
8 Reviews
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Not the best, but still cute
21 July 2002
I love the "Anne" book series. I also love the live action movies that were made about them. I have seen several episodes of the animated series and, honestly, I don't think it lives up to the others. Don't get me wrong, it's a very cute show and one of the better children's ones I have seen. It just changes the book far too much, in my opinion.
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Moulin Rouge! (2001)
Very interesting movie...
7 April 2002
It seems like everyone I talk to about this movie has a strong opinion of it. They either absolutely love it or absolutely hate it. There have been a few borderline opinions, but for the most part it's a love/hate movie.

I thought I would love Moulin Rouge. It seemed like my kind of movie. I've always been a sucker for musicals, afterall. I didn't hate it, but I didn't really love it either. I'm one of the few people who falls in the in-between pile. I thought that the movie was great as far as visual effects and costumes good. The acting was also very good and the singing could have been much worse, but a note to the leads- don't quit your day job. The movie managed to be funny, happy, thought-provoking, and ultimately tragic. It was a very emotional movie and even made me get a little teary eyed at the end.

The main plot in Moulin Rouge centers around the love between Satine and Christian. Their love was really a fairly typical Hollywood love affair though. They fall for each other too quickly and form an inseperable bond that was really unrealistic. While I did think their relationship was very sweet, the cynical person in me couldn't help noting how completely unrealistic it was.

I can see how a lot of people would hate this movie and how others would adore it. It really depends if you let yourself get into it, I think. Only if you ignore the semi-butchering of songs you love and the underdevelopment of the characters, and just let yourself get lost in the eye-candy and craziness before you will Moulin Rouge take off.
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Pretty Cute
12 August 2001
This movie isn't the greatest one ever, but it is very cute. If you ignore the many cheesy, unrealistic scenes and the characters' one-dimensional personalities, it works. It reminds me of an afterschool special from the 1980s, which isn't that bad of a thing...
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Caroline in the City (1995–1999)
Very cute show
10 July 2001
This show has to be one of the cutesy-est ones out there. It's perfect to watch when you have nothing else to do or can't sleep. I've gotten into the habit of doing that lately. It's an amusing comedy, though not one of the best out there. All in all, it is a pretty good show and I would recommend it if you like cute comedies.
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Hey Dude (1989–1991)
Cute Show!
10 July 2001
I loved this show when I was growing up. Actually, it was among my favorite shows. I remember waking up on Saturday morning and going downstairs to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch and watch the show. Sure, it may not be the best show ever, but as far as cheesy shows go, this was a keeper. It was always cute and amusing. I found it fascinating to watch how teenagers acted when I was six... It's too bad Nickelodeon doesn't play it anymore. I know I would still get up on Saturday mornings if it was...
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Lizzie McGuire (2001–2004)
A cute show...
6 July 2001
I'm 17 and I actually semi-like this show. It isn't going to win any awards and I would never go out of my way to watch it, but it isn't horrible. The characters and plots are realistic for the age group it represents. It's also good how it mixes in comedy with all of the "disasters" that Lizzie has to deal with. This helps make the show easier to watch. All in all, I'd give it a 7/10 rating because it definitely could be a better show.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997–2003)
The Greatest Show Ever!
6 July 2001
This is definitely my favorite show. In fact, some may say I am even a little bit obsessed with it. "Buffy" is by far the most original, outstanding show I think I have ever seen. With its strong characters, plots, acting, and writing, it's no wonder that it is not only a cult favorite, but popular with critics as well. It is very rare that a series manages to keep you interested in it no matter what happens, but that is the case with this show. Even its weakest episodes have moments that shine. If you have never seen it, don't let the title, its stars, or network fool you into thinking it's bad. With its mix of comedy, drama, and horror, Buffy is one show that has something for everyone.
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So Little Time (2001–2002)
Not exactly the best show ever...
8 June 2001
Well, I just saw an episode of this show about a half hour ago. And, to be honest, it had me laughing at how stupid it was. The characters were bland, unoriginal, and one-dimensional. The Olsen twins star in it, so it is a family show. Except, there were parts that made me wonder what age group they were aiming at it. (For example, there was a supposedly funny discussion of a woman who used to be a man) Also, I found it disturbing how self-aware and self-centered the twins' characters were. I think they were supposed to be amusingly quirky and cute, but, to me, they came off as obnoxious and annoying. The most interesting part of the episode was the relationship between their parents, who I think must be divorced. I couldn't really tell though. So, you may be wondering, if the show was that bad, why am I bothering to come here and review it. Well, first of all, I wanted to see if anyone else had reviewed it. When I saw there weren't any other reviews, I knew I had to write one to warn people from wasting their time with the show. I know I won't anymore...
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