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Turning Red (2022)
Cringey but heals my heart
18 January 2024
The quirky main character trope is lethal with this movie. Characters are generally very irritating but what 13yr olds aren't? I think it's the anime-animation style, it's just weird on times and doesn't work with Disney Pixer, in my opinion.

However, handles toxic family cycles very well. I had a very similar relationship with my overbearing mother who lived vicariously through me. This is definitely my feel-good movie whenever I feel bad about my relationship with my mom. I'm so glad that the recent Disney movies are addressing toxic, family dynamics. I certainly think the message is important and very well done.

Also, (although repetitive after a while) the music is super catchy!
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Love it as a fan, won't be appreciated by casual watchers
29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I've loved FNAF since the game's release 10 or something years ago. Always knew that a movie would be made someday and it was great to see the fans' beloved animatronics come to life on the big screen. Solid 6/10.

There were a lot of issues though, it was far from perfect and the main problem, for me, was the writing and pacing of the story. It felt a little sloppy in parts.

I liked Mike's character and how the trauma of losing his brother had affected his life. The desperation of needing any kind of job to support his little sister, really came across. Great to see Josh Hutcherson in a movie again!

The addition of Vanessa and Afton into the story was great also, my face lit up when I saw Afton walk onscreen as Springtrap. Hope to see more of Matthew Lillard, perfect casting!

Honestly, what I didn't like was the lack of horror and claustrophobia that you feel in the games. It felt like the writers were playing it safe. If they do a sequel, I really hope they amp up the horror elements!
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Maxine (2022)
Poor acting and bad attempt at difference in perspective
19 October 2023
Felt like I was watching a Shakespeare piece onstage. Very overdramatic acting, didn't feel natural for screen at all. Two main protagonists had no chemistry onscreen and felt totally miscast.

Didn't like the whole perspective of seeing things from Maxine's POV, the real victims in this story were Holly and Jessica. Their story felt pushed aside to tell Maxine's which feels completely insensitive.

Camera work and interview recreation was very good but a lot of details on this case were left out. We didn't need a series on Ian Huntley's fiancé, barely any attention to the crime committed. First episode felt so rushed, I don't think you'd enjoy this series if you weren't aware of the Holly and Jessica case to begin with.
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Saw X (2023)
This didn't feel like a Saw
11 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a lot better than others in the franchise - story writers tried to do something different which worked in parts but ultimately fell short in its execution:

The traps - as always, the traps deliver the gore and that uncomfortable feeling in your stomach as you watch someone fighting to survive.

However, even though Kramer literally whips these traps up in a short space of time to capture the con artists, the traps didn't feel like they were designed for each player. They were nothing special, nothing particularly creative that blew my mind except for the vacuum eyes (which was only used as a "what if" moment to fill your gory needs while we watched 20mins worth of

Kramer - I loved Tobin Bell taking centre stage but didn't like the writing for the character in this one. You're telling me that someone as intelligent and observant as Kramer got conned by these people? Come on! I know they tried to make him more relatable and desperate but Kramer is a very logical man. He would have known and began to accept that his cancer is incurable and you're telling me he fell for the lies?

We already knew John was dying of cancer but he had already turned off his emotions after losing his son... now to see him acting warm, hugging characters and crying with them. This is not Kramer. The subjects come first over any and all emotions.

It felt like an attempt to make him an antihero so that the audience sympathises with him which really wasn't needed and... out of character for Kramer who always has his head in the game.

Considering this is based between Saw 1 & 2, it felt like watching a completely different character which didn't line up with the rest of the movies.

The "twist" - saw it coming.

To try and make the audience believe that Kramer "overlooked" details of his game and then have the twist be that he actually had it together this whole time, it felt really lazy. There was nothing new about it, no clever writing that subverts your expectations which is something that I loved about the original.

All in all, it's not terrible but it's not worthy of being compared to some of the better Saw movies, in my opinion.
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Fort Solis (2023 Video Game)
Great atmosphere but predictable storyline
24 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, I did like this game. It looks gorgeous, tension and atmosphere is used effectively but for a pretty predictable storyline. I felt like I wanted and needed more from the way the story was building.

However, the chemistry between all actors is next to none - Troy Baker always kills no matter what kind of role he plays and I just love the dynamic and banter between Jack and Jessica.

