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Who ever came up with killing off all the good guys is an idiot!!
8 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
At the beginning of the movie Cyclops is killed by Jean Grey, for no reason as far as I can tell. Then they kill of Professor X by her as well. the movie drags on while you watch waiting thinking that Cyclops is going to pop out somewhere cuz he can't be dead. The shock of Professor X killed is enough to make you want to take the movie out of the DVD player!! Then at the end you at least hope that Jean Grey will come out of this trance that she is in and make an attempt to be a good guy, but nope, she dam near kills everyone until Wolverine kills her. leaving us with a 90 minute piece of crap that killed any chance for another movie as far as I can tell. Who wins in this one? I have no idea, Why are all the good guys getting killed off with out even a fight!?! This movie is junk!!
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Stay true to your heros!!!
17 April 2004
I saw this series the first time it was aired on TV. I watched and recorded the entire thing. The first thing I found upsetting was that Mini Me was cast as Robo, the second being the costume was all cheap looking. But as a huge fan of all of the Robo's, I had to find a way to like it..

I was like 6 years old when I saw the first, and I thought it was one of the best movies I had ever seen, Not the kind of movie that can make another that is as good or even better, but part two stands next to it flawless in every way!! (you can't argue this, don't try!!) Then when Peter didn't do the 3rd and it was rated PG-13 I didn't know what was going to happen. But as I watched it the first time I started off not knowing what to think, then I heard him speak, they computered over his voice a little too much but I could tell he was even more of a fan of robo than I. His every move was as if Peter was really the one inside of the costume! They could make another, and Robert John Burke could do it, and it would kick ass by me!! All in all it will never be as good as the first 2 but it is a close second to them.

And now I find myself with the thought that I will never see another big budget full production live action feature film with the name Robocop ever again, so these 4 DVD's have to do.. I can't turn on my super heros, so I have to stay true to what ever holds the name.. So after that is said, the Prime Directives series is just a continuation of a killer story... I wish it would never end.......
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Brainscan (1994)
If you like this, you will love Trick of Treat..
9 July 2002
This movie was a great film to watch, even if it wasn't a horror, or funny, forget what ever category this movie is in, and you have just a good film to watch.. It is entertaining.. Kind of like a movie that is funny, only you have seen it so many times that it is not funny anymore, but you still like to watch it, Why, cause you are simply watching the movie for the movie, not the laughter.. Edward Furlong is a good actor who was never really given a chance, it's good to see him in a flick, thought this film was when he was young.. Just too bad he wont be in T3 as John Conner again... If you like this, I recommend Trick or Treat, or if you liked Trick or Treat, you will love this.. They have the same feel, even though they are nothing alike plot wise... 8 out of 10 on the fun movie scale..
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Scooby-Doo (2002)
30 years in the making,,,.. FOR WHAT!!!!
8 July 2002
I loved Scooby Doo, used to watch it all the time when I was younger.. I remember having Scooby marathons on cartoon Network and watching every one.. I was glad to see Scott Innes was part of the film as scrappy, but why wasn't he Scooby? In this film they generalized the characters, it was as if the writer had never even watched the cartoons at all, and made characterizations (or stereo types)about them all, as a joke, much like they did for the Brady Bunch movies, only this movie wasn't funny.. The only characters that were perfect were Shaggy and Scooby.. Matthew Lillard did an excellent job!! Fred was like this stuck up a$$hole that thought he was too cool for anyone,, Daphne was pretty much the same, only she was stupid, and always got captured by the bad guys,, Velma was almost the same, only she was always mad that no one paid any attention to her and never gave her credit.. None of them liked each other, and never got along!! The story li ne was dum, it didn't make me laugh, it was about a old team that was brought together, and they all tried to out do each other.. I seem to think that they never in a million years would have broken up as a team in the cartoons!! But they were. So that right there was dum to me.. And the bad Guy!!! I can't get into that, cause I don't want to blow it, but that was just retarded!! It never would have happened in the cartoons!!

I just figured a movie that was a 30 year old and running cartoon series and animated films, could have done much better!!! But it was an enjoyable film if you can get past all the un-flowing flaws.. I liked it, and I hope to see the next one get better!!
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SIMPLY THE BEST!!!!! previews that is...
