, and City Hunter with Jackie Chan). So why are people not very happy with this movie? Well some people didn't like the comedy. I found this movie quite funny at times, but the comedy does get a little over board. This felt like City Hunter, because of the sence of comedy. There were not enough action scenes to keep some viewers happy. I will list them:

1. Fight at a Night Club. Very good fight including multiple villain's, and Jackie Chan going against all them. Jackie Chan uses a microphone as a prop which looked like very good piece of choreography.

2. Boat Chase in the Ocean. This has lots of boat stunts, but not much martial arts. But we do see Jackie jump from one motor boat to another, which was some good action.

3. Fight at a Mall with a thug who can't fight. This shows that Jackie Chan can so lots of kicks, while his opponent can't do any. This is a very short fight not even worth mentioning.

4. Bus Chase across a Highway. Jackie Chan was probably stunt doubled for the driving, but I might be wrong. Very short but we do see Jackie Chan jump from the drivers seat onto the road.

5. Fight at the Car Test Factory. This fight is worth seeing this movie for. Jackie Chan faces against 20 or more thugs. Also Jackie Chan does things like you never seen him do before like: jumping through the passengers window, jumping out the passengers window, and doing a kick, and running over a car. Jackie Chan does some very nice kicks, and moves fast enough to make the scene stand out the most.

Woo Ping Yuen(choreographer of Matrix movies), was responsible for Stunts and Action Design. But again he wasn't used very well, except the first and the last fight.

Mars who appeared as a thug seemed to be the only Jackie Chan's Stunt Team Member who appeared in this film. This could be the reason why this film's action was not to the usual Jackie Chan's standard. I read that during the scene were there are two Jackie's in the bathtub with the girl, that Mars was the second Jackie. Mars doubled Jackie for that scene before they used special effects to change it to look like two Jackie's.

This film deserves 7/10. But for the end fight 10/10. If you want to see some good action see this film for the end fight.
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The Order (2001)
Jean Claude Van Damme is back in Action!!!! "Review Contains Major Spoilers"
16 March 2002
Warning: Spoilers
The Order is Jean Claude Van Damme's second good movie since "The Replicant". After viewing "Desert Heat" and "Universal Soldier 2: The Return" I was quite disappointed. Both films didn't have a good story and the action wasn't anything like I saw in "Knock Off" and "Double Team". "The Replicant" was the first sign of the return of Jean Claude Van Damme. So I went and rented "The Order". This movie has a very strong story line and doesn't go off track. Also some of the location were really good. "Sheldon Lettich" was the director of this movie which really shows. Each time "Sheldon Lettich" works on a Jean Claude Van Damme movie, Jean Claude Van Damme does some of the most amazing action scenes, and he shows off his acting skills. The action in this film is even better then in "The Replicant". Jean Claude Van Damme is showing off his martial arts skills after being unable to do so in "Desert Heat" and "Universal Soldier 2". I took the time to list all the action scenes in this film so here they are:

1. The first action scene is taking place in Ukraine. Jean Claude Van Damme is robbing a museum. He slides down a rope from one building to another. And after has a fight against some Ukrainian police. And its really cool because in one scene Jean Claude Van Damme uses a metal pool to defend himself. And then after its over theres a brief stunt where Jean Claude Van Damme jumps of a balcony into a garbage container.

2. The second fight scene takes place in a Night Club. We get to see Jean Claude Van Damme fighting some thugs. And he does this cool slide down the club's wall which is made out of rocks. And we get to see Jean Claude Van Damme doing some cool things with the metal pool that the girls are dancing around.

3. The third action scene takes place in Israel. Jean Claude Van Damme has a car chase, trying to catch a thug. And theres a cool stunt were Jean Claude Van Damme's car jumps through a wall of water bottles. This scene leads to a fight in a Fountain.

4. The Next scene takes place in a Hotel where Jean Claude Van Damme is staying. Jean Claude Van Damme slides down by the rope from the 18th floor onto the ground. A brief but cool scene.

5. A fight scene taking place in the streets on Israel. Jean Claude Van Damme fight Israel police who are chasing him. He also has a fight with a really strong bald man. The fight scene then takes place on the roof tops where Jean Claude Van Damme does this cool stunt where he grabs a metal pole and swings himself onto the other roof top. And then theres another stunt where Jean Claude Van Damme jumps from one roof top to another. And theres a brief stunt where Jean Claude Van Damme falls down from the roof top.

6. The next action scene takes place in the Air Port. Jean Claude Van Damme is on the run again from the Israel police and gets into a truck. After this happens theres a cool car chase, that leads to two police cars getting destroyed.

