
22 Reviews
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Love Actually (2003)
Fantastic! (actually)
5 May 2004
I first saw this film when it came out on the big screen and since then it has reappeared at home numerous times. I love this film! It's a brilliantly structured collage of different relationships that could prove to be subjects of effective films on their own. Richard Curtis should probably have been directing his scripts all along, because he certainly knows how to put together an enjoyable film (not to say that his previous works haven't been great as well). The top notch cast helps to deliver a film that's not only very funny, but also incredibly moving (particularly the relationship between the characters of Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman). Golden Globe nominee Bill Nighy was a stand out as Billy Mack - a has-been rock star 'trying to make a comeback'.
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Queer as Folk (2000–2005)
opening one's eyes...
5 May 2004
It's about time that filmmakers created a series that doesn't revolve around the trivial and comic relationships of heterosexual couples - many of the sitcoms these days seem to have that theme in there somewhere do they not? It's controversial, often quite graphic and rarely comic - it's an adult 'soap opera' with alot more content than your average. Apart from anything else, Queer As Folk has thrown a revealing light onto the trials and tribulations of gay relationships - proving to those unfamiliar with the subject that they are not relationships that should be ridiculed or discriminated against. Regardless of the moral merits, it's just a really good series. The acting is great and the storyline keeps you watching week after week. The series explores numerous relationships that all differ in some way or another - yet in many ways they are also very much alike. This series can be enjoyed by anyone, despite some of the reviews I've read in the past. In fact, I'd encourage anyone to try it out at least once - you may be presently suprised.
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no problems here...
5 May 2004
I haven't seen much German comedy, but if this film is anything to go by, I'm compelled to see more! The simple but effective storyline takes two very different people on a trip from Germany to Italy after Eva, an unemployed mother of two, discovers that her artist husband is having an affair with the wife of a wealthy lawyer. I won't reveal anything further, but what results is a very funny series of events with the perfect conclusion. My interest in international cinema has expanded since I first saw this film. I recommend it to anyone (any adult... don't let the inclusion of the young children fool you into thinking it's a family film) who love comedy - even those unfamiliar with the language.
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Annie Hall (1977)
A genius 'intellectual comedy'
5 May 2004
I'm a huge fan of Woody Allen, and Annie Hall marked the beginning of my obsession. It makes me laugh every time I watch it, but it's comedy that doesn't rely on slapstick for laughs. It uses witty dialogue and surreal circumstances to achieve its purpose - and I admire Allen for pulling it off. Aside from this, Diane Keaton is a stand-out as the title character - it goes to show just how versatile her acting ability is, from The Godfather to this... Allen has been criticised in the past for using odd camera angles (such as the 'long-shots') and the like, but I think such techniques add to the enjoyment of the film. He has certainly created a trademark, even though he'd probably look back on the film full of distaste - it seems like that's the way he is.
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The Ring (2002)
Creepy stuff!
23 December 2002
The Ring is one of a few horror/suspense films that were both wonderfully crafted and genuinely creepy. The acting is very good and the direction (from Gore Verbinski who I was not impressed with since he did The Mexican) is also top notch. I recommend this film to those who can handle stuff like this, definitely not to everyone. I am suprised and quite shocked that The Ring was given a PG-13 rating in the US, I live in Australia and the rating here was MA - only for people 15 years and over unless accompanied by a parent or adult guardian. Some of the scenes in this are graphic and the rest is just plain freaky, with my only criticism being the ending. I won't give anything away of course but I thought it could've finished a few scenes earlier, it just seemed to go on and on. Despite the time issue, the concept of the ending is brilliant - alot of people have commented on how bad the ending is, but I think it's one of the best endings to a thriller I've ever seen.
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Swimfan (2002)
Very enjoyable...
10 October 2002
Reading through the comments posted here - it is clear that the majority of imdb users didn't like Swimfan film at all. What I don't understand is why - the main reason for disliking it seems to be that it is just a remake of Fatal Attraction, but who cares! That doesn't mean it can't be an enjoyable film and besides, regardless of what some people have said here it is not a frame by frame remake - there are many new ideas and the plot has been put into a different situation, now involving teenagers which means that the target audience would be adolescents. I think that most of the people who disliked the film weren't of the target audience age. I am, and I found it highly enjoyable and would recommend it - but mainly to people in a similar age bracket. John Polson is accomplished not only in directing, but also in acting and has a promising future. The performances in this film were also outstanding, especially Erika Christensen who was a very believable Madison.
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The Crow (1994)
Not to be missed...
7 May 2002
The Crow is a fantastic film, with a blend of violence, horror and romance. Brandon Lee (who was accidently killed during the making) is brilliant as the deceased rock star coming back from the grave to exact revenge on his killers. Not to mention the rest of the cast - who are just as superb.