8 July 2002
Wanna see the movie!?! watch the previews!! there great!! they are kind of like the movie, all the funny stuff takes a minute of your time!! Only you have to watch the entire film to see what you can see in the previews!! Well I shouldn't kid you, the previews are all taken from about the first ten minutes of the movie, after that we are trying to find something only K knows, but the thing is, after he gets his memory back, he still doesn't know!! Then at the last minute he's like OH ya... And there goes the credits!!! Buy Buy!! Hell they could have added an extra 40 minutes to the film and make 'er a real long one, that had some kind of a plot and some funny stuff, and I would have been there!! But know, it's like alright, theirs the beginning, beginning, ok what's happening, there looking for clues to find out something that will jog his memory, Oh wait he remembers now, and the bad guys aren't even going to put up a fight, why? Cause it's credit time baby!!! Cu'mon!! Lets roll that shiz nik!! That's right!!! Lets watch the music video for crying out loud, it's funnier, and it has more action!!!!

It sure brings a new meaning to that Limp Bizkit song doesn't it!! Roll 'em, roll 'em, roll 'em, roll 'em, cu'mon!!

Ya!! Thats what I'm talking about!! See,, that's what you gotta do when you watch this movie, you got to pump your self to enjoy those credits!! Cause you won't even know till they hit ya!!! You'll be like WHAT!?! And then you'll be like YA!! Staring Will!!, Tom!!, and Rip!!!.. That's what I was waiting for!!!!!
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Clear the Confusion//(Great film)
12 June 2002
Let me clear up the confusion for anyone who wants to post who isn't as much as a movie fan in general as me.. First off, this movie was not a horror, nor could it be mistaken by any one as a horror.. It is a suspense, but not so much a thriller suspense, though it is, but more or less a Suspense/Sci-Fi, or more commonly called a Sci-Fi/Thriller, But not a horror... You have to guess through out the whole movie,, that makes it suspense,.. It is based on a true story that is about the super natural,, that makes it Sci-Fi. And it keeps you on the end of your seat,and you never know what will happen next which makes it still suspense, and when a movie has such suspense, anything after that, that scares you, makes it Thriller.. A Thriller is when a movie has horror style stuff to scare someone in it, but is mostly suspenseful.. You see, a suspense can have horror, but a horror, can't be a suspense.. It might all sound confusing, but if you pay attention to films and watch enough of them, you will understand.. Example, Scream, Urban Legends, I Know What You Did Last Summer, are all Suspense Thrillers, Halloween, Friday The 13th, The Amityville Horror, are horrors.. This is because (in case you can't see the difference)In the listed horrors, you the viewer know who the killer/s are, and in the Suspence/Thriller, you have no idea, you pretty much have to guess.. This movie was done very well, a movie taken from real events, a movie that makes you think, one that can be put up there with the Sixth Sense, Stir of Echoes, and more obvious, The X Files, only this movie is an adaptation from real life, which makes it an original on it's own, I would give it a 9 or 10.. But don't expect to be scared, it's only PG-13, you will be more or less freaked, or freaked out than scared I think, and there is a difference..
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How High (2001)
How Great, How funny!!
21 May 2002
This movie was as said, funny as hell!! I watched this thinking it was going to be just plain out stupid but I was wrong, way wrong, this movie I think is the kind of movie that after you watch it a few times, and it's not as funny anymore, it will still be a great movie to watch!! So if you haven't you must check it out!!
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Zoolander (2001)
a movie, movie
19 May 2002
When I first saw it, I thought it was more stupid than funny, and not funny stupid.. But this was a film Directed, Written, and Produced as well as staring Ben Stiller.. And even if it wasn't the best we have seen him, this movie was made obviously to be exactly what Ben Stiller wanted.. I ended up watching it again, it was on T.V., and I have watched quite a few times now.. I now look at it as a movie movie.. meaning it isn't funny, and it obviously isn't a action, drama, horror or suspense.. It's just a movie.. And it is entertaining, I have stuck it in many times to watch before bed.. I would put it on Repeat and play it all night as I sleep.. That is what I call a movie movie.. So if your not looking to laugh a lot, but you want to see something that just might be a little different, and entertaining, watch Zoolander..
