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Not that great!
25 May 2024
Maybe I am in the minority here, but Part Two was not that great. It's nearly 3 hours long, but could have easily been only 2 hours. It doesn't really capture my attention until about 2 hours in when the epic battle begins. Until then, it's a few small fights, a lot of chitter chatter, and nothing really happens. Why people think this is a movie masterpiece is beyond me. Dune Part One was great and I gave that an 8/10. But this movie dragged on, and on, and on without much hoopla or excitement. Throw in some slo mo walks and that's about what you get. The acting was not even top notch. The first movie was soooooo much better than this. The last 45 minutes of this movie was the best part. It's a one and done for me.
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Yikes! Bad acting, snoozefest
25 March 2024
How is this rated 6.8? There are a few known actors, legends Sam Neil and Annette Bening, with very popular Alison Brie and then a bunch of unknown actors. Let me say......the acting by everyone is atrocious. Even Neil and Bening. I feel like the writing was subpar, boring, cliche and written by a teenager. I am not gonna give any spoilers, but the premise is simple....a wife and mom of four grown adults ends up missing. We see the story unfold in present and past. We see the dynamic of the family and we see how things unfold with a mysterious woman Savannah that moves into the house. The adult children all have issues of their own. And on a side note.... I am pretty sure a male directed or produced this because they made the lesbian character dress in tennis sweats and a pony tail the whole time and date another woman that looks like a man! Typical stereotypical male view! Anyway, the entire show was boring, and with the acting being so bad, it was so hard to get through. If you fast forward to the last episode, I promise you won't miss a thing! In fact, just google the ending so you are not disappointed by wasting your time.
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First Becky MUCH Better Than Sequel
11 March 2024
Not sure why they even did a sequel other the first Becky movie has become a cult classic. The original Becky was unique, fast paced, bloody, and so much fun. The Wrath of Becky was boring, slow, and had way too many monologues. Sure, when there was blood and guts, it was awesome. But still a disappointment compared to the first movie. Plus, for some reason Becky was so annoying this time around. I like the crazy, but it seemed far more fake and unrealistic. I am giving it three stars for the few blood and guts scenes, but that's about it. There are no other redeeming qualities in this movie. Just skip and enjoy the first movie on repeat.
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The Marvels (2023)
1 March 2024
I finally got around to watching this since the rating was so low. But I am not sure what all the hate is about. This is definitely NOT the worst Marvel movie. It was quite entertaining, had some funny moments, maybe a tad bit ridiculous a few times, but entertaining and fun movie. The cats of course were the best part as usual! Brie Larson's acting was not robotic like the first movie. This movie was far better than the most recent Thor movie and all the other recent Marvel movies or shows (except for TGOTG 3!) Not sure what all the hate is about. Is it the best movie in the universe....of course not! But it's very entertaining and I recommend it.
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Schmigadoon! (2021–2023)
Unique Television
3 February 2024
I decided to watch this show given the high ratings for season 2. I hadn't even heard of it before even though I watch Apple TV. Easy premise.....a couple is having issues and find themselves in a musical land and they can't leave until they find true love. The music and dancing is reminiscent of 40's through 60's musicals. And if you really listen to the lyrics of some of the songs, some of them are so very clever.....especially the song about where baby's come from!! Hahaha. The show is funny, cute, and the music fantastic. And I have to say I actually liked the first season more than the second season. The second season was reminiscent of....well....the Chicago musical era, with some 70's sprinkled in. The second season premise was not as good.....this same couple wonder into another land while looking for the first land they visited and have to find true happiness in order to leave. Again, music was not as good in my opinion and the second season was not as funny and clever. It's only two seasons, so if you like musicals, give it a try. Only bad singer is the male lead. Everyone else can sing very well!!
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Monarch: Legacy of Monsters: Beyond Logic (2024)
Season 1, Episode 10
13 January 2024
That's how you end the season of a show. Perfect from start to finish and the cliff hanger is stellar! Guessing it leads up to the next Kong/Godzilla movie. This episode made me want to watch the show all over again as soon as I finished. Great episode! People complaining about not enough Titans and too much about just the people....well this episode should satisfy those people. Overall very well executed show. And just to reach the word limit, I will say again, this is how you end a show....right here! One of my favorite endings of a show ever. Just watch it and enjoy it for what it is! Word limit. Word limit!!
