
37 Reviews
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Don't Get too (Glenn) Close...
16 February 2023
Another of those 80s flicks that I've seen a dozen times, but never paid much attention.

Is Alex considered a Nice Girl in this? I would say yes, except it worked for her at first.

Glenn Close is scary when she needs to be, No wonder she was nominated for an Oscar.

Anne Archer was nominated too - tho she kinda has a thankless "the wife" role. But, she does give it more depth than typically seen.

The standout in the cast is the little girl, Ellen Latzen. The kid was a natural, and thanks to the chemistry with, especially Michael Douglas, she seemed like a real kid in a real family.

Excellent film, especially for some of the writing and directing choices. Adrian Lyne may not be the most famous of directors, but he knows how to make an intriguing, steamy film.
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Awesome from Cruise and Co.
15 February 2023
Yeah. I watched this one AFTER Fallout.

What of it?

Does that bug you?

This movie is so much fun. Rebecca Ferguson is seriously one of my favorite actors of late. She is exactly the boost the IMF team needed.

Christopher McQuarrie is a great action director and a fantastic writer. He knows how to push the envelope while Tom Cruise knows how to rip open that same envelope.

The rest of the cast is awesome. Pegg and his comedic style is welcomed and not at all distracting. His delivery is great while spouting plot details and lines. This isn't one of those movies where they allow a comedian to adlib their act into the screenplay.

Definitely, with Ghost Protocol and Fallout this entry is one of the best in the series.
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In the Middle
31 January 2023
There was absolutely no reason this story took two and a half hours to tell.

The entire runtime is dedicated to everyone's insecurities. Everyone. Rich, poor- doesn't matter. And in the end, nothing will change.

That is what I got from this movie.

Yes, it was funny, yes the direction was great. But, I really need someone to explain to me how Harris Dickinson of all people in this cast - was nominated for an Oscar?? It makes absolutely no sense.

I do not understand either, how it got a best picture nomination either. It's a good movie, sure- but one of the best? I can't concur.

And I will say; the sound design in this film is on par with the greats.
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Tár (2022)
Character Study
28 January 2023
Cate Blanchett is always great. I can't think of any time where she phoned in her performance. She will certainly give Michelle Yeoh a run for her money on Oscar night.

But CB already has two statues! I hope Yeoh wins.

This is certainly not a typical movie and it doesn't have the cleanest of resolutions. It is beautifully shot. The writing is wonderful. The direction is good. But...ok? I get that we aren't supposed to have it l wrapped up for us in a bow, but...?

What I got out of it; Some people are just out of touch. They live in their own bubble and more often than not, they do more harm than good to those in their lives. Also, the world will perceive you as they see fit, not always how you truly are.

That being said; I understand why it got a few Oscar nominations, but I don't think it should win any. That's just my opinion.
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Dark dark darl
25 January 2023
I have not watched this since first seeing it in the theater. It has aged surprisingly well.

The late Robin Williams is always great and he constantly gives 100%. Edward Norton always seems a bit out of place in comedies. Catherine Keener is always a delight. I'm not sure why I don't watch more from her. Jon Stewart is here. He seems to be relishing working with legends like Danny DeVito, Williams, etc.

But dear GOD...who approved his character's haircut?!? Yikes.

What's great about this flick is that, while it's a tad over long; it still has a great story. Characters grow, characters are redeemed, jokes are perfectly set up and payoff.

For a great marathon: watch Robin Williams' "Psychotic Trilogy" This one, Insomnia, and One Hour Photo.
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A Blast
20 January 2023
You don't watch John Wick for the intricate plot or Oscar-worth dialogue.

You watch it for 2 hours of amazing, beautiful, and brutal choreography of violence that you can watch with your mind turned off.

It's a fun movie which proves that while Keanu Reeves may never accept many acting awards, he sure knows how to pick a winning story when he reads one. Point Break? Bill & Ted? Speed? The Matrix? And now John Wick? There aren't a lot of actors who have that string of hits.

