
8 Reviews
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
EXCELLENT!!!! (Spoilers)
12 December 2001
Warning: Spoilers
I went into this movie with almost no expectations. I had heard much of the negative criticimm of the love story and the director's attempt to create a another Titanic. I think that criticism is a bunch of bull. Titanic had an unbelievable love story set to a historical event. The love story in that movie took away from the integrity of the film-to the point where the viewer HATED both charaters (I personally had no sympathy for Jack). In Pearl Harbor, you are dealing with the reality of war, and what happens when someone is presumed dead. I mean, you can put yourselves in the position of Rafe, Evelyn and Danny. It makes the film more poignant, and the war that much more dramatic. Plus there's not the class-system BS that Cameron tried to push on viewers in Titanic in this movie. The only negative to this movie is that, like Titanic, it could have been an hour shorter. I almost fell asleep the first hour, and it takes about an hour or so to pick up. But I feel that criticism is minor compared to all the negative stuff I've said about Titanic.
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Merlin (1998)
Watch it on DVD
28 October 2001
I missed this movie when it was initially shown on NBC and also when it came out on VHS. Judging from other comments, I'm glad I did in a way. I rented the DVD, and I will say it would be a mistake to miss this gem. Most of the acting is superb, in particular Miranda Richardson, who has yet to disappoint me in a movie. Sam Neill, who I remember as the antichrist in The Final Conflict, is much more at home in this role as Merlin. At first, one might think he is dwarfed by the talents of Richardson, Martin Short, and Helena Bonham Carter, but you must remember that this is a Merlin hesitant to use magic, and Sam Neill fits in perfectly as a more laid back Merlin. Granted, there is some questionable casting and legend selection. Isabella Rossellini is horrible as Nimue, and I'm not too sure what the point of the character was anyway. King Arthur, though not the centerpiece of this story, could have been done a little better (Excalibur is a great movie to watch with Arthur as the centerpiece). Still its overall treatment of Arthurian legend is worlds better than First Night, which took a great legend and made it a chick movie.
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26 July 2001
I finally found the editor's cut of this film at a cheap price (I hate my softcore to be cut), and I must say, WOW! Shannan Leigh is soooo hot!! But, hey, all the babes in this movie are hot. There's not one that didn't do something for me. For softcore, the sex is extremely gratuitous. and if you can find the editor's cut, do not miss this one. Unless you hate gorgeous women and movies with lots of sex, this movie is definately for you.
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"Dude, what does it say? Sweet! Dude, what does it say...?"
27 June 2001
What can I say about this film? A good yardstick would probably be, if you liked "Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure" this is right up your alley. I found it somewhat entertaining, the high point being the tatoo scene and also the girls who say,

"We are not guys. We are hot chicks." Those moments entertained me but there was some stuff that was absurd. Not nearly as entertaining as Adam Sandler's movies, but not nearly as bad as it could have been. A mildly entertaining movie probably best for those 17-24, and probably more for guys. I wouldn't let anyone under 16 watch it, because there is some offensive stuff that could probably have earned it an R if the MPAA was on their toes (and they're usually not-case in point Titanic). 5 out of 10.
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Senior Week (1988)
Horrid movie with few good qualities (contains Spoilers)
15 June 2001
Warning: Spoilers
Michael St. Gerard (who played Elvis Presley on the TV series Elvis) stars as Everette in this teen lust vehicle. The opening scene is in the classroom where all of Everette's female classmates shed their tops. This is actually a pretty good scene. To tell you the truth I got bored with it after that so I hit fast forward. About halfway through the movie the male characters have dream sequences with incredibly hot chicks. No sex, but some hot topless babes. The scene is about 5 minutes long. After that scene though, I got bored again and hit fast forward. Nothing worth watching after that. If you watch this movie, watch the above scenes I mentioned and don't waste your time with any others. I give it a 2 out of 10 (it would get a 1 if not for those 2 great scenes)
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Lots of beautiful bodies
12 June 2001
If you like soft core porn with lots of beautiful bodies, this movie is for you. Basically, a lot of guys and hot chicks that like to sleep with each other. Plenty of sex, sex, and more sex
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Cast Away (2000)
2 words describe this movie: Tom Hanks
12 June 2001
Another outstanding performance by the greatest actor of our day. He takes a movie that would have not been much of a story and totally makes it a masterpiece. I give Zemekis a bit of the credit, but lets see him do the same with, say, George Clooney or some other mediocre actor out there. Helen Hunt didn't really add too much to the movie. I thought she had better chemistry with Hanks as a photo than she did in the scenes together (or was that done on purpose?). It did bother me that the movie was a 2 1/2 hour commercial for Fedex, but I suppose it could have been worse (I actually enjoyed the dig that was made at the expense of the US Postal Service). While there may be some that feel that the movie is weak in parts, they would say that Hanks saves the day and keeps this ship from sinking. I suppose if at all possible, I would have cast Meg Ryan instead of Helen Hunt (but then it's too much like You've Got Mail/Sleepless but in reality it might be a bit closer to Joe vs. the Volcano). Bottom line: Tom Hanks steals the show and makes a good film an excellent one.
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R.S.V.P. (1984 TV Movie)
Lots of beautiful women
12 June 2001
A very funny and sexy film. It really is worth owning Linda Weismeier is just a goddess. She is so hot. Too bad she can't act, because she sure was a hottie. The chinese guy is hilarious, and makes the movie definately worth watching. "He's going to get $97.50 to help him pull it off." Hysterical!!
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