
60 Reviews
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Shut In (I) (2016)
Not as bad as I thought when I started writing
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I knew what was going to happen as soon as the movie started with her taking care of him and it did. Honestly though let's have ZERO awareness and let's stop to talk to the boy while we're trying to get away from the psycho. These predictable movies are so awful. I love a good psycho, but man this was really seen from a mile away lol. It had some good bones though so I guess that's something. I'll give it a five instead of a four because of the fact that it did make me keep watching. The tension was definitely right. Okay the part where the guy gets shanked was pretty good. It came out of nowhere. Also can you ask for a dumber villain? Who just uses a hammer to make noise wherever they go? XD Like who does that??? Can I just say how much of this movie was very um...charged? >.> LMFAO. I'm all for the sick and twisted though so have at. Honestly the ending was great though so what was originally a 5 became a 7. Probably won't rewatch, but I had fun in the end.
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The Visit (I) (2015)
The best horror movie I have ever seen!
2 March 2024
Okay so I admit when I first started this movie, I didn't know what to do. Found footage is not my favorite. It's either very hit or entirely miss for me.


I guessed the twist early on, but even knowing when I knew I still held my breath when the mom confirmed it. What ensued was a harrowing, tense, terrifying ride. Even my dog was freaked out and tried to tackle me lmfaoooo.

Honestly, I haven't seen anything this good in a while and I almost turned it off because the main characters were kids. I'm so glad that I didn't. Tyler losing it at the end? The cherry on top! They both had so much trauma and I loved watching it unfold. There was actual character development in this!!! I definitely got teary eyed at the end which is very rare for me.

Seriously, watch it. I didn't expect to fall for this movie the way that I did. I'm so glad I watched it.

Ps- The brother rapping is so funny to me. He was honestly hilarious. I expected him to get on my nerves, but he carried several parts. What a good actor.
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Hereditary (2018)
Just as stupid as the first time
2 March 2024
Listen, I tried I really did. I wanted to love this so much because I knew I didn't the first time so I figured hey, let's give it another go.


This is a thinly veiled drama made to look like a horror. Or at least they try to sell it as one. There's so many plot holes in this thing it might as well be Swiss cheese.

Some of the scares? Decent! However, much of it is just idiotic bs. I still don't understand how this is supposed to be some kind of great horror, when it never delivers on that premise. It could have been a great flick, but it just ends up being barely decent. Not even mid.
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The Dark (2005)
Much like my ex, all this movie has is potential
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, what a confusing story. LMFAO. What in the wanna be Silent Hill was this? I mean honestly the movie made no sense from beginning to end. On top of that the story kept changing and twisting but not in a good way. In a bad way. The little girl was annoying af. I wouldn't have saved her. She should have been slapped again. The whole going to the after world thing was confusing. Like Ebril and the father just fade into the darkness and then we're in Silent Hill hours? Listen, I love a good, twisty, mind f'er of a story, but this was NOT IT. If anything it was a waste of just shy of two hours. PS- The final scene is just even more confusion on top of this confusion Sundae. TERRIBLE.
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If you want a slasher go watch something else
7 February 2024
Because this isn't that. It's slow, meandering, a mind f of a plot that leaves you wondering who's wrong, who's right, and how much of this is even real. Normally, these movies get ruined in the end, but thsi one wasn't. I wanted to explore more and figure out exactly what was going on, but it kind of felt honest that there was no final answer. That her mind is so fragmented and her life is such a twisted ruse that there is no closure. All in all, I really loved this. The lead acted her butt off. The music was creepy and interesting. All of the backdrops were fantastic. There's not much more to say than just watch it. It kept me glued from beginning to end.
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Tragedy Girls (2017)
This movie was everything <3
2 February 2024
How can anyone hate this movie? Seriously, I loved every minute of it. A tale of two girls who are best friends kidnapping an actual killer and then slaughtering their way through the town for same and success? Um yes please. Plus, they totally knocked off some of the people I reaallllyyy wanted to go lol. This movie was funny, crazy, bloody, and I loved every second of it. The only reason it's not more loved is because it's a tale of two best friends and no man having to come save them at some point. Anyway, love the movie. So happy about the ending. I wish I could have seen a follow up for them in college to see what they were getting up to.
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People have zero good taste
3 November 2023
Wow, this movie wasn't what I expected. I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. I mean seriously every minute was messed up lol. I expected some classic evil dead things and a lot of silliness and camp to balance it out. Yeah, that's not what I got at all. This movie was gripping from the first minute to the last. I don't think I've ever screamed that much. Or got as nauseated as I did while watching this movie. I never get sick from horror, but something about this one did it to me. I was nervous the entire time just wanting someone to survive. All in all, I really enjoyed this movie. Would I watch it again? I have no idea. It made me sick lol. But I did like it.
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Barbarian (2022)
The main character is so freakin' stupid you can't even root for her
3 November 2023
All kinds of nonsense happened in this movie. I mean how did she not see the neighborhood when she was going to the Air BNB was she BLIND??? Who bunks with a random man??? Who goes downstairs for tp?? Who keeps going back where they know they shouldn't! OMG and the ending was so damn horrendous it was comical. Was it meant to be a funny ending? Cuz it feels like it. Overall, this movie was a catastrophe. It tried to be way too deep and was just horrible. Like why tf does everyone talk like this is the best horror movie ever??? The heroine should have been bumped off like fifty different times and wasn't even enjoyable to watch. Was this supposed to be a feminism win?

