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Transamerica (2005)
A First Class Movie
15 November 2011
I usually avoid Transsexual movies as they make me uncomfortable ! That's why I avoided the movie "Transamerica" when it came out . But being a movie fan I kept reading reviews that were saying how great the movie was and how great the actors were . So I finally rented the movie in 2011 and viewed it for the first time . I had seen 'The Angry Inch' and it did nothing for me . Then I saw "A Soldiers Girl" and that movie stuck with me but it was violent . Then I viewed Transamerica and was at last entertained . Felicity Huffman , was an Oscar's performance to say the least and she did win that award . She was amazing and I do not think a male playing the role could have carried it off as well . All the actors were 100 percent human and able to reach the audience ! Kevin Segers is a bright spot in the movie as Toby , Bree's son that she did not know she had. Kevin's performance was nothing short of Oscar material , which he should have won something . There are a lot of great up and coming actors from Canada . And if it were not for the Canadians we would not have movies like this , and "The Barbarian Invasion''s . Hollywood just cannot come out of the closet long enough to make a movie in this genre , let alone in off the wall subjects. I gave this welcome flick 8 stars out of 10 . ciao yaaah69
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Finally a SciFi. for the Scifi buff...
17 January 2008
Once in a while I am Thunderstruck with a new an innovative movie or series. I am an SCIFI. buff and like my SciFi to work. No silly stuff. This is going to be an great series . Lena Headey the lead in "300" , was an stand-out performance. As was Summer Glau a Terminator as well as a down right REAVER Destroyer from Serenity the Movie aka Firefly. She is a seething Volcano and her part in this series could not have been played by any other with as much force and believability . I think she will upstage everyone as she has already done, but not to the detriment of the series , they all have great parts and they all are great actors..4/5 ,8/10 ciao yaaah69
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Getting Your Stuff Can Be Fun!!
14 November 2007
Get Your Stuff. Two homosexual guys who want to adopt a baby are asked to take care of two pre-teens for their social worker for one night, buttttt!

I found this movie to be very refreshing. The two lead guys were masculine , looked like regular guys and made an believable pair. They were always cuddling and had sex (almost) 2-3 times. Ha Ha. The foster kids did a great job as the two ( almost Mobster Kids ) who bring the story of adoption to a new height . You hate them at first , but grow to like them later. The mother who is an mainliner, and drunk , was portrayed by Elaine Hendrix , Kimberly Scott the probation officer, both did a smash-up job. There were parts for sheer laughter and parts for some tears . But all in all it was a great little flik , that has some serious social problems to work out. Cameron Watson (Phil) and Anthony Paul Meindl (Erik) Are the adopting couple and thru all the confusion have to come to terms with their love and what it entails. Phil is also an love councilor for the gay community , Erik is an lawyer . Hop aboard its' fun , will make you feel good. Sure there are some things that just don' seem right , but heh what movie is perfect...,I give this movie 7/10 ciao yaaah69
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Mad Men (2007–2015)
Smoke gets in your eyes!!
26 July 2007
This is pertaining to the first episode. I agree that the smoke and drinking bit is overly done and seems contrived. Lets hope the writers get this out of the way or at least make it look natural. The secretary hits are a little out of line.I'm from that era and I don't remember that much crassness. At least not for a few weeks. But I know the writers are trying to get the mood of the Office personnel in focus. I remember that there was a lot of laughter in those days plus all the drinking and smoking and hitting on the office gals . I think the series might line-up to be good if some precautions are taken. Don't over-style -it.
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Miami Vice (2006)
Miami MICE?
29 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
There were only about two good scenes in this unrelenting saga of two tired undercover agents . One reviewer said this movie played like a Wagnerian Opera , that being the case Colin was a second rate Brunhilda and the Walkeries never took flight. Everyone was bogged-down in a morass so thick a 5 ton bomb could not shake it.. Really guys the original series had the great music and the action was always there. I don't even remember the music and I just got thru seeing the movie 3 hours ago.

