338 Reviews
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Criminal Record (2024– )
Dirt Beneath
28 April 2024
This is a great social commentary than a simple murder mystery. Story makes a precisely deep cut on the feel-good fabric to prove how unconscious narratives are constructed during profilings and prosecution. Dramatization of a complex topic such as this is remarkable. Excellent work by the cast living each character realistically. Great visuals to express the inequality and the social decay it's causing setting a chaotic background for the plot. Unique audio effects and music. The story is a slow burn and messy as a thriller but it's expression of the society makes the watch well worthy of time.
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Rabbit Hole (2023)
Cool story
27 April 2024
Fighting a war to safeguard information integrity with a nemesis whose heavily understaffed makes rabbit hole a little too shallow. Gaps in the story and distracting techniques are excessive. Theme is intriguing though the outcome seems unrealistic considering the resources of heroes. It's a light hearted thriller that gets life from sincere performances by a seasoned cast. Remarkable visuals and audio effects throughout the series. Though the story may not reach the world saving level drama it tries to reach, John's disorder kicking in later in the series stir things well at the right moment in honor of the series' name. It's a good thriller with many action on the ground fighting a danger that threatens the cyber space.
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24 April 2024
LNWD is a imperfectly perfect horror movie with an extremely unique premise. Though it seem to reach out it never come to contact all mediums in the audience. Story develops gradually but ends almost abruptly. There's so many distracting plot holes that strands the whole experience which otherwise could have been a major hit easily. Great viaual effects raises the movie's worth. Good audio effects that suits well for the 70's theme. Great performances by the cast stirring mystery and angst. It's a rare idea for the horror genre that sadly didn't flourish as expected yet it has it's moments as a fare effort.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
A past that erupts
21 April 2024
A mythical kingdom where raw natures of human qualities shaping a realm. So much entangled games of politics that can keep the audience engaged without wanting to miss a beat. So much details with unique characters with many stories of their own. Flawless visuals that sets and symbolizes the background of each moment. Excellent CGI. Precise audio effects and excellent background music. Prequel is actually welcoming to the new audience and it's an opportunity to get a feel for the GOT series. Though it may sometimes strand new comers with the absence of a proper prologue HOD become interesting as the episodes goes on.
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The Holdovers (2023)
Extra lessons on life
21 April 2024
The 70s theme of the movie is remarkably well matched with the heartwarming story about the Christmas leftovers. A triplets of winter orphans find ways to chase away the emptiness the cold brings with an innocent getaway of a particular fashion. Humor and wit was never short in both excellent performances and dialogues. Great music that goes well with the story's tone. Great visuals that captures the bitterness overlooked due to festivities. Excellent special effects to fit the experience to time line. A story with depth and wit capable to pinch hearts just the right amount to stir up feelings of love.
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The Diplomat (II) (2023– )
17 April 2024
There's no minute that's irrelevant or a drag every second counts with many pieces moving around so quickly in this political drama. Perfection in delivery of dialogues and sincere flawless gestures is what makes this drama work. And the whole cast puts up a magnificent show. Excellent story with fewer episodes that are rich action. Diplomat has a simple premise but with genious acting, sharp cinematography and well timed audio effects it manages to produce a highly engaging viewing experience. With a story that relates well with the world theatre of politics Diplomat will definitely leave a positive hopeful impression.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Trek thought through
17 April 2024
It's quite apparent that gathering all the scattered pieces of Star Trek legacy around one centerpiece was difficult. Though the stories and characters gets tangled and excessive the main plot of each season was solid and nourishing. Marvellous visuals to keep audience engaged with this intergalactic theme. Great audio effects and use of music too. Tremendous hardwork by the cast revisiting and rekindling the past episodes. Sincere performances by the cast in this deep dive into Picard's character. Though it was slow burning at times the third season definitely stands alone. Star Trek Picard is a delightful space drama.
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Dead Ringers (2023)
Excellently heartbreaking
29 March 2024
It's a maze of coincidents twists and turns. With strange characters and a story that drives from unique to bizarre Dead ringers should be regarded as one the best stories that tells the story of the bond between sisters and the feets of sacrifices siblings would make. What the twin characters brings to life is pure and the performance and all visuals aspects were perfect for the assignment. Piercing audio effects and wonderful background music. A brutally honest appreciation of what women has to overcome to succeed. Great work by the supporting cast. Leaving the audience to wonder about many possibilities dead ringers succeed in remaining undead long after it's short stint.