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Titan A.E. (2000)
Best animation sence Heavy Metal
19 May 2002
This movie was made animation wise like the extremely liked Heavy Metal Movies.. With an all star cast, featuring such actors as Jim Breuer, whom you would have no Idea who he was unless you read the credits.. This movie would be liked by any one who would give it a chance. To put it at best and as simple as possible, if this movie were live action, everyone would have gone to see it!! But instead you have a great animated movie that is second best only to the Heavy Metal Movies!! You can't really like one and not the other!!! Must see Movie!!
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Hook (1991)
Job Well Done by Everyone
19 May 2002
I agree with Daniel Coninx below 100% I just wanted to say this movie couldn't be better.. I was 10 years old when I first saw it at the movies.. And I saw it again every day there after until they took it out of the theater.. And on that day, I was disappointed, so I went to see Medicine Man instead, which was also good.. I have never done that since with any movie at the theater, in fact, I don't think I have even seen a movie twice, at the theater,, On video, that is a different story.. No wait, I did see The Ninja Turtles several times.. This was a great movie, with a great story and message behind it..
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must see movie!
18 May 2002
Funny story about this film, I am not a fan of prison movies nor Robert Redford, in fact I don't like him that much at all.. It's something about his voice, I don't know, But this movie was on Pay Per View, and I just happen to catch most of it, when it ended, I watched it again, and then again.. The story line people can say is unoriginal, but like music, there really isn't much out there that hasn't been done before.. And when it comes to Prison, or war movies, there is only so much you can do.. So it is stupid to call it unoriginal.. This movie is both Prison, and War at the same time.. Unrealistic, you could say, if you look past certain things, imagine a whole prison filled with nothing but War hero's, and people that fought and lived in the armed forces.. Than you have the guards that had never fought anywhere out side of the Prison... The prisoners thought like they were at war, and the guards thought like they were guards,, So it is very possible for the soldiers in the prison to take the prison over.. No movie ever made was 100% true to life, so deal with it.. That is why it is a movie.. For the movie that it is, it was a great movie to watch. And I would recommend it to any one that will watch it as a movie, and not try to figure out what it reminds them of, cause then you miss the movie at hand..
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Dream a Little Dream 2 (1995 Video)
worthy Haim and Feldman movie
18 May 2002
This was a case of a writer making a good comedy, and then at the last minute making it a sequel to a drama.. It was a good movie, that takes place years after the first, One might ask why Feldman was so much different, but in the first, Feldman's character Bobby Keller,wasn't Feldman.. If you watch you will see that Feldman (Bobby) was caught in a dream and Jason Robards, who played Coleman was inside Feldman's body (or Bobby Keller).. It made sense for Haim (Dinger) to be the way he was.. But this movie was clearly not a drama, and the story, or point that the first had tried to make you see was all lost in this movie.. There (like most comedies) was no message behind this story at all..

But, as a Feldman, Haim movie, it is worthy, and is a movie that should be seen by any fan.. The Corey's really can't screw up much in my opinion..
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True to life,,, must see
18 May 2002
What happened to Corey Haim, and Feldman? Is it that they both suck as actors, so we don't see them any more? Or maybe they grew up and lost the ability to act? NO, Hell No, Both Corey's fell into a drug addiction, that just about killed them, and did kill there acting career!! If you read down on other comments you will see people like Guy Ennui that will say such things as the Corey's couldn't pull of being real teens.. This is the funniest thing I ever herd, because when this movie was filmed, Feldman didn't want Haim in it, and Haim almost didn't get in it because of his drug addiction, if anything, these actors were failing in life more than in the movie, and the only acting they had to do, was when the camera was turned off.. In life we all deserve chances, we all make mistakes, and we all learn from them.. Corey Haim, and Corey Feldman are both Clean and Sober and have been that way for years now, and no one will give either a chance.. Imagine how much that has to suck for them both... But you see the two actors that have been doing that, (acting) all there lives!! This movie had it all Soul, a story that could touch anyone who is willing to let it.. and even a little comedy.. It shows that every generation struggles, and as much as the kids of today are un like the kids of yesterday (the parents and adults) we really aren't that much different at all.. When parents say "when I was your are" they forget everything about when they actually were that age.. And forget that as the years go by, things really do get harder for the young generation... This is one of the best Feldman, and Haim movies.. If you like either, you'll love this..