I think Colin must have been in great pain from the workout he injured himself on. Don't get me wrong all, I say most all of the on screen actors were good , just not Colin and his sidekick. There was no chemistry , no damn chemistry. The boats were smashing and the rescue scene of one of the agents put you on the edge for about 10 minutes. And the rest was la-la land.

A lot of the people were fidgeting around and kept leaving and coming back in hopes the damn thing would pick itself up and become a movie. I wasted a lot of hsx mullah on this firecracker.

This is the 3rd movie Colin has made in recent times that has brought me to think (why did I think he was a good actor) dunno, in this one he was not even a pretty face. ciao yaaah69 five stars for cinematography
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Jesus sits on my Right! And he chides me!!
11 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was going to be one of the most promising series ever... I howled at each episode and could not wait for the next one... then I was informed the Christian right had a cow at the sight of Jesus sitting next to a priest who was on drugs , a son who was homosexual a daughter who had a nympho for a boyfriend , god what material that was going to be. But dispare , not my B. O. D. friends as there will be an 8 episode box coming out in the near future, 4 we saw and 4 we did not see plus some extras. And the pilot.It will be available 9/28 and I think it is published by TLA I thought all the actors did very well and they portrayed the inner workings of any church right on. Aiden Quinn just had his part down and Bursten tipping the wee glass of wine with her paramour was very funny. The (only) thing I might complain about was the part played by Christian he looked about 30 not sixteen. But I would not let that deter me from watching the whole series.So in closing my dear , dear Christian friends , you have made a laughing stock out of this charade and gained much disrespect from most of the world. ciao yaaah69 ciao yaaah69
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"I Swear, Jack"......
21 February 2006
A tribute to heath Ledger who died this day Jan. 23, 2008. So long cowpoke, see yuh on the flip-side...

Brokeback Mountain is the best film to come out in many a year. Script and screenplay were excellent . Directing unblemished.Cinematography was sweeping and breathtaking, and only added to the love affair as did the musical score.

Actors were actors to the core, and did a wonderful job of putting across the heart breaking , gut wrenching love that could not be satisfied by their distance from each other, but even with that distance they had each other for 20 some years , and that in itself shows their love for each other as not just being physical, but on the level of soul-mates.

As every muscle in your body yearns for the sight of that loved-one and the pain will not subside for want of that person. Ennis and Jack had that forbidden love for each other and it played out like the great love affair it was . If any say that this is a film about gays , then I feel sorry for you. As you have missed a great part of life not to see that this is related to everyone who has gone over to the doorway and retched from the pain in your guts. It is humanity as bad or as good as it gets...

"Brokeback Mountain, E Annie Proulx, ( Short story ) Ennis Del Mar , (Heath Ledger) Jack Twist, (Jake Gyllenhaal) Ang Lee, (Director ) Larry Mcmurty (screen play) ..............I Swear.....whence comes such another
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Syriana (2005)
The assassination of a thought!,
25 December 2005
To be quite honest I was bored-to-distraction with this movie. With the exception of the Arab actors everyone else could have narrated their lines off camera and nothing would be lost. Clooney looked and acted like he was on dope and if all real spy's are that boring, no wonder we have to invent 007. The plots and sub plots were not that earth-shattering. So many things that happened could not be explained. The swimimg pool scene should have ended up on the editing room floor. And who could not guess the ending. We as Americans who can think at all know how evil all governments are and can see the writing on the wall. But this movie did nothing to push the pen further down the page of knowledge. At least "The Three Kings" made you raise your eyebrows and think. Syriana had nothing to say and the audio part was very hard to hear, Clooney talking into his beard, yet!! I gave this flik ** stars and that was for the few actors who stood-out,and the cinematography ciao yaaah69
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Walk on Water (2004)
A little walk on the water will clear your mind!
19 June 2005
This movie belongs to Lior as Eyal. The camera loved him and he loved the camera. His expression's ran the gambit of emotions, so subtle, yet so decisive , you had no trouble knowing just how he felt. His defending his disgust of the suicide bombers. And his complete lack of knowledge of how homo's get together, Very funny scene. The Mossad has found out that Axel's grandfather is still alive and have put Eyal as a tourist guide to find any information regarding the grandfathers where about's. Eyal is to assassinate him for his war crimes.