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A web of secrets
24 March 2024
Best observers and escape artists deciding fate of many during a turbulent period in history. With a little advancement in surveillance techniques spy stories of world war era are naturally thrilling yet this series has a very distinct personality that sets it far apart from light hearted spy comedies. Masterful performances by the cast brings the silent wars of intelligence officers to life tremendously. Great visuals and special effects to stress meaning into each scene. Good audio that fits well with both time line and nature of story. Dialogues adds colour to each character. A spy among friends is a little slow but a worthy watch.
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23 March 2024
A twisted love story in the midst of a ruthless takeover. This is a story that pictures the dawn of a system that's fuelled with greed and bloodshed. Performances by the whole cast was amazingly sharp. Great visuals and cinematography that contrast the booming oil business to the harmony in the green seas of Indian lands. Great audio effects that plays a major role in the movie. There's documentaries that dives deeper into history but Killers of the Moon reanimate the history of the minority's struggle to survive in an invasion. Sincerity in performances were a true gift that no one should keep from unraveling.
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Sharper (2023)
22 March 2024
Great story telling while climbing up the chain of con artists. Great visuals that fits well with each moment that captures the emotional dilemmas of each character. Equally good camera work capturing each character's and situation's nature. Excellent audio and video effects. Background music is refreshing. Unique dialogues that awakens consciousness of audience to stay focused on the story. Plot is certainly thrilling yet the final act by the aggrieved party didn't do much justice to the story up to that point. However the conclusion is satisfactory and anticipated yet presented in the most twisted and unexpected way. That's what make Sharper a must watch.
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Halo (2022– )
Priceless performances
17 March 2024
Halo has a story with a solid foundation. It travels in parallel paths equally well. Wastelands of rebels and the flourishing cities of predatory settlements is a frequent premise but with a refurbished identity to fit right. Flawless visuals in every varied setup and all scenes. So many characters playing major roles in the story making the watch even more interesting. Excellent cast with a precious performance that's both sincere and masterful. Halo universe's first instalments are high-end and shows the qualities of unfading success. It's a successful production that's most easily enjoyable.
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Thanksgiving (I) (2023)
12 March 2024
Usual scares with a terrible amounts of graphic visuals based on the theme. It's a pretty simple story of a rampage in a town away from city. Keeping the slasher tradition going Thanksgiving does a great job. Great special effects and visuals that were at times excessive. Perfectly timed well suited audio that maximizes the output of each scene of John Carver's hunts. It's lighthearted but was able to present the ugliness of greed and consumerism through it's blunt imagery. With no exact sign of mr Carver we would see him on Thanksgivings to come and slasher movie fans would sure look forward to it.
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11 March 2024
A getaway that turn out to be permanent. Excellent story that unfolds in a hurry bringing the essential chaos to the mix. Great use of music and audio effects that solidify the scares. Visuals are remarkable, the fades and zoom in effect brings a retro effect as well as a hint of apocalyptic chaos. Perfect performances by the cast that does absolute justice to each character. It's a simple enough theme but the movie sheds light on dangers of the new world. This movie is not typically inline with others of it's genre but a complete riddle to untangle. For keeping the audience guessing and wondering Leave The world behind does a remarkable job.
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A new episode
9 March 2024
This instalment is a copy of the first with few tweaks. Story is worth watching but if more characters were introduced with special abilities this could have been a true step in progression. Visuals are way more polished than the first in an impressive way. Flawless special effects plays a huge part in it's success. Audio effects are perfect especially in action sequences. Great work by the cast doing justice to every character and it's a treat to see many of them return. It's fair to say there should have been many alternative ways this episode could have been done but hopefully we would see all that in future.
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Great in every aspect
8 March 2024
A woman tearing through the great distance between two distinctive worlds while doing all and anything to survive. A great story on the cruel ways of man. Story is predictable from the end of it's first quarter but it's the fateful twists and turns that's evermore interestingly keep the story alive. Great cinematography that brings the feminine theme very well. Visuals are excellent in portraying the intended emotions and setting the tone of each scene through visuals. Unique music that works well with the movie. There's a lot of good symbolisms such as how Serge name girls to understand where the origin of everything is. It's both funny and sad how perpetrator gets found and how Stephane's fate is decided. A great story that anyone would enjoy.
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Different and gripping
7 March 2024
Not a theme that's explored very often. But to succeed in producing a nail-biting thriller out of this prehistoric saga is an excellent achievement. Staying out of CGI and pulling off the good scares is impressive. Excellent story with a great read of how humans started out and navigated unwelcomed parts of a mostly lonely planet. Great acting that compensates well for the native language that was mostly an audible expression of emotions. Great colour filters and visuals that tells story of menacing journey of these wayfarers. Excellent cinematography. Audio was a major success. This was a unique and a satisfactory watch.