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Keaton can't be beaten
18 May 2002
There is nothing Keaton can't do, from funny, to action packed, good guy to bad.. From Batman to Beetlejuice, from Dream Team, to the in mate from Desperate Measures, to all four Dougs in Multiplicity, to the snow man in Jack Frost.. Keaton shows what acting is all about.. This movie was the movie that proved it all for him, it showed that funny isn't all that he can be.. This movie is one of the greats... I would recommend it to anyone.. I have it on Vhs, and DVD..
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Hellraiser: Inferno (2000 Video)
Burn Inferno BURN!!
17 May 2002
Mr Jase has lost his mind!!! Bloodline was the best in the series and this movie is non existing in the series!!! I could get into such detail, but it would be too much for any of you to read!!! This movie was done a million times before, and that is why as a movie it wasn't bad, you can't go wrong when you mix up other movies to get something new, but yet unoriginal.. How ever, anyone who ever even watched a preview of the other 4 would know this one sucked as a sequel and doesn't belong in this series what so ever!! End of Story, period. Nothing will ever be left to say about that!!
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Hit or Miss...
17 May 2002
I went to see this movie the first day it opened, the first showing as a matter of fact.. The theater was almost full, but not as full as it was when I saw Spider-Man on the first show of the first day.. I liked the movie quite a bit, as I am a fan of Star Wars.. I true fan must like it.. But it was missing something, mostly people.. See when they made episode one, most of the characters, and things around them were real, with CGI (computer generated images) over some of the make up and costumes, to make things look more real. But I found in this movie that even Yoda was 100% a CGI... And in most shots when you would think there should have been a stunt man or at least a human on blue screen, they just made the whole person a CGI.. And you could tell.. Some of the CGI's in this movie looked like an old 3DO game.. It was easy to tell that most of the actors had done complete scenes, (and most of the scenes this way) with a blue screen not knowing what was going to be put behind them later.. I thought the casting job was done well, I was glad to see they didn't try something stupid like casting big names for people such as Anakin Skywalker.. I did like his character, and the attitude they placed with him.. Other than the lack of non computer use, the movie was done to set up the next one in the series.. The clone wars has to be in the next movie, because it was not in this one.. Ok Here it is.. Ten years later, things have changed, so much in fact an hour of the movie sets up to explain everything.. After that, we see Anakin and Padmé, sort of fall in love.. I would say the movie starts with a beginning, beginning, beginning, middle, middle, and then we finally see some Jedi Fighting, and then the credits.. No one wins, in fact I would say the bad guys win in a way.. Nothing like the last movie, that movie started and then we saw fighting, and we were taken from there, one thing happened after another, until in the end we are at piece, everything worked out, there was a plot, beginning, middle and end.. Episode 2 doesn't have any of that.. Though we get to see Yoda in action for the first time!! This movie will be a great movie when the next one comes out, until than, it will just p**s you off to see it, because you will want to know what will be next!!!! I almost want to go see it again, just to see if more happens the next time around.. I give it 5 out of 10 stars.. Hit, or Miss..
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Can't be beat!!!
17 May 2002
Why does anyone want to see a clive barker Hellraiser movie? I'll tell you why, Blood, Torture, special effects of the sick and nasty kind!! A lot of people can't stomach Pinhead for too long!! There is nothing out there to date as sick as Clive barkers Hellraiser series!!! Three was made for kids though, not enough blood, and corny characters other that Pinhead.. 1 was great, but she is old.. 2 the same.. As long as Pinhead has great lines and torture you simply can't go wrong.. Who need a script with this guy!?! Torture someone!!! But Bloodline does have a script, in fact, if you never have seen a Pinhead movie before, see this one!! This movie covers every basis, anything and everything you want to know about Hellraiser is in this movie!! We find everything out from exactly where the Pandora's box came from, right to how exactly to stop pinhead for ever!! Good thing this move was set in the future, cause they can't make a sequel to this one!!! All they can do is make movies in between 3 and 4.. And they did, Hellraiser: Inferno.. But you must be warned, you do want to see Inferno if you are looking to see Pinhead, or blood, or torture, see it if you want to play the guess who game!!!! Pinhead is in Inferno, but he is not a main character at all.. This movie was done not with good production, but great production, and good acting as well!! Crystal clear picture!! No Hellraiser will ever top this one, and that is because to many people out there had a different things to say, and now they are being made as Independent films.. AKA you won't ever see them at the movies, Unless maybe Clive Barker has something to do with them again.... 8 to 10 on the horror scale, 10 on the sick torture scale!!
