
32 Reviews
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Ahsoka: Part Five: Shadow Warrior (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
Is Everyone Serious?
19 September 2023
The flow of this show is bizarre. Why the heck is everyone walking so slow? Why all the overly long shots of people just staring or pacing? Why the insanely long pauses between dialogue? Also, the acting is hit and miss. Dawson is okay I guess. Winstead isn't given much to do but stand awkwardly. The child actor playing her son needs lessons. Also, and I know some folks love this but this whole deal with everyone being able to tap into the force ruins some of Lucas' magic for me. The kid's dad was a Jedi so I get him being able to use the force but his mom closes her eyes for a few seconds and suddenly she can do it too? Nonsense. Not a fan of the space whales. I think I have been spoiled by the greatness that is Andor. The acting and the dialogue surpassed anything we've seen in Star Wars in a very long time. This stuff is good to look at but it's not anything great. (Ray Stevenson is awesome by the way. He will be so missed).
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Ahsoka: Part Three: Time to Fly (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
Can We Be Honest?
5 September 2023
Come on, folks. 10/10? 9/10? Hahahaha what??? While not nearly as bad as Book of Boba Fett and the antagonist of Kenobi, the acting is generally less than stellar. Rosario Dawson is adequate at best but you could substitute just about anyone in that role and tell them to look sly but mopey and they would fill in just fine. Then there's the typical nonsense: The training scene exists for one reason and that is to remake Luke's blast shield training scene with a couple of women instead of men as well as the chase scene. Even the good guys who are men are shown as antagonistic toward the women. It's so painfully obvious. Also, the Force is no longer something special and unique. Train hard enough and anyone can be a Jedi. Speaking of which, the Jedi are no longer special either. We have to spend episodes of shows now talking about how the Jedi were wrong about some things like that makes them at fault for the evil that exists, even though they gave their lives in the protection of the Republic. This is an issue in a lot of modern cinema and TV. We have to "humanize" our heroes to the point we question their heroism. Simple good versus evil isn't cool anymore. It's clear they are trying to rewrite what Lucas created to fit a new(er?) age worldview. The late, great Ray Stevenson, is one of the few bright spots. His presence is a breath of fresh air in every rare moment he appears. Is the show total trash: I can't say that but it's nowhere near great.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 22: Guns for Hire (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
What in the Galaxy?
23 August 2023
This season has been quite a mess. The production value is of course impeccable but, come on, this is Disney. Should that be a big deal? They have bottomless pockets. The story has been all over the place with bizarre choices for filler and side missions. Speaking of bizarre, this episode is as bizarre as it gets in the form of cameos. Christoper Lloyd and Jack Black are utterly wasted and Lizzo is simply laughable. She can't act, she can barely be bothered to look in the right direction. Makes me wonder if she had trouble hitting her marks too. Also, her costume looked like someone dug through the drapes at the local Ross. Furthermore, Din is now officially a secondary (heck sometimes tertiary) character. I don't really know what this show is about anymore. I've been holding back my negativity for this show but I can't anymore. This episode was just junk.
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Andor (2022– )
Just Good TV
18 August 2023
I'll preface this with the facts that I dearly love the original trilogy, generally like and respect the prequels (with a genuine affection for Episode III), love Episode VII, really can't stand Last Jedi (I've tried real hard), and I couldn't help but enjoy a lot of the mess that was Rise of Skywalker. I found Rogue One fantastic and was extremely pleasantly surprised by the Solo movie. As for the live action shows, I've mostly liked Mandalorian (haven't seen season 3 yet), I thought Book of Boba Fett was pretty terrible, and the only good things about Kenobi were Vader and Obi-Wan. All that said, Andor is probably the best Star Wars since Empire Strikes Back. Like Rogue One (well, even better) it manages to be Star Wars without being overtly Star Wars. It sets itself apart in a huge way while remaining faithful to the Star Wars mythos. Personally though what makes Andor stand out is the acting. Mandalorian is mostly alright in this area but Book of Boba Fett was absolute junk (until Timothy Olyphant showed up) and Kenobi was, at times (thanks to the primary antagonist) unwatchable. Everyone in Andor is bringing their absolute A-game. Of course, it's also (probably) much easier to act when the story and dialogue are as good as they are in this series. Honestly, like my title says, it's just good TV.
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Air (I) (2023)
Beauty in Simplicity
15 May 2023
We need more films like this right now. No agenda. No politics. Just an interesting (and true) story that entertains us. Write some dialogue, grab some cameras, get solid actors, and go to work. There's nothing complicated in this film. There no mystery to solve, no giant set pieces, just a fantastic time on the screen. The 80s are shown a ton of love in every aspect of the film. I am liking Matt Damon more as an actor as his career moves on. He's not above setting his star power aside and concentrate on being an actor and it works so well here. Too much can never be said about Ben Affleck as a director. He's one of the best working right now. As solid a movie as you will ever watch.
