
52 Reviews
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River Monsters (2009–2017)
8 June 2019
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I can't call River Monsters fun or entertaining but it is fascinating and informative. I love the fact that most of the time attacks are mistaken identity or human error. A little girl with a shiny bottle cap belt. People trodding on nesting grounds. Jumping fish accidentally knocking people off boats. Only a few species are truly aggressive, a vindication that touches my heart. Also, Jeremy visits some amazing places. If you like fish, you'll enjoy it. If you like far away places, you'll enjoy it. If you like science, you'll enjoy it. In every way I recommend River Monsters.
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Jaws 3-D (1983)
Frustrated viewer
22 October 2018
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After 42 years on this planet I have finally seen Jaws 1,2 and 3. This is the one I'm choosing to review because it frustrated me. I loved the story. I love the cast, especially the young Mr Quaid. I like to location. What frustrated me or should I say made me laugh out loud were the special effects. The practical effects were pretty good but the SE were Star Trek Original Series bad. Star Trek is one of my all time favourite shows but was done between 1966 and 1969. So, is this a really good movie with bad SE or is this a really bad movie with some redeeming features?
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Good but...
9 November 2017
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Before Deep Impact and 2012 there was When Worlds Collide. I was born in the 70's but I love these old sci-fi movies from the 30's to the 60's. So when I came across this movie with a respectable IMDb rating of 6.7 I had high hopes for a nice evening at the movies (the theater being my computer). I was loving every aspect... impending disaster, romance, drama, story, acting, etc. and then the end came. I would have easily given it a 7 but I had to drop a point for that painted landscape and sunrise. Wasn't there any place close to shooting that had vegetation and the sun? Seriously, how much could it have cost? I recommend this movie to any early sci-fi movie fan or to anyone who wants to point to the younger generation and say 'see, it's been done before' - and better, I might add. I guess it annoys me because the rest of the movie was so good but hey, everybody has a bad day!
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Inside Out (I) (2015)
6 November 2015
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Wow. This movie is entertaining and educational. A friend of mine is a psychiatrist, he found it relevant to his 10 year old son and young people in general. He picked up a psychiatric journal that 'does not review movies' but there it was... Inside Out. If there was an 11 this would be a 12. How great was Bing Bong, part cat, cotton candy and dolphin. Lol. This movie brought to life a child's brain - something wonderful and complex. The animation was great, the voices were great but the script was out of this world. Who knew how much fun the visualization of the angst of an 11 year old could be?!? (I mean that in the nicest way.) If you ever tried to picture what goes on in young heads, well, try no more. Inside Out is not for little children, I would say 11/12 and up. I hope to see some Oscar action for Inside Out but hope most of all for as many as possible to see it, learn from it and enjoy it.
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Still Alice (2014)
More frightening than fiction
2 June 2015
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If I could give this movie an 11 I would in a flash. When someone 'old' gets Alzheimer Disease (or any disease really) there are sighs and utterances of 'at least they had a long life.' When someone young becomes unwell we weep and cry out for what they do not have and may never have. However, the relatively 'young', relative to the illness, often get forgotten. The few are too few to shout from the mountaintops about the injustice of it. In Alzheimer's anyone under the age of say 65 is young and the hereditary EFAD (Early onset Familial Alzheimer Disease) is rare. It takes courage to bet on a movie about real things that few take notice of or just don't know it exists. In this case, however, I think the star power will get people in but the story will hauntingly hold them forever. If you haven't seen it... see it. If you've seen it... keep that memory.
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Interstellar (2014)
9 November 2014
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Interstellar fell short of a 10 because the voices in some parts were too low, I simply could not hear what they were saying. In fact, we missed at least half of Professor Brand's (Caine) dying confession. Fortunately Murph (a brilliant Chastain) filled in most of those blanks. My other issue was with the scenes around the black hole and Cooper (McConaughey) awakening at the hospital. Those scenes were unnecessarily complicated and it was compounded by more muffled dialogue. Most of the movie addressed the science - factual and fictional - in a more understandable way and spread the harder concepts out. I loved everything else. All the actors stepped up. Standing with Jessica Chastain and Michael Caine were Matthew McConaughey, Ann Hathaway, John Lithgow, Matt Damon and Mackenzie Foy as young Murph. Matthew McConaughey is no longer just a hot guy doing his thing, he is a dad struggling to give his children a life and a future. He doesn't always make the right decisions but he's doing the best he can. Fortunately he has his weathered father-in-law (Lithgow) to raise his children while he goes off to save the world. Foy masterfully captures the emotions of the young daughter who so completely loves her dad and feels utterly betrayed by his decision to leave. Early on Brand (Hathaway) breaks down and I resented the 'hysterically emotional woman' implications of that. When I stepped back, though, I realized that unlike Cooper her whole life has been about the success of this one mission. She abruptly learns that a lifetime of planning and a lifetime of personal sacrifices does not guarantee success. Dr Mann (Damon) faces similar realities but allows it to blacken his heart. Damon perfectly plays the obsessed man. Interstellar is a thrill ride that I hope to go on again and again.