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RoboCop 3 (1993)
9 out of 10 stars
17 May 2002
First I feel I should start by saying that rh_backup should be smacked, several times.. As a child Robocop was one of my all time favorite super hero's.. I was just a kid when I saw the first movie (my parents let me watch anything) Lots of Blood, great fight scenes, shoot outs, action packed! Dam what a movie.. Part Two, same thing, exactly the same thing, only this time he had to stop another robocop, who was the leader and maker of a drug called Nuke!! Same characters were in it, same look to everything, Robo was perfect!! To say 2 was bad is like saying one was bad, and once you say that, you have no place here!! 3? 3 was good, I liked this movie a lot..Robert John Burke did a good job as Robo, because Peter Weller refused, as it was believed he didn't like the suit, because it was made from real Metal, It weighed a ton, and he told Orion, that he was not doing part 2 even, but they got him to do it.. This is rumor, so I don't know how much it true.. Robert John Burke was almost perfect, even when the helmet was on or off, but the voice needed work.. I still liked it, and I have great Respect for the man.. But the movie was made cheaply, and it shows, it was not even rated R, Why? cause more kids liked the movies than first thought, so this movie was made for them.. He fought a android, Samaria warrior.. And had such screw ups as 4 men I believe picked him up and carried him.. In 2 it took the entire police squad that was picketing, and they still said he was heavy!! Also he had Prime Directives, but in 2 he fried then out of his system, so he couldn't have had directives at all.. Oh well,,.. Little more blood, and we would have had a contender with the other two.. I give this movie 9 out of 10 stars, because loss of blood...
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Good Horror, Bad Jason
17 May 2002
I usually write long comments, but not for this one... Jason Goes to Hell, was a good Horror movie, with some of the most remembered scenes by non fans, and even some fans too, like the pole through the woman in the tent on top of the man, you know what I am talking about!! Great horror, But I just have a few things to say.. Jason was killed in the previous movie, how did he come back? They killed him at the beginning of this movie, but how was he even there in the first place? Every other movie shows how he is resurrected, this one did not.. 2ndly, The cover says , "THE CREATOR OF THE FIRST RETURNS TO BRING YOU THE LAST." Funny I thought, Jason wasn't even in the first one, get that guy out of here!! More Important, Jason wasn't really in this movie other than in the beginning, and in the end, and the whole symbiotic creature was retarded!! As a Jason movie, it broke all the rules, and made up crapy new ones, that couldn't possibly go with the other movies in the series.. And there for it sucked.. But as a Horror movie, it is one not to be missed!!
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Leprechaun 4: In Space (1996 Video)
There was no Leprechaun in this movie!!!
16 May 2002
The devilish creature that was in this movie did yes look like a Leprechaun, and yes he was played by Warwick Davis.. But, he was not from earth, nor did anyone in the movie or even he himself call himself a Leprechaun.. Rod Iron couldn't kill him, a four leave clover could not either, nor could a medallion created to turn him to stone have worked on him.. He re generated his body or parts any time something happened to him (like the T1000 in T2) The movie was corny, but it was suppose to be, the question is what makes a Leprechaun movie funny? Answer: He does,, Why? cause of all his rhymes.. "Try is they may, try as they might, who steels me gold, won't live through the night!!" or "Lots of golden palaces, with lots and lots of riches, I'll rip em off and rob em' blind, those dirty sons of bitch's".. Or even better, "and now for that trick, I'll cut of your dick!!" Try this one, "there once was a fair old las, who's balls were made out of brass, and in stormy weather his balls clang together and sparks flew out of his a*s!" (most of those came from 3 by the way, the movie with the best lines!) It was the rhymes that he said, with the voice that he has, and the little Leprechaun look that made every rhyme funny.. There was not a single rhyme in this one, not one.. And he didn't even care about his gold, witch was still not even much a problem.. The only thing really bad about the flick is that there were no rhymes.. I would recommend this movie to children, and teens that never really watched the other Leprechauns.. When the first movie in the series came out I had to see it, I loved it, the next one was great too, and the next.. I became a die hard Leprechaun fan, and for this, I have to say I liked the movie, because I must be true to my Horror Icons... But once you sit down and watch the others you will see that every movie the Leprechaun is i different one, and you kill him in a different way.. Things change from movie to movie, big changes!! But one thing stays the same, the rhymes... Once you realize that, than you can decide if this is a sequel at all.... I give it 6 out of 10 stars...