This series of movies are simply a blast to behold. Even tho I've seen them more than a few times; I still winced and gritted my teeth when the action took place. So much fun.
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I, Madman (1989)
Where's all the Cult Love?
17 January 2023
I'm shocked - SHOCKED that this is not a more popular cult horror movie.

Yes, the performances are not Oscar Caliber. They aren't even regional playhouse award caliber.

But! There is definitely a very strong atmospheric feel and some fantastic makeup and set decoration. How many avid readers in your life would be in absolute heaven getting lost in the bookstore that's in the movie? Spoiler: all of them.

The books on which the plot hinges truly feels like a book that's as used and battered as the main villain.

The biggest weak point is, unfortunately, the main actress, Jenny Wright. I just watched her in Near Dark and she was fantastic. This movie came out later. So, perhaps it lies in the directions she was given?

Additionally, the police in this movie act like what I believe real police would act like. They work on what few clues they have and aren't treating the main girl as a looney.

Again, not the best horror, and it is a tad goofy, but as a cult movie? You could do a lot worse.
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Watcher (I) (2022)
Not as I expected
15 January 2023
I've heard a lot about this movie and how great it was. By a couple of critics whom I trust. But, I don't think it's as good as they say it is.

The correlation with gaslighting is a bit heavy handed. It's by no means subtle. I genuinely thought that the 'watcher' in question was going to all be in Julia's (Maika Monroe) head. And that it was a symbol of addiction. Up until roughly half way in, the movie seemed to be going that route. Since the theme of smoking and Julia quitting kept coming up, I was sure I was right.

I was not right.

The performances are decent enough. Monroe is the whole show here. She certainly does a great job of garnering sympathy from the audience.

Overall, the movie is good. It's a passable way of spending 100 minutes.
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Great movie
14 January 2023
I'm not sure why it took me 35 years to watch this, but I'll just say I was pacing myself. So there.

This movie proves that Sigourney Weaver is a Hollywood treasure. Truthfully, she has always been. Her performance here is nothing short of amazing. Along with John Omirah Miluwi who played her assistant/tracker, Sembagare. His gentleness and determination in helping Dian Fossey is admirable.

The story itself is a great one; a woman has a dream of helping the gorillas in the jungle that are being wiped out due to poaching. Nothing will stop her from helping and studying them. Nothing will stop her from protecting them. She acclimates herself to the groups of primates while also taking on poachers and government officials trying to rid themselves of her.

However, the movie, in my opinion, loses points for a couple things. One; the scene where she tells her group of workers to tie up a young boy so she can scare the bejesus out of him. That kid is going to have some serious psychological scars. Of course, this scene also shows exactly where Fossey's true priorities are. Secondly, the seemingly forced romance subplot. I don't know if it was a really relationship or not- I didn't research, but it was pointless. And(!) she knows he's married and still goes for it. That's just wrong.

Anyway, Dian Fossey did some amazing work and Sigourney Weaver forever deserves praise for this and all other roles. Alien/Aliens, The Ice Storm, Galaxy Quest, Avatar- the woman can do it all.

I'm addition; the special effects are astounding. It was made in the late 80s, cgi wasn't yet as prominent- and the FX team did amazing work with animatronics and the like.
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A Semi-Classic
13 January 2023
By no means will this film ever be on the National Film Preservation Foundation's list. Well, unless it's for giving the world the iconic image of Chuck Norris holding dual uzi's strapped to his back.

This story is tissue thin, but that's not why anyone puts this on.

The real reason is to watch Norris do his thing. There are a few chops and kicks in this one, but the bulk of the killing comes from shootings.

If you absolutely need one reason to watch this, it's mostly definitely for the stunts. They simply do not and likely will not make movies like this anymore. Some of the stunts are amazing and very well choreographed.

Most of the budget was spent on explosives, I assure you.

Please don't watch this and expect an Oscar-caliber script. Better yet, it's probably best that you turn your brain completely off when watching this. It's fun escapism and that's it.
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True Fiction (2019)
It is...something
12 January 2023
The reviews for this were seemingly off the charts (according to RT). So I went in thinking I missed it a couple years ago because I had never heard of it.