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Not Perfect, but Entertaining
25 December 2023
I am conflicted on my rating. Acting is probably a 2/10 and Zack Snyder's use of blurry visuals throughout scenes and the screen edges is a 1/10 (just like in The Army of the Dead, although RM was a tiny bit better.) As far as the story is concerned, it's a simple one, not confusing at all.....a few people from a village under siege go searching for fighters to help easy 9/10 for the story....nothing complicated. The fight scenes are a 9/10. Those are done right! Yes, there are the typical Snyder slow motion scenes, but he didn't go too overboard this time around (he didn't pull a full Michael Bay if you know what I mean!) Some of the CGI was a little off, but not bad....7/10. I went into this movie with a low expectation given all the bad reviews and hate surrounding it, but honestly, it wasn't that bad of a movie. It was entertaining, not too much fluff between the action, and again, the action scenes were pretty good. I get that it's getting flake for being more of a stylish movie.....quantity over quality.....but it's still entertaining and the lead actress, although not the best actress, is very good in action movies. Is it worth a try....yes.... I say so. Maybe one and done, but worth a try.
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17 November 2023
All the Light We Cannot See is a lovely little 4 hour mini series. It is a very unique piece of storytelling with great characters. The cast was almost perfect. Everyone played their parts very well except Mark Ruffalo. His fake and terrible accent, or lack there of sometimes, threw me off a bit. I get why they did all English instead of letting the actors actually speak German or French, but it was a little off putting as well. But I get it. It's easier for viewers to watch this without subtitles. And they did not use all German or French actors either. Other than that, it's a lovely story. And the fact that they cast an actual blind girl in the lead made her character seem more realistic. She might not be an actor, but I see good things in her future if she decides to continue acting. Anyway, it's a lovely little gem on Netflix that is definitely worth a watch. The music is very haunting and the cinematography is spectacular.
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Mike Flanagan is a GENIUS!
22 October 2023
Mike Flanagan has written a few duds, but when it comes to writing and directing, he is a genius. Everyone knows The Haunting of Hill House really put him on the map, followed by The Haunting of Bly Manor. I would say The Fall of the House of Usher is now my #2 favorite Mike Flanagan show.... Hill House still being my #1. The way MF writes and directs catches the viewers attention and holds them with such great storytelling and acting. This show does just that! The first episode starts a bit slow as it sets everything up, but every episode after that gets better and better and then wraps up spectacularly well in the end. I really can't put into words how great Flanagan's writing and storytelling really is. The bad reviews apparently want to watch the same old drivel that is on TV nowadays and apparently they lack depth to really understand a great story. If you want to watch a unique story with great acting then dive in to this show!
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Penny Dreadful (2014–2016)
Eva Green makes this show!
2 October 2023
Penny Dreadful covers many supernatural characters and stories we have all heard about. Witches, vampires, devils, and so much more. I won't bore you with the details of what the story is about as I am sure everyone on the IMDB page already has some idea. Penny Dreadful is one of the best shows and it's deeply missed. And Eva Green is absolutely fantastic as Vanessa. How she didn't win a plethora of awards is beyond me. Not only is she a striking woman, but the heights she took this character couldn't have been done by anyone else. She was beautiful, yet creepy. The other characters are great too, but they pale in comparison. Overall, it's great story telling, great acting and just an overall great show. It's sad it was only three seasons, but it was also fitting it didn't go on and get ruined. I highly recommend this gem of a show!
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Man on Fire (2004)
Great Movie with Bad Cinematography
4 September 2023
Tony Scott is a well known, stellar director. The Man on Fire is a great story with great acting. However, the cinematography that Scott uses in this movie is absolutely atrocious. The slow moving, fast cut, blurry scenes take away from the story. It's obnoxious and hard to watch which makes me not want to watch this movie again. Love the movie, hate the way the director filmed it. Bad cinematography all around. And since I am not at the required characters for a review, I will say again....bad cinematography, wish they would show it in its original format. Otherwise, I recommend this movie........!
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Good Omens (2019– )
First Season Amazing, Second Not So Much
21 August 2023
I would rate the first season a 10/10 and the second season a 7/10. Clever writing, great and unique story telling, and of course great acting by the two leading actors. The first season I binged in one day because it's that good. It started a little slow in the first episode and I almost stopped watching, but it was all over the place trying to set up the story and characters. By the end, I was intrigued and very happy I didn't quit the series. The second season was not bad, but the reason for the lower rating is that I was very happy with the "bromance" and bestie storyline. Why in the world did they have to change it from a bromance to a romance. That aspect felt forced. The characters work so well in their dynamic. I think the romance ruins the whole story. IMDB has the series listed at ending in 2023, but there is no word yet on its cancellation. If there is a third season, I hope they can get back on board with the clever writing and witty banter.