Eytan Fox has another award winning movie under his belt. The first was 'Yossi and Jagger ' a brief love story about two officer's in the service , it ended too soon.Knut Berger did an excellent job as the homosexual brother of Pia who has come to Israel to work on a Kibbutz . Axel , has come to Israel to bring Pia back home for their fathers birthday, but Pia has split with her parents when she found out that her Nazi grandfather is still alive in Argentina Eyal and Axel tour around Israel and a bound develop's. You will not want to miss this movie as the acting of all is very good , the music and cinematography are great. And Lior's dry sense of humor is very funny. I give this great little indie flick 8 star's ciao yaaah69
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Dear Diary (1993)
A very pleasant trip , physically and mentally
25 May 2005
At first I was ready to turn this movie off , but Nanni's voice caught hold and I was glad I watched it . What a pleasant voice and tongue-in-cheek narration. The TV thing was a riot, as was the Dr. prescription part. You will enjoy this film, especially if you enjoy the Italian mind set. The hunt for peace and quiet is so close to everyday life that it fits like a glove. I was not aware of Nanni until I saw this title on the movie list on the Dish. I recorded it and played it back later. The cinematography is beautiful and the main character (Nanni) has an infectious voice and deadpan face. which makes the movie all the more enjoyable. I give this great flik 8/10 ciao yaaah69
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The Love of Two Soldier's
9 June 2004
I was a little hesitant to rent this movie after seeing "Trembling Before G-D", which was a real eye-opener to me. I guess we go around with our heads in the clouds, not thinking what other homosexuals have to go thru for their religion.... But , the two movies had nothing in common except they were made in Isreal. Yossi and Jagger is a bittersweet love affair between two Isreali soldiers, very well played by Yehuda Levi , and Ohad Knoller, you could feel the love they had for each other and the hurt Jagger was going thru because they had to be so careful as they were officers. Its hard to get a real grip on the characters as its only 67 min long and leaves you grasping for more. But Eytan Fox did a splendid job with the time he had. The song that Jagger sings is haunting in the extra video on the disc. I felt that these men brought back to Isreal some hope that you can have same sex love without the terrible angst they had in Trembling Before God . I give this great little flick 41/2 of 5 8/10 and will be looking forward to seeing Eytan Foxs' new movie "Walking On Water". By the way you can get the words in English of the song Your Soul on the message boards for Yossi and Jagger on IMDb.
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Sordid Lives (2000)
19 May 2004
Sordid lives, is one of the funniest flicks to come around, and for me to say that, really means its great, as I do not like most comedies. I can count the ones I like in the last 10 years on my fingers and have some digits left over. Hurrah for Del Shores, his cast and crew. I can believe that everyone on the set had a great time and laughed a lot. Beau Bridges was quite funny as the lover of the Ingram's clans mother. who stumbles over Bridges wooden legs after an affair in a motel and dies, morbid, not by a long shot. The laughs get better. Delta Burke is superb as the jilted wife and has lost mucho weight since "Designing Women." But, the Oscar goes to Leslie Jordan, (Earl Brother Boy, Ingram) who has been sent to the loony bin to have him straightened out. His scenes with hi therapist is so funny I actually cried I laughed so hard, and his closing scene at the funeral is beyond belief. Folks if you missed this one the first go round, please for your own sake rent it, buy it, you will not be sorry. This film is rated fff for funny, funny, funny. But if you are one of those tight lipped southerners who cannot laugh at the wild side of life, stay far away. I rate this flick 5/5 or 10/10 ciao yaaah69
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Talk to Her (2002)
29 April 2003
Pedro Almodovar, you either understand his films and like them or you shun his masterpieces like the plague. I'm of the former genre. I think he is brilliant. "All About My Mother," was in my opinion a masterpiece. Cutting thru the sexual taboo's as with a Rapier, leaving you with your mouth wide open, or walking up the aisle.

