
13 Reviews
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Updated my rating to 9
20 November 2021
After watching the most recent episode of Star Trek Discovery I decided to update my rating of The Orville from an 8 to a 9.

Watching the terrible Star Trek Discovery has made me realise just how good The Orville is when it comes to this genre of TV.
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Loki: The Nexus Event (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
Better than episode 3
1 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was much better than the last one. It also kept up the great production values.

However I'm not sure why people keep saying it had amazing twists. The show's been pretty much telegraphing that the TVA isn't what it seems and the people working there are variants. The only real surprise was Mobius.

Maybe I've seen and read too many mysteries, but it seems like all of the "twists" have been what a kid would make up in some kind of fan fiction. Next thing you know we'll find out a Loki variant actually created the TVA so he could kill all the other Lokis. (I have no idea if that's what's going to happen, it's just an example of another bad twist that you'd expect from poor fan fiction).
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Looks like Falcon needs a GoFundMe
26 March 2021
So this guy is one of the heroes who saved not just the world but the entire universe...but he doesn't get paid enough to get a bank loan. I know superhero movies are unrealistic but this is just taking the piss and mocking the struggles that real people have.
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Worst season of the worst Star Trek
7 January 2021
The "action" in this episode was so contrived and predicable. It feels like it was written by 10-year-olds. And the way everything has to be so emotional makes the show embarrassing to watch.

Seasons 1 and 2 of "Star Trek:Burnham" were bad but season 3 elevates this show to being pure garbage.
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Star Trek: Discovery: There Is a Tide... (2020)
Season 3, Episode 12
Sick of Burnham
1 January 2021
This episode pretty much cements Burnham as the most unlikeable character in Star Trek history. Are the writers so stupid that they think people enjoy watching this arrogant. hypocritical Mary Sue and her impossible plot armor?

The real enemy of this show is Burnham. There would be absolutely no downside in getting rid of her and refocusing the show on other characters. Of course, we all know that won't happen because Burnham can whisper her way out of anything.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Su'Kal (2020)
Season 3, Episode 11
Should be renamed Star Trek: Stupid
28 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The cause of the Burn is unbelievably stupid. There's been decades of science fiction to draw upon for ideas and this was the best they could come up with?

Also, perhaps if the crew wasn't spending all their time crying and being overly emotional they'd have better luck in preventing their ship from being taken by space pirates. Or perhaps the problem was Tilly didn't whisper enough....because apparently whispering solves everything in this show.
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A totally unnecessary extension of the Walking Dead
10 October 2020
After watching the first two episodes all I can say is there there was no need for this to be made. The budget would be better sent if it was put towards improving existing shows.
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Utopia (2020– )
A load of trash
25 September 2020
The original Utopia was mysterious with interesting characters.

This show is complete rubbish. The violence is stupid and seems to be purely for shock value. Except it's not shocking when it's so predictable. It simply comes across a trying too hard.

And Jessica Hyde is incredibly unlikeable. Part of it is the character and part of it is the actress (who seems to have a permanent ugly smirk on her face all the time).
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Raised by Wolves: Umbilical (2020)
Season 1, Episode 9
I'm not sure why I'm still watching
25 September 2020
This show started Ok but is slowly becoming unbearable.

The characters have no growth and continue to be bland and boring. The worst ones are the pregnant android, with her ridiculous bursts of emotion, and the stereotype angry black girl.

It's a sad state of affairs when the most interesting character is a guy with a bucket on his head. The rest of the characters are simply painful to watch. The struggle is real.
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The 100: A Sort of Homecoming (2020)
Season 7, Episode 14
This is becoming almost unwatchable
17 September 2020
Clarke is The 100's answer to Michael from Lost, only her catch phrase is "Madi" instead of "Walt".

It's like the writers are on a mission to make the final episodes of the show as annoying as possible.
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The 100: Blood Giant (2020)
Season 7, Episode 13
Disappointment going into the home stretch
11 September 2020
If someone who has never seen this series asked me if it was worth watching I'd tell them to watch until the end of season 5 (as they leave Earth for a new home).

The entire Sanctum arc has pretty ruined the characters and show for me. Besides Sanctum not being a particularly interesting story line, the main characters have been reduced to little more than selfish small minded murderers. The human race is almost extinct but our heroes are happy to kill unarmed people for almost no reason at all (Echo wins the award for this but Clarke is coming close behind).

And this episode, in the very home stretch of the series, takes the cake. It's almost like the writers want shock value but don't know how to do it properly. Instead they've mangled and destroyed 7 years of world building.
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The 100: Hesperides (2020)
Season 7, Episode 4
It's getting hard to want the main characters to 'win'
11 June 2020
I'm surprised other reviews haven't mentioned how the characters in this show come across as little more than sociopathic murderers. All they ever seem to do is kill anyone they meet with no excuse other than they aren't "our people".

Their complete disregard for life is especially bad considering the human race is nearly extinct. It's very hard to regard them as being justified in any of their actions when their supposed enemies haven't killed any of them and have even tried to talk and negotiate. In the meantime, our 'heroes' consistently resort to killing other people as their first option every time.

And the "our people" excuse is pathetic and well beyond stupid. It's perhaps the lamest reason to keep killing people when the human race has been reduced to only a handful of survivors in the first place.
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Devs (2020)
Lifeless acting makes this show hard to enjoy
10 April 2020
The show has some good ideas but the implementation and acting ruins it. The acting comes across as trying too hard to be understated and the result is just lifeless.

The main actress is particularly bad but even the other actors are terrible. Everyone in this show speaks their lines without any emotion. Even when people die right in front of them they just continue to half-whisper with toneless voices. It makes it impossible to become immersed in a show when the way people talk is so unnatural.
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