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Shaky Camera
14 August 2023
This would have been so much better had it not been filmed with hand held cameras. Paul Anderson completely changed up his directing technique and it's VERY VERY shaky. The scenes are spliced and quick and VERY shaky. It's not filmed well at all. Why Mr. Anderson, why?? Totally ruined the action scenes. The second thing that ruined this movie is that they changed the history of the the T virus came to be, the red Queen going from bad to good, the sunglasses guy going from bad to good to bad....and so much more. It had promise. But shaky camera and changing of the original story ruined it.
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Ohhhh Michael Bay!!!!
21 July 2023
If you have seen one Michael Bay movie, odds are you have seen them all, without actually watching them! Sure, there are different stories, different actors, etc. But the way he makes movies is absolutely terrible. Tons of slow motion scenes, terrible music that plays constantly, sometimes over the dialogue, long out drawn shots....the list goes on and on. And he is only getting worse as a director. The story is simple....a love triangle around the events of the infamous Pearl Harbor attack. The acting is not the best, the cinematography is not the best (thats another Michael Bay flaw), and the movie is just simply too long. Just don't bother with this one. It hasn't aged well at all, as with all of Mr. Bay's other attempts at movies.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
Not Typical Comedy!
2 July 2023
If you go into this movie thinking it's gonna be a laugh out loud type of comedy, then you will be surprised it's not. However, it is a comedy. This movie makes fun of how outrageous society, social media, politicians, and everything have become. This movie shows you just how ridiculous the world and the people of the world have become. It's a scary movie because it's all true! People nowadays, especially the younger generations, are all about reality TV, Tik Tok, social media galore, celebrity news, and so much more. Politicians don't care about the people, they care about power and money. This movie doesn't single out a particular political side, it makes fun of everyone from all walks of life. It shows that this world has gotten ridiculous. Can it be a little far fetched? Sure. But there is even truth behind some of those far fetched ideas the movie presents. Watch it and you will see so many similarities to the downside of our world in its current state.
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Good Horror
24 June 2023
It might not be the best horror ever made, but this movie had all the gore you could want in a horror movie. It might not exactly fit in the Evil Dead world, but it got pretty close. It was gory, bloody, gruesome, and even had a few moments I chuckled at some of the lines. I was thoroughly entertained the entire movie. And I will never look at a food/cheese grater the same way ever again!! You will know what I mean when you see it! Lol. If you like a lot of gore, this movie is for you. If you like a lot of blood, this movie is for you. You don't need to be a fan of the older Evil Dead movies as this is a standalone movie. Just watch and enjoy it for what it is. A good horror movie!
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Visually Great, but not a good movie
24 June 2023
I am only rating this a 5 for some of the visuals, but other than that, this was not a good sequel. I waited to watch this when it became free on streaming and so glad I did. The storyline is pretty much the same as the first with the sky people wanting to destroy the planet and species on it. The movie is WAY too long. There are very unnecessary long scenes that had zero purpose other than James Cameron just showing off his visual making skills. He could have easily made this into a two hour movie cutting out the fluff. The acting is over the top and not great. I found myself picking up my iPad to check the local news, play a game, shop, etc. That's a bad sign that I am not enjoying a movie. I finished it only because I hate not finishing movies, but this is a one and done for sure.
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Very Fun Movie!
18 June 2023
I was pleasantly surprised at how fun this movie was. It had action, drama and comedy. Some of the comedic moments fell flat, but others made me laugh out loud. I am normally not a fan of Michelle Rodriguez, but playing a brute, head cracking warrior seems to fit her better. I liked how the main character, played by Chris Pine, is not a typical hero. He doesn't really fight, has no real skill, just plans! Lol. The movie was a bit long in the tooth at times, but overall, so much fun to watch. It's a very entertaining movie with some very good special effects. I highly recommend watching this movie if you wanna have a good time.
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5 February 2023
The only reason we watched this was because we saw that Jennifer Coolidge was in it. Unfortunately, not even JC could save this mess. There were maybe 3 slightly laugh out loud moments, and of course, they all pertained to some line Coolidge said. The rest of the movie was just plan stupid. Jennifer Lopez is a terrible actress and I am not sure why she is playing a bride.....again! She is very type cast, but at 50 now, she needs to just stop. The acting overall from everyone was atrocious. The movie lines were atrocious. The special effects were atrocious. I am not sure how many more times I can say the word atrocious to meet the word limit here!! Pass this movie up. It's pretty dumb.