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Humor's the big winner
3 November 2013
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Thor: The Dark World has great characters, special effects and decent plot lines but humor was the big winner and at the lead was Kat Dennings. There was drama, action and romance and life and death struggles but these were effectively offset by one-liners and situational comedy without being awkward or detracting. These combined elements made it an all round fun movie to see (in 3d, if you can). There was this wonderful battle between light and dark both in the sets and the characters. Marvel fans must see it but there is enough other enticements to drag along a non-Marvel friend or two. Female presence is strong with Rene Russo, Jaimie Alexander, Kat Dennings and of course Natalie Portman. I know it hasn't come out in the US and I don't want to spoil the fun. Heimdall is a wonderfully complex character even though he has only a fraction of the screen time. As in the first Thor, he is caught between his duty and the greater good. Idris Elba's portrayal of him is one of mystery and sage-like wisdom. Thor's world is rocked but how far? The ending leaves you wondering and hungry for a third.
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Burn Notice (2007–2013)
New coke
23 July 2013
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A few years back Coke came up with a new and improved formula i.e. New Coke. It failed because consumers drank the 'original' Coke because that is what we fell in love with. For me, Burn Notice went from a 12/10 show to a sometimes 7ish show. I know there had to be some changes as Micheal had to face his past and how that affected his personal and professional life. Could he have it all? If he had to choose, what would he choose? But here is the thing, my family and I and some friends fell in love with the original formula of Burn Notice. I hate that they turned him into some raving revenge filled cyborg who kept dragging his loved ones further and further into almost total annihilation. It's like the ideas were running out so they replaced smart TV with easier action over brains TV. TV is satiated with sex and violence TV, Burn Notice was a fresh breeze blowing from TV land. Yes, there was sex appeal. Yes, there were things blowing up but there were also heart and soul and thought. I will buy the final seasons when they come out on DVD... just because I hate incomplete sets. I hope that the final episodes of the show give some satisfaction and closure to what was a great show. P.s. While I hate the story direction the acting skills and quality of shooting have always stood up in a big way.
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Star Trek: Enterprise (2001–2005)
So confused
4 July 2013
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I want to give this series a 10 but... I loved seasons 1 and 2 and the end of 4. I felt that most (not all) of 3 & 4 got lost. Conflict is a part of Star Trek. New things always give rise to questions and phobias. However, it turned vengeful and militant for far too long. There were some long standing problems and issues but I felt that one episode ran into the other. There weren't enough stand-alone episodes - which could easily have included those recurring themes without them being the entire episode. I wanted to see a season 5 to deal with the Federation, T'Pol's heritage, T'Pol and Trip, the Borg, etc. My feeling is that if the show hadn't gotten lost we might have had that number 5. However, the quality of acting never diminished. The relationships continued to be tested and to grow. There were individual episodes of seasons 3 & 4 that made me fall in love with Enterprise again - and buy the series. If I had to pick a most outstanding character it would be T'Pol played by Jolene Blalock. Her portrayal of the logical Vulcan fighting pesky emotions was outstanding.
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Saved by Rachel Weisz
5 January 2013
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A 5 is generous. Overall The Bourne Legacy was slow when it should have been fast and fast when it should have been smart. Cross' motivation was singular, almost animalistic - smart pills (movie over!) For one thing, it takes more brains and skill to disable than to kill. Early on we are fed the idea that Mr Cross is of substandard intelligence without these little pills. Later we are told that if he survives being given a virus he won't need the pills anymore. The problem is that it's coming from all directions and doesn't stay with an idea (at least a good idea) long enough to make a connection, something to identify with. Jeremy Renner was like the energizer bunny on meth. Rachel provided the emotional connection and some stability. The only other thing I can say in a positive way was the relationship development between Dr Shearling and Cross. Go Matt!