Listen, I truly hate this movie. Lmfao. I tried so hard to like it but there was nothing redeeming about it.
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Devil's Due (2014)
This is a meh for me
19 October 2023
Honestly this is one of those movies I threw on to have some background noise while I was working. From what I could see, I liked it. Was it so good it made me stop to stare at it and get lost in the story and scares? No. But it wasn't complete trash either. Maybe your opinion will be different if you actually sat down and watched it straight through. This is just my rating and review on how it was as a film to watch in the background while I worked on the computer. It did have some fun twists and turns. Someone said Rosemary's Baby and I now look at it as found footage Rosemary's Baby in the modern world. Not bad. Not great. Just meh!

-I change my mind. The end was a lil scary. >.> I wasn't expecting that.

-And then it got Supernatural level ridiculous so there was that. >.>

-The last bit was okay lol.
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The Captive Nanny (2020 TV Movie)
This one was actually good
19 September 2023
And by good I mean it was entertaining, which can be a hit or miss with Lifetime movies. This one however? Yeah, it kept me hooked from start to finish. Even as I was screaming at the girl to not be a moron, because she was in fact a moron, I couldn't help but to watch.

The acting wasn't bad at all. I mean the crazy one really was CRAZY and it showed. Slowly at first and then all at once. The plot was believable, I wanted to kill everyone as it went along and yeah, this one was a hit.

I've had several misses with my last few Lifetime movie shows and this one was awesome. It even felt like a horror movie at some point. Still not perfect, but hey, it kept me up and working.
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WTF was this?
19 September 2023
Seriously, what was this ending? The movie started out good, I love an abused wife trope when she gets away and has to fight the husband. So, we were all good there! Despite there being some questionable plot things here and there I actually enjoyed this movie quite a bit. The beginning was especially good.

