
26 Reviews
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Arrival (II) (2016)
What am I missing about this movie?
17 September 2023
Can someone explain to me what this movie was about?

It started out with some promise of being interesting. I found it to be fragmented, boring and mostly close ups of a confused looking Amy Adams character.

Hundreds of soldiers running around and screaming at each other and I don't know why. Some will call it an intelligent sci-fi flick. I call it to slick for it's own good.

The universe is still a total mystery and will be for many many years to come. Most sci-fi movies are just speculation to begin with because we have no information or facts to tell a real story. So, let's just keep making things up, but make them interesting and fun to watch.
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Oppenheimer (I) (2023)
Good story, told badly
10 August 2023
Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project are probably 2 of the greatest pieces of American history. However the movie was not so great. I was very disappointed.

The production values were lame. The movie was fragmented with way too many flashbacks and how many times were we subjected to facial close ups of the 2 main characters. The last 30 minutes of the movie were boring.

Why the nude scenes? 2 people sitting around naked and making small talk ..... why? It cheapened the story and left you wondering why this was even in the movie.

On a good note .......the actors were great.

If you are a fan of American history, don't bother with this movie.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
Do you want to be entertained?
2 May 2022
Lots of mixed reviews here. It was an unusual story with great characters .... and actors. The plots were over-the-top, but you wanted to see more. The characters were despicable, but you loved watching to see what they would do next. Some scenes were frustrating, but you wanted to see how the characters escaped bad situations,. There is no great or fair way to end a great story that satisfies everyone. (Remember Tony Saprano). I thought the ending was acceptable. The best part of Ozark .... it was damn entertaing and that's all I was looking for in a movie. Watch it.
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Ended badly
17 February 2022
It started out very interesting, but got lost midway. I quit caring for any of the characters. The speculation scenes were very irritating. Episode 8 and 9 were farces. The actors did a great job. The writers .... not so much.
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Nomadland (2020)
A Very Good Movie
16 May 2021
No. 1. It's a movie No. 2. It's a very good movie.

No. 3 It's a very different movie No. 4 THAT is what I like about it.

No. 5 There were no explosions, no computer graphics, no super heroes no zombies and nobody had their butt exposed.

It reminded me of the Ma Joad and family hitting the road during bad times.

I could feel for these people. I did not judge them.

I enjoyed watching their story. Skillfully done.

I will watch it again.
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9 April 2021
This was by far the worst movie I have seen since that "Bugs" movie with Ashley Judd." It started out bad and just got worse. 75% of the scenes were with the camera on the daughters face. From scene to scene nothing was revealed or resolved. We kept watching it thinking the writer and director had some big ending for us. We were wrong. We were just thankful it ended.