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He was wrong
28 September 2012
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I loved Men in Black, Men in Black II was okay but not as good. My brother-in-law was wrong about Men in Black 3. He didn't like it. He didn't like the fact that Tommy Lee Jones was not in it except in the beginning and end. I loved the aliens from the previous two movies but I really enjoyed the strong story line in this one. I love the vision of the 1960's - jet packs, awesome motorcycles and a gigantic neuralizer. Josh Brolin was a perfect young K - chemistry wise, voice, mannerisms, etc. The humor was wonderful, sometimes with great subtly and sometimes in your face. I like Emma Thompson and liked seeing her this sci-fi humor role. It is well worth seeing, I think I want to add it to my collection.
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Limitless (I) (2011)
7 is generous
18 August 2012
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Limitless was 'messy' (in a good way) right from the start and then they ended it all cut and polish. The alternate ending on the DVD was much better. If they had combined the two, I would have given Limitless at least a 9. As it is, 7 is generous. I am always mesmerized by Bradley Cooper's blue eyes and Robert De Niro is one of the grand masters of acting. The idea of mind enhancers is old but Limitless presents it in a fresh way. I liked the opposite reaction to the drug - Eddie vs. Lindy. By-the-way, I am new to Abbie Cornish and hope she has a long and fruitful career. He tasted the power and wanted more with little or no reservation; she tasted it and liked it but saw the inherent danger. Of all the locations I liked his old apartment the best. It had so much character and set the basis for the contrast between pre-NZT Eddie and post-NZT Eddie (of course, clothing and hair helped). What were they thinking with that ending - there was no struggle, no questions. He was like the addict that finally got all the perks without the consequences. It just didn't fit!!!
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3 August 2012
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I wish there was an 11 for truly exceptional films. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is one of those chilling looks into humanity. Life and death. Love and loss. Secrets and discoveries. Family, friends and strangers. Anyone who has loved and lost can relate to Oskar, a boy trying desperately to hold on to the memory of his beloved father. So too many of us can relate to Linda, a mother fiercely trying to connect to her ever distant son. Most of all this movie is about reconciliation. Merriam-Webster defines reconcile as 'to restore to friendship or harmony (reconciled the factions)'. Oskar needed to bring harmony back into his life and in so doing he shared his life story with complete strangers who in some way needed his story to bring harmony to theirs. Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close lets us be a part of something bigger, reminding us to make ties and fight to keep them - even if that means letting go.
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Monk (2002–2009)
16 June 2012
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I started watching Monk during it's maiden run and then didn't. I bought the series for my folks and started watching it and then didn't. Recently I decided it was time to watch this brilliant show from A-Z. I just finished. A lot of shows end badly when they try to keep it going and resort to disjointed stories and crumbling characters. Shows also end badly when they rush the ending, leaving questions and doubts. In Monk fashion the show ended on a perfect 10. Every show that ends has a continuing story in the minds of it's fans, the friendships developed over the show will go on in Monk's continuing story. In the end he has a 'complete' family, a reason to live and not just exist. I'm glad that they move on together and not apart. Except... Randy and Sharona (Benjy too). They will never be too far away to be the plucky comic relief in the lives of Leland, Natalie, Julie, Trudy, Steven, Molly and of course our very own obsessive-compulsive Adrian Monk.
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Long Lost Son (2006 TV Movie)
8 June 2012
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I am a little surprised at the low ratings this movie has received. The concept is a simple one, love and loss; it is eloquently portrayed in Long Lost Son. In the case of Quinn, he was a monster in what he did to his wife and son but not so much so that when he had the opportunity to kill her... he did not. When cornered he admitted what he did and gave them back each other, knowing that he may never see Mark again. Mark took a leap of faith into his mother's arms, leaving all he had known to be with a family he did not know. The unsung hero, I think, is Steve - the step-father. Without getting too personal I have to say that his support was not just that of an unsung hero but almost that of a superhero. Quinn was a conman to everyone including himself and there is no excuse, no reason to put a mother (or father) or child... through such a violent and senseless separation. It is the strong ones that never give up hope despite the burning madness to either give up or block out. Maybe I like this movie so much because of the parallels in my life and maybe that is the best reason of all to recommend it!!!
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The Muppets (2011)
Next Generation
13 February 2012
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I suppose I am a bit of a contradiction because I, as a rule, do not like musicals and yet I am a huge muppets fan. I have most their movies and some of the original Muppet Show seasons. I also liked the cartoon versions of the muppets. I am almost 36 and have 11 nieces and nephews of all ages. Over the years I have seen them and other kids buy things with the muppets on them and even Mickey Mouse... without really knowing who they are. I am so glad that the next generation will have the opportunity to fall in love with Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo... and of course the critics. They really are about fun and friendship. It's all there - comedy, drama, romance, sci-fi - what more could you want? If you knew the Muppets, fall in love with them again. If you haven't known them, watch The Muppets and you will probably fall in love.
