
3 Reviews
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Pontypool (2008)
Refreshing to see unpredictable movie
21 June 2009
My husband and I watched this last night. Excellent movie. Well done and I imagine the costs of filming were not that great and this should smack some other movie makers as the thing to do. Scary. Suspenseful. Thought provoking. We really enjoyed it and it was not predictable. Be sure to watch past the credits. As usual, another independent film outweighs the crap put out in the mainstream. And, maybe there is also a lesson that good acting can be more important than expensive sets, props and special effects. And, amazingly, no shameless plugs for advertising. No hidden political agendas. There was no needless action or violence. There was no need for gratuitous and pointless sex scenes to keep audience interest.
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Groovy, not so scary but suspenseful horror movie - a must see
9 September 2007
Don't be put off by it's B rating class. This "groovy" movie will entertain you. When I was growing up in NC in the 70s there was no cable TV. So, the biggest entertainment in my small town of Hillsborough was to watch channel 8 (Greensboro, NC) for "Shock Theater" on Saturday nights. I would sit up with my grandfather watching horror movies and nearly scare him to death screaming. This movie came on one night and it was more real to me then because it was like I was with the actors as they filmed themselves - kind of gives you a Blair Witch Project feeling when you are watching it. It was funny, suspenseful and entertaining. I never forgot the name of the movie. You have got to see it.
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The Libertine (2004)
The Libertine as a collage of a self-destroyed life
27 August 2006
I disagree with the previous commenter's account of the actress' portrayal of Elizabeth Barry. This is not a typical logically plotted movie. It is a collage of occurrences and actions in a self-destructive man's life. No supporting actress should have presented a more intense show because the movie would have accented that story line and it would lose it's collage effect. Samantha's portrayal of Elizabeth was not as developed as any of us would have liked it due to scripting or maybe editing - not of her own fault. No matter which actress had performed the lines we saw in the movie, what left us wanting more of her was that we are used to the logically plotted movies and we want to focus on a particular event or coupling of persons to get a moral or a conclusion from the movie's end. The Earl stated that he was confused that he was in love with a "plain" girl. Samantha portrayed the character as a plain girl with spirit - but if the script had taken us into what incidents motivated her declarations to him, the movie would be about their love affair and not a collage of his relationships with everyone in his wasted life.
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