Oh how I wish I could go back to that time. This movie is honestly, nothing special. But, there was certainly an effort put in to make it a bit better than an average low budget slash and hack movie.

The fine. And the story with the twists and okay. This whole film seemed like it was more or less a showcase for the main star (Sara Garcia). And she's good - but I think she's better suited for subtle drama rather than hardcore horror. That's just my opinion.

The effects and direction are all pretty good. But again, if one should miss this movie, you really aren't losing anything. It's just- okay.
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Smile (V) (2022)
No 2 People Will Watch This Movie the Same Way
9 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I keep seeing mixed reviews for this. I liked it, well let me rephrase- I got something out of it.

It was doing very well and really should have and could have had a happy ending, but it veered off right at the last minute. In fact, I would be willing to bet the very end was tacked on in spite of how the script was written.

The performances, especially Sosha Bacon, were really pretty good. I'm also unsure why she isn't getting more praise. Another highlight was the effects. Just the right amount of gore.

The theme of the movie is heavy handed. Survivor's Guilt is a real thing. And this movie is basically telling us that the guilt will always be there, and we have to figure out how to move forward with our lives. Nothing can be done to rid ourselves of said guilt.

The solution to the plot - was right there. Then it went on for another few minutes and ruined it. I won't get into details.

I say it's worth a watch. Everyone will get something different from it.
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Black Sunday (1977)
A Great Thriller
9 January 2023
Wow. I can't believe I waited this many years to watch this movie. If ever there was a "they don't make 'em like that anymore" film, this is it.

This could do for a remake just to update effects and action, but honestly- the more I think about it, the more I realize that a remake would probably not work for a few reasons.

First; all the brand names in this film. I doubt Goodyear or the NFL would again let their logo/names be used in this type of plot. Secondly, the stunts (I imagine would be 'bigger' ) would be way over the top and induce eye rolls from the audience.

However, this film has it all. Great, practical stunt work - yes, some rear projection is used, but it's necessary. A streamlined plot that ramps up the intrigue. A good cat and mouse chase. A score that builds upon the action. Editing and direction that puts you on the edge of your seat.

Fantastic performances by Robert Shaw and Marthe Keller and the rest of the cast. However, the standout performances comes from Bruce Dern as the pilot who is convinced he's doing this for the greater good. There's one scene that should have won him a few awards.

John Frankenheimer knows what he's doing behind the camera. The original story was conceived by Thomas Harris, the same gentleman who introduced Hannibal Lecter to the world.

Intense, strong characters, tight script - a truly triumphant film. If only it didn't end so abruptly. But, I can certainly see why they did that. It was already nearly 2.5 hours- any longer and I'm not sure audiences would sit through it.
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The Children (2008)
I'm surprised this isn't more popular
9 January 2023
I truly do not understand how I had never heard of this movie til very recently. I also cannot understand how this is not more popular or rated higher.

There's true danger going on here. The plot is treated like an actual mystery. The hero is actually heroic and a guy you cheer for. Plus, the acting is pretty great for the most part. Whomever found these kids did a great job at picking the kids with just the right amount of creepiness. The script wisely gives the kids next to no lines. Typically the kids are saying "mommy" or "daddy" and the delivery is so sinister.

The music adds to the tension. It is not the typical synth music or pop hits from the era. It's an honest to goodness orchestra.

The director (Tom Shankland) really knew how to frame the shots, wise in the ways of jump scares, and pretty adept at building tension.

The acting is not in any danger of winning many awards. But, for the story and the (I imagine) low budget, the cast is wonderful. And there are more than a couple gut punches within the movie.

I definitely suggest seeking this out if you haven't already.
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So close!
6 January 2023
Argh. So close to a really really decent movie. I'm honestly not sure what happened?

The direction by Bridget Savage Cole and Danielle Krudy was great. And with a cast that includes Margo Martindale, June Squibb, and Annette O'Toole - you honestly cannot mess it up. The screenplay, also by Cole & Krudy is rich with an array of characters and backstory hidden in the context.

But, dang it, this movie had much more story to get through. It's a little odd that it ended as it did because honestly, it could have used another half hour to finish!