And then the end happened. WHAT WAS THAT?? Why was there a plot twist in the last five minutes of the movie that made absolutely no sense? I mean seriously, it would have made more sense for the sister to be working with the husband to get the money than the insane crap they came up with. Good ole lifetime though. Gotta love the insanely bad ones. And this was it down to the cheesy, horrible happy ending. Lmfao.
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Swallow (I) (2019)
Rated higher because I loved the ending
30 July 2023
This is the type of movie that leaves you squirming, anxious, and filling up with dread. The acting is pretty good. Knowing all the things that happened to her in her past and with her family really helped to flesh this movie out. This is another movie where the husband SUCKS and so did his family, but I'm proud of her for doing her own thing, getting away from him, and finally starting a life of her own. She probably thought he was prince charming just to find out he was crap. All in all I really loved this movie and the guy that was hired to watch after her? Yeah kinda fell in love with him too. Great unexpected gem of a movie on Hulu!
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This movie feels like what it must be like to slowly pass away
30 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers's so bad. It's a maddening movie that makes NO sense. That's the first thing. The second thing is how actually outdated and misogynistic it is! Ohhhh nooo she has negative emotions about being in a place where she doesn't want to be with a husband and mother that treat her like crap how terrribleeee. It was all her fault for being ungrateful and not just allowing herself to be a lied to, knocked up, woman. -_- Nah she should have tried harder to have the abortion because that man SUCKED. The house sucked, the mother sucked, the acting sucked, the side characters... you guessed it... SUCKED. If you think this is a good horror movie please seek therapy immediately. It was utter and complete crap from start to finish.
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How to Fall in Love (2012 TV Movie)
I wanted to like it more but the poor me nerd thing is not it
28 July 2023
Sorry, but it's just something that icks tf outta me! "Oh I was a nerd. I didn't have the confidence to talk to you so I just watched and now I'm a grown man and still can't get it together and dwell in the past!"

We get it, come onnnn. It's probably one of my biggest pet peeves. He was also a little TOO perfect. "Classic romantic." Like come on it was all so cliche. I wanted a nerd who was a nerd and I would have loved that. But getting rid of his glasses was my first ick and then it just continued lol.

Look, I love an awkward character! I think nerdy, dorky men are the HOTTEST thing in creation. I would have loved to see him fall in love with an equally dorky girl who appeared cool on the surface.

But the whole crying over his HS life was so stupid. Honestly, grow up dude. Get therapy. -_- You're too old for that especially when she was super nice in HS and you never spoke up. No one's a mind reader.

Didn't love the sister angle too. The older sister was a complete jerk. It seemed like the MC did a lot of apologizing for crap she didn't need to apologize for. And it comes up multiple times. He didn't talk to her after the dance. Um hello TALK TO SOMEONE!

To be clear he is not perfect. The fact that the girl he was seeing never really got to do what she wanted to do says a lot. If you're selfish yeah no one's going to want to date you.

Also still reeling over a highschool rival for someone's attention at that big age is insane. Like it really is lmfao.

Anyway all in all while this movie had seriously sweet moments and Kathy Najimy stole the show, it lacked a LOT in the end. So meh. I wish it had been a lot better, but it was still a cute movie in some aspects.
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Baby Ruby (2022)
Probably the worst movie I've seen in a while
4 June 2023
And that's being generous. I picked this one up because it had all the makings of a great horror movie; pregnancy, babies, creepy stepford women, dark and heavy atmosphere. So, I was super excited to check this out....

It was terrible. Every bit of it was as bullcrap as the next. From a meandering plot that didn't know what it wanted to be, to a horrible odd ending, to trying to be too cool; this movie suffered from it all. I would have loved something more thought out and better executed because this was not it. Even at an hour and a half it started to drag with a bunch of questions and no answers. The whole thing was just ridiculous honestly.
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The House on the Hill (2019 TV Movie)
Surpringly good!
31 May 2023
Had very little expectations going in, but it was better than expected! The main actress did well with her acting. Engaging, believable, heartfelt. It's a LMN so it can get a little cheesy or corny sometimes, but that just comes with the territory. I loved the mystery of it all! However, I knocked points off for the ending. While it was good, enjoyable, and unexpected with a little twist, I didn't love how the money just ENDED. I wanted to see who all was involved. Wanted to see what happened to the people who were in on it or was it just the one person? So much left unsaid and unexplored. Definitely could have wrapped up better. It's like they ran out of time and just ended the movie.
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House of Deadly Lies (2023 TV Movie)
Crazy bad, but entertaining in the end
28 May 2023
There's a reviewer who literally talks about how good the father is... Um... seek help maybe cuz what??? O. O The obviously abusive man is a GOOD MAN?? WILDDDD. Anyway the wife is a doormat, we see that right away because no way would I ever allow some jerk to speak to me that way. The friend is a wet blanket pushover. But then back to the wife when she finds out about her husband STILL somehow horrible. Just a terrible person and friend. Lol. This movie was so bad from the acting to the set up. And the husband was the worst. BTW if you're in a relationship with someone like that and it reminded you of them? Tell someone asap. And get away from them. That man was nuts from the start just from the way he was speaking to his wife.