I was a little apprehensive about this new film,'Habla con ella,' but I shouldn't have worried as it was another triumph for the Director. Who else could direct a film about two comatose women and two oddball men who are in love with them, one being unnaturally fixated. The two men for the most part would not have even met had they not seen each other at the hospital, where Lydia (Rosorio Flores), and Alicia (Leonore Watting) have close rooms. Both women were dancers so-to-speak, Alicia was a classical ballet student and Lydia, danced with the Toro in the Arena of the noonday sun, the bull hooked Lydia and a car caught Alicia.

The men Benigno, (Javier Camara), a nurse, and the one who talks to Alicia as if she were alive, and Marco (Dario Grandinetti), who is in love with Lydia, who is on the rebound from another affair....

Both men do a great job and you can feel their angst, especially Benigno, as he is not in control of his feelings for Alicia.

There was one of the greatest renditions of 'CU, CU ,RU, CU, CU, PALOMA, that I have ever heard, very sexy and moving.

Also, Almodovar brings in his stars from other pictures. At the nightclub you will see a few actors from All About My Mother. Marisa Paredes, (Huma Rojo) and Cicilia Roth (Manuela) By far Rosorio Flores eats up the camera, especially in her bullring outfit, her face and litheness gives her a wonderfully tormented and tragic look. She is an Almodovar actor.

ciao yaaah69 I give this flick 9/10
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13 March 2003
I would walk long distances to see Bruce Willis in action. However, in Sun he has toned down a bit and has let some of the supporting actors do most of the heavy stuff. Cole Hauser, Johnny Messner, Paul Frances, carry the load and do a good job. Tom Skirritt has a cameo.

Monica Bellucci, is very real an is not afraid to have mud on her face. I understand she has a very hard to watch scene in 'IRREVERSABLE,' a scene that has turned many heads, I will see it when I can. All in all an action flick with great cinematography,(Mauro Fiore) and good editing (Conrad Buff)

I give it a 3/5 ciao yaaah69
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5 March 2003
This is one of the best movies out in 2003, and should not be forgotten at the awards... The acting is excellent as well as the cinematography. The mood is one of expectations and you will not be left in limbo. The filtered lighting makes for a mysterious setting.

This is a movie about a love triangle, impending chaos and betrayal. Not heavy on political, but a touch of intrigue and the French Indo-China war in Vietnam. And the beginning of the U.S. involvement.

The opening scene may seem to end the plot, but, I assure you it only gets better.

Michael Caine as(Thomas Fowler) is a reporter who has been resting on his laurels and letting the war slip by him. He says he is no an correspondent but rather a 'reporter' for a newspaper in London.He is heavy into opium and drink and has a local concubine as well as a wife in England.

He meets Brenden as(Alden Pyle)at a sidewalk cafe. Brenden says he is with the medical corp to help out the native people. He has the thankless job of being the protagonist in this movie. And he does a great job.

Do Thi Hai Yen as (Phong)Plays the love interest for both men and the one Pyle wants to save from Fowler.She is beautiful and plays her role well, but is only secondary to the main characters of Fowler and Pyle.

This is a must see movie , well acted , great cinematography, and the music score is very mood setting. I give this flick a 5/5/ ciao yaaah69
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11 January 2003
Its hard sometimes to think that we are part of the human race, especially when we encounter the most inhumane programs we have enforced on our fellow man. It makes you want to slink away into the jungle and mayhaps emerge on the other side and with any luck, all the bad things we have wrought, will have vanished!