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This movie will always be a part of me...
16 May 2002
I was just a little kid when I first started collecting turtle stuff, Comics, figures, and trade cards, as well as many other things.. I remember one day I came home to find that my mother had thrown out every action figure and card I had, as well as most of my comics.. She replaced them with a phone and a fish tank.. She said I was getting too old for kid toys, and that I would grow out of them any way.. I was about 9... So when the movie was released I was the first one there on the first day it was released to theaters.. I collected some of the figures later on, but I never had a collection that was even close to my first.. I have almost every cartoon movie made on tape, several copies of all three live action movies, and this one on DVD... I never grew out of the turtles, and I know I never will.. I know all three movies word for word... When every one grows up, a part of them, a big part dies, and we forget what we loved so much as children.. Our Imagination dies, and an adult is born.. I simply refuse to let my heros go.. While the years pass and the turtles are forgotten, they will forever be a reminder to me of the times I could spend hours on end with nothing but myself and my action figures that came to life right in front of me with nothing more than my imagination....
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Another Victim of Killing a franchise just to make a buck!!
15 May 2002
Sure this was a good movie, I liked it a lot, Brad Dourif was still Mr. Charles Lee Ray.. AKA Chucky, and it had some cool killing scenes.. Like the nails in the head.. And it tried to be funny too.. But It was a good thing they called it the Bride of Chucky.. Because it was no child's play.. It wasn't even a horror, really.. I have always believed that in horror movies there is a lot of room for change, so that you character can grow into something maybe a little more than what he started as.. Sometimes, you have things like The Leprechaun Series, that changes from movie to movie, which was o.k because even though Warwick Davis was always the Leprechaun, he was a new different one in every movie.. But in this case the changes they made are unforgivable, and un called for.. Charles in part one preformed Voodoo, on a doll in a store because he needed a person and that was all he could get his hands on and he was dieing.. He was taught this Voodoo from a man he later killed in the movie.. The rule is and can't be changed that the longer he stays in the body the more he becomes it, for example, at first you can shoot him all you want he has no blood, he can't be hurt, but after being in the doll he starts turning and the body starts to feel pain, and he even bleeds, if he doesn't change into a human body, before he becomes human in the doll, he will be forever trapped in the Good Guy Doll.. The only way he can get out of the doll is to perform that same Voodoo in which he did to get into the doll he is in.. And more important, the only body he can do that to is the body of the first person he told who he was in the doll.. That person is Andy Barclay , Andy is the only person Chucky can use to get in a new body, in parts 2 and 3 he was givin' a new body (doll) in two he was recreated with new parts, in a sense rebuilt, and in 3 he got a whole new body all together that was mixed with his blood.. This is why they can bend the rules saying that chucky has a whole new doll, and this means that he can use the body of the first person he tells who he is with his new body.. Giving him the choice between Andy or Tyler, the little black kid he told.. In the Bride, he has no new body, the same one, so he had turned before, even if the Voodoo for Dummies could bring him back, he would be forever stuck in the Good Guy Doll.. But that's not the part that is all wrong, the part that is all wrong is that there is no Andy, and Chuck is trying to find some medallion, that didn't exist before, and we knew it didn't as the viewer, and so didn't Chucky, cause if you watch part 1, it clearly states that THE ONLY WAY TO SWITCH BODIES IS BY PERFORMING THE CHANT ON THE FIRST PERSON HE TOLD WHO HE WAS IN THE DOLL!!! The Voodoo Black man in part one, whom Charles asked how to get out of the doll said nothing of any medallion.. But in The Bride', it's like Chucky knew all along!! If this were the case, he wouldn't have asked in the first one, and he wouldn't have spent all his time with Andy, when he could have gotten the medallion, and picked any body to posses.. I find that most people who didn't see the others or didn't like the others liked this movie a lot.. It was a good movie, in fact I liked it quite a bit, but The plot was bad, and this movie made no sense, and it did no justice what so ever to any of the others.. And it lacked the great lines from Brad Dourif like, "There's nothin' like a strangulation to get the circulation running!!" But I would recommend this movie to anyone who wants to give it a chance.. In a serious Horror flick, Serious screw ups do matter!! But in a funny Horror flick, at all depends on who, what, and you...
