
2 Reviews
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Nim's Island (2008)
This film is the trailer on morphine with two broken legs
20 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I saw Nim's Island for the first time today with my 11 year old daughter and her friend, and I am so terribly disappointed in this film on many levels. I haven't read any of the threads on any of the boards or many reviews of the film up till now because I wanted to go in without the thoughts of others clouding my expectations. And I had great expectations. I have seen two trailers and the first one made me cheer for this film and very anxious to see it with my whole family. It promised so much for everyone. Action/adventure, beautiful locations, great actors, great music, humor and an exhilarating fun jaunt to a faraway tropical paradise. It delivered none of that. The trailer was great entertainment! The film was dead in the water. It was the trailer on morphine with two broken legs.

The pace was excruciatingly slow. It took forever to get going and then sputtered. Except for Nim, the characters were much too minimally present, even the animals. Scratch that. Especially the animals.

Action/adventure? Pfffft. We get a measly crumb of Alex Rover the adventurer. Just when we get our appetite whet for a juicy bit of high energy escapism a la Indiana Jones, the scene switches away leaving us salivating for more, but left hungry till the end. What a pity. That character had such promise. He was the most interesting part of the story.

I love Jodie Foster. She is my favorite actress. But in this film, I do feel she was miscast. I did not find her believable as the agoraphobic fraidy cat. Her strength and character kept peeking out at me. She did her best though, as she always does. Abigail Breslin was just OK as Nim. And there was entirely too much of her in this film. Maybe I feel that way because the character required a more high spirited actress to pull it off well. Gerard Butler, my favorite actor, was OK as the dad, and good as Alex Rover. Too bad the script failed both characters and didn't capitalize on what this actor has to offer. I do think Gerry should have lost weight for this character. He looked a bit padded and chipmunk cheeked.

Even the location, which was idyllic, was underused. The scene where Nim is being pulled through the water by the sea lion was boring. I expected some really wild fun underwater play somewhere in the film, but again, just a crumb was thrown. Even the sharks circling the boat were boring.

Music? What music? I hardly remember there even being music, that's how little it lent to the film. The trailer used Bang on the Drum All Day, and I expected the film to follow suit with similar upbeat and fun music. The lack of it buried this film.

Animals? Where were they? I hardly call a bunch of lizards being catapulted through the sky a high moment in animal antics. All I kept thinking is that they might get hurt.

Danger? Oh, no! Fat tourists in swimsuits! 'Nough said.

I am terribly disappointed in this film. Not just for myself, but for Wendy Orr and for what good fun it could have been in more capable hands. I don't know what other films the filmmakers have to their credit, but if this is their best effort, they should find another line of work, IMHO.

That makes two really disappointing films from Walden Media. Bridge to Terabithia left me feeling similarly cheated. I admire the company's vision. I just think they need to execute it better.

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Shattered (2007)
Good film. Solid performances. Twist ending.
29 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Please keep in mind that I am one of a handful of people that saw this film ON THE BIG SCREEN IN A MOVIE THEATER instead of just on TNT, butchered for television, with commercial interruptions. It is much better the way it was intended to be seen. After seeing the film twice ON THE BIG SCREEN during its limited release, these are my comments:

Imagine a Yuppie Gerard Butler. Great looking. Confident. Successful. Gorgeous wife. Beautiful sweet daughter. The perfect life in upscale suburban Chicago. Enter mysterious menacing stalking stranger and their worst nightmare begins. He threatens the life of their daughter as insurance for their obedience to his demands.

Sound like the typical 'kidnapped kid' flick? It's not.

It's taut, suspenseful, edge of your seat storytelling combined with good solid performances by all, especially Bello and Brosnan. Butler is very good, but I've seen him better. I believe he filmed this on the heels of the grueling demands of 300 and it shows a bit. He may not be at the very top of his game here, but he still performs well.

Brosnan upped his credibility as an actor for me in this film. He played the menacing stranger perfectly. Just the right tone of voice and facial expressions, joined with his eyes and body language, spoke in unison to perfection in every scene. I'd really like to see more from him, he is a very good dramatic actor. I like him better as an older, mature man. More gritty, less suave.

Maria Bello is perfect as the mother held hostage by mother love and the need to protect her child at all costs.

I loved the score. Where you might expect a really intense, gritty score, this one opts for a quieter one with a hint of bluesy undertones and it works. It intensifies at the right moments, but never takes a front seat as often happens in thrillers. It melds with the action and helps makes each scene into an audiovisual, emotional emulsion.

In fact, the whole film is just quieter than one would expect, given what is usually served up with films of this genre. There are no car chases, no last minute rescues, no heroes. It never goes over the top. It has its feet on the ground and its eyes on what's human and real.

This film is no dud. Even though it had a very limited release, it is not the fault of the filmmakers or the actors. It is good movie-making. You may not think it's one of the best films you've ever seen, but there's a good chance you'll be satisfied that you got your money's worth. I give it a definite thumbs up.

Scale of 1-10? I give this an 8.

Warning: DON'T read much about this film. DON'T watch the trailer over and over. The less you know going in, the better your experience of it will be. Because of one seemingly innocuous remark made by someone who'd seen it, I guessed the ending about halfway through. I wasn't even trying. But things we hear stick in our minds whether we like it or not. I sincerely wish I had not guessed correctly. The rest of the film lost it's suspense for me.

Hint: This is a two timer. It's even better the second time.
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