The soundtrack is a bonus, and the visuals are quite stunning. It won't appeal to all movie-goers, but I thoroughly enjoyed the film and highly recommend it.
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The 10:30 Slot (1999–2000)
The slot rules!
26 April 2002
The 10:30 Slot was such a great program, with a mix of fantastic live music and comedy - why was it canceled?! Dylan and Angus are brilliant and it was really unfortunate that this program had to say goodbye. Lets hope that it makes a comeback, I thoroughly recommend The 10:30 Slot - funnily enough it was usually on at around 10:45.
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Fantastic film - brilliantly recapping the tragedy
26 April 2002
Day Of The Roses was the story of the Granville train accident, a tragedy where 83 people lost their lives. In this film, set out in the form of the inquest a while after the accident occurred, was wonderfully made - recreating the day in a very moving and powerful way. The award-winning screenplay is a standout, and the acting is quite superb. Even if you have no prior knowledge of Australia's worst train disaster, this film will still be thoroughly enjoyable.
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Tom Hanks - also a great director
26 April 2002
Tom Hanks has proved himself here as being a great director and writer as well as a superb actor. That Thing You Do! is a great film; with a standout soundtrack, good acting and a well told story. I have seen it many times and it is still just as good, this movie appeals to lovers of many different film genres.
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The Mexican (2001)
Could've been much better
21 April 2002
Although there are a few humourous moments and some respectable stars, The Mexican was a pretty poor effort. Most of it was tediously boring and hardly what I would call entertainment. I am not a fan of the actors in it but even still I've seen them do much much better than this. After a short while, the movie lost my attention totally and by the end I was basically asleep.

Miss it if you can, you won't be at a loss I guarantee.
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Heatwave (1982)
1 April 2002
This classic Australian film by veteran director Phillip Noyce probably deserves more credit than it gets. It's not as good as Noyce's recent Rabbit-Proof Fence or 1978's Newsfront, but the talent it has to offer is quite impressive with stars such as Judy Davis and Bill Hunter. It won't appeal to everybody, but it's still worth a look at - especially if you're into the Australian film industry.
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Trainspotting (1996)
Fantastic filmmaking
31 March 2002
Director Danny Boyle along with writers Irvine Welsh and John Hodge have created for us a powerful, funny and harrowing yarn about the Edinburgh drug scene. I can watch this movie many times and still enjoy it just as much. It is original and daring, with many scenes causing immense controversy after the film's release. I have no knowledge of the elements that the film is based on, yet I know enough to tell that Trainspotting is quite realistic - many say it praises drugs, but I view it does the very opposite and shows all the troubles the one goes through when in a situation like that of Mark Renton (McGregor). As a bonus, Trainspotting has a great soundtrack and the acting is superb all round. Check this one out, it won't appeal to everyone but nevertheless a great film.
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One of my favourites
30 March 2002
Frank Darabont's film based on Steven King's story is absolutely inspirational. Great performances all round and it keeps the viewer attached throughout. The Shawshank Redemption is quite long, yet you don't notice it, instead you notice the genius that has gone into this film's creation. See this film, no matter what your movie preference.
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This film should not be missed...
29 March 2002
Wow... Ron Howard has created such a powerful film that I will never forget. Russell Crowe plays John Nash brilliantly and I can easily see why he was nominated for Best Actor yet again. Jennifer Connelly is also in an Oscar winning performance here as Alicia Nash, and is fantastic (as are the entire cast). James Horner's soundtrack is absolutely wonderful and is yet another positive element in this cinematic masterpiece. Don't miss it....
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Thoroughly enjoyable - an improvement on the original
29 March 2002
With a great cast and classic but still enjoyable story, Oceans Eleven is a must-see. Acclaimed director Steven Soderbergh has once again pleased audiences, with a great remake of the 1960 classic. The jazzy soundtrack is a bonus, and the special effects add to the positive elements. The remake isn't exactly the same as the original, in fact quite far from it, which is why viewers of the original Oceans Eleven won't basically be seeing the same film again if they try Soderbergh's version. It is more his interpretation, and not a frame by frame restoration like Gus Van Sant's approach to Hitchcock's Psycho. Ocean's Eleven keeps you entertained throughout the two hours, and not once swinging into boring mode.
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Beautifully crafted and an overall delight to watch
29 March 2002
The acting is fantastic and the scenery filmed in New Zealand creates a visual feast for the audience, keeping them on the edge of their seats the whole time. Director Peter Jackson has put to screen a classic novel with style, receiving numerous Oscar nominations including best picture.