Where the game fell short for me was the lack of environments, character(s) needing to walk EVERYWHERE and the over reliance on info dropping through emails/tapes to explain the events leading up to the reveal of the antagonist.

You play as another character halfway through the game but pretty much revisit the environments that you explored previously with Jack as the initial, playable character. It would have been nice to see a lot more areas added when you take over with Jessica as the playable character. The constant walking doesn't really add to the urgency when tensions rise halfway through the game.
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Cringe and corny but have such a soft spot!!
19 July 2023
Although I find the names and middle/upper class humour hideously annoying, I just can't help but love it all at the same time! I think we all know or ARE a Bridget Jones IRL and I still laugh every time I watch. The fight scene will always be iconic and make me laugh every time.

It's genuinely a well made romcom and I'm sorry but they just don't make comedies like these anymore. Genuinely feels like the team were passionate about producing a funny and heartwarming movie. Perfect casting also!

If you're looking for a feel good film with a decent story and good laughs, I highly recommend this movie.
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The Last of Us: When We Are in Need (2023)
Season 1, Episode 8
Bella IS Ellie!!!
6 March 2023
I really liked Bella Ramsey as Ellie for the last few episodes but now I LOVE HER as Ellie after this one!

Bella shows a healthy balance of brutality, naivety and vulnerability as a bad-ass kid during an apocalypse. Her talent really shines through and she doesn't try to BE Ashley Johnson's portrayal of Ellie which I have so much respect for.

I was impressed with the portrayal of David in this adaptation also. As dangerous and unsettling as the character in the game but with a touch more "psychopath".

I really would've liked to see the first game spread over two seasons rather than one as the pacing just feels off. Relationships between protagonists and antagonists feel incredibly rushed and could've easily been fleshed out over more than one season in my opinion.
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The Last of Us: Left Behind (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
Pacing! Again!
27 February 2023
I love Ellie and Riley, the length of their story works as a game DLC but not towards the end of a Tv series that had already been rocky in its pacing.

The main thing with this series is that it concentrates so much on love, family etc (which I love), it forgets that a lot of fans also love it for the action and infected scenes which are few and far between. I personally feel that episodes like this would work so much better if the first game was split between 2 seasons instead of crammed into one. I feel the pacing would work so much better this way, especially as I've read that the final episode is only around 45mins long - WHAT?! THAT scene?!

All in all it's still a good episode as I treasure the games, it's just the pacing for a Tv series that's all.
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Loved it as a child and love it as an adult
6 February 2023
It's far from perfect but I absolutely adored this story as a child! A tragic love story with decent horror, lots of secret doors and, of course, mausoleums!

Such great set and costume design also! The mansion's design is so intricately gothic and so much attention to detail in the zombie costume design!

It's definitely one that you appreciate more if you grew up with it in my opinion. It can come off a little goofy but as a Halloween-esque, family film it's a WIN if you want to watch something family friendly with a touch of horror.

Great casting choices, all strong leads that hold their own in their role. Highly recommended.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Beautiful story but brought down the pacing
3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was ok with Bill & Frank's story being altered and taking centre stage, it just didn't require the entire episode.

I found myself losing interest in parts and felt some moments could've easily been cut and given to Ellie & Joel to keep the pacing going. For a third episode into a season that has been gradually building in tension and action, I just felt this episode slowed the pacing just a LITTLE too much.

I did love that Bill & Frank got to live a happy and full life during a 20 year pandemic. I loved the message and the focus on cherishing those you love, despite the pain and loss going on around you. Beautiful message that ties in with the themes shown in the game.
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Strange World (2022)
Honestly.... Give it a chance!!
3 January 2023
This movie is certainly different for Disney and it's fairly obvious where the story is going in terms of the characters' relationships with one another. I was halfway through watching when I thought it was a mediocre world & creatures that Disney had created.

However, the twist for the origin of their world is certainly worth it and if you understand certain mythologies then I definitely think that you will appreciate the ending to this film. Pretty clever twist, so it went from a 4/10 to a 6/10 for the big reveal alone 👏🏼 I also loved the dynamic between Searcher with his dad as well as Searcher with his son! Disney always handle trauma and personal growth very well! Very well done, it will never be a classic but still enjoyable!
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Lightyear (2022)
Deserves more credit!!
2 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this movie but think it would've done better as a stand alone film and not associated with Buzz or Toy Story.