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Just Fun
1 May 2023
This is a fantastic family film. Not a shred of innuendo, politics, or agenda. Just a bunch of gorgeous animation, silliness, action, and fun. All the voice work is great including the absolutely undeservedly maligned Chris Pratt who made the perfect choice. (Did you really want to hear the "Wa-hoo" and "Let's-a-go" voice for the entirety of a feature length film)? Jack Black is an absolute bright spot. Is this movie going to change the course of animation filmmaking? No. Is it going to win any major awards? Likely not. But who really cares about that? We (especially my children) go to the big screen for essentially one reason: To be entertained. Mario Bros accomplishes that beautifully.
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Blue Bloods: Long Lost (2022)
Season 12, Episode 18
Shut Up, Garrett
30 October 2022
I don't hate Garrett as a character but I'm not really a fan either. That said, he must be high or something in this episode. Honestly though, the fault lies with the writers here. His argument about the Marine makes absolutely zero sense considering thousands of police officers are combat veterans. While it isn't a perfect transition because our objectives are very different, there are a great many skill sets that are learned in ANY branch of the military that translate well into law enforcement work. Some guys do need the all-day, every day military mindset trained out of them, but I have worked with many veterans who are awesome cops. Garrett's stance is utter nonsense. As far as the rest of the episode, it's standard stuff.
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Come On...
27 August 2022
...It's one of the greatest movies of all time. Humor, heart, story, adventure, action, a director and a star actor at the pinnacle of their game. It's absolutely a classic and a masterpiece. Even a casual movie fan could watch this multiple times. It has aged like fine wine and, quite simply, they just don't make movies like this anymore. It's one of those movies that shows us why we shell out our hard earned cash to watch movies in a theater. As an added bonus, a lot of Nazis get punched and dispatched. I have been watching this movie for decades and I'm never not interested in every single second. Such a legendary film.
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Comic Book Dreams
23 July 2022
Come on, it's one of the best comic book films of all time. Fun, funny, and emotional. I'm not even going to spend time reviewing it really. I'm in the midst of rewatching the MCU and one thing I will say is this: Robert Downey Jr. Is a gem. At this point he could've really phoned it in and few of us would've noticed or cared but he gives everything he's got in this performance. He's the best actor in the MCU.
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Why We Buy the Tickets
9 July 2022
Go see it on the biggest screen with the highest quality sound. Tom Cruise (and everyone involved in this film) understands not just his audience but cinema audiences in general. I laughed. I cried. I experienced anger and fear, sadness, and joy. It's got action and it's got heart. During the final act I found my heart pounding like I was running up a steep hill. This movie is a cinematic action masterpiece put together by maybe the definitive movie star of film history. I'm not getting into a breakdown. Just know that this is why we go to the movies.
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Black Panther (2018)
Wildly Overrated
2 July 2022
It will forever be mind boggling that this movie garnered Oscar attention, much less nominations. It is not an awful movie but it certainly isn't great. It's just above average if I'm being generous. The performances, as with the majority of Marvel films are pretty good with the exception of Daniel Kaluuya (in his defense, he's given almost nothing to do) and, I know this rocks the boat but...Michael B. Jordan. He comes across as a gangster and that's all. I like Jordan quite a bit especially in the first Creed film but in this he's just an angry black dude. Chadwick Boseman does well but the best showing by far is Andy Serkis. He completely steals every scene he is in. The action is generic and the CGI is legendarily rough. It's formulaic and brings nothing new. I've just finished a third viewing and I tried to like it more but, honestly, I don't really care to ever watch it again.
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One of THE comic films.
26 June 2022
Fun, action, humor, emotion, interesting, exciting...It checks all the boxes. You have to give props to Marvel/Disney for their casting choices. Absolutely no one is out of place (shame that hasn't transferred to Star Wars). One thing I've noticed more than ever going though the MCU films for the umpteenth time is Robert Downey Jr's acting. He really is just fantastic as Stark/Iron Man. I'd be perfectly happy if no one ever played the character again. This movie is what I expect a comic book film to be for the most part. I don't mind different takes on characters as that's the nature of comics but when I think about what I go into a comic book movie expecting, this film comes to mind.