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The Vow (2012)
13 February 2012
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We have a friend that decades ago suffered traumatic amnesia and has never recovered those memories. She lost memory of her husband and three daughters. I always thought, 'aw that must be terrible'. I know that the real story that inspired this movie was different. I know that this movie is a movie and not a documentary but... the research, accuracy and reality is very spot on. I read that they didn't want to shave Rachel McAdams head because most people like her hair right where it is but the other details were accurate. The way they treat the amnesia and techniques they try to employ to bring those memories back were very real. The deep emotional consequences for all parties are horrendous and of the few people that suffer this type of permanent memory loss, very few have these intimate relationships preserved. My friend ultimately lost her first husband and three daughters. They couldn't handle her not remembering and her personality change and she could not handle living with strangers. I think The Vow was insightful for me and I hope it creates awareness in the community at large.
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The Artist (I) (2011)
One of the best movies I have ever seen
13 February 2012
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Last night I went with a friend to see The Artist. We made a night of it with popcorn and coke and dinner after. I had read that it was about a silent film actor who felt threatened by the talkies. It was not until I went to see another movie and asked the lady at the counter if she had seen The Artist that I found out it was actually a silent film. My curiosity was immediately piqued. The next question was... who do I invite to go with me? Having settled that, it was off to the movies. I have two categories of movie 1. must see on big screen and 2. just as good on little screen. The Artist is best captured on big screen with the surrounding musical accompaniment. It was like stepping into a time machine. The visual and music quality were good enough to keep the interest of most ages but shot authentically enough to whisk you away to 1927. The acting left no doubt as to the story, the emotions. The script and timing could not have been more effective. I really got the feel of what it must have been like and I was intrigued to understand more about what it must have been like for my grandparents and great-grandparents. I had never really thought about the skill of the actors/actresses to be able to convey the story or how important music was. I had also never thought about how difficult it must have been to make the transition from 'exaggerated actions' to 'speaking ability relevance'. I can honestly recommend it for anyone living in 2012 - young people used to the special-effects of Avatar or old ones who actually lived in the silent film era. All the awards and the nominations are most deserved! Well done!!!
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Gattaca (1997)
With irony
12 January 2012
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I have proudly added Gattaca to my DVD collection and recommend it for it's entertainment value and it's strong story and characters, brilliant cinematography and for it's relevancy 15 years later. In 1997 I would have said that this movie was science fiction, today I think it is more science fact than fiction. Special effects were a minimum but the cinematography was brilliant. I especially like the 'upside down' love scene and the clean, uncluttered spaces. The story and characters were both strong. These concepts are a raging debate. For instance, where should genetic preselection begin and end? Maybe it would be okay to eliminate health problems (not that I am saying it is) but then is it okay to custom design a baby's features like a house or a car? People can excel by determination alone, overcoming 'handicaps' and beating the odds - so could preselection be denying the world of a Vincent? His determination beat the system and people like Jerome, Anton and even Irene. Additionally, preselection was shown to be flawed at times as was the case with Dr Lamar's son. Preselection is limited when it comes to accidents or the improbabilities that daily life brings. It doesn't matter why you see it, just see it!
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What was she thinking?
11 January 2012
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I love Sandra Bullock. The Blind Side. The Net. 28 Days. Miss Congeniality 1 and maybe even 2. Speed 1 and 2. The Proposal. The Lake House. Okay, you get the point... I am a Bullock fan. I am not an overly enthusiastic Bradley Cooper fan but I did like him in A-Team and with eyes like those who really cares whether he can act or not. Thomas Haden Church has a distinct face that lends itself to certain characters. For quirkiness I loved him in George of the Jungle; I am looking forward to watching We Bought a Zoo. As a puzzler who loves words I try never to be too far away from a dictionary. I always rely on IMDb to keep me up-to-date about new movies and it sufficiently piqued my curiosity regarding All About Steve. I thought maybe Sandra Bullock could make the traditionally nerdy puzzler seem cool, maybe even fun and exciting. This could have been a unique romcom but the script was ridiculous and sad to say... I felt no real chemistry between Bullock, Cooper or Church. I would like to see this movie remade with a better script and I think that would enable these guys to have dynamite on screen chemistry.