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7 March 2024
Compared to what most of the fans would expect the series was a heartbreakingly derailed one. Too stretched to say too little while misleading the expectations was what it was all about. First few episodes showed a lot of promise, but then the story starts going in many directions aimlessly. Dialogues were getting awkward as the story progresses and the cast seemed to struggle with the ingenuity of the plot's progress. It could have been an easy success but seemed to have changed it's course and pieced together in a hurry. Good visuals and audio. If it weren't for the legacy of the film franchise this one is a mistake.
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No room for love
12 February 2024
A dystopian romantic tragedy born in a genius mind. Hunger games is euphemistic and satirical of the horrible divides of human society. Story poetically exaggerates and aggravates thoughts on snow's journey. A perilous trek of survival that turns to a venomous obsession driving the song bird away. Snow's character is presented to us as a man who makes a choice to become an enemy of himself. A story with a great script that was supplemented with perfect performances by the cast. Lovely music for the song birds and great sound effects. Great visial effects picturing the wonder of capital. A great addition to the series that must not be missed.
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A harrowing truth
11 February 2024
Imense price paid by regular citizens just for being born in easily manipulated society that gets engulfed with wars created using misguided anger and blind obedience just to distract the civilized world. No matter what the war is people who suffer and celebrate surviving may give a regular relief and hope for an audience and Covenant succeeds in that while telling a tale about a failed crusade that left behind divided society and allies to be crucified and run for life. Great emotional music that signals the pain of lives lost. Excellent cinematography and visuals capturing not just gun fights but the tiniest of emotions. Solid performances by the cast. A great survival war action thriller with a painful ugly truth underlying.
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Mostly interesting
10 February 2024
Vances are born unfortunately into chaos they make chaos and leave chaos behind if unfound. This story strip away the myth of connectedness in modern world and introduce the lonely lives that exists in shadows. Retrospectively the sleuths of whom most are falling into the aforesaid shadow realm put up a wholesome collective effort that gives a John doe a name that he himself wanted the world to forget. It's sad yet a mysterious venture of social detective work. A story told well methodically and cleverly. Rather than making a regular true crime doc this sleuthing odyssey is a unique and an inspiring social commentary.
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Prison 77 (2022)
A story with a purpose
8 February 2024
Modelo 77 not just fascinates but also targets at making the justice systems better. Movie's success was wholely dependent on performances by the cast and justice was done to this story of injustice by the careful performances by each cast member. Excellent visuals that demonstrated the chaos of incarceration. Great audio effects that fits right with the mood of each character. Character setup was excellent in discovering the imprisoned lives. Dialogues were perfect both deep and lighthearted. Perfect cinematography capturing the emotions. It's a unique and an interesting tale about redemption.
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Reckoning Dead
7 February 2024
Best thing about this chapter of Ethan Hunt's journey is that it's ability to keep an audience captive for a span of over 120 minutes. Though the movie series is purely based on old-school flabbergasting spy trickery the story still manages to bring a little relevance with the idea of this virtual enemy. Premise of a Russian vessel was traditionally represented the politics and downplaying that wasn't really successful. Visual effects were flawless carrying more burden. Great audio effects. Great performances by the cast loaded with stars. Dead reckoning could make a difference if the battlegrounds shift from traditional to somewhere realistic.
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Unique and simple
2 February 2024
A unique thriller that interfere a family getaway triggering curiosity on what's going to unfold. This levels the audience with the family's nervousness and then the story starts to take shape in twisted unexpected ways. Great character personalities and dialogues. Excellent audio effects adding tension to the story. Good visual effects that's adequate with the calamities both inside and out of the Cabin. Great colour tone for the visuals. Performances by the whole cast was excellent. Though Knock at the Cabin has a brief run time it would keep the audience glued to their seats by it's unpredictability.
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Chile '76 (2022)
Life with death
27 January 2024
Great story with an equally mysterious plot. Carmen visits her house by the big blue to get off of regular life and picks a red paint for walls then tame it with hints of blue. She freezes at screams and her husband gets upset when resistance is called out by a friend in the presence of Carmen. A great story that shows how sacrifices opens the eyes of a sleepwalking masses. Excellent colour tone in visuals and great cinematography capturing expressions well. Unique use of sound effects signaling the tensions kept restrained breaking free. It's a great look at how life was from the outside of recent revolution how social views changed and should change. Excellent.
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