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Scream (1996)
Great Suspense, not a Horror!!
15 May 2002
There is not a fine line between Horror and Suspense or thriller, the line is big, and fat.. And Scream is by no means a horror.. A slasher, is a type of horror, the most extreme of horror, (lots of killings good to great death scenes, so on..) But a slasher is not a Suspense.. There are many types of Suspense, the average late 90's to 2000's movies with masked killers are in this category, Suspense/Thriller, a thriller is not a horror either, it is like, but simply is not.. How to tell the difference? Well here it is, When you know exactly who the killer is, if he has a mask or not, you know his name and who he is, and why he is killing, not so much the people in the movie all the time, but the viewer knows who he is and doesn't have to spend the entire movie guessing, than you have a horror, possibly a slasher.. When you do have to guess, and you have no idea who the killer is, when the movie as they would say "leaves you on the end of your seat".. ""What's going to happen next!!"" a mystery, where in the end everything comes undone and you find out who was doing the killings, "and I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for these medaling kids!!" Than you have a Suspense/Thriller.. There wasn't enough blood to be a slasher anyways though, well maybe random blood, but not enough skin penetration.. Some say it brought the LONG DEAD teen slasher movies back.. Not true at all!! Horror movies are like Rock music "you can't kill rock n' roll". (ozzy Osbourne) they have never, nor will they ever die.. The curse of Michael Myers was made in 1995 one year before, and Wes Craven's New Nightmare in 1994, and Jason Goes To Hell in 1993, hell The Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation was done in 1994, all horror slashers around the same time.. Scream was in 1996. What Scream did for Horror is what Kurt Cobain did for hairbands, it crushed them.. Horror will never be the same, music will never be the same.. Yet still they will both go on.. But sometimes change is good.. I liked the 80's hairbands, but I love some of the great music made today as well.. Same applies for movies.. I liked Scream a lot, it was the first time it looked at horror for what it is, how it was, and how real it can be.. You always see these movies and you think how stupid can these people be, the acting is bad, and you say if I were that person, I wouldn't make that stupid move!! But Maybe that's not true, maybe in panic we all make stupid mistakes, I mean when your watching something it easy to see what is wrong. But when you are the person doing it, when your under the pressure, you can't watch yourself and think about things.. You just do it, in life that is where mistakes are made. Think about it, if you have ever done something in life you wished you had not, I would bet you it wasn't something you spent time thinking about right? Cause if you had thought about it, you wouldn't have screwed up!! This movie was too confused as a horror because of the fact that it is about a bunch of teens, that think of life as a horror movie, they have the, you know,, the famous Jamie Kennedy "There are Certain Rules you must abide by to successfully make a horror movie!" But this doesn't make it a horror, it makes it a look at how a horror is made, kind of like a documentary, in a way.. I liked the guessing in this movie, and the fact that the killer was just a couple of teens them selves.. And it was a great first time movie, nothing beats watching it the first time.. I would say it was the best and the king of Suspense/Thriller!! And I also thought it was one of the funniest thrillers in a while.. "What are you going to tell your parents?"..."peer Pressure, I'm far too sensitive!" (Matthew Lillard).. It's a good movie and I would say you should rent it if you haven't seen it, but if you said you hadn't seen it, than you would be lying now wouldn't you!... In the Suspense/Thriller category I would give it 10 out of 10, because it was the first of it's kind.. In the horror I give it a 0..
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The Fear (1995)
Old School Horror done NOW!!!