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I only saw it once
30 September 2011
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Country Strong. I like to see a movie a couple of times before reviewing it. I find that during the first run I am concentrating so much on following the story line that everything else just gets lost. I must say that I found the drug, alcohol, rehabilitation and suicide plot timely. I do not believe that stars deserve special treatment and yet they can reach places and far greater numbers than even seasoned advocates can. I think most people who have been on the wrong side of drugs, alcohol and/or suicide have had that one person who wants to push and bury the realities. Maybe they sincerely think that they can wish it away or that looking past it is the way to help their loved one. Well, it is not!!! Maybe that message is the one that makes watching this movie worthwhile (oh! and the soundtrack which I fell in love with long before seeing the movie). If you don't like anything else about this movie, you have to respect that. As for me, I only saw it on once and I liked it.
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Tron: Legacy (2010)
1000 out of 10
18 December 2010
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I saw Tron Legacy Thursday, the first session on the release day in Western Australia. I found my mind competing between special effects, plot and the execution of both. Tonight, Saturday the 18th, I re-watched it, this time with my 12 year old nephew. I asked him how he rated it 1 to 10, he rated it 1,000. I love the original Tron; in 1982 it was cutting edge technology. Many of the concepts have come about in our day, some surpassingly so. 3d is truly the only way to view Tron Legacy but I recommend watching the original Tron beforehand. You can enjoy watching it without seeing the original and that is a triumph for Disney but names like Clu, Dumont and Dillinger have greater meaning when you've seen Tron. You can also have greater appreciation for Flynn and Alan by seeing the original. I do believe Tron Legacy will be one of those movies that I'll pick up a little more each time I see it. Maybe I wouldn't rate it 1,000 but I do think Disney did well in not trying to recreate the original but adapting the story to our day and presenting it with 2010 technology.
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Tron (1982)
just as good
18 December 2010
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Alone I saw Tron Legacy for the first time on Thursday (16th December). Tonight (18th December) I saw it with my 12 year old nephew. When I put my comments down I realized I had not said anything about this movie, the original 1982 Tron. I was only six when Tron came out. I am not sure how old I was when I first saw it. I do know that I fell in love. The special effects were revolutionary for the day. The story dealt with concepts relating to a world that was changing so quickly and seemingly had no limits. Where was the line between humans and technology? Would technology become intelligent enough to think independently of their programming, of humans? There was even something for romantics. The story in Tron was a little less complicated, a little less philosophical but it worked! I think that to truly appreciate Tron Legacy, you have to appreciate Tron. As I explained to my nephew... the premise is really about viruses, virus scanners, programmers and computer users - timeless!
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In Plain Sight (2008–2012)
Please come back
19 July 2010
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I understand that John McNamara had a medical issue that ultimately cut short the 2010 season of In Plain Sight. John Romano stepped in which resulted in only 13 out of 16 episodes. "A Priest Walks Into A Bar" ended the short season with a 'cliffhanger'. I do hope that John McNamara is okay, after all, health trumps entertainment. However, I do hope that In Plain Sight will continue for several more seasons. Why? In Plain Sight is an intelligent drama with just enough wit. It also has strong characters with strong and often complex interactions - chemistry. What more could you ask for? There are relationships that sometimes hot up and there are moments of action and violence but what carries the show is the intelligent and unique story lines. I've seen a lot of law enforcement shows but do not remember any based on the mysterious workings of WITSEC. The show needs to go on. However, a word of caution, don't pull an Ocean's 12. I LOVE Ocean's 11 and Ocean's 13. I tolerate Ocean's 12 but it sacrificed a strong story and strong characters for complicated and unnecessary action clutter. I hope we will see In Plain Sight back and with that winning formula: intelligence, drama, wit, chemistry and action.
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A+ for special effects
13 May 2010
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It's been a long time since I wrote a review. I have put off watching the 2008 adaptation of the 1951 movie The Day the Earth Stood Still. I loved the 1951 version and did not want to taint that in any way. What I love about movies that are pre-special effects is that their strength is in the story. My somewhat inflated vote of 8 rests entirely on the special effects. For acting and story I give a 6/7. I liked the micro-plots: for example, the step-mother/step-son evolution in their relationship. It is also true that we only really find out who we are, what we are made of, when adversity strikes. Will I stand tall or will I cave in? Will I listen to others or trust in my personal values? Am I about material things or spiritual things or emotional things? Who do I turn to in my time of need? Though John Cleese was only on screen for a few minutes, they were thought provoking few minutes as he and Reeves have a dialoge. The 1951 version of The Day the Earth Stood still rocks but for entertainment value and superb special effects it is worth watching the 2008 version (oh! And for all you girls out there, Keanu doesn't disappoint).
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