7. The next scene takes place on the streets on Israel. Jean Claude Van Damme chases a thug. The thug gets into his car, and Jean Claude Van Damme finds a motorcycle. This scene is really cool because Jean Claude Van Damme does lots of cool jumps with the motorcycle and even rides the motorcycle on top of cars.

8. The last scene take place in caves underneath the city of Israel. We get to see Jean Claude Van Damme take on about 6 or 7 of Cyruse's(played by Brian Thompson who was also in another Jean Claude Van Damme film "Lionheart") man. And then we get to see Jean Claude Van Damme take on Cyrus. Not much martial arts involved, but it has Jean Claude Van Damme fighting with a sword.

Thats all of it so I found this movie good and I would suggest people should see it.
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29 June 2001
This film is pretty entertaining. But this film has about 3 action scenes were "Jet Li" shoots people with a gun. And he killed like a 100 people!! There's also a brief fight and a classic fight scene at the end of the film. The story is also good. But this isn't your usual Jet Li film because it contains less action then any other of his films. But this film is really good to watch for a good story with a action twist. If you like Jet Li you will probably like this film. So go rent this film now!!
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The Best!!!!!
29 June 2001
This film is really good. After seeing the end of this film on TV, I went to a video store and i brought this film. This film has a lot of action from the start of the film till the end. At the end Jet Li goes crazy!! But after that he starts training which is really impressive. And then gets ready for the best fight scene ever which was going on for like really long time. "Michelle Yeoh" is really good in this film to. Not that much action till the end but still good. If you really want to see a classic Jet Li film like "Once Upon A Time In China" and "The Legend" go see this film.
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Really Good!!
29 June 2001
This film looks really good on TV but not as good as the first part. The fight scenes are really impressive but I think the first part had more of them. The story continues from the first film which makes it good. This film contains some classic comedy. But I think the best fight in this film is at the end. The rest is ok. If you really liked part one this film is half good as the first one. So go rent this one if you want.
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The Legend (1993)
As Good As "Once Upon A Time In China"!!!!
29 June 2001
This film has fight scenes equal to "Once Upon A Time In China". This film is amazing!! Jet Li is really good fighting with ropes, swords, sticks... The plot is almost the same as in the sequel so don't pay that much attention to it. The end fight scene is the best!! This film isn't as long as "Once Upon A Time In China" so it has action all the time. This film is better then the sequel, but the second part is really entertaining to. So go rent this film for comedy, action with different types of weapons, and Jet Li.
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Jet Li's Best Movie!!!!!!!!
29 June 2001
This film can be described as a classic!! This film has so many good fight scenes. And my favorite two are, when Jet Li was fighting with his umbrella and the end fight witch rocked!! This film isn't comedy it's superb martial art. Jet Li can really act too in this film. I been a fan of Jet Li for two or three years now and this is the best film I ever saw. So go see this film now. And for all those people who like classic fights, at the end you get to see Jet Li and another fighter clime ladders and fight on top of then without falling off. I found that fight a top classic. And part two is been already released, can't wait to rent it.
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Double Great For Jackie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
26 June 2001
Just when I though "Drunken Master" had it, I saw this film. This film is the best. And it's the first time Jackie was the director too. See Jackie fight with a fan. Which is a very cool fight scene. Also when two thugs were beating him up he used a womens dress as a weapon. And also a cool fight between Jackie and "Yuen Biao". Also see Jackie use different stunts to run away from "Yuen Biao". The end of the film is a classic just like "Drunken Master". But this time it's even better. And this is the first time "Golden Harvest" was involved in a Jackie film. So go see this classic action film now.
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26 June 2001
This film is the first great comedy for Jackie. This film has alot of action too. But like always the whole action is at the end of the film. And this film is done well with the help of "Wei Lo" of course. "Wei Lo" made the stupid film "New Fists of Fury" which I didn't like that much. But this film is GREAT. I haven't seen so much comedy ever!!!!!! Jackie doesn't know how to fight at first but then he learns it. Before Jackie learned how to fight he still did some nice stunts and kind like fights. But the end was the best. So I have to say this is the first great comedy for Jackie since long time. So see this film today. And expect to laugh your pants off.
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#1 FOR JACKIE CHAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
26 June 2001