The cinematography is awesome too because, as a viewer, I wanted to bundle up and keep warm myself.
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Unstoppable (2018)
One of my favorite action films lately
3 January 2023
I'm very happy I clicked on this movie. I'm not one who typically seeks out foreign action films. I'm not sure why, exactly? But this one caught my eye.

The best way to pitch this movie, would be a hybrid between Die Hard and John Wick. One man against the world who has a dark past he wishes would have stayed there.

Ma Dong-seok plays the Wick type. He's much more brawl than anything else. Not so much martial arts (that I'm aware of), just bare knuckle punches. Him being a pretty unassuming guy, it's very cool to see him kicking ass.

Song Ji-Hyo plays his wife, whom is in peril. It would typically be a thankless role, but she's a tough, no BS woman. Plus! The main vengeance plot is not predicated on some sort of sexual assault. Tho, human trafficking is the main scheme, at least the filmmakers didn't feel the need to put in a r*pe scene or the like.

The true standout was Kim Sung-oh as the villain. He could have gone full Nicholson's Joker, but was able to deftly balance between over-the-top comedically evil and dangerous and unpredictable enough to warrant tension.

The tension is amazing, in my opinion. There may have been a few jokes I would have cut from the two comic relief characters. Because, you really only need one and having the other character (Bear) was really unnecessary. He was the tracker - why was he going with the main characters at all?

Great direction from Kim Min-Ho. He too, from what I gather, is at stunt performer turned writer/director. This is much like how the John Wick movies began. If I see a film of his again under my suggestions, I'll happily watch.

Excellent film, truly. Great story, great cast, fantastic action and a universally important story.
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The Apology (II) (2022)
Gunning It
1 January 2023
This is a script which seems to have just gone ahead and filmed the second draft.

Anna Gunn; she's good. She's much more thank Skyler White. Jeneane Garafalo is always worthy of a watch - she's completely wasted here. Linus Roache does a great job playing both sleazy and urbane. That's pretty much been his whole career.

But the dialogue- ugh- way too much exposition and it was all delivered so awkwardly. The writer/director just didn't seem to believe the audience could fill in blanks using context or other means.

Perhaps that was something the producers insisted on?? But, audiences are not stupid (for the most part), and we can gather clues ourselves.

If you're looking for a good single-setting drama, there are far worse out there.
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Bullet Train (2022)
Some Good
1 January 2023
I mean, Brad Pitt sure looked as if he had a blast filming this. It seems everyone did.

But, for my taste, it got more goofy than I would have liked.

The action was great, compact spaces and fisticuffs always make for interesting fight scenes.

Bryan Tyree Henry and Aaron Taylor Johnson looked to have good chemistry. Michael Shannon knows just when and how to properly ham up any role he's in.

The plot and its various, numerous twists became a bit hectic by the end. After a while, you're better off just letting your eyes glaze over.

As the last movie I'm watching in 2022, I could have watched worse.
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Coulda been...
31 December 2022
This cast...the director...these are talented people. But this movie did exactly none of them any favors.

The cinematography would be great if it weren't for the sepia toned filter borrowed from an cellphone's basic camera settings. Set design and costumes are excellent

The directing would be vastly improved, if it weren't for the terrible editing. Fading out in a scene or a sudden cut (or needlessly lingering on a shot) certainly puts a damper on the otherwise good performances.

Christoph Waltz, Willem Dafoe, Rachel Brosnahan - these are great performers. Warren Burke and Brandon Scott were fantastic, and I was not familiar with either prior to this flick.

One can definitely tell that the budget was next to nothing. They could only afford one bottle to explode as its use as target practice. Instead of a fist fight or shootout; two characters go Mano a Mano with bullwhips!

With a proper budget (and there were at least four production companies listed), this story would have potential.
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Silent Rage (1982)
It was 1982
23 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those movies where the idea is great. Some of the scenes are fantastic. The action is well done.

But the cheesiness weighs it down too much.

The idea of an unstoppable human due to some genetic engineering experiments- is a great plot.

The action scenes with Chuck are fun. It's always cool watching a master at work.