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Ant-Man (2015)
25 June 2022
There's not really any greatness here but it is still a very good Marvel film. The cast settles right into their roles including Paul Rudd who is possibly the most enjoyable human being ever to be seen on camera. The dude just makes me smile. Also, Michael Peña is an absolute comedic revelation. I just finished this for the third time and I, to my shame, had not realized until now that he absolutely robs every scene he is in. It's a fun movie with some decent action and is easily re-watchable. Highly recommend.

Note: At least half a star was lost for the awful Glock "hammer" goof and the seeming inability of Hollywood to get the effects of a taser correct.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part V (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
It's not personal
16 June 2022
Along with other issues, Moses Ingram makes this show almost unwatchable. Her line delivery is atrocious especially when she's attempting to emote anger or when she is yelling orders. I obviously don't know the woman so it isn't personal and I don't recall seeing her in anything else but, in this show, she's excruciating to watch. Honestly the only things worth seeing are Vader and Ewan as Kenobi. One of the more disappointing shows of all time.
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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Part IV (2022)
Season 1, Episode 4
3 for Ewan and That's It
10 June 2022
3 stars for Ewan McGregor and Ewan only. Moses Ingram has miraculously surpassed Ming Na Wen for worst performance in a Star Wars property and, what's worse, she is pretty much the focus of this dumpster fire. I mean, come on Disney, you couldn't afford to hire an actual actress? What a mess.
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Salvaged by the Acting
3 May 2022
It's not a great show so far (just finished episode 2) but I'll watch anything with Andrew Garfield, one of the truly great actors currently working. As a police officer it's tough to ignore some of the oversights by the officers in the show but, whatever, it's fiction (yea yea I know it's based on a true story). Also, enough whining about the animal stuff. It's a TV show for crying out loud.
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Chip and Potato (2018– )
Such a shame
14 March 2022
The sly indoctrination continues. I want to see the 2 gay zebras in nature produce a baby zebra. This is a very cute show with fairly calm animation but the far left in entertainment can't help themselves. If you're ok with the lies of the LGTBQWERTYXYZ123 crowd then by all means let your kids watch this. If not, steer clear.
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1 February 2022
The first episode is atrocious. Neither Morrison nor Wen have any business having much screen time in anything. Wen is especially bad and always has been. Fett's armor looks fake and like it doesn't fit. They did it better in Empire and Jedi. The fight scene with the ninjas and their shields was one of the worst I've ever seen. It was like no one in the scene knew what was supposed to happen which indicates poor direction. Bad start for a character that really didn't need a show. I gave it a 3 instead of a 1 because some of the sets looked cool. Extremely bad.
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Prisoners (2013)
Shamefully Underrated
22 May 2021
I can't and don't give out a ten lightly but this film more than deserves it. The acting alone from quite literally everyone in the film from the major players to each bit character is superb and frankly just about earns the film a ten by itself. The atmosphere, the cinematography, the score are all top notch and there is not a single wasted scene. Gyllenhaal is simply one of the best there is and it doesn't get mentioned enough. Jackman shows his impeccable range and absolutely no one rages like him. This is a masterpiece in every way. One of the best movies I have ever watched.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Nearly Unwatchable
24 April 2021
I would've given it one star if not for the end. Fast forward to the final Sub-Zero/Scorpion fight. It's the only thing worth watching. The rest is a bunch of awful (or just uncommitted) actors walking around in costumes. Junk that should've went straight to dvd.
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The Two Popes (2019)
A moving poster of master acting
21 April 2021
This is a movie for cinephiles as it's all about the dialogue and the actors. Pryce and Hopkins take turns putting on an absolute clinic. There's minimal music, there's no action, no sex, nothing "exciting." Fantastic movie.
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My word...
11 April 2021
I'm not going to spend a lot of time here. It's sufficient for me to say that it's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. The 2 stars belong solely to Hans Zimmer because he is Hans Zimmer.
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Someone Should Be Fired
23 March 2021
Are you kidding me? This version is about 100 times better than the Saturday morning cartoon we got with Whedon. Snyder made one of the best superhero movies of all time and WB let Whedon completely destroy it. Whoever pulled that crap should be fired and banned from filmmaking. Good grief. The tone, the heart, the action, the pacing, you name it, was so much better. At four hours it was never boring. This is a fantastic movie.
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Inception (2010)
17 March 2021
An absolute masterpiece in every way. My words cannot do it justice. It just needs to be watched on the largest screen possible and with the best home theater system you can afford. Still the greatest single theatrical experience I've ever been in.
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Tom and Jerry (II) (2021)
27 February 2021
It's junk. I'm not going to waste my time dragging this out. It should've been pure animation and not every new animated filmed remake needs rap for crying out loud. Only reason I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 is it made me laugh when the alley cat called animal control the 5-0.
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