Both women were entirely too pathetic. If someone had my kid and wouldn't give him to me I'd be calling the cops AFTER I beat the crap out of them. Seriously, who wrote this script??

How do you let a man just snatch money out of your hand?? Why do you even come in with that much money in your hand? Who are these people??

Who goes back?? Why does Jos ask soooo many freaking questionssss as if she had a plan when she had none?? WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE??

Dolly rocked. Seriously that old lady got mad crazy and I was here for it. LMFAO. She was not playing around. XD.

The lady at the place they were staying at Maeve? Also awesome.

Why witch instead of witch with a b? So weird!

How was this man dealing with gangs? XD Please. What is happening.

The ending was satisfying though! Lol. Even though they both had black eyes, the ending was just what you want from a Lifetime movie. Good on the main character for keeping the money. Screw all of them. Lol.
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Sinister Stepsister (2022 TV Movie)
21 May 2023
Man I am over halfway through this movie and it is trash. At first it was good with the basic set up. A girl who lost her mother finds the father she never knew she had. She just wants to be close to a family and blah blah blah. At first, like I said, GOOD! And then it quickly went off the rails. Ell is annoying af. I don't care how "smart" she is for having an "off" feeling about Cari whatever, it's just plain terrible how annoying and screechy she is. It instantly made me hope she got murdered honestly. The story line starts going all over the place at this point too. I was really hoping for that thriller/mystery, what happened to her mom and who is she type of feeling, but with 40 mins left to go and me laughing at the stupidity of the parents and the dumb repeating of already known things by characters, I don't have much hope.
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The Devil's Hour (2022– )
I turned this on as background noise to work...needless to say I got nothing done
18 May 2023
This show. This. SHOW! It was everything I want in a thriller/suspense/drama! It had that looping property, this reliving and rechanging things all over again thing that I seriously love, love, LOVE! I was definitely team toss that demon child Isaac outside at first. He was creepy, he was weird, must be evil. As the show went on I realized I was the jerk just like everyone else around him. He couldn't help who he was, but he also DID learn and grow. In his own way. When Dhillon made him smile, my heart stopped. Every moment of this show had me on EDGE. I couldn't look away for fear of missing something. And finally, getting to hear Peter Capaldi's story at the end? Just as good! My only complaint is that I wish it was LONGER. But so many great scenes. (The overlay of people/events in that house?? Come on soooo good!) Seriously this one kept me watching until the very end and continued to grip me even once it was done. I've added no spoilers so you can simply enjoy it but MAN was it great! Also, Mike sucks. -_- Peter Capaldi is just as wonderful as he was in Doctor Who. But the lead actress? Amazing! I loved her strength, her love for Isaac, and her care for other people as well as her resolve. She did amazing!
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Trapped with My Husband (2022 TV Movie)
3 May 2023
Where was the original plot of the movie? Okay like I get the set up and I really wanted it to work because the premise was interesting. However, nothing really went anywhere! Every plot line that was introduced just... stopped. First she was friends with Laura and then they hated each other? The bookie coming and going only twice randomly? Why didn't ole girl report the woman who was murdered like you think that would be a key piece of evidence. It should have been called "trapped with my husband, but we have no real plot so let's just stretch it for as long as it can go." Like seriously...what even was that movie? XD I did watch until the end however so a wavering 3 stars.
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Had potential
22 March 2023
To be honest this never really met the potential that it had. Slow moving movies can be a real treat when punctuated with poignant scenes, great suspense and amazing camera work. This was merely...okay. Like okay in the way that I would never watch it again. XD Honestly it's not HORRIBLE, but I was holding my breath for so much better and never really go it. The black and white, the sounds, the heaviness of it all was great. To me, it started falling apart in the end. What did she even bury in the woods? I wasn't interested enough to roll the movie back to find out for sure. The truth is that this film is just okay.
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Kindred (I) (2020)
Thank goodness for spoilers
7 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly it was very boring in the beginning. THEN it started to get interesting. And then frustrating all over again. The heroine they make her both smart and absolutely stupid at the same time. Also where was the fight? I love a good pregnant heroine who will fight for her life and her baby's life and get tf out. But what they gave us was a weak woman who could barely fight for herself. How did she not whip this old woman's butt with that cane? How did she not walk out of that hospital room and call the police immediately? Why did her friend turn on her? The whole thing is WILD in a bad way. Like just B. A. D- BAD.