But, as docudrama's unfold we are again brought to the fore to witness yet another crime against each other. Rabbit-Proof Fence is such a docudrama, as we see the gov't of Australia take half white aboriginal children away from their mothers arms and send them off to schools to be taught to be domestics and to be wed with other breeds to cull out the aborigine blood in three generations. The great men who thought this up would have fit in with Hitler like a glove. And to think that this program did not end until 1970s is beyond belief. And the present government of Australia does not offer any condolences for the misery and hardships bestowed on these native's. The people of this offensive program were and are referred to as 'The Stolen Generation's.

Molly and Gracie are sisters and one day they are snatched away from their mother by the police like animals and along with their cousin Gracie. They are taken hundreds of miles away to be trained as domestics, and to enter a breeding program to retrieve all the white genes and breed the aboriginal gene's out. Kenneth Branagh is Dr. Neville and in charge of the program and you will not like him very much. All the children at the camp call him "Dr. Devil." The girls escape and trek some 1300-1500 miles back to their ancestral village, their ages are 14, 8, and 10. Molly remembers someone saying that the rabbit fence at their home runs the from coast to coast and they head for the outback in hopes of finding that fence. They meet some people along the way who are nice to them and head them to the fence. There is a hunt for them and no one can imagine how they have made it 600 miles away, but they cannot catch them. Every trap they set the girls get away.

Molly's mother hears of her daughter journey and she and the grandmother set up a vigilance at the rabbit fence and meditate and sing a mantra and wait for the girls to return.

There are some scary moments and the girls have much hardships. And you will be amazed at the acting skills of these three young women.

At the end of the movie no one wanted to leave we all hung around the theater, really not knowing why, but, sadly,with heads averted everyone finally started leaving the theater and no one was talking... I gave this 9/10
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28 December 2002
Schneebaum is a very charismatic man and to me the adventurous young anthropologist who headed into the jungles of Peru and Papua, New Guinea had much more huevos than most. And reducing him to the gay, feminine, non aggressive catagory,as being the only way he could be accepted into the tribe is just pure horse sh**. It only brings about the pure ignorance of what most people think 'gay' is...If Schneebaum wanted to prove that to be left to their natural inklings a tribe would run the gambit of sexual desires and he participated in the homosexual rite's does not mean that homosexuality was not there... and the most the other anthropologist's could come up with was; "he didn't keep a therapeutic distance" from the people he was studying.

It was in the Amazon Valley that something happened to Tobias, was it the raid on the other village and the killing of that tribe, or was it the eating of human flesh, had he almost gone over the brink. He was a painter until that experience and after, he never painted again. As far as the cannibal part, and why he did it, who knows as Tobias cannot come up with a logical answer, and as far as judging him for doing it, one must face his own demons in a situation that brought him to the brink. Had he gone to far,did the jungle cast him out?

It is a strange movie, but, although the subject matter is off the scale, it was entertaining. And one must give Tobias a nod for having the fortitude to go back and face his demons, and stare them down. I'm sure most people would not think that a "gay" thing to do. 8/10
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Frida (2002)
3 November 2002
One thing I do not like is comparing a book to the movie that is based on the book. For one thing, they are two very different art forms. And hardly ever, will the Twain meet. And that is a good thing.

Frida is an amazing collage of one of the most fascinating artists, sexual and political women of our time. Like many others her paintings, at first repulsed me, but after reading excerpts from Herrera's biography on Frida- ( which is bogged down on the love letters and love making, with hardly a comment on the political and national turmoil of the times),- one could see why the painting's were so full of sorrow and life defying pain. Frida lived in some very volatile times the revolution in Russia with Trotsky living in her house. Her husband and mentor and much admired muralist Diego Rivera going to New York, commissioned to paint a mural for Rockefeller and painting Lenin as one of the struggling workers. When asked to remove Lenin from the painting, he refused and Rockefeller tore the mural down. It was a time of great nationalism and the struggle to stop the European influence in Mexico.