This film rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the film that made Jackie famous at that time. This film is great on all levels. Lots of action plus comedy involved here. And of course the end is were we see Jackie get really drunk and fight the bad guy. Just like in "The Legend of Drunken Master". This film isn't as good as the sequel but still has it's moment's. This film has couple fight scenes but the end is the best I think. But I do like the very cool training sequence. Also you get to see Jackie fight "Bolo Yeung". A very good fighter. I licked the fight in the bar or what ever that was. I also liked the two or three fights were Jackie beats up some thugs. I think this film is really good. And I hope you agree. So go see Jackie get drunk and beat up on some thugs.
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Dragon Fist (1979)
Great Action Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!
26 June 2001
Jackie has done another good old movie. This film has alot of action and the end is action packed too. This film is fun. This film is great for a person that doesn't know which Jackie Chan's old film to see. This film has the revenge your master's death plot. But otherwise the film is action packed with one or two funny parts. "Wei Lo" was the director again. He always makes Jackie films look good on tv. And Jackie kicks but at the end of the movie. Thats classic. So go rent or buy today.
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First..Drunken Master..Second..Young Master..Now Fearless Hyena..
26 June 2001
I thought "Drunken Master" and "Young Master" had it all. But this film is great like always. What can I say this movie has more comedy but still some good action. And the end battle was really good showing Jackie fight without fear. This film doesn't show Jackie really series till the end that's were they got the name from. This film is a lot funnier that "Drunken Master" but doesn't reach out to the level of "Young Master" in action. Also the story of this film is quite good. And this is a great film so go see it.
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26 June 2001
This film is one of Jackie's best old movies!! People say "Jackie Chan's" old films suck, well they are wrong about this one!!! In this film Jackie kicks people from left to right till the end!!! This film has the usual story were everyone want's to find the stolen book with some style in it!! When I brought the film I wasn't expecting much, but I got too much after all. This film has like 11 action scenes!!!! I haven't seen any old Jackie film with soo much action!! I like how Jackie uses the thing around him as props. Also there are no real stunt's in this film but the action is good. The action is sometimes slow and sometimes fast. Like for example when there was a sword fight, you can call that a fast action scene. But when there was hand to hand action that's slow but not alway's. And the story itself is pretty good. Because in other Jackie film the story is the same and it just get's boring after a while. So I think I sad enough about this great action packed film. So go rent or buy it today!!!!!
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A Good Jackie Chan Movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
26 June 2001
This film is a good mix of action meet's comedy style. The ghosts in the film looked silly but the training and the fight scenes were pretty good. I personally like when "Wei Lo" is the director in a Jackie film. Because he makes Jackie look like a funny guy who can kiss some @##. Jackie's old film always have a great fight scene at the end and so did this one. This film is good for a big "Jackie Chan" lover. Because well his old film look weird and stupid sometimes. But I have to say that I liked most of them. This Film has about 7 action scene's. But if you want to see a really good "Jackie Chan" film with "Wei Lo" as a director or a producer go see "Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin". But this film is good for comedy. So go see this film and experience the wonderful world of Jackie Chan.
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A Very Good Film!!!!!!
26 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
This film is really good. This film has Jackie talking mostly at the end. The film has Jackie training from two different teachers. And it pays off at the end. Where Jackie has to fight one of his teachers who turned bad. This film is great for people who liked "Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin" and "Dragon Fist" with Jackie. I find Jackie's old films have the best action packed endings ever seen on tv!!! This film was great to watch because "Wei Lo" like I sad before makes Jackie look good on screen by being the director or Producer of the movie. This film is great to buy or to see. I love to see the training sequence in any Jackie film. So go see it today.
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Shanghai Noon (2000)
JACKIE IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25 June 2001
"Jackie Chan" is back!!!! I haven't seen a funnier movie sense "Rush Hour"!!! The movie itself kind copied "Rush Hour". East meets West again!!! This movie has pretty impressive fight scenes. And Jackie is so funny!! I also enjoy the relationship between Jackie and Owen. I watched this film like 10 times and each time I watch it I laugh and laugh. The stunts are good and the fights are pretty good also. Most action comes at the end of the movie. "Lucy Liu" only had like one short fight scene not like in "Charlie's Angels". For all the people who likes this movie there is going to be a sequel it's called "Shanghai Knights" with Jackie and Owen again. This film is great for people all ages I think. This film made it big time I think. Because when I went to see it the whole theater was filled with people. So go rent this film today or just buy it for $9.99 at blockbuster or something... I found this film great in action and comedy and I hope you will to. And don't forget to watch the sequel when it comes out.
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Rush Hour (1998)
Really Funny!!!!!!!!!!
25 June 2001