Some of the writing was good too. Ron Silver's insistence that the experiment not be done. The doctors clear regret at playing Frankenstein. Stephen Furst's performance. All great.

But, alas, it's the out of place subplot of the biker gang. Just an excuse for a fight scene.

The nudity, nothing but gratuitous.

It was 1982. It was a simpler time when they made simpler movies for simpler folks.
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Questions, Answered
24 November 2022
Bill Pullman is always a win. A good revenge western is always a win. Unfortunately, this one was a bit lacking in the revenge area.

Mind you, there's plenty of death and gun play. But, also one twist atop another twist. There wasn't *that* much plot needed.

The rest of the cast is filled with talent; Kathy Baker, James Caviezel , and Tommy Flanagan.

Even Peter Fonda shows up for a spell. The acting is top notch, no doubt.

It's truly the script which needed the editing. There was a lot of dialogue about one thing or another and then a sub plot needs to move ahead ahhhhhhh you get the idea.

Worthy of a watch? Yes. Should everyone rush to see it? No, you may hurt yourself. Would it make for great background noise? Again, no. This is simply because the twists are coming and they don't stop coming. Fed to the - whoa! I almost veered off, there. My apologies.
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It was Good-
21 November 2022
I'm sure this will win Best Original screenplay at the Oscars. This was the hyped movie of the year.

Yes, it was good. But, that's all it was. It was just good. It was by no means the best film ever as I have seen/read being claimed.

The main thing of the film: you may not have it all, but more likely than not: you have all you need.

The filmmakers just chose a fantastically strange and drawn out way of putting that on film.

The performances were all good. Michelle Yeoh has never not been great. Same with Jamie Lee Curtis. James Hong is always a delight. And it's great to see Ke Huy Quan is a role other than The Goonies and Temple of Doom - I honestly think he deserves consideration for Supporting Actor here.
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The Gift (2000)
Still Holds Up
13 November 2022
I've seen this before and tho I know the ending, I appreciate it more 20 years later.

The cast is amazing- Blanchett, Swank, Simmons, Ribisi, Reeves, Cole? It doesn't get much better than those actors.

This is spooky without being gruesome. It's tragic and disturbing, but nothing that a 10 year old couldn't watch. Well, maybe 13 year old. Use your best judgment.

This whole story is based upon Billy Bob Thornton's younger years. His mother was a psychic (according to him). How much is true? I have no idea - I'm not a true believer in such phenomena.

But what's important is- Sam Raimi makes the creepy stuff subtle, not bombastic or comedic. The guy can do it all when given the proper script.
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Movies were different...
13 November 2022
Movies sure were different in the early 70s. What was considered comedy back then just leaves me scratching my head nowadays.

Although, considering what comedies are popular today- I'm still scratching my head.

Life and Times of Judge Roy Bean makes very little sense. A guy comes upon a town, gets revenge on said town after an incident, then claims himself a Judge. That's it.

Years later he leaves town and comes back after a loooong time and- gets revenge on the town.

I really don't get the point of the movie other than family is what you make it? And they family is important? Maybe? I don't know.
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A Different Beast
8 November 2022
Certainly not in the same vein of Chase's "Fletch" movies. There wasn't nearly as much improvisation- or at least it was heavily reined in.

Hamm is charming, but he isn't the same sarcastic sob that Chase was. This version is much more of a mystery than a knee slapping comedy. And not one mention of the Underhills!

Hamm is talented, but sarcasm- in my opinion- is not his forté. Plus, Fletch's use of aliases is here- but no disguises. That may be more in line with the books, but I don't know, if Hamm put on a mustache or wig or whatever, it would potentially show his range as a comedy actor.

It's difficult not to compare this to the 80s films, but it is certainly a different animal. John Slattery shows up in a "Mad Men" reunion, he's always solid. Marcia Gay Harden and Kyle McLachlan and Roy Wood, Jr. Are always great. Lorenza Izzo and Ayden Mayeri are new faces I've not seen and they have bright careers ahead.

It's a good mystery, but not kooky enough for me. 6/10.
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