
5 Reviews
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Panic Room (2002)
Hold on or you'll fall off your seat!
30 March 2002
This is definitely an "edge of your seat" thriller. I was so close to the edge of my seat by the end of this film, I almost fell off. Jodie Foster is as usual perfect. I'm glad that Nicole Kidman had to drop out of this film because I can't imagine the heroine not being the strong presence that is Jodie Foster. This isn't a "gross out" thriller but a "yell out loud in the theater" thriller. The girl that played her daughter, Kristen Stewart, was great, too. They had a great mother-daughter chemistry and she looked so much like Jodie Foster. I had a couple problems with things that were just a tad off and didn't make common sense but I won't go into them because I don't want to ruin any part of the film for anyone. They were minor things and didn't detract from my enjoyment of the movie. I also wondered at the casting of a 63 year old man, Patrick Bauchau, as the ex-husband but then I thought maybe that they did that so that Jodie would be the stronger presence in the movie. And I loved Forest Whitaker as the sympathetic burglar. Jared Leto and Dwight Yoakam were also enjoyable as the other tw o burglars. Over all I greatly enjoyed the ride that this movie took. The camera work was brilliant and made you feel like you were on a thrill ride. They used the same camera techniques that are being used in programs like CSI, taking the camera to places that are unexpected, through cracks, coffee pot handles, key holes, etc. Hold on to the edge of your seat for a great ride!
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30 March 2002
This movie just stunk. I have only walked out on maybe 5 movies in my lifetime and this was one of them. There was no plot just violence, guns, and breasts (mostly Courtney Cox Arquette's). Please, just say no to this movie.
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30 March 2002
I so wanted to like this movie. I love every person in the movie but for some reason even the star power that appeared in this movie couldn't save it. The plot was non-existent, the story line was weak and the acting stunk. I waited and waited for Goldie or Warren to save it but they just seemed to be acting in giant bowls of jello. The harder they tried the slower it got. And eventually they just sunk.
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11 March 2002
This movie stinks. I'm not usually quite so forceful about disliking a movie. I can almost always find something to like about a movie. But this movie just had me shaking my head the entire time. The special effects were decent but not great. The characters were not at all sympathetic which made it really hard to care at all what happened to them. And poor Jeremy Irons, a great actor reduced to a freak with his spine and brain sticking out. The only likeable thing about this movie was Orlando Jones. I cared more what happened to his computer being than I did the humans in the movie. Please don't waste you money on this one. You'd be much better served to wait for it to come out on video.
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25 April 2001
Speaking as a singleton of a certain age, I found this move dead on. Although set in England, the theme and feelings of single people everywhere were universal. The plot line stayed pretty true to the book with a few exceptions but the tone stayed the same. I know when I went to see this with a female friend there were many men in the audience who looked like they had been dragged there but 5 minutes into the move they were laughing as hard (if not harder) than the women in the audience. This is definitely not just a "chick flick." Renee Zellweger was a perfect Bridget. When I first heard that she was going to play this role, I was skeptical but after I saw it(which I did twice, so far!) I couldn't imagine anyone else with such a mixture of cynicism and innocence. Bravo to the casting of Hugh Grant and Colin Firth as Cleaver and Darcy, respectively. If this movie doesn't win some Oscars it will be a crying shame.
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