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Good, but predictable
5 February 2023
This is not the best MNS (not gonna spell his name) movie, but it's not his worst either. By now everyone knows the premise of the movie, so I won't go into that. The first 2/3's of this movie were typical MNS....a lot of mystery, questions, and an overall good story line. No one really knows what's going on. The last third of the movie was a bit hurried and I feel like MNS could have taken the movie to stellar heights, but he failed miserably. Yes, MNS is known for twisted and shocking endings, but this movie does not have that. In fact, it's predictable. I walked away talking with friends about different endings that would have made the movie so much better and actually create shock. But MNS missed the mark on the ending for sure. The acting, especially from Bautista, was good. Probably Bautista's best acting to date. So nice to see him in something completely different than what he normally does. It's a good movie. But a disappointing ending. Worth the watch, but a one and done.
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Violent Night (2022)
An Entertaining Bloody Mess!
28 January 2023
This movie will more than likely become a cult classic! The premise is simple and very similar to Die Hard: a group of people take some wealthy people hostage to steal a vault of money. What they don't realize is that Santa is in the house and ready to take them on! This movie is funny, violent, and very bloody....all great traits for an entertaining movie! David Harbour was born to play a very violent Santa! This movie was entertaining from beginning to end, with just a few heart felt moments between Santa and the young girl. Sit back and enjoy this movie for what it is....pure entertainment! Don't hesitate, watch this movie!
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Stellar Start
22 January 2023
First off, I never played the game, and in fact, have never even seen scenes from the game. When I heard they were making a show based off of a dystopian game, I had to read about what the game was even about. So I went into this first episode completely unbiased. The first half of the first episode was absolutely stellar. There was barely any lag time before things started happening. The first half showed the infection spreading and the world falling apart very quickly. In this first half we meet Joel, Sarah and Tommy.....for those who have watched it or played the game you know what happens at the end of the first half so I won't go into detail. The second half is 20 years later as we catch up with Joel. The second half does slow down so it can start setting up the storyline of what is to come. I can't compare the games characters versus the show characters, but I think Pedro Pascal and Anna Torv are great. Even the brief amount of screen time for Nico Parker (as Sarah) is great. Where I have a problem, and hence the loss of a star, is the character of Ellie as well as the actress playing her. I personally think she is a bad actor and has a very whiny demeanor and face. I don't like the casting so far for her, but will hold my full judgment until the end. I know people are very protective of the game, and those that love the game, will probably throw shade at every comparison. (Trust me.... I did it with The Witcher which kept me from truly enjoying the show!) Everyone should go into this first episode with an open mind, knowing it will get slow at times because it's a drama before it's all about action. So far, stellar concept, stellar cinematography and great acting (except for the Ellie actress!) This is a great start and one of the best first episodes of a show I have seen in a long time.
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Why all the confusion?
9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I read so many reviews about people being confused about what's going on at this point, but I am not sure what they are watching. If you paid attention to the previous episodes, it all comes together rather "splendidly!" At about the 43 minute mark, it actually becomes quite sad when the ghosts want to send the children to their "forever home." It's in a sense killing these children for selfish reasons. And the last second of this episode is awesome. It's one of the best episodes because it explains a lot. Not sure why people are so confused about it all. It makes perfect sense. It's all coming together very well.
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Outstanding Storytelling!
7 January 2023
This show is storytelling at its best! Yes, it can be a slow burn sometimes, but something is always happening in every episode. And if you watch closely, there is something or someone hidden in every episode. It took me a few watches to find all the hidden gems. By now, everyone has read the premise of this show, so I won't bore you with those details. The story is told from two points of view......past and present. And it's not confusing at all. Pay close attention to the details because every episode is connected to each other in various ways. It's all connected which is just simply great directing and storytelling. Luckily, it all comes together in the end and it's amazing! It's not confusing at all as some viewers seem to think. The best episode is #6. It's a slower episode, maybe the slowest, but the cinematography is stellar!!!! Acting is stellar! And just a great story overall. Please watch this show with an open mind and enjoy the great writing, acting, and story overall. They don't make shows like this that often anymore. Give it a try. You won't be disappointed.
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Gone Girl (2014)
Book is Better
4 January 2023
First off, the most infuriating part of this movie is the background music that constantly plays in the past memory scenes. You can barely hear what they are saying because the music is constant and loud. Whoever came up with the idea of playing constant annoying music in the past memory scenes should be fired! Moving on....yes, the book is better. The story overall is great. Acting is good, even from Ben Affleck. I do like how they transitioned the journal writings/readings stuff into the movie. Anyway, I just wanted to mostly discuss the annoying music that plays throughout the movie. Terrible! Good movie. But one and done.
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