Many kudos' to Selma Hayek for her devotion to this biopic. I was very concerned that it could not be done, but it has been done and a great job. There's got to be some Oscar nominations out of this beautiful movie. The vivid colors and the musical score are in themselves worth the trip to see this great movie. The two main characters, Salma and Molina fit as a pair of gloves and waltz around each other as honeybees around a bright red poppy. If you miss this movie you will have missed one of the best biopic's ever.

ciao yaaah69 I give it a 4/5
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Red Dragon (2002)
4 October 2002
For those of us who like the thriller, the edge -of -your -seat -gripping, look between the fingers, movies! Well, this is not it. But it is a movie that will grab you with the first scene and take you on a ride you will not forget very soon. With its great acting and tantalizing musical score.

Not for the faint of heart. But, still not as riveting as "Silence of the Lambs." Don't forget ,' Silence 'came out in '91' and everyone scoffed at the thought of a Hannibal, much less a weird crossdresser that made clothes out of human skin. A year later Jeffery Dahmer broke the news. Now with that in mind and if you saw "Silence,'Hannibal 'and now 'Red Dragon 'You will know what I mean. Although Red Dragon is gripping, it would not hold up if Anthony Hopkins had not played his role to the hilt. You cannot escape those steel-piercing eyes and that flat non-emotional tone in his voice. And without him the movie would have been okay, but, not nearly as titillating.

We have 'Dino De Laurentiis ' to thank for talking Hopkins into showing up in this great movie . If you want another point of reference re: this movie, rent "Manhunter." 1986 , Directed by Michael Mann which was based on the book 'Red Dragon ,' by Thomas Harris. This is our first viewing of Lecter, played by Brian Cox, but he is not nearly as mesmerizing as Hopkins.

Ralph Fiennes ,(Frances Dolarhyde) , 'The English Patient,' ' Sunshine ,' is a very complex and scary guy and plays the new kid-on-the-block serial killer. And plays it to the max. Great actor!

Edward Norton , ( Will Graham) ,'American History X,' ' Fight Club ,' is the FBI agent who has helped catch Lecter at a great cost. He retires only to be brought back to give some thoughts on the new killer. He is very spooked and has to do face to face confrontations with Lecter. And his fear is what drives Hannibal on...As he praises Will on controlling his fear.

Emily Watson, ( Reba McClane) , 'Gosford Park ,' 'Angelas Ashes ,' plays the blind women that Francis befriends.

Philip Seymore Hoffman, (Fredie Lounds) , 'Almost Famous,' 'Flawless,' is the sleazy reporter. And meets Francis.

Harvey Keitel (Jack Crawford), 'Reservoir Dogs ,' Pulp Fiction ,' plays the FBI agent, who brings back Will to assist in the case.

In conclusion, then, I really liked this movie and I give it a straight 5/5

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19 September 2002
One of the best movies around! Do you think Hollyhood could come up with something like this h*** no!! The first time the male is full-frontal and with annnn attitude, Hurray for Julio Medem and the great cast of "Sex And Lucia ." It is a little long-in-the-tooth near the end and for the most part the plot is transparent, But that all fade's away with the torrid sex scene's between Paz Vega (Lucia) and Tristan Ulloa (Lorenzo) and a great scene of Daniel Freire (Carlos) on the beach caked in mud What a long scene it was.
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Blood Work (2002)
2 September 2002
I don't think I have not missed too many Clint Eastwood movies in fact I go back to my teenage TV time and not missing an episode of "RAWHIDE," His name was Rowdy Yates and they were all on a cattle drive.

Blood Work isn't one of his best, but he did a great job. I was convinced he had an heart attack, in fact it was a little annoying, as I thought he was going to have a real one. I imagine this is his swan song as far as shoot'em up run 'em down movies of his younger years. And why not! It would still be good to see him in any detective work, forensic or otherwise. A great actor!