This is one of Jackie's latest films. Jackie And Chris Tucker are great together. This film has action but it's not something we haven't seen Jackie already do. But I did like a fight in a pool place. Also there was a cool explosion. And in the beginning you get to see the guy from "Who Am I" who was fighting Jackie on the roof top, he was wearing red. "Chris Tucker" made this film look really funny. But when it camed to action Jackie was the man to call for help. But this film didn't have a big fight scene at the end, which we usually see at the end of "Jackie Chan" films. But Jackie did proof that people will laugh from this movie. This film is great for comedy, but not as good when it comes to action. I also can't wait till "Rush Hour 2" will come out. I watched the preview and it looked even more funnier that "Rush Hour". I hope Jackie will make more and more funny film but with more action in the future. So go rent this film today and experience the comedy with a action twist.
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24 June 2001
Everyone who likes "Jackie Chan" will tell that this is the best "Jackie" film. This film offers couple of fight scenes nothing amazing till the end!! The best fight scene that took about three month to film, where you see "Jackie" fight his real life bodyguard and a friend "Ken Lo". I can say "Jackie" is funny as yet deadly in this film. This film has the best action packed ending sense I saw "City Hunter". Also if you liked this film you should give the "Drunken Master" a try. I haven't seen "Drunken Master 3" so I cant say much except that it doesn't have Jackie Chan like the first two parts which were amazing. So go see this film today!!!!!
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City Hunter (1993)
Jackie is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
24 June 2001
This is one of my three favorite "Jackie Chan" movies. The other two are "The Legend of Drunken Master" and "Jackie Chan's First Strike". This is the most funniest Jackie film ever. With some nice stunts and lots of comedy and fighting aboard the ship. Also Richard Norton plays here. This is the second time he plays a bad guy and plays with Jackie. The other time was in "Mr. Nice Guy". I probably havent seen Jackie so funny, action packed, and smooth with the ladies as in this film.
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24 June 2001
One again "Jackie Chan" & "Sammo Hung Kam-Bo" & "Biao Yuen" star in the same movie. This is the most amazing movie!!! It's even better then "Project A" with the three brothers. This movie has the most amazing fight scenes and stunts there is. And this is the funniest "Jackie Chan" movie there is. There is an amazing fight aboard a ship and a fight in a restaurant in the beginning of the movie. Also see "Jackie" fight the amazing "Benny Urquidez". That fight is ranked among the best "Jackie's" fight scenes ever filmed and I agree. So go rent buy doesn't matter as long as you see this film.
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Armour of God (1986)
24 June 2001
This a great movie!!!! Not that much of action till the end!!!! The end has "Jackie" fighting a army of monk and then fighting 3 women fighter's. Also this film features car chases, gadgets, women, and Jackie!!! I think Jackie started to make better film when he camed to America because his old movies are weird and the picture is really screwed up. All Jackie's good film's camed after the 80's. And this film is really good. Jackie performs amazing stunt's like when he jump onto a hot air ballon, just amazing. And also a cool bike stunt. Otherwise the whole movie is action packed at the end. So go see it now.
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First Strike (1996)
Rock on Jackie!!!
23 June 2001
As you know every "Police Story" movie has its special action scenes. In "Police Story" has the slide down the electrical pole and the mall fight. In "Police Story 2" there is a fight in a kids playground. In "Police Story 3:Supercop" theres the helicopter stunt performed by Jackie and a fight on a train. Well in "Police Story 4:Jackie Chan's First Strike" there's the amazing fight where you see Jackie use a leader. Otherwise the movie has couple good stunts and some fight scenes but its not as good as the following movies in the series. So go rent it
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Twin Dragons (1992)
Cool! But not strong enough!
23 June 2001
Well the movie itself was good. But! There are only 5 action scenes! The first action scene is a classic so is the car factory fight scene at the end! Also there is bus chase on the streets of Hong Kong. Brief fight scene in a mall. And A boat chase on the sea. And otherwise the movie is funny as hell. But the two great directors didn't make this the best movie there is. This a comedy filled with action. I liked it. BUT ONLY ONE JACKIE CAN FIGHT. So go rent this funny movie with some nice chases, stunts, and fights.
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Supercop (1992)
Two Stars in One Action Packed Movie!!
23 June 2001
"Jackie Chan" and "Michelle Yeoh" in one movie !! This film rocks !! This is the best movie out of the whole 'Police Story Series". Jackie provides the best stunt like a fight on a moving train and "Michelle Yeoh" with her amazing bike jump onto a moving train. These two stars will make you laugh. This is a really good movie because it has amazing fight's and stunts. Go watch it now!!!!
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23 June 2001
A really good film !! Better then the first!! This one has the same amount of action scenes the the number is 4. But Jackie is more serious in this film which makes it better to watch. The plot is really good and the explosive stunts RULE!!! Jackie is amazing and he gives as a quite showdown in Police Story 2 proving he is the best out there.
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