I am personally not a fan of fantasy whether it be literature or film, yet I thoroughly enjoyed The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring and I eagerly await the next two in the trilogy to appear in cinemas. It is definately a movie that must be seen on the big screen to fully appreciate what it has to offer - a wonderful tale with superb performances and visuals all round.
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Psycho (1998)
Not as bad as some say...
24 March 2002
This recreation of Hitchcock's classic is quite well done by Gus Van Sant with the only major alteration being the different cast. Basically remaking the film frame by frame, with the same soundtrack and similar dialogue would seem pointless to some. I, however, enjoyed the movie - it gives younger film buffs a chance to experience the classic horror movie in a more up to date view with a great cast from today's film industry. Not the greatest, but definately worth seeing if you can just to relive the nightmare. Just don't watch it in a deserted hotel at night, you never know what could happen.
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Hello Clarice...
24 March 2002
What can I say? It is a classic that deserves every bit of credit it has received in the last ten years. Nobody can forget the harrowing and powerful performance by Anthony Hopkins as Hannibal 'The Cannibal' Lecter, not to mention the other standout talents of Jodie Foster and Scott Glenn. If you are a horror fan or not, this film is definately a must-see - Thomas Harris's story is original and gripping and Jonathan Demme has visualised it in such a brilliant way that audiences are left shaking in their seats.
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Fantastic, don't miss this one
24 March 2002
Dead Poets Society is one of those movies that left me moved and shocked for a long period of time. The storyline is original and the acting is brilliant, not to mention Peter Weir's outstanding direction. It really goes to prove that Robin Williams isn't strictly a comic actor, and that in even the most serious of roles he can excel. There is, however, some comic relief in this movie from both Williams and the rest of the cast that adds to the enjoyment of this classic.

For all moviegoers alike, don't miss this one - great to hear that films such as Dead Poets Society are being made by Australian directors!
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Misery (1990)
Edge Of Your Seat stuff!
4 August 2001
Fantastic adaption of Steven King's classic with the same title. Kathy Bates plays an Oscar winning performance and James Caan is also a stand out as Paul Sheldon, the famous author of the ever popular 'Misery' books. After being involved in a car accident during a blizzard on a New England road, a local 'number one fan' Annie Wilkes(Bates) rescues Paul Sheldon and nurses him back to health in her remote home. Annie, however, is unstable and somewhat insane, and as the story progresses the suspense builds.

I never get sick of this flick, catch it!
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Shooting Fish (1997)
Highly Recommended Viewing
3 August 2001
I have seen this film so many times and never get sick of it. The casting is brilliant with Dan Futterman and Stuart Townsend in fantastic performances.

The plot is quite original following Dylan and Jez - two English con artists who are tricking people out of their money by selling voice recognition computers and other false devices. They need two million dollars to buy the house they never had - having grown up as orphaned children. On one of their scams they employ a secretary and medical student named Georgie, who is convinced they are raising money for an orphans project. This adds romantic themes into the story to make it even more entertaining. A stand out is the interesting relationship that Dylan and Jez have with each other, Dylan being the fast talking American and Jez being the British techno genius.

I recommend 'Shooting Fish' to all movie-goers. It has a great soundtrack, is funny, romantic, creative and a great achievement for British filmmaking.
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