Craciella Rivers, 'Flawless,' ' The Insider,' did a great job as the sister of the murdered girl and whose heart was given to Clint. She tracks Clint (an x FBI agent) down and wants him to find the killer. The story drags a little and Paul Rodriques, city cop 'Ronoldo' display's his angst toward Clint and in another movie, Clint would have slapped him around, but instead he gets the last verbal shot at the raving Renoldo. Very funny scene. I was wondering what Angelica Houston , 'Buffalo 66 ,' Ever After-was doing in this small part as the Dr. taking care of Clint, but then remembered that Clint was a great friend of John Houston, Angelica's father! The plot will be transparent but if you like Eastwood in the raw then you must see this flick. I gave it a 6/10 . ciao yaaah69
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Burnt Money (2000)
Angel and Nene loved !
19 August 2002
Warning: Spoilers
WARNING MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS!! I caught the review of this film in a local street rag. And I am really glad I did. This is really a good film and the two main guys have done a jam-up job of acting. Leonardo Sbaraglia, (Nene) , Wild Tango, Wild Horses, and Eduardo Noreiga (ll) ( Angel) , The Devil's Backbone, Abre los ojos, Thesis. Are known as 'the twins' , but they are not brothers, they are lover's and they are for hire robbers. The way they look at each other and the way they care for each other is very moving. The plot is to rob some guys in a car making a big delivery of cash. Its a simple plan and was to be very easy to pull off...but the most simple of plans can come to a violent end. There is a scuffle and a shot and Angel is hit in the upper chest, this infuriates Nene and he shoots some policemen. They make their escape, and Nene is doing all he can for Angel.

Nene has to get the bullet out of Angle and there is a scene of him digging for the bullet and Angel screaming in agony, really a great scene and you will think it will never end. Nene kisses Angle and holds him until he sleeps.

They must leave Argentina. So they hire a boat to take them to Uruquay where they are to hole-up until the heat is off them. But things start to unravel as the are going stir-crazy. Angel is hearing voices and becomes religious and wont let Nene caress him. Nene is beside himself and goes into town and has sex with another guy in a tea room and also with a women he meets at the fair. Angel is still fighting his demons and taking drugs. Tries to commit suicide. Nene helps him thru this and is quite shaken. Angel lives but his demons are still with him.

Later Angel finds out about the women Nene is bedding with and he is very hurt and grabs Nene's face and makes him look at him. Angel is hurt and Nene is even more remorse for having cheated on his lover. The police have found out about their hideaway and they move into the girlfriends apt. She tells Angel that she and Nene are going away together. There is a scene between Nene and the women and she says, 'you have to choose me or him.' The next scene is in the hallway Giselle is screaming at Nene ,"You fag, you fag". Nene tells her to go as she might get hurt as the police will come. Giselle leaves and tells the police where they are and a very intense battle rages on for a long time. At one point after a barrage of firing and shouting, Nene and Angel are on the floor, (dead silence) their heads together laying flat, and Angel says,'I don't hear them,' Nene asks 'hear what' and Angel says, 'the voices, there gone ! They look fondly at each other and joke about how they turn each other on and its a bad time to want each other.

This film will not be for all... but if you want to see some great acting and a caring no bars held male relationship, then you must run to see it. Out on DVD Oct 1, 2002 . I give this a 9/10 ciao yaaah69
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The Cockettes (2002)
28 July 2002
Although I lived in San Francisco from 1961 to 1966 and saw a few great "Drag Shows" there was nothing to compare to the Cockettes. I'm not sure I would have gone to see this show at the Palace, although some friends might have talked me into it.. and saying that I would never have gone back to see them again. I rated this movie for the nostalgia. Living just off of the Height-Ashbury-Filmore district we often went down to Height St. To watch the beginning of the Flower-children movement and we were always entertained. Great small food places opened up and you could go Cajun , East Indies, Jamaican, Russian, Jewish, etc and the armosphere was great. The best Drag shows in town were at Finocchio's, the Black Cat, and the Gilded Cage. If I remember right Charles Pierce 'Torch Song Trilogy' ( who passed away in 1999, in a town named Toluca Lake Calif). He was the reighning 'Queen Of Drag', and he did a smash-up job of Betty Davis, Tahlulah Bankhead and many more , we all loved him, Bit** that she was. So, I know I have drifted, but had to inject the lagit shows in S.F.