"Margaret come closer I want to say something to you." WHAT? The broad is on a cane. Just go over there and stab her in the face!! The whole movie should have just been called FRUSTRATED because that's what you'll feel after watching this horribly slow, meandering plot of a movie.

So glad I saw the spoilers so I wouldn't be completely depressed by the ending. Ya'll are the real MVP's.

PS- This is the most trusting black woman I have ever met. >.> So many times she could have killed these people and did nothing. OMGGGG. And why is it that when she gets into cars she just stops and stares for a while? XD Please. This movie was really dumb. It had everything you could want in a movie like this and still somehow managed to suck.

PPS- That bird scene/crash was just plain dumb. Honestly, what was the director thinking?
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The hatred for this movie is odd
6 February 2023
Mostly because it was the kind of movie myself and clearly the reviewers, watched all the way through. It was entertaining. Mikey was a weak pos that much was for sure. But the movie itself made me want to keep watching all the way through to the end to see what happened! Which is rare. I can cut a movie off in the beginning if it's boring.

Again Mikey SUCKS and is the kind of douchebag you should never take anywhere. XD This is the kind of man you drop off before you enter a challenge because he's that show boaty and weak.

All in all a good movie. It kept me entertained, only checking the time halfway through and 20 mins until the end. For me, that means I was captivated. It was enjoyable. I won't spoil the ending. :)
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I really liked this one (And ending theory)
7 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, this one was actually really good. I have a different take on it than others, but I love seeing all the opposing views. From my POV there was never anything supernatural going on. Beth has a history of depression, almost died, and then tells her husband, Owen about it.

Fast forward to his their life together. She talks about him like he's on a pedestal, how he didn't deal with depression, etc. But how many people is that true for? I feel like Own definitely had a dark side all along. He had urges to kill, and he acted on them. But I think when he met Beth, he couldn't kill her and fell in love.

That didn't mean the urges stopped. Owen went on killing and he almost killed Beth one night. When he couldn't cope with his urges anymore, he killed himself. In that context, his note makes sense. He's telling Beth she was right from what she'd told me. HE was death. He was after her. And now that he was about to kill himself, she would be safe.

The occult books look more like some kind of mental break to me more than anything else. Maybe he built the mirrored house and kept killing there hoping it would trap the part of him that felt the urge to kill. But it didn't work so he ended it.

In the end, I definitely see NOTHING as Beth's depression. She's tangled with it before and she's wrestling with it now, especially after finding out her husband isn't what he seemed.

All in all, I really liked it! Creepy, unsettling, and with the kind of ending that leaves you with questions while also really enjoying what you just watched. I'm definitely going to be watching this one again!
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Cruel Summer (2021–2023)
Wow this show was everything
3 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
But man do I hate the Mallory. I'm sorry, but she's just irredeemable. She let her old friend twist in the wind for Kate and just what??? Like she was such a horrible, annoying little gnat from the start. How can you call anyone your friend when you do that to them?

I have to say the ending is such a TWIST. I really was all for Jeanette and was rooting for her the whole time until I realized it was the truth the last minute of the show! I need there to be more good TV shows like this because omg what??? So many twists and turns!

10/10. This show blew me right out fo the water. An absolutely great watch.
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