15 May 2002
This movie would be a great movie for a true horror fan, and not so much a slasher fan like I am.. How ever, I like Horror of the old, like the Exorcist, or maybe House, that didn't have so many killings in them, where most of the people in the movie lived in the end.. That is the difference between Horror and Slasher in most cases.. I also like movies based on folk lore, and legend, like Rumpelstilskin, Pinocchio's revenge, or more known, the Leprechaun.. This movie was both.. It was made in 1995, and for a 90's horror, (not Suspense) it looked fairly good.. The production was done well for an Independent film, and for being made by A-Pix.. The actors were know ones, except Wes Craven, who as an actor, is still a know one.. And the movie takes place in a cabin, in the middle of the woods.. All great things that Horror movies posses.. Jason would have fit in well where this movie was filmed.. I like the fact that the director was not afraid to use and work with total darkness.. Most movies made today, don't have what one would call real darkness.. Most scenes in movies that are dark are not dark at all.. This way the viewer can see what is going on all around the actors.. Mostly movies like the original Halloween's and Friday the 13th's have true darkness.. Like the original Halloween and many other movies, this film builds up the characters and the bad guy, so that you don't really know what's going on, but if you watch you will find out.. This movie would make a good beginning for a great series, that would end up turning into a Slasher, with a killer that could be compared to Freddy, or the Wishmaster in the long run.. I was happy to see a sequel after this movie.. The #1 down fault is the fact that the movie was made in 1995 and not 1985, or 1975, because if it was, than this movie would have a long chain going now, and would be a classic.. But it was made too late, with not enough special affects for the times.. See when people watch a horror movie that is 15 to 20 years old, and the acting is bad or it doesn't look that good, they don't care so much because they just figure that the movie is so old, and that is why it looks bad, and that is why they can watch, and even more, they can like it.. But when a movie is made today, they have to say it sucks if the picture doesn't look like a top rate film, or if the acting seems to be lacking in a way.. The funny thing is that Horror movies have always had bad acting and a lousy picture, that was the idea, it made things look more scary and maybe more real to life, as far as who was filming goes.. Just look at the first Friday The 13th.. It looks old right? made in 1980 as a matter of fact, but at the same time Rocky was made in 1976 and part 2 in 1979.. Star Wars was made in 1977, and Empire Strikes Back in 1980, all four movie's looked much better than Friday The 13th.. of course Star Wars has been Redone now, but the Original copies still look fine.. a little old but fine... So go rent this movie pop it in the DVD or VHS player, and tell yourself this is a late 70's early 80's HORROR movie, and if you are a real fan of horror, you will like it!! Cause if not "Black Peter will Get Ya!!" or maybe just Morty..LOL Or maybe not..
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Rock Star (2001)
Stand Up and Shout!!
14 May 2002
One of the most real and best movies I have ever heard, bought watched and seen!! Chris Coles' dream is mine, the movie was done mimicking the great 80's hairbands to a T.. Perfect in every way.. And to pull it all of, they had such people as Jason Bonham, the drummer (john Bonhams son and drummer)Zakk Wylde, who plays Guitar both in the movie and in the sound track, known for The Black Label Society, or maybe more known before as Guitarist for Ozzy Osbourne, Blas Elias, drummer for blood pollution, and Slaughter in real life as well!! Also Brian Vander Ark (blood pollution), who can be found playing with such bands as the Verve pipe. Jeff Pilson, bassist for Steel Dragon, but more known for the real band Dokken.. And Stephan Jenkins lead singer of Third Eye Blind.. There were 7 original songs made done and preformed by Steel Dragon on the sound track and an another song just in the movie called Reckless.. Lead singers for the band were Jeff Scott Soto, (played in a million hair bands)Mike Matijevic (lead singer for 80's hairband Steel Heart), and Mark Wahlberg, vocals on songs like Reckless("I got a Hunger Burning Way Down Deep, In My soul I'm on a roll, I'm on Fire!!).. The movie shows and makes the dreams of so many people out there like me for example that just want to make it.. But I guess you would have to have Chris's dream to see the movie the way I see it.. "Livin the life I was born to live!!" Givin it all I got to give!!" A must see for any one who Loves 80's music, or has the dream of making it big!!
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