As the New York critics said of the Cockettres, "anyone can drop acid and get up on stage and wiggle there as*, show their private parts, sing off tune and wear women's clothes, but a good Revue this does not make.

So 4 stars for reminding me of all the great times I had in good old San -Francisco-by-the-bay- don't call it Frisco, and you do not wear white after labor day. Herb Cain, Count DeMarco , the fog, trolley's , what a great time............ ciao yaaah69
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Rare Birds (2001)
not an ugly far
28 July 2002
This is yet another movie filmed in New-Found-Land , the other being 'The Shipping News' and that being said, it is the only similarity... Where as Ship News was dark, moody, and sinking in its' own sea of muck. (Rare Birds) is on the opposite end of the scale, light, witty, much more lively character to watch. This little gem of a movie got lost in the 9/11 murder-madness and went right to DVD and video. I am reviewing the DVD, which has a lot of info. on it.

William Hurt, John, " Kiss Of The spider Women ,"Altered States, is very funny as the (Off the beaten path restaurant gourmet cook, owner.) Whose patrons are non existent? John is about to throw in the towel when his friend, Andy Jones(ll), (Phonce), comes up with an idea to get people for the restaurant. He comes up with an idea of sighting a rare bird, Duck, in the ocean below the restaurant. The scheme and how they set it up is hilarious. Also Phonce has a paranoia re; people in motor homes and he thinks the're out to get him which is half right. There is a scene in a homemade submarine which Phonce built in his secret tunnel under his garage. A real hoot! There are frogmen, a CEO from a corp. trying to get an invention which Phonics' one time partner invented, sheet's of light hung up on clotheslines in the tunnel. The people start coming to eat, and John hires more staff and there is a love which develops between John and Alice. But things start to unravel and the laughs keep getting longer. The cinematography is great and the sun really does shine in New-Found-Land!! ciao yaaah69
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Big Eden (2000)
17 July 2002
I really liked this movie and all the characters. You could tell that the cast and crew were really having a good time and enjoyed each other. I just bought the DVD directors cut and the second DVD has a lot of info and has the Directors commentary. Very entertaining! Of course we all know that as of now, with all the hate and fear in the world, Big Eden has to live in a corner of our mind's eye as a "WHAT IF" town in the Montana Mountains, but a dreamy (what if) and a very warm glowing movie. The cinematography is spectacular. Although this has a gay theme, I think that it has reached into all segments of the population and been hailed as a small miracle. It has won countless award's. Erye Gross, ( Henry Hart) does a great job as the returning grandson to Big Eden, from New York, where he is an established painter. (His grandpa played by George Coe, (Sam Hart) has had a light stroke.) Also, returning to Big Eden is his school chum, Dean, (Tim McKay) who Henry had a crush on in school and still has feelings for him. Enter Eric Schweig , (Pike) "Last Of The Mohicans," and Skins, to make this a love triangle. There are the Boys that hang around the general store owned by Pike and they offer people Capachino's which was a hoot to see in the Montana Mountains. I have to mention Louise Fletcher, (One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest) as she is one of the lady's who want Henry to get hooked up to the right guy. Nan Martin is (The widow Thayer) and is a scream at how she manipulates Henry to first the women of Big Eden and then when enlightened, to the men of the general area. So, this is a movie on how this is all worked out, with most of Big Eden pulling for Henry to stay in Eden and his life in New York, pulling him back, plus his self image dragging him down a little. Corinne Boher plays his agent in NY and does a fantastic job.

Folks you will love this movie and I suggest you see it and buy the DVD. I give it a 9 1/2 star rating. ciao yaaah69
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