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The Sinner: Part VIII (2020)
Season 3, Episode 8
a 4 episode story turned into 8 episodes
13 February 2021
I got the point in the first few episodes so I didn't need to hear Jamie moaning and groaning about the meaning of life over and over. Detective Ambrose was just as stupid as the self pitying Jamie.
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44 Inch Chest (2009)
Absolutely Boring
1 January 2021
I like all these actors. The movie was a bore. The same dialogue over and over. I have no idea what they were thinking when they put this movie together. 20 minutes was enough for me. A stinker!
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Hanna (2019–2021)
Season 2 is a BORE!
31 July 2020
Lame story. A brainwashed group of teenage girl assassins. You knew right from the beginning this venture would fail. The character of Clemency did nothing but slow down an already slow moving story. I will not watch Season 3.
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Marcella (2016–2021)
Disappointing Season 3
24 June 2020
Big disappointment in Season 3. Seasons 1 & 2 were great. The characters in 3 were lame, the plot was lame, the directorial misdirections were lame, the ending was absolutely lame. I would like to see a Season 4. Bring back Marcella the street-wise cop. She was lousy as an undercover cop.
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Great Plot .... lousy continuity
22 March 2020
Maech 2020 .... just saw this movie for the first time ....... great plot, but lousy directing. The story has so many holes and immaterial chance characters it became comical and unbelievable. Out of nowhere Moreau is in a French paddy wagon .... WHY? A little girl pops up out of nowhere and starts questioning Moreau .... WHY. Veronique has the film developed .... WHY? And there just happens to be a film developer on the site of the motel ....... WHY? Moreau walks the streets of Paris for 8 hours asking everyone if they have seen Julian......Why? Does everyone in Paris know Julian? And WHO took the photos of Moreau and Julian?. They didn't have "selfies" in the 50's I would like to see this story and plot redone with more believable continuity and reasoning.
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The Irishman (2019)
DO NOT waste your time on this movie!
2 December 2019
How do I begin? This movie stinks. It was boring. The repetitious dialogue and the length of the scenes were snoozers in my book. Not the best for Martin, Al, Joe and Robert. By the end of the movie I wanted to shoot all the characters myself. Very disappointed.
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Outlander: To Ransom a Man's Soul (2015)
Season 1, Episode 16
Once a great story turned bad
7 September 2019
I agree. This episode was over the top. A cheap directorial trick. We knew what was going to happen. We did not need to experience it. Leave us our imagination. Oh! That's right! It's about profits. Sorry. I forgot.
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The Prowler (1951)
Worst Noir Movie Ever!
3 January 2019
I watch and enjoy a lot of Noir movies and enjoy them for what they are ..... corny, campy, dark, edgy and entertaining. The Prowler was a stinker. The plot, the dialogue, the continuity, made no sense. The characters were bi-polar and unbelievable. I am surprised Trumbo wrote this. Not his best. Yeah, yeah! I know. Noir is B Movie entertainment. I just could not get into this one. Example - the main character in one scene has $700 to his name and then the next scene he has purchased a motel in Vegas. That is too much to swallow .... even for Noir.
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House of Cards (2013–2018)
A long wait for a LOUSY storyline
18 November 2018
I don't know about anyone else, but I think this season of House of Cards was really lame. The stories were so fragmented and there were so may loose-ends I could not follow anything. Everything was choppy bouncing from character to character. Conversations with no meaning to the overall story. The ending was especially anticlimactic and just plain dumb. I waited over a year to see some new stuff with Claire as president. It was just painful to see what this show ended up with. Very disappointed. If there is another season ..... count me out!
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Versailles (2015–2018)
Louis is a "Wild and Crazy Guy"
10 October 2018
I really enjoy this show. The plots are endless. The writing is clever. The sets are lavish. And the actors are over-the-top. It is pure entertainment. Who cares if it is not historically correct. I just want to be entertained. Phillipe and Chevalier are great. Not because they are lovers, but the actors have fun with the parts. They ham it up just enough. Those French .... they know how to party! Long live the king!
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Better Call Saul (2015–2022)
Season 4 stinks!
12 September 2018
Is it just me or does Season 4 really stink? I love the character of Saul and I watched Seasons 1 & 2 patiently to see Jimmy McGill evolve into Saul. Here I am in Season 4 and I still don't see Saul. Why? The writers keep dragging out these lame episodes that go nowhere. Mike has become very boring. The only character I root for is Nacho. I will finish watching this season and that's it. I am very disappointed. Saul was a great character, but he has vanished.
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WW ll - one of the best!
18 August 2018
Great story - Great acting - great dialogue. One of Gable's best. Pidgeon was eloquent!
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Goliath (2016–2021)
What a "Stinker"!
26 June 2018
Season 1 was so good that we waited for over a year to see Season 2 of Goliath. WOW! Were we disappointed. The story, the lame bizarre characters, the fragmented plot(s) , the editing .....actually, the whole thing was lousy. What happened? Can someone tell me. The last 2 episodes were not worth watching at all. Does anyone agree with me?
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Darkest Hour (2017)
Why did Gary Oldman "mumble"?
13 February 2018
Go to YouTube and listen to a Churchill speech. He had a very coarse voice, but he did not "mumble" as Oldman portrayed in the movie. Perhaps Oldman was unable to correctly imitate Churchill so he compensated by intentionally "mumbling". It was a good movie about a terrible time in the lives of Britain and the British people.
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Do not waste your time!
23 December 2017
It was a good story, but the scenes, the dialogue, the editing were just irritating. Everything in this movie was fragmented. Scenes started and ended abruptly. I became claustrophobic where I was subjected to be in the back seat of a car looking at the back of the drivers head. The conversations between Lee and Patrick were labored and unnecessary. I wanted to like this movie, but all the characters were irritating. I guess it was supposed to be "moody", but it was just "boring". I only watched it all because my wife heard it was a good movie. It was not.
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Dunkirk (2017)
Not much dialogue in this one
28 July 2017
If you like Action Movies then this movie is for you. Most movies these days are more action than acting, so if that is your thing then you will love this movie

The star of the show seems to be the "explosions" and super loud sound effects.

Computer graphic movies are the trend worldwide.

I enjoyed the movie, but it will never be one of my favorites and I will not look for it on Netflix.
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The Magnificent Century (2011–2014)
It started out good, BUT .....
28 July 2017
At first glance it appeared this would be a good series to watch. However, after 5 episodes it has become very boring. How many times are we going to see the same situations played out between the Sultan and his favorite concubine, Alexandra.

The long close ups of every ones sad faces is too much to endure. The part I find most interesting is the costumes .... especially the hats. They are great.

I will watch one or two more episodes and if the story line does not improve .... I am done with this series.
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Three hours too long!
22 July 2017
All the actors did a great job. The 1930's scenery was great. However, (there's always an "however") It was a 2 hour story that took 5 hours to tell. By the time the 5th episode started I had lost interest in the characters and really didn't care about the outcome.

I don't know what the director had in mind, but there were far too may facial shots of Mildred Pierce with this sad and bewildered look on her face. The camera slowly panned forever on scenes with no one in them.

It was not entertaining at all. The original studio version with Joan Crawford was corny, but at least it was over in 2 hours.

Don't waste your time on this one.

I give it a 3 rating because the actors were so good, but nothing else worked.
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Genius (2017– )
It is a movie!
10 June 2017
It is a movie folks. A "Hollywood Movie". What were you expecting? A totally accurate biography? Have you ever seen an accurate movie? Of course not. There are a lot of things in this movie I did not find interesting, but I watched it to be entertained. That's all. So many negative reviews and critiques, You don't like it ... watch something else.
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