It's not the plot I was expecting for Buzz Lightyear, but I still found it fairly enjoyable. Sox steals the show! Found the Zurg twist completely unnecessary and out of character for Buzz, it's the story's biggest letdown in my opinion. Solid 6/10.
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Felt like an adult version of 'Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2'
21 June 2022
Too much going on.

What made the other Jurassic Park/World movies so engaging was the presence of ONE (sometimes 2) big dinosaurs that could threaten the survival of the entire group... this movie had at least 8 different threats, it was too much.

The group of survivors would survive one dinosaur and literally two minutes later, there was another threat. Just too much going on.

The whole plot with Biosyn felt like I was watching an adult version of 'Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2'. There was no need for Dr Allen Grant or the other OG characters to be in the movie, it added nothing to the story and don't get me started on the Maisie Lockwood plot.
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Not as bad as the critics say!
21 June 2022
This movie is better than most films of it's time and is so much better than the reviews say!

Decent story, music is fitting, cheesy but decent acting from the actors - plus it was the early days of acting for Dwayne Johnson so I can excuse it.

My biggest gripe is that they've made the Scorpion King out to be a "hero" in this movie when he's the big bad villain in The Mummy. Enjoyable action movie.
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I was engaged from start to finish!!!
9 June 2022
I only went to see this film as last minute plans with 2 friends, I'd never seen the original Top Gun and had to have the story explained to me during the car journey to the cinema.

I walked in the theatre with low expectations but can safely say it's one of the best films I've seen in a long time and I'm very picky, particular and critical of movies.

It was corny and cheesy but in the right ways - great action sequences where you're genuinely on the edge of your seat, great storyline, acting was brilliant and character developments I actually felt invested in. Even a few comic relief parts were corny but it suited the vibe of the film (I'm looking at you Disney Star Wars). You didn't necessarily need to have seen the original because top Gun Maverick sets the movie up in a way that explains what happened previously but could have easily been a stand alone film because it goes in its own direction.

9/10, loved it!
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The Mummy (1999)
Pure nostalgia!!!
2 June 2022
Adored this film as a kid, still do at 27secs old!

This film is such a classic, has a mixture of everything: horror, comedy, action, adventure and romance!!

Was absolutely obsessed with Egyptology growing up because of this film. Great adventure film!
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It's cheesy but interesting
19 January 2022
The first 45mins had me feeling really bored but the story as a whole is not as bad as what people are slating it for.

So many good moments ruined by cheesy lines or awkward camera angles but as a whole it deserves more credit for doing something different that kinda works.
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Turned it off after 20mins in...
14 January 2022
There's something off about this film.

The animation style doesn't have the same charm or aesthetic that it used to. It feels like they've tried too hard to modernise the animation when it didn't need it.

Brian Hull does a very good job at voicing Dracula though. I didn't even know Adam Sandler wasn't voicing until I checked the cast so a very good job!
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Tomb Raider (2018)
Enjoyable but it's not Tomb Raider
22 February 2021
I love Alicia as an actress but she is not Lara Croft for me. The movie tried too hard, just another mediocre game to screen adaptation. Had so much potential but just cheesy on times and lost a lot of the best moments through poor script and direction.

Enjoyable to see them combine Tomb Raider & Rise of the Tomb Raider though! Action scenes were very good!
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
Like watching a school Christmas play *eye roll*
18 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I'm not a die hard Elton John fan but I know all his music. He's an icon. My friend raved about this film so last night I sat down to watch it..... W.T.F

The film tries TOO hard to be unique, to the point where it's corny and cringey. The acting from some of the cast was so poor (most weren't cast for the right role although they are usually very good in other films) and the script felt like a GCSE Drama piece or Christmas play.

However, the serious scenes without all the silly parts added were very good and very touching. Elton's story IS in itself, very emotional and about growth. The relationship between him and other characters is portrayed very well, especially the pain felt at the rejection of his parents. I found myself hating and loving some characters which showed you can really invest in the story that they're telling when some scenes are done right! I would've given this much higher praise if it had concentrated on being a drama rather than a silly piece of musical theatre (and I normally love musicals). Would've